All My Issues - Need Help


Sep 19, 2013
I kinda want to start from scratch and lay out all my symptoms (LONG list), as well as my supplements, and diet. I'm just falling further behind and really need help. I'm a male in my mid 30s. Skinny for 32 years of my life, and got uncomfortably fat over my last 3.

Right now, here are the things I am currently experiencing:

Severe fatigue daily
Headaches 2-3 weekly
I've gotten fat. I feel it and look swollen. I need to lose about 25 pounds
Hurt feet
Shin splints that won't go away
Bad hips
Groin hernias
Slow digestion
Constipated and hemorrhoids that never subside
Very painful teeth and gums
Constant reoccurring cavities
Very dry hair
Very dry skin
Stiff neck
Constant fight or flight. My body is always extremely tense like I am clinging on for dear life
Motion sickness
Extreme intolerance to absolutely any activity
Chronic clearing of throat that is always agitated
Heartburn often
Chronic nose clogged that makes it impossible to nose breathe
Heart flutters daily
Always losing breath
Horrible bags under my eyes

I could honestly keep going on, but I think you get the drift. I'm so miserable day in and day out. I go to sleep and never want to wake.

Here are the supplements:

Low dose of pregnenolone 1-2x weekly
Low dose of progesterone 4-5x weekly
I nibble small amounts of thyroid 3x daily
300-600 mg aspirin daily
Vit k when taking aspirin
Cyprophetadine 2x weekly (1mg)
I laid out in the sun damn near all summer

My diet is sporadic, but currently:
Lots of milk
Carrots daily
Occasionally eggs
Beef, chicken
Occasionally potatoes
Masa harina
Occasionally oysters
Caffeine free coke

Not alot of salt.

I dont really exercise at all, many days under 2k steps. This is because of how sore I am and unmotivated. I like to bowl, but even that hurts the heck out of me.

Sex drive is still high although its hard to climax with my partner, and stay erect strongly.

I'll update this list as I think of stuff.

Jem Oz

Jun 13, 2016
Sorry to hear of your woes. You're in a tough spot.

Have you had any blood tests? Have you monitored temp and pulse to get an idea of where your thyroid is at?

Re: weight gain, if nothing else, track calories for a time just to get an idea. Very easy to over eat.

Even though your motivation is low, lifting weights is great and has a lot of flow on effects. I never really feel like going to the gym, but I'm ALWAYS glad I do.

Some of your difficulties strike me as not being metabolically driven. I'd say there's some deep-seated psychological stuff at play. Not trying to tell you about your own inner world, however, one thing I know about life: the mind is extremely powerful, and psychosomatic ailments are very real. All of it has a purpose - it's the psyche's way of trying to communicate that things aint right and something needs attention. Might be worth trying to unpeel that onion - that's a lot easier to do with a good therapist.

All of that said, you might genuinely be hypothryoid, because everything on that list is probably a symptom. So maybe start there.

Good luck mate.


May 3, 2015
Perhaps put it into cronometer with typical consumption quantities.

This will show your b vitamins. If low, vegemite made from brewers yeast is a good source and goes well with hard boiled eggs.

Is there enough folate? Orange Juice is a good source.

Is there enough magnesium? Chocolate may have it, but it may be tied up in oxalates. Oxalates can be a problem so I switched from 70% cocoa to white chocolate and resolved some issues.

Potato could be an ok source of Magnesium but you may need to eat it regularly. Don’t eat the peel though.

What cheese do you choose? The tasty aged hard cheeses have more vitamin k2.

Carrots have a lot of beta carotene which has been known to change the colour of skin. You could try using parsnips instead of carrot for a month to see if some of your symptoms subside.
Last edited:


Jun 13, 2019
these symptoms, especially the eye bags, indicate that you are eating something that you are very allergic to. If you get really desperate, i would try to work with a professional to set up a elimination diet, because i think something like eggs, corn, chocolate, or any of those foods is severely causing a chronic inflammation response. you could try it yourself, maybe a white rice and beef only diet for a week, see if anything changes. if it does, you know that your eating some sort of allergen but it can be hard to figure out what

Jem Oz

Jun 13, 2016
Could also be severe endotoxin issue. Consider a course of antibiotics. I for one would try this first, before an elimination diet, which can take ages, be inconclusive, and not be the root cause.
Jun 16, 2017
I kinda want to start from scratch and lay out all my symptoms (LONG list), as well as my supplements, and diet. I'm just falling further behind and really need help. I'm a male in my mid 30s. Skinny for 32 years of my life, and got uncomfortably fat over my last 3.

Right now, here are the things I am currently experiencing:

Severe fatigue daily
Headaches 2-3 weekly
I've gotten fat. I feel it and look swollen. I need to lose about 25 pounds
Hurt feet
Shin splints that won't go away
Bad hips
Groin hernias
Slow digestion
Constipated and hemorrhoids that never subside
Very painful teeth and gums
Constant reoccurring cavities
Very dry hair
Very dry skin
Stiff neck
Constant fight or flight. My body is always extremely tense like I am clinging on for dear life
Motion sickness
Extreme intolerance to absolutely any activity
Chronic clearing of throat that is always agitated
Heartburn often
Chronic nose clogged that makes it impossible to nose breathe
Heart flutters daily
Always losing breath
Horrible bags under my eyes

I could honestly keep going on, but I think you get the drift. I'm so miserable day in and day out. I go to sleep and never want to wake.

Here are the supplements:

Low dose of pregnenolone 1-2x weekly
Low dose of progesterone 4-5x weekly
I nibble small amounts of thyroid 3x daily
300-600 mg aspirin daily
Vit k when taking aspirin
Cyprophetadine 2x weekly (1mg)
I laid out in the sun damn near all summer

My diet is sporadic, but currently:
Lots of milk
Carrots daily
Occasionally eggs
Beef, chicken
Occasionally potatoes
Masa harina
Occasionally oysters
Caffeine free coke

Not alot of salt.

I dont really exercise at all, many days under 2k steps. This is because of how sore I am and unmotivated. I like to bowl, but even that hurts the heck out of me.

Sex drive is still high although its hard to climax with my partner, and stay erect strongly.

I'll update this list as I think of stuff.
Is that cow's milk you're drinking? If so, you could try goat's milk or sheep's milk. Some people have less constipation when avoiding cow's milk.

Are you not eating liver? Not only does it have almost all nutrients that you need, but it also has certain co- factors which increase the effects of b- vitamins. I would caution that, if you have SIBO, you'll probably feel better if you eat the liver with something anti- bacterial/ anti- fungal, such as garlic, oregano, coconut oil, because the iron from the liver may make things worse when it comes to bacterial/ fungal problems in the gut.

A cronometer pic of a regular day of eating indeed would be helpful.

I second that antibiotics could be very useful. There was a thread on ox bile recently as a way to sterilize the gut. What happens when you use taurine? Do your symptoms improve?

Do you live in an area with lots of wi- fi or near a cell tower by any chance?


Jul 23, 2018
I've been re-reading much of Rays work, and you probably need what he calls "protective inhibition". In generative energy, he says that any therapeutic intervention (he calls it vector) should reduce energy expenditure (protective inhibition)and increase energy production (oxidative metabolism).

Elsewhere, he says that for old or debilitated people, protective inhibition should come before metabolism. Some inhibitory agents are progesterone (not low dose) , magnesium, GABA analogs (piracetam) and artificial sleep inducers.

It's also important to cover the basics before going to supplement/meds land:
-Light: do you get enough bright and red light?
-Sleep: Do you sleep as much as you want, or do you feel you could sleep more?
-Nutrition: What does chronometer say? Any deficiencies that could be eliminated via diet?
-CO2:Do you live in altitude or have ways of getting supplemental CO2?
-Stress: is there escapable stress in your life?


Sep 19, 2013
I definitely think enditoxin is an issue although I eat carrots daily. My digestion is slow, and I always feel so lethargic. I don't have a doctor that'll just prescribed antibiotics for 'endotoxin'. Which antibiotic would be best?

Light: I did spend all summer in the sun. Didn't feel any better.

Sleep: I sleep about 9 hours a night and could sleep much longer. I'm so tired but force myself up so I don't overslept.

Nutrition: all over the place. Even when I'm thriving with it all though, no difference. I'm convinced it's more than food at this point.

Co2: I'm not in elevation. Close to sea level. I do bag breath occasionally. Even when I lived at 9,000 feet 6 years ago though, felt like trash. Just worse now since I continue to decline without fixing anything.

Stress: literally my health. I love my job. Great kids. Great family. Beautiful home. But I feel like straight trash and im young. Something is wrong that no one can figure out.

Jem Oz

Jun 13, 2016
I'm sure there's an answer mate. Might be some trial and error but there's so many things you can try out. Do you where your thyroid is at? That could be the root cause.

You can buy antibiotics online. Or you could start with haidut's camphor product to test the waters.

Definitely don't overlook thyroid though. Ever had TSH measured, or tracked waking temp? Hypothyroidism can cause pretty much everything on your list.


Jul 23, 2018
I'm really sorry for your situation man. I can only offer "generalist" and supportive measures that will help in the long term, but won't be like flipping a switch. I would start using 300 watts of red light and play around with diet in chronometer to make sure your getting all your nutrients.

Personally, I take half a gram of pregnelonone daily, and I notice the difference. Don't be afraid of the protective steroids

For physical energy, you could try meldonium or caffeine


Nov 18, 2020
My gut says you need to switch your diet. I think you're focusing too much on Ray Peat's general recommendations and not enough on what your body responds well to. For instance, chocolate is "Peaty" but I get nauseous and sick anytime I eat cocoa. For you it sounds like you might be intolerant to lactose or casein. Were you fed on formula as an infant?

Try cutting back on the dairy and meat and incorporate some well-cooked sweet potatoes, whole fruit and (heaven forbid I know) some green vegetables into your diet. I like arugula and spinach.

In my opinion digestion is #1. It doesn't matter if you eat nutritious foods or take supplements if your body isn't absorbing and expelling food properly. First thing to focus on is your transit time, stop taking supplements for the time being and reintroduce them when your stomach is functioning properly.

Severe fatigue + weight gain + mouth breathing sounds like a dairy allergy to me.


Sep 19, 2013
I'm sure there's an answer mate. Might be some trial and error but there's so many things you can try out. Do you where your thyroid is at? That could be the root cause.

You can buy antibiotics online. Or you could start with haidut's camphor product to test the waters.

Definitely don't overlook thyroid though. Ever had TSH measured, or tracked waking temp? Hypothyroidism can cause pretty much everything on your list.

Yes, I have cynoplus (T3/T4) and cynomel (T3). I nibble about 3-4 mcg 3x daily. Don't notice anything from this. I do have so many hypothyroid symptoms though.


Sep 19, 2013
I'm really sorry for your situation man. I can only offer "generalist" and supportive measures that will help in the long term, but won't be like flipping a switch. I would start using 300 watts of red light and play around with diet in chronometer to make sure your getting all your nutrients.

Personally, I take half a gram of pregnelonone daily, and I notice the difference. Don't be afraid of the protective steroids

For physical energy, you could try meldonium or caffeine
I do take pregnenolone 1-2x a week in very small amounts. Caffeine wrecks me right now, even with food and sugar. It just stimulates me and makes me feel uneasy.


Sep 19, 2013
My gut says you need to switch your diet. I think you're focusing too much on Ray Peat's general recommendations and not enough on what your body responds well to. For instance, chocolate is "Peaty" but I get nauseous and sick anytime I eat cocoa. For you it sounds like you might be intolerant to lactose or casein. Were you fed on formula as an infant?

Try cutting back on the dairy and meat and incorporate some well-cooked sweet potatoes, whole fruit and (heaven forbid I know) some green vegetables into your diet. I like arugula and spinach.

In my opinion digestion is #1. It doesn't matter if you eat nutritious foods or take supplements if your body isn't absorbing and expelling food properly. First thing to focus on is your transit time, stop taking supplements for the time being and reintroduce them when your stomach is functioning properly.

Severe fatigue + weight gain + mouth breathing sounds like a dairy allergy to me.
I've been quite tired and a mouth breather for a long time. I was on the GAPS diet for years before finding Peat, and I didnt drink milk for years.


Nov 18, 2020
I've been quite tired and a mouth breather for a long time. I was on the GAPS diet for years before finding Peat, and I didnt drink milk for years.
Since you started Peating, have you had a blood test done to see vitamin/cholesterol/etc levels or hormone work?

Jem Oz

Jun 13, 2016
Yes, I have cynoplus (T3/T4) and cynomel (T3). I nibble about 3-4 mcg 3x daily. Don't notice anything from this. I do have so many hypothyroid symptoms though.
How many grains is that?

How much mag and calcium are you getting?


Sep 19, 2013
Since you started Peating, have you had a blood test done to see vitamin/cholesterol/etc levels or hormone work?
Yes to thyroid and cholesterol which was good. Never got vitamin tests done. What I did have done, was good.


Sep 19, 2013
How many grains is that?

How much mag and calcium are you getting?
Not sure on the grains. But for magnesium and calcium, I drink 2 cups of decaf coffee per day and between 1/4-1/2 gallon of milk a day, along with some cheese.

Jem Oz

Jun 13, 2016
Not sure on the grains. But for magnesium and calcium, I drink 2 cups of decaf coffee per day and between 1/4-1/2 gallon of milk a day, along with some cheese.
I'd work out how many grains you take and if it's less than 2, consider upping it. Lots of stories from Broda and Ray about people's symptoms reversing when they hit 2 grains.

Mag might be low, even chronically low. A supplement can make a big difference.

Calcium might also be low. Plug it all into crono.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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