Am I Crazy?!!?


Nov 1, 2012
I am sooo frustrated!! I know too much and it is so hard to not be able to help my son. My children think I am crazy. My son is now is taking klonipin and does not want to increase his metabolism for fear it will cause his medicine to metabolize too quickly. Aargh! He overdosed with it along with a beta blocker a few weeks ago. We now control his dosage but I don't believe this is the answer to his problems. I feel like I am up against a monster(field of psychiatry)! :(


I am not sure Klonipin is that bad. It's not a SSRI.

If you were to try to force him to do something, often there is a chance that it will backfire.

Maybe there are some things you can do, changing the lights to incandescents, buy some foods for the refrigerator, avoid buying vegetable oils.


If you try to control his dosage, but he is able to buying them online (I don't know if it's available), the situation will probably be worse off than if you let him have what he wants.


I don't know if this will work, but what if you give him a summary with an "alternative theory". It goes like this:

Reestablishing the hormonal balance helps with anxiety. There are two keys to fix it:

1. Avoiding polyunsaturated oils (cite some food sources).
2. Eating 80 grams of protein daily from milk, cheese, eggs, and potatoes.

Both enhance production of the thyroid hormone. The protein helps activate the hormone in the liver, and the thyroid hormone then helps to restore the hormonal balance.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Diane, I feel your pain. :(

Klonopin is some really bad stuff, its in the "pam" department along with valium and xanax. I had to kick xanax and used Klonopin to come off of it due to how its metabolized.

Diane, I am in a helpless situation watching my mother and father suffering due to their food choices. I feel there is nothing I can do. :(


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Haagendazendiane said:
I am sooo frustrated!! I know too much and it is so hard to not be able to help my son. My children think I am crazy. My son is now is taking klonipin and does not want to increase his metabolism for fear it will cause his medicine to metabolize too quickly. Aargh! He overdosed with it along with a beta blocker a few weeks ago. We now control his dosage but I don't believe this is the answer to his problems. I feel like I am up against a monster(field of psychiatry)! :(
I'm so sorry to hear your story, it brought me to tears. I took klonopin for years, many years ago. For what it's worth I have similar issues with family including my children. I guess sometimes all we can do is love them and be there for them when they are ready to change directions. It's heartbreaking I know, but you're not alone. :(


Nov 1, 2012
He isn't working and holding on to the little money he has to see the doctor that prescribed it. I don't think he would try to purchase it online. He is totally dependent on us and at this point in his life unable to move out.

Part of agreeing to let him stay on this drug is that he needs to be able to work and not have to keep increasing the dose. If he cannot then I want him to follow a protocol I lay out for him. His medical history indicates OCD, schizophrenia, panic disorder, depression,etc. The medical route is scary. A family member recommended he go to a facility for a couple months to figure out what medicine he needs. It really upsets me to even consider this. Am I wrong in thinking that the right diet, supplements, hormones,etc. can heal him? I truly believe this but there is no one in my circle of family and friends that understands. Even my "non-medical" friends can't relate.

Besides the mental problems he has white spots(have been there for years)on his teeth and his gums are receding. Another forum member mentioned that her young son had white spots. He also has nystagmus(eyes darting back and forth). The nystagmus was mentioned in Peat's article about orthomolecular psychiatry. This all has to have a connection!

Thanks for listening and I appreciate everyone's advice.


Haagendazendiane said:
He is totally dependent on us and at this point in his life unable to move out.

My guess is that the more you try to force him to do things, the less likely he is to listen to your advice when he can move out at some point, if that happens, because he'll likely keep the attitude of confrontation.


I think following protocols laid out by other people has the disadvantage that the third person can't feel the subtle things, reactions, and cravings of the patient.


Jan 1, 2013
Haagendazendiane said:
Besides the mental problems he has white spots(have been there for years)on his teeth and his gums are receding. Another forum member mentioned that her young son had white spots. He also has nystagmus(eyes darting back and forth).

Teeths with white spots = fluoride overdose


Do you live in a state with fluoridated water ?

Fluoride poisonning would go a long way in explaining your son's psychic problems.


Nov 1, 2012
Yes, we have fluoride in our water here. He doesn't drink much water but he brushes with it and I use it in cooking.

I think the white spots could be from estrogen or serotonin?

The child that had spots on his teeth was young like maybe 4. He had a lot of fears as his mom said she had. I related to this in that my son was fearful as a child (more than my others) and I have had weird fears over the years. On another post, Peatarian or maybe Rayser told someone their fears would go away following Peat protocol.


Jan 1, 2013
Haagendazendiane said:
I think the white spots could be from estrogen or serotonin?

I've personally never heard yet of serotonin or estrogen affecting the mineralisation of teeths as to cause white spots.

Teeths with white spots, in an area with fluoridated water, is usually a pretty good indication that excess fluoride has been incorporated in the entire organism ( including the brain).

Fluoride affects the IQ and the behaviour.
The most complete info i've come across is inside Russel's Blaylock book "Health and nutrition secrets" (online if you know where to look for it).
JOHN YIAMOUYIANNIS is an excellent source too.
There are many others.

Treatment is not very clear; Ray should know more about it.

[BBvideo 560,340:12ymr54m][/BBvideo]

[BBvideo 560,340:12ymr54m][/BBvideo]


Feb 20, 2013
How old is your son? I have noticed that it is easier to convince family members when i
give information without trying to convert them. Once you give out the information
they will probably use it when they are ready for it. Also it is much easier to convince
someone to follow a very low fat diet than to convince them that PUFA is bad and
saturated fat is good. I also give out this bag breathing trick and glass of milk/juice
with honey/sugar before bed. They surely see improvement in sleep. Then i do not have to
convince them that sugar is good for you. Does he take multi vitamins?
I would pay more attention to alkaline mineral intakes. If he is not interested in
thyroid hormone then you can give him vitamins like niacinamide, Vitamin E,
vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin A ( Haidut's mix) calcium, aspirin etc to
increase metabolism without taking hormone.


Jan 1, 2013
In cities fluoridating their water, the human tissue presenting the highest concentrations of fluoride is the thyroid; it bio-accumulates and produces hypothyroidism ( 19.35 in the Blaylock interview)


Nov 1, 2012
Mittir said:
How old is your son? I have noticed that it is easier to convince family members when i
give information without trying to convert them. Once you give out the information
they will probably use it when they are ready for it. Also it is much easier to convince
someone to follow a very low fat diet than to convince them that PUFA is bad and
saturated fat is good. I also give out this bag breathing trick and glass of milk/juice
with honey/sugar before bed. They surely see improvement in sleep. Then i do not have to
convince them that sugar is good for you. Does he take multi vitamins?
I would pay more attention to alkaline mineral intakes. If he is not interested in
thyroid hormone then you can give him vitamins like niacinamide, Vitamin E,
vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin A ( Haidut's mix) calcium, aspirin etc to
increase metabolism without taking hormone.

My son is 21. I have been working with him for quite some time now on improving metabolism. He will start out taking something and then decide it isn't helpful and eliminate it. He researches everything and comes up with his own conclusions. I am using chicken neck stock and fish head stock in meals occasionally. I will try to increase that.

Thanks for suggesting the supplements, Mittir.
I just got him to agree to take Niacinamide, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, an aspirin and pregnenolone. I recently convinced him to sit in the sun for 20 minutes. Hopefully, he will stay with the supplementation.


Nov 1, 2012
burtlancast said:
In cities fluoridating their water, the human tissue presenting the highest concentrations of fluoride is the thyroid; it bio-accumulates and produces hypothyroidism ( 19.35 in the Blaylock interview)

I started listening to the Blaylock interview but was interrupted. I guess fluoride certainly could be contributing to the problem but I am not sure it is the only cause. I need to reread Peats article about osteoporosis because he refers to the teeth in that. I find it perplexing that none of my other children or any other family member has this on their teeth.


Feb 20, 2013
In addition to sun light, you can also talk to him to about red light therapy.
There is good amount of mainstream evidence for red light therapy.
There is a risk that he might go for those blue lights.
Many of those SAD light uses high ratio of blue light.
Just using any kind of clear incandescent light is enough for good
benefits.I have found vitamin D very helpful in increasing temperature.
Bag breathing 1-2 minutes 3 times a day is very beneficial.
There is immediate improvement in bag breathing.
You can also talk to him about yogic breathing exercise, which naturally
increases carbon dioxide retention.


Nov 1, 2012
Mittir said:
In addition to sun light, you can also talk to him to about red light therapy.
There is good amount of mainstream evidence for red light therapy.
There is a risk that he might go for those blue lights.
Many of those SAD light uses high ratio of blue light.
Just using any kind of clear incandescent light is enough for good
benefits.I have found vitamin D very helpful in increasing temperature.
Bag breathing 1-2 minutes 3 times a day is very beneficial.
There is immediate improvement in bag breathing.
You can also talk to him about yogic breathing exercise, which naturally
increases carbon dioxide retention.

I will give him my 120 volt heat lamp to use. I offered it before but maybe he will consider it now. We have talked to him about bag breathing during panic attack. I was showing him how earlier but he wasn't interested. I will keep on trying.

Vitamin D supplementation better than sunlight? We live in Florida so sunshine is available year round. Are you referring to ultra violet light?


Feb 20, 2013
It does not have to be heat lamp, any clear incandescent light of 250 watt or more
works fine. Heat lamp has extra benefit of heat, which is more helpful
in cold climate. In warm weather,regular incandescent is good enough.
Those SAD box uses a lot of blue light. Sunshine is fine, but there are studies
that found people in warm climate are also vitamin D deficient.
If you do blood test for 25-hydroxyvitamin D, [25(OH)D],
then you can be sure if things are fine.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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