Andrew Tate Arrested. Are the claims and charges true?


Mar 21, 2021
@area51puy who'se they? That's the problem. You can't wage a war if you can't identify the enemy.
Tufts was used to classify Paul Saladino’s reel as false information and the food guidelines they used was from tufts university who has been funded by
Alternative oils a producer of seed oils.

So they see a rise in awareness in the dangers of seed oils and what the power that be learned from conman Trump you have you cut them off at the knees early. In the past they controlled tv magazines and text books, but with the internet things can go viral and when that goes against their profits or power powerful institutions have to act early before people become awake of what’s going on.

So they use their connections and Paul must of been on their radar and made a call to someone over at Facebook/instagram who is ignorant to all of this like 99% of the public and it starts with that then they will go after others like you saw with the vaccine.

And then you could see them slapping Mis or false information on all of Ray Peats work and the others the talk about the dangers of pufa and which could eventually lead to banning of content creators that follow peats work. And nobody will care beside peatarians.

And that why I bring up the point if disagree with somebody you should still fight for their right of free speech and when you see all of these powerful institutions doing everything in their power to silence tate doesn’t trigger your spidey senses.

It started with Alex Jones and I was personally disgusted by school shootings conspiracy and did not care when he was booted off YouTube and other social media platforms. But they use that to get the public used to these platforms having the right to shadow ban or ban other in the guise of public safety. But I changed my opinion about Alex Jones removal when I saw all of these scientists and regular people being deplatformed off of social media over Covid and vaccine information that got in the way of their money of power.

And what people don’t understand about tate he wasn’t the one posting 99% of his content. So they did the initial deplatforming of tate, they couldn’t remove him, because a majority of his content was clips from him on other creators podcasts and most of those clips went viral on Chinese owned tiktok.

So if he could skirt their ban by going on other creators platforms, they threw him in jail.

And we know they want us eating fake burgers made with seed oils and bugs and they want to ban meat and if public awareness of the dangers becomes widely known to the public before they slow walk us into this they can’t implement their plan.

And the ultimate plan is to control the internet same way China has control. But it is hard to take away freedoms that people have.


Mar 21, 2021


Wef says we should criminalize hate speech
Which many say tate is hate speech


Climate change mascot Greta thunberg hobnobbing at wef conference and refused to condemn the private jets all these coming into Davos

And tate was arrested 24 hours after trolling the climate change mascot



Dec 8, 2016
Candace Owens interviews Tate tomorrow on the Daily Wire.


Mar 21, 2021

When we lived in a patriarchal society porn and naked pictures of women was pretty much illegal. As the feminist movement started to gain steam Hugh Hefner created playboy and pretty much used the same tactics as Andrew tate to profit off these women and even in to his 80’s he had multiple young girlfriends which were manipulated into living with him. But he was a hero because he pushed feminism and the difference between him and tate is tate pushes a more of a traditional patriarchal society were men are in charge of the family and exposes many modern women and there quest for a rich man and how they use their sexuality to obtain it. But end up being used by many of these men.

So when men were in charge porn was illegal and now in this woke feminist society with women having total control, the amount of porn has exploded because millions of women of their own free will would rather use their body and sexuality for money and attention then trying to find one man to show it to for love and marriage.

This is why they hate him because he is exposing feminism



Mar 27, 2021
When we lived in a patriarchal society porn and naked pictures of women was pretty much illegal. As the feminist movement started to gain steam Hugh Hefner created playboy and pretty much used the same tactics as Andrew tate to profit off these women and even in to his 80’s he had multiple young girlfriends which were manipulated into living with him. But he was a hero because he pushed feminism and the difference between him and tate is tate pushes a more of a traditional patriarchal society were men are in charge of the family and exposes many modern women and there quest for a rich man and how they use their sexuality to obtain it. But end up being used by many of these men.

So when men were in charge porn was illegal and now in this woke feminist society with women having total control, the amount of porn has exploded because millions of women of their own free will would rather use their body and sexuality for money and attention then trying to find one man to show it to for love and marriage.

This is why they hate him because he is exposing feminism


Blah blah blah. Look into the Jewish influence on pornography. Al Goldstein - Wikipedia


Jul 25, 2022

“It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain​

The reason why the globalist , deep state, wef always win is because divide and conquer.

What I’ve found 98 percent of people and to my surprise people on this board who claim to be aware of their tactics , fall for it hook line and sinker
When it’s what your against or who your against you either don’t care or you are for the censorship. But they cry like a baby when the censorship come at you or your side.

I posted a video above with Paul Saladino on instagram and they placed the first shot of misinformation with pufa beings bad for your help.

First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist
Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist
Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist
Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

It may be you who is falling for their tricks. You seem to think being censored off the MSM is proof of being legitimate, it’s not, alternative (or internet) media and their character creations is virtually all part of the deception as well.

The deception runs deeper than you’re looking.

It’s classic Haeglian dialectic, control the narrative, control the counter narrative and of course the solution(s) or synthesis of the narratives.

A simplified way of looking at it is MSM= narrative, alternative media = counter narrative.


Mar 4, 2019

Andrew Tate with a coca cola before his hearing.

Now I can believe that he is a changed man with what he means about believing in God as a muslim.


Sep 22, 2020
View attachment 53585

Andrew Tate with a coca cola before his hearing.

Now I can believe that he is a changed man with what he means about believing in God as a muslim.

You've caught him. That doesn't look like a one-meal a day protocol with sparkling water. Then again, I saw some video footage of him the other day on twitter where he is talking to a female that approaches him, and he looks like he's being very polite (and even looks as if he is blushing). Things aren't adding up for me with this top G.
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