Americans Are Retiring Later, Dying Sicker And Sooner In-between


Mar 7, 2017
Don't forget all of the estrogen from birth-control pills...............:eek:.

Although, I will say that after listening to Jordan Peterson's latest interview with Dave Rubin, there are some tangible ways to solve these relationship problems on a large scale, so there's hope.


Sep 28, 2016
What do you guys think the reasons behind the poor health in such young people these days is? Surely can't all be just PUFA?
Lack of movement (not working out but truly active lives), lack of sun exposure, poor sleep patterns, EMF exposure everywhere, x-rays and other such things that every child and adult are exposed to, pufa obviously, poor quality foods in general (processed foods, toxins in foods, less nutrients due to overworked soil and animals fed grains and antibiotics), wide spread infections due to poor immune systems, stress, fluorescent lights, unhealthy parents (thus hereditary illness), excessive masturbation, prescription drugs (such as adderall and SSRI being prescribed to a good percentage of children, also birth control as mentioned already), lack of purpose due to poor dopamine systems, loneliness and less human interaction, and wide spread gut problems (almost everyone I know who is young has gut problems). Also temperature variation helps the body detox heavy metals, endotoxin, and other such things (it might also extend lifespan). Temperature is very controlled now a days.


May 30, 2015
Austin, TX
I think you’re right and that the brainwashing is causing much of it. (With exceptions for all generalities,) young women today are insane. They’re as strong as the boys and it seems they believe it. If they ever test the proposition they’ll get killed. And young men are forced to go along with it like it’s normal, and many probably have been brainwashed enough to believe it. But it’s anything but normal. Relations between the sexes are laughably dysfunctional today. And guess what? Having mutually beneficial relations between the sexes is pretty important, for everyone’s mental health. Sex is about as fundamental as it gets.

When I was a young man we worked with each other and it was kinda fun, even office work. There was no sexual tension. It was just work. There was competition and there’s always office politics, but it was notably less tense and more meritocratic. Then women came in and fun left. Their behavior was weird – bossy, dismissive, arrogant. Apparently they consciously tried to act like “men”, except that wasn’t how we acted at all. ***holes are ubiquitous so you always had to deal with a few but mostly it was pretty collegial.

Plus you had to start treating them like men. That’s a complete mind warp. It’s not normal. They’re not men. By nature men are sexual predators and women are sexual prey. And they liked it as much as we did. Maybe more. Many of us were like why can’t we have Sadie Hawkins Day every day? Why do I gotta put myself out there and get humiliated? But if repeated humiliation was the price I had to pay to get what they had and we all wanted, then humiliation it was gonna be. But the way it is now leaves nobody happy.

I pity young men today. Even if you do find a girl who skipped all the Marxism what are you gonna do with her to get acquainted? The way you work it is by breaking bread in a decent place with soft lighting and music, an aperatif and a bottle of wine, and then walk down the street to a nice place you know that’s not too noisy for a couple beers. Not to get her drunk but to get her to relax, and just as importantly to get yourself to relax. If it turns out she wants to tie one on and take a tumble then that’s fine too, but then that’s probably not the one you wanna take home to meet momma. And then you take her home in your car, the same one you picked her up in. But if you do all that, just out having a pleasant evening with a girl, you’re technically drunk and you could end the night in jail. It’s too big a risk. And taxis and ubers? Wow. What a buzzkill. I pity young men today.

And I pity young women even more. The formula they’ve been fed for happiness is doomed to failure. We worked so we could get one of them. We sure didn’t do it for fun. But they’re like hey bro, we want some of that fun. Sheesh. Ok gals, enjoy your “fun”. But men can still find job satisfaction in male dominated fields – networking, plumbing, any physical job – and also in sales, which is more meritocratic. But for women I think it's harder. They work in offices with each other and beta males. What fun. I pity women today too.

So mental stress has got to be at all time highs for young people today, and that’s bound to have serious adverse consequences for health. But the PUFA thing is also big. Really, really big. The switch from butter and lard to seed oils happened in my lifetime, and it was seismic. Coming out of Costco the other day with my precious little girl she spotted a woman lugging a giant bottle of corn oil or whatever and she said “That’s a whole lotta PUFA,” lmao. The forces of evil won’t destroy my little girl, not if I can help it.
Well said. I agree. It's all pretty troubling to see before our eyes within a single generation. I feel sorry for women because they are being robbed of a lot of the joy of being feminine and conversely men of being fulfilled strong men.

A lot of people are being hoodwinked by popular media. Anyone whom doesnt believe that narrative is quieted, disregarded, or even attacked. A shame, really.


Apr 30, 2015
I think you’re right and that the brainwashing is causing much of it. (With exceptions for all generalities,) young women today are insane. They’re as strong as the boys and it seems they believe it. If they ever test the proposition they’ll get killed. And young men are forced to go along with it like it’s normal, and many probably have been brainwashed enough to believe it. But it’s anything but normal. Relations between the sexes are laughably dysfunctional today. And guess what? Having mutually beneficial relations between the sexes is pretty important, for everyone’s mental health. Sex is about as fundamental as it gets.

When I was a young man we worked with each other and it was kinda fun, even office work. There was no sexual tension. It was just work. There was competition and there’s always office politics, but it was notably less tense and more meritocratic. Then women came in and fun left. Their behavior was weird – bossy, dismissive, arrogant. Apparently they consciously tried to act like “men”, except that wasn’t how we acted at all. ***holes are ubiquitous so you always had to deal with a few but mostly it was pretty collegial.

Plus you had to start treating them like men. That’s a complete mind warp. It’s not normal. They’re not men. By nature men are sexual predators and women are sexual prey. And they liked it as much as we did. Maybe more. Many of us were like why can’t we have Sadie Hawkins Day every day? Why do I gotta put myself out there and get humiliated? But if repeated humiliation was the price I had to pay to get what they had and we all wanted, then humiliation it was gonna be. But the way it is now leaves nobody happy.

I pity young men today. Even if you do find a girl who skipped all the Marxism what are you gonna do with her to get acquainted? The way you work it is by breaking bread in a decent place with soft lighting and music, an aperatif and a bottle of wine, and then walk down the street to a nice place you know that’s not too noisy for a couple beers. Not to get her drunk but to get her to relax, and just as importantly to get yourself to relax. If it turns out she wants to tie one on and take a tumble then that’s fine too, but then that’s probably not the one you wanna take home to meet momma. And then you take her home in your car, the same one you picked her up in. But if you do all that, just out having a pleasant evening with a girl, you’re technically drunk and you could end the night in jail. It’s too big a risk. And taxis and ubers? Wow. What a buzzkill. I pity young men today.

And I pity young women even more. The formula they’ve been fed for happiness is doomed to failure. We worked so we could get one of them. We sure didn’t do it for fun. But they’re like hey bro, we want some of that fun. Sheesh. Ok gals, enjoy your “fun”. But men can still find job satisfaction in male dominated fields – networking, plumbing, any physical job – and also in sales, which is more meritocratic. But for women I think it's harder. They work in offices with each other and beta males. What fun. I pity women today too.

So mental stress has got to be at all time highs for young people today, and that’s bound to have serious adverse consequences for health. But the PUFA thing is also big. Really, really big. The switch from butter and lard to seed oils happened in my lifetime, and it was seismic. Coming out of Costco the other day with my precious little girl she spotted a woman lugging a giant bottle of corn oil or whatever and she said “That’s a whole lotta PUFA,” lmao. The forces of evil won’t destroy my little girl, not if I can help it.

Well said. People used to be very pressured to get married early. I can tell you that living with a woman in a non stressful cooperative way really lowers your stress levels. But we are encouraged today to be non commital until our 30s and then maybe settle down with some kids for a few years before the divorce and a continuation of seeking evermore for that illusive better love partner. Hugely stressful compared to having some kids early, then having decades of predictable stress that led to a lot of satisfaction.


Oct 7, 2015
I think you’re right and that the brainwashing is causing much of it. (With exceptions for all generalities,) young women today are insane. They’re as strong as the boys and it seems they believe it. If they ever test the proposition they’ll get killed. And young men are forced to go along with it like it’s normal, and many probably have been brainwashed enough to believe it. But it’s anything but normal. Relations between the sexes are laughably dysfunctional today. And guess what? Having mutually beneficial relations between the sexes is pretty important, for everyone’s mental health. Sex is about as fundamental as it gets.

When I was a young man we worked with each other and it was kinda fun, even office work. There was no sexual tension. It was just work. There was competition and there’s always office politics, but it was notably less tense and more meritocratic. Then women came in and fun left. Their behavior was weird – bossy, dismissive, arrogant. Apparently they consciously tried to act like “men”, except that wasn’t how we acted at all. ***holes are ubiquitous so you always had to deal with a few but mostly it was pretty collegial.

Plus you had to start treating them like men. That’s a complete mind warp. It’s not normal. They’re not men. By nature men are sexual predators and women are sexual prey. And they liked it as much as we did. Maybe more. Many of us were like why can’t we have Sadie Hawkins Day every day? Why do I gotta put myself out there and get humiliated? But if repeated humiliation was the price I had to pay to get what they had and we all wanted, then humiliation it was gonna be. But the way it is now leaves nobody happy.

I pity young men today. Even if you do find a girl who skipped all the Marxism what are you gonna do with her to get acquainted? The way you work it is by breaking bread in a decent place with soft lighting and music, an aperatif and a bottle of wine, and then walk down the street to a nice place you know that’s not too noisy for a couple beers. Not to get her drunk but to get her to relax, and just as importantly to get yourself to relax. If it turns out she wants to tie one on and take a tumble then that’s fine too, but then that’s probably not the one you wanna take home to meet momma. And then you take her home in your car, the same one you picked her up in. But if you do all that, just out having a pleasant evening with a girl, you’re technically drunk and you could end the night in jail. It’s too big a risk. And taxis and ubers? Wow. What a buzzkill. I pity young men today.

And I pity young women even more. The formula they’ve been fed for happiness is doomed to failure. We worked so we could get one of them. We sure didn’t do it for fun. But they’re like hey bro, we want some of that fun. Sheesh. Ok gals, enjoy your “fun”. But men can still find job satisfaction in male dominated fields – networking, plumbing, any physical job – and also in sales, which is more meritocratic. But for women I think it's harder. They work in offices with each other and beta males. What fun. I pity women today too.

So mental stress has got to be at all time highs for young people today, and that’s bound to have serious adverse consequences for health. But the PUFA thing is also big. Really, really big. The switch from butter and lard to seed oils happened in my lifetime, and it was seismic. Coming out of Costco the other day with my precious little girl she spotted a woman lugging a giant bottle of corn oil or whatever and she said “That’s a whole lotta PUFA,” lmao. The forces of evil won’t destroy my little girl, not if I can help it.

I pity you. Jesus.


Oct 7, 2015
Previous generations ruined their health with tobacco, alcohol, and refined flour products. This is a good time to be alive :)


Jan 1, 2013
This is a good time to be alive :)

A few years ago, it was measured today's newborns carry 200 artificial chemicals in their blood at birth.

Samuel Epstein, an expert toxicolgist, showed how each year hundreds of new chemicals are poured into the environment without any safety measures.

Nuclear radiation fallout and electromagnestic pollution are absolutely everywhere.

Back in the days, did you see electro-sensible people unable to live in society ? Or people allergic to any kind of chemical products ?

What was the frequency of depression? Of fibromyalgia? Of Lyme? Of Chronic fatigue syndrome?

What about morgellons?

How many 20 year old sportsmen dropped dead from a heart attack during routine training sessions?

And how many teens used semi-automatic weapons to kill their schoolmates and then kill themselves?

Just because the medias don't talk about these problems doesn't mean they're not real and affecting people.
Last edited:


Feb 13, 2016
The situation is very bad indeed. I'm 17 and I can say that the mental state of young people isn't very good at all. We are all depressed, over-stressed, poorly nourished, sleep deprived, and lack the satisfaction of decent social lives thanks to social media. Sure there are exceptions, but the majority of the young people I know fall under at least one of these traits. I can only imagine how it will be in the coming decades.

Yes. I notice so much anxiety/nervousness among everyone in the 18-22 age group on a day-to-day basis. Also people look more and more childlike, as if the adult parts of the brain are not developing. PUFA/iron/lack of SFA and protein I definitely think has something to do with it but also porn/social media. People have to drink so much alcohol to relax but the alcohol makes it worse in the long term. The fact that so much of what we're told about health is so wrong really makes me starting thinking evil devilish conspiracy stuff but I believe most people are inherently good so all this is just due to incompetence.


Oct 7, 2015
A few years ago, it was measured today's newborns carry 200 artificial chemicals in their blood at birth.

Samuel Epstein, an expert toxicolgist, showed how each year hundreds of new chemicals are poured into the environment without any safety measures.

Nuclear radiation fallout and electromagnestic pollution are absolutely everywhere.

Back in the days, did you see electro-sensible people unable to live in society ? Or people allergic to any kind of chemical products ?

What was the frequency of depression? Of fibromyalgia? Of Lyme? Of Chronic fatigue syndrome?

What about morgellons?

How many 20 year old sportsmen dropped dead from a heart attack during routine training sessions?

And how many teens used semi-automatic weapons to kill their schoolmates and then kill themselves?

Just because the medias don't talk about these problems doesn't mean they're not real and affecting people.

Yes, it is a great time to be alive and I wouldn't want it any other way :)


Jan 1, 2013
Yes, it is a great time to be alive and I wouldn't want it any other way :)

Face it, it's only great because the internet is here and you're bright enough to use it to access real knowledge.

Otherwise it would be close to Orwell's 1984.


Feb 18, 2017
I pity you.
Hey, I get that this was just “f**k you” which is fine but the way you expressed it made me think about my choice of words. “Pity” has begun to take on a bit of the flavor of contempt but I certainly feel none toward young men and women today. I have a son that has to endure the bullsht now and a couple daughters that will be confronted with it in the future, and I have nothing but compassion for them and the rest of their cohort. So thanks for the reply. Cheers.


Feb 18, 2017


Feb 18, 2017
living with a woman in a non stressful cooperative way really lowers your stress levels
Completely agree. Home should be a refuge from competition. For many though, especially today, the competition continues even there.


Feb 18, 2017
Just because the medias don't talk about these problems doesn't mean they're not real and affecting people.
Yep. Luckily the deep state's media monopoly is cracking.


Feb 18, 2017
most people are inherently good
I agree with all you said but I would amend this particular part to say something like people are born inherently good. Brainwashing is effective and kids are bombarded with it continuously on TV and in school. You can beat both the empathy and sense out of people and it's easier still with children.


Feb 18, 2017
Face it, it's only great because the internet is here
I think this is very significant. I lived half my life before there was an internet and it seems most people simply lack sufficient imagination to understand how very very different it was. I don't think I would be any better if I hadn't lived through it so I'm not blaming "people today" but just human abilities in general. The information lock down was amazing, though of course I had no idea at the time. You see this with people blaming boomers for everything, but that's blaming the victim. Truth was scarce.


Jul 29, 2015
Hey, I get that this was just “f**k you” which is fine but the way you expressed it made me think about my choice of words. “Pity” has begun to take on a bit of the flavor of contempt but I certainly feel none toward young men and women today. I have a son that has to endure the bullsht now and a couple daughters that will be confronted with it in the future, and I have nothing but compassion for them and the rest of their cohort. So thanks for the reply. Cheers.
Don, may I ask how old you are?


Feb 18, 2017


Dec 9, 2015
I agree that it is a great time to be alive, but disagree with the common idea that things just keep getting better and better. I think that echoes the spirit of OP.

Maybe for certain segments of the population things have only improved, but for the most part, we've just been replacing old anxieties with new ones. We're not at the whim of the natural environment so much anymore, but are now at the whim of the many artificial environments we've created.
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