advice on my stupid plan to fix my gut.


May 30, 2018
I am intrigued by your theory and I have heard about not drinking during meals, but if you say don't drink between meals, when do you think someone should drink?
During meals. I've never checked the actual biological mechanism but someone theorized (somewhere on this clickbaity blog One Cure for All Diseases - One Cure for All Diseases) that water drinked during a meal is added to the blood while drinking inbetween meals is added to the extracellular fluids (which is not necessarily a good thing).

My hypothesis is that it's good to have periods of time where you are not drinking all the time and "excessively". The frequency and duration remain to be defined.


Dec 1, 2020
I'll try again. I am trying to provide you with information to show you that being overly empathetic correlates with high serotonin, not low serotonin.

Here is this study:

Serotonin selectively influences moral judgment and behavior through effects on harm aversion​

Serotonin selectively influences moral judgment and behavior through effects on harm aversion
Aversive emotional reactions to real or imagined social harms infuse moral judgment and motivate prosocial behavior. Here, we show that the neurotransmitter serotonin directly alters both moral judgment and behavior through increasing subjects’ aversion to personally harming others.
High serotonin is what makes you a psycopath. Majority of school shooters were on ssri... I have seen high serotonin people being psycothic firsthand so you will not change my mind. If me adding bacteria and not removing will work that I guess only time will tell. What I do know is that if it works it would indicate what I am saying...


Dec 1, 2020
You should increase acidity level of intestinal system. Probiotic supplements or fermented foods are harmfull. 1-2 gr daily vitamin c helps to reduce endotoxin overload and increase stomach acid. sometimes cascara or senna extract can be a good option for gut movement.
Well I drink alot of orange juice. Not gonna add a c supplement cause havent found a complete one...


Dec 1, 2020
I'll try again. I am trying to provide you with information to show you that being overly empathetic correlates with high serotonin, not low serotonin.

Here is this study:

Serotonin selectively influences moral judgment and behavior through effects on harm aversion​

Serotonin selectively influences moral judgment and behavior through effects on harm aversion
Aversive emotional reactions to real or imagined social harms infuse moral judgment and motivate prosocial behavior. Here, we show that the neurotransmitter serotonin directly alters both moral judgment and behavior through increasing subjects’ aversion to personally harming others.
This study is also extremely flawed in my eyes. I serotonin according to my theory makes you psycothic the results of the study would have been the same. Psycopaths act overly empathetic to get people to like them, until its time for them to strike their move...


Dec 1, 2020
Have you looked into having issues with histamine liberating reactions to foods and medications and also see salycilates could be an issue too. Asprin, coffee tea and food high in salicylates also contribute to gut issues. I am in the USA but when I was in South Africa antibiotics are always prescribed together with a strong probiotic.
interesting thet they do that in africa. I dont seem to have any major histamine issues. I am alergic but when im not around animals I feel nothing. I do know the aspirin part and have been taking quite alot. I do not feel a difference tho and had more issues before aspirin. I assume there could be some slowing down of improvement cause of my aspirin ab"use"...


Dec 1, 2020
During meals. I've never checked the actual biological mechanism but someone theorized (somewhere on this clickbaity blog One Cure for All Diseases - One Cure for All Diseases) that water drinked during a meal is added to the blood while drinking inbetween meals is added to the extracellular fluids (which is not necessarily a good thing).

My hypothesis is that it's good to have periods of time where you are not drinking all the time and "excessively". The frequency and duration remain to be defined.
I drink all the time so this could be something for me to look into...


Dec 1, 2020
As you have asked for "any advice", I'll give mine, which won't be the "consensus" of this forum (if there exists one) or perfectly aligned with RP ideas:

Drop the liquid diet and eat solid meals with some fluids but not more than a glass by meal. Do not drink between meals.

For some reason and in my impression, immunity and gut/liver health (via LXR/FXR, bile acids, cholesterol metabolism) seem to be connected to fluid homeostasis and drinking too much/too often could disturb them.

This is interesting and perfect timing since I am actually changing my diet abit (got bored of it). I will try having higher ratio of solid to liquid foods and see how I feel. I remember feeling weird after I dropped eggs and honey for more oj. Now I know they are still somewhat inbetween liquid and solid...


Dec 1, 2020
I'll try again. I am trying to provide you with information to show you that being overly empathetic correlates with high serotonin, not low serotonin.

Here is this study:

Serotonin selectively influences moral judgment and behavior through effects on harm aversion​

Serotonin selectively influences moral judgment and behavior through effects on harm aversion
Aversive emotional reactions to real or imagined social harms infuse moral judgment and motivate prosocial behavior. Here, we show that the neurotransmitter serotonin directly alters both moral judgment and behavior through increasing subjects’ aversion to personally harming others.
also something more to add is the fact that this theory goes completely agains everything I have experienced. I got both adhd and used to be anorexic. I would assume the anorexia put my in a serotonin deficient state. In this state I was unbelievably empathetic. People also like to say adhd = low empathy wich is contradictory to my experiences. In fact I have always been quite unsocial and have always disliked when people change their behavior to get someone to like them. Also things that could possibly hurt someone is close to impossible for me to do but I see others doing them all the time.

Why i pointed all this out is just to put forward arguments on why high serotonin = psycopath. I do also have a weak memory that haidut has the opinion serotonin lowers empathy (I might be entierly wrong tho).

Here is an interesting post wich I found that is in line with my view on this:


Jul 8, 2020
also something more to add is the fact that this theory goes completely agains everything I have experienced. I got both adhd and used to be anorexic. I would assume the anorexia put my in a serotonin deficient state. In this state I was unbelievably empathetic. People also like to say adhd = low empathy wich is contradictory to my experiences. In fact I have always been quite unsocial and have always disliked when people change their behavior to get someone to like them. Also things that could possibly hurt someone is close to impossible for me to do but I see others doing them all the time.

Why i pointed all this out is just to put forward arguments on why high serotonin = psycopath. I do also have a weak memory that haidut has the opinion serotonin lowers empathy (I might be entierly wrong tho).

Here is an interesting post wich I found that is in line with my view on this:

Anorexia is a high serotonin state. Cyproheptadine has been used to treat it.

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Apr 30, 2015
This is probably a dumb idea. You are getting desperate and want a fix, which is understandable. In my many experiments, doing something extreme has never worked because the body usually has specific bottlenecks that need to be addressed. Go big or go home on the wrong thing will just cause other imbalances.

Here are some alternative ideas:
-Lidocaine (Buy Lidocaine Powder and Buy Benzocaine Powder For Less) you need very little. Peat has talked about it for Gut issues
-Get a gut microbiome test on Thrive for around 80-100 bucks. Use it on Ken Lassesen's site to see what is going on and get specific recommendations (google ken lassesen microbiome)
-Mess with acidity or alkalinity. Get some Magnesium chloride and sodium bicarb. Between meals try taking one or the other and seeing what happens. Do you feel better on one? Does one cause a lot of problems? Journal and experiment
-Change your liquid diet to something more solid. In all likelihood, all that milk is causing you issues. Stop trying to make Peat work.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Possibly try eliminating the coconut oil in the diet. I love coconut oil personally, but some people have digestive issues with it, and it is known to maybe increase gut permeability. I know I do better when i limit my coconut oil, even though I love the stuff. I try to just eat some coconut in foods and cook with coconut oil, but I stopped consuming it by the tablespoons. 7 Little-Known Risks Of Using Coconut Oil
Not saying it is your problem, but if you have no luck with anything else, lose the coconut oil for a month or so and see if you get better.


Jul 8, 2020
Possibly try eliminating the coconut oil in the diet. I love coconut oil personally, but some people have digestive issues with it, and it is known to maybe increase gut permeability. I know I do better when i limit my coconut oil, even though I love the stuff. I try to just eat some coconut in foods and cook with coconut oil, but I stopped consuming it by the tablespoons. 7 Little-Known Risks Of Using Coconut Oil
Not saying it is your problem, but if you have no luck with anything else, lose the coconut oil for a month or so and see if you get better.

Is buzzfeed style journalism now classed as proof? #2 literally just spouts the saturated fat is harmful myth.


May 13, 2015
High serotonin is what makes you a psycopath. Majority of school shooters were on ssri... I have seen high serotonin people being psycothic firsthand so you will not change my mind. If me adding bacteria and not removing will work that I guess only time will tell. What I do know is that if it works it would indicate what I am saying...
Uh, I'm pretty sure serotonin does both. It messes you up. Both ways. depends on other issues, whether you commit mass murder or turn inward and hang yourself, like my brother did. Before he did that, he was so overwhelmed with empathy he literally could not function. A healthy amount of empathy is desirable; too much, brought on by serotonin, is incapacitating.

Suit yourself on what you choose to do.
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Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Hi I have had digestive issues all my life. I have seen people being pro probiotics and people being pro antibiotics. I have long thought about this possibly stupid idea (extremely expensive aswell...) to mega dose specific beneficial strains while also taking a strong antibiotic and megadosing that.

This would be done at the same time. I was thinking to ingest beneficial strains faster than they die while the bad would die without readding them through supplementation.

I was thinking double strenght twice a day (or more) dose of antibiotic. megadosing 5 servings of specific strains (or more) multiple times a day...

Is this feasable? or will the megadosing of antibiotics completely ruin me???

I am getting desperate lmao...
any advice/discussing would be appreciated.
wich digestives issues,stomach upset/burning,bloating, intestinal bloating and pain?


Feb 23, 2020
Are you eating cooked mushrooms? Ray Peat recommended eating cooked mushrooms (did not mention carrots) to me when I emailed him about my gut problem.

Also, for your consideration, this study: Thiamine and Fatigue in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: An Open-label Pilot Study.

and this: Vitamin B1, anti-estrogenic, pro-DHT, anti-serotonin, pro-dopamine » MENELITE here's a quote: "The complete inactivation of estradiol in the liver is dependent on vitamin B1 and B2." and this: "A deficiency in thiamine also increases serotonin synthesis and decreases its uptake, resulting in a stronger action of serotonin, which antagonizes dopamine further."

and this article by Lonsdale: A Review of the Biochemistry, Metabolism and Clinical Benefits of Thiamin(e) and Its Derivatives . Slog through it; it covers a lot of ground. Here's an excerpt:

Thiamine Deficiency Related to Other Nutrients​

"Although the full extent of nutrient interdependency is far from fully known, there is certainly evidence that thiamine activity is related to other non-caloric nutrients. For example, calcium and magnesium deficiency affects thiamine distribution in rat liver (65) and magnesium has a particularly important role since it is reported to aggravate thiamine deficiency (66). Administration of magnesium, high energy phosphates, piracetam and thiamine affected erythrocyte transketolase activity (67). A physiological concentration of magnesium can be shown to regulate TPP binding to the thiA riboswitch RNA (68)."

and finally, there's this intro video to thiamine deficiency:

Could thiamine deficiency be fixed with only foods?


May 13, 2015
Could thiamine deficiency be fixed with only foods?
The one I'm coming out of sure couldn't; it was pretty severe. The mushrooms and raw carrot salad help to heal your gut. If your gut is not right you can have an absorption problem where you cannot absorb nutrients, including thiamine and magnesium. The way I worked to improve my situation was to eat cooked mushrooms every day and also to greatly increase my thiamine and magnesium supplementation. Mushrooms knock back the bacteria that's having a party in there and the thiamine and magnesium help the gut to heal.

I suppose that a minor thiamine deficiency could be solved with only foods maybe. But you would have to cut out all sugar and sugary foods and coffee and also increase thiamine rich foods which include a whole slew of unPeaty things like muscle meat, grains, legumes, and enriched refined carbohydrates. I wasn't willing to do that because eating these things have some serious downside. So I chose to stick with my diet that has healed me in the past and added some more supplemental thiamine and magnesium. I'm getting better but my inflammation is still pretty high. This is taking some time. I'm also taking aspirin to deal with the inflammation.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Could thiamine deficiency be fixed with only foods?
I had thiamine deficiency symptoms for the past years,that come back when I binge eat honey,when I calm down on carbs and eat lamb liver that contain up to 1.1mg of thiamine per 100g from the best data I seen,lamb kidneys up to 0,6mg per 100g, and heart up to 0,6mg per 100g,from grass fed grass finished animals my symptoms resolve quickly


Feb 23, 2020
I had thiamine deficiency symptoms for the past years,that come back when I binge eat honey,when I calm down on carbs and eat lamb liver that contain up to 1.1mg of thiamine per 100g from the best data I seen,lamb kidneys up to 0,6mg per 100g, and heart up to 0,6mg per 100g,from grass fed grass finished animals my symptoms resolve quickly
Great. Could you explain what the thiamine deficiency symptoms are and how long it took you to fix it?

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Great. Could you explain what the thiamine deficiency symptoms are and how long it took you to fix it?
Crappy digestion,bloating,constipation,crappy sleep,carbs didn’t make me feed specifically good or euphoric,I didn’t get this fresh breath and nasal décongestion that I get when I cut the carbs for a few weeks and reintroduce it,neuropathy time to time and a feeling that my estrogen do not detox
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