Activated charcoal, Zeolite, Bentonite binders


Oct 4, 2018
Just realized a whole lot of my issues come from Mast Cell activation and endotoxins. Ive been doing the carrots but I think I need the big guns. So far Activated charcoal has been working to mop up a lot of die off symptoms from eradication of gut bacteria. The die off is very severe and the littlest bit of killing activity throws me off balance. Going on second day of Activated Charcoal and don’t want to use past day two. I wanted to move on to Zeolite or Bentonite clay but I have a sulfur intolerance at the moment. Afraid it will cause die off reaction from those due to them being volcanic material. So it should contain minerals in it. Just not sure if sulfur is a part of it. Should I stick with activated charcoal? Any insight? Thanks.


Mar 29, 2016
Zeolite and bentonite are flocculants. They bind small particles in a medium, such as water in s fishpond, that otherwise would stay free and make the medium cloudy. These flocculsnts cause the stray particles to aggregate together loosely instead of clump up so that the aggregate becomes light and fluffy, with a lot of space for air in it. This keeps the particles from forming anaerobic environments that are breeding grounds for anaerobic bacteria, which are often pathogenic. In a pond, the pond or filter bottom is kept from producing too much pathogens as these particles settle. In the gut, they keep particles from producing pathogenic bacteria in the gut walls. Instead, these particles tend to get included in the fecal matter, when such flocculants are used, and are excreted.


Oct 4, 2018
Zeolite and bentonite are flocculants. They bind small particles in a medium, such as water in s fishpond, that otherwise would stay free and make the medium cloudy. These flocculsnts cause the stray particles to aggregate together loosely instead of clump up so that the aggregate becomes light and fluffy, with a lot of space for air in it. This keeps the particles from forming anaerobic environments that are breeding grounds for anaerobic bacteria, which are often pathogenic. In a pond, the pond or filter bottom is kept from producing too much pathogens as these particles settle. In the gut, they keep particles from producing pathogenic bacteria in the gut walls. Instead, these particles tend to get included in the fecal matter, when such flocculants are used, and are excreted.
I'm glad I didn't go past 2 days with Activated Charcoal. I noticed it made my blood less coagulated. I'm a female and it's that time of month. I'm also anemic but I'm confused how activated charcoal an deplete iron from the body since, it supposedly stays within the gut? Unless I'm wrong. I'm afraid of taking either Zeolite or Bentonite and having it deplete important nutrients from my body. Will they do the same as what Activated charcoal has done to me?


Mar 29, 2016
I'm glad I didn't go past 2 days with Activated Charcoal. I noticed it made my blood less coagulated. I'm a female and it's that time of month. I'm also anemic but I'm confused how activated charcoal an deplete iron from the body since, it supposedly stays within the gut? Unless I'm wrong. I'm afraid of taking either Zeolite or Bentonite and having it deplete important nutrients from my body. Will they do the same as what Activated charcoal has done to me?
As you said, the AC stays wirhin the gut, and thus doesn't get into the blood. During the time you're using AC, it may also adsorb some minerals and nutrients, but this is not likely to have an immediate effect on making your blood less coagulated or more. Are you prone to bruising more after using AC? How were you able to tell that your blood is less coagulated?


New Member
Aug 28, 2022
@June I have a lot of experience taking all three of these for the same archetypal reason you are (in my case both aldehydes and endotoxins from mold exposure causing mast cell over-sensitivity). I would highly recommend staying the course with activated charcoal and zeolites. Best to take them in very small doses at first to give your body time to get used to them. Start as small as you need to… adjust the dose down until you feel good from it / no negative effect and then titrate up every few days or at whatever pace keeps you in the feeling good / neutral range. Go up as high as you want without negative effects ideally spread out over the day. With meals is fine and even ideal because the bile binding of AC will clear out endotoxins from bile and food. Nutrient binding is negligible and not significant. I have been taking these daily for many years without issue and have done nutrient tests with no deficiencies.

Stay away from bentonite clay as it has high levels of lead. Activated charcoal is probably the most therapeutic overall but zeolites also really helpful for mast cell issues / histamines / endotoxins.

Good luck!


Forum Supporter
Oct 30, 2015
Zeolite and bentonite are flocculants. They bind small particles in a medium, such as water in s fishpond, that otherwise would stay free and make the medium cloudy. These flocculsnts cause the stray particles to aggregate together loosely instead of clump up so that the aggregate becomes light and fluffy, with a lot of space for air in it. This keeps the particles from forming anaerobic environments that are breeding grounds for anaerobic bacteria, which are often pathogenic. In a pond, the pond or filter bottom is kept from producing too much pathogens as these particles settle. In the gut, they keep particles from producing pathogenic bacteria in the gut walls. Instead, these particles tend to get included in the fecal matter, when such flocculants are used, and are excreted.
What type of particles might zeolite and bentonite bind and remove?
I understand zeolite is like a honeycomb with centrally located positively charged minerals?
Perhaps used to remove metals and negatively charged particles?
Does zeolite cross into the blood?


Mar 20, 2021
@June I have a lot of experience taking all three of these for the same archetypal reason you are (in my case both aldehydes and endotoxins from mold exposure causing mast cell over-sensitivity). I would highly recommend staying the course with activated charcoal and zeolites. Best to take them in very small doses at first to give your body time to get used to them. Start as small as you need to… adjust the dose down until you feel good from it / no negative effect and then titrate up every few days or at whatever pace keeps you in the feeling good / neutral range. Go up as high as you want without negative effects ideally spread out over the day. With meals is fine and even ideal because the bile binding of AC will clear out endotoxins from bile and food. Nutrient binding is negligible and not significant. I have been taking these daily for many years without issue and have done nutrient tests with no deficiencies.

Stay away from bentonite clay as it has high levels of lead. Activated charcoal is probably the most therapeutic overall but zeolites also really helpful for mast cell issues / histamines / endotoxins.

Good luck!
+1👆. I concur!


Mar 29, 2016
What type of particles might zeolite and bentonite bind and remove?
I understand zeolite is like a honeycomb with centrally located positively charged minerals?
Perhaps used to remove metals and negatively charged particles?
Does zeolite cross into the blood?
I doubt zeolite crosses into the blood, but I am not certain.

Both bentonite snd zeolite are used in water trestment plants, and reduce the load of contaminants, but I don't know how thorough a job it does.


Oct 4, 2018
@yerrag I knew it depleted either iron or vitamin k cause it was that menstrual time of the month. Actually it's no longer a time of the month now that endotoxins cause my uterus to bleed profusely nonstop when mast cells are triggered and inflamed. Upon my second day of taking the AC, my blood became watery and bright red and it was a very dire situation. At first I thought it only depleted my iron, so I took 3 high dose Feramax iron pills, totaling 450mg of iron. That helped darken the color of blood but it was still running like water. I had an AHA! moment and thought, it must be my clotting factor. Took 5 drops of Vitamin K and blood finally started to slow down a bit. I need to continue with iron+K tomorrow and hopefully it will stop bleeding soon. I know vitamin K is found in the gut. My gut is distended so I know it's massively inflamed due to toxins but how do I do this without depleting what little nutrients I have? why did it have such an effect on my clotting is what I want to know. Now i'm left with increased spinal pain after the AC use of two days! My spinal column is cracking when I move...did it deplete me of something else?? if you can't tell, i'm in very poor health and depleted of most nutrients due to leaky gut.

@WanderingSage9 My story above regarding the AC. Do you think Zeolite will do same thing? The manufacturers told me it won't deplete iron or other nutrients and then others say to take iron with Zeolite. I'm conflicted. Also why do some practitioners suggest starting on high dose so it doesnt deposit heavy metals in other places of body? They used an example that if Zeolite picks up mercury but then has an affinity for Lead, it will take the lead and drop the mercury off. Hence the higher dose is needed to mop up what it leaves behind.

@LadyRae Have you noticed Zeolites effects on iron, vitamin K or other nutrients?

@yerrag I read it does cross into the blood but it depends on the size of the Zeolite.

I just realized Iron is positively charged..what does this mean for Vitamin K. What does it like to bind to?
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Mar 20, 2021
@June I only take it once or twice a week and I take it in the middle of the night if I wake up, so it is hours away from any food consumption... I take Idealabs' vitamin K2 drops at bedtime which is at least 6 or 7 hours before I will ever take a binder like charcoal or clay...


Mar 20, 2021
@June have you recently sought the opinion of a gynecologist regarding prolonged uterine bleeding and abdominal bloating??!


Oct 4, 2018
@June have you recently sought the opinion of a gynecologist regarding prolonged uterine bleeding and abdominal bloating??!
thanks for the info.

Yes I have sought them out and gyno almost killed me with high dose birth control. ER almost did that also with high dose Tranexamic clotting meds. Tests come back normal. The eerie bit is that the bleeding appears in tandem with the searing pain up my spine. There's an inflammation aspect to it. I think this is connected to my leaky gut and what is in my gut has somehow infiltrated my uterus. Possibly triggering autoimmune reactions (Mastocytosis, endotoxemia?)


Mar 20, 2021
Well I'm glad you have sought various different avenues of treatment. I don't know a lot about autoimmune disorders.... But I was really alarmed to hear about the bloating and abnormal uterine bleeding as those were the main symptoms my mother had right before she was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer.

Have you sought any antibiotic treatment for endotoxin?


Feb 14, 2022
Something else comes to my mind if you think you have overactive mast cells: look up ketotifen, it's a powerful mast cell stabilizer. It makes sleepy, but you can take it before sleep.


Oct 4, 2018
@LadyRae I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. I had my test run after profuse bleeding started. There were no indications that that would be the cause. My gut distension only happened couple years ago when acupuncturist used something called Moxibustion on my gut area to try to stop bleeding. i didnt pee for 2 days after that. I only learn now that Moxibustion causes Mast cell Degranulation.

@tasfarelel Thank you! I will look into this!
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