Androgen Boosting Log


Jan 25, 2014
So I feel this thread should start off "Dear Penthouse Forum...." know, as a nod to another famous forum where a protocol like this could be published?

Anyways, I got the idea for this log as I was looking through ideas to boost both Testosterone and DHT. My Testosterone has been low for a while now (300 ng/dl area), and I've been going back and forth about whether to do something like TRT or getting a DHT gel for a few months now. However, both seem to carry their own issues (cost, legality, doctor's approval, accepted dosing, shutting down of HTPA axis , and creation of issues they are supposed to treat). I still think both options can be useful, but they need some complementary supplements or nutrition or activities or drugs, or better dosing and delivery options.

I was about ready to pull the trigger on TRT (and all its possible issues), when I remembered I had gotten Testosterone up to 589 ng/dl a couple years ago using a combo of Ray Peat's ideas, some of the ideas Haidut had posted about his own testosterone boosting experiment, and, of all things, Tim Ferriss's Nobnom challenge. And some point, I'll go into what I think helped with all of these things.

So, I came back here, drafted a plan around diet, activity, supplements, light exposure, and some other things. While I think it's a pretty good plan (mostly for me, but prolly helpful for others as well), it's certainly a work in progress. I have had amazing success in weight loss over the past year logging food on Fitibt (and having activity auto-logged for me), so this log is mostly for me, but I think it could be helpful for others interested in the same idea. Hey, I might actually get some useful feedback, too!

The plan is describe baseline, my diet, my supplements, my activity, ideas on light, and anything else that I think might be relevant to the protocol in one freaking loooooooooooooooooooooong post, and then update with feedback, adjustments, and labs when I get them. I plan to update most weekdays. (I'm writing this initial post over couple days, so the save draft function better work!)


I'm a 39 year old male, about to be 40 in July. On May 3, 2016, total testosterone measured 316 ng/dl in serum. Technically in range, but low enough to qualify for TRT.

Over the past year or so, I've lost about 55 pounds (down from 263 to 209), and went from size 42 pants to about 37. This has been a huge plus in my life, and overall, I'm feeling and looking much better. I'm still losing, so this may be keeping Testosterone, DHT and other hormones low. Ideally, I'd like to get under 15% BF, around 170 pounds and wear size 32 pants. Also, I have a job that requires me to wake up at 4:40 in the morning. I used to have high iron levels (Ferritin tested at 444 a couple years ago), but lowered them through blood donation. Last time I donated a couple months ago, hemoglobin was highest ever checked at 15.6, yet ferritin was 18, again on May 3. (Hemoglobin was likely very good due to taking Life Extention's Two Per Day)

I mention these things as I think they could be having an effect. Overall, I feel pretty good and happy, but am doing this for improved mood and assertiveness, better muscle tone and BF%, and to see if libido rises. Also, I want to see if there's anything to the "higher androgens gets you more female attention" idea.



I'm starting here, as I think it's the most important. Basically, I mostly follow the plan Anthony Colpo lays out in The Fat Loss Bible, with a few "Peaty" tweaks (mainly, drinking more milk and OJ, focusing more on gelatin and coconut oil, and skipping the recommendation for fish oil). Colpo's plan actually works great with Peat's ideas, and I would highly recommend it if you're looking to lose weight. Also, I'm sure members of this forum would enjoy Colpo's recent articles defending sugar, bashing Lustig, and detailing soda's use as a Sports Drink.

My goal ratios for the day are about 2500 cals, 150g protein, 250-300g carbs, and under 100g fat. Most days see me eating cottage cheese with gelatin and fruit or honey for breakfast, eggs and hashbrowns cooked in CO for lunch, and some sort of meat with potatoes/rice or some other carb for dinner, with milk, oj and coffee thrown in to hit my goals. I do liver and oysters 1X a week (not at the same time). I'm looser on weekends, and will usually eat out at a restaurant once or twice on the weekend, and have a few drinks as well. Incidentally, I noticed that my diet matched up pretty well to the one Steve Reeves claimed to use when he was bodybuilding in his prime.

One last note- I was eating about 3-4eggs a day, and I'm bumping it up to 6 for this protocol, for the added cholesterol. This should give me about 1000mg of dietary cholesterol from eggs alone, and probably about 1400-2000 mg per day, depending on other food choices.

SUPPLEMENTS- This is the fun part, right? Here's what I'm taking-

100,000IU Vitamin A as Retinyl Palmitate (split AM and PM)
8000IU Vitamin D (AM only)
Swanson High Gamma Vitamin E (1 pill AM, 1 PM) I believe this is 2400mg
16mg Vitamin K2 (15mg AM, one Super K PM)
500mg of Magnesium as Glycinate, (in PM)
100mg oral Pregneneolone (AM)
100mg Ubiquinol
1000mg Tyrosine (AM doses)
Aspirin, still experimenting with doses, but currently 975mg a day
Taurine (starting with 300mg, will slowly titrate up)
BCAAs (experimenting with dose and timing)
Pansterone (Experimenting with dose and timing, prolly 2-3 total daily. And yes, I have done direct application to the testicles)
3 grains dessicated thyroid in AM
Creatine (experimenting with dose, may or may not improve DHT, but does help muscle tone and workouts)

I'm also getting 30mg of zinc from my Two Per Day multi (which is awesome for building hemoglobin, as mentioned above), although I may switch the multi out.

I should also note I am experimenting with Oxidal, Mitolipin, Solban, and high dose B1. I don't think these would affect androgens, but they may. I also still have a lot of lotioncrafter Vitamin E that I mix with coconut oil and use on my skin.


I'm trying to get more sun exposure on my chest and back. This is not only to stimulate testosterone, but to even out my tan (Serious farmer tan going on right now). I also have a red (not infrared) LED flashlight that I shine directly on my testicles for 5 minutes or so every other day.


Basically, I walk. A LOT. I pretty much hit 17,500 steps every day, usually getting a couple thousand more. I also do some weight training at the gym twice a week. Mostly, it's casual and enjoyable. I live by the ocean, so I this also allows me to get a lot of benefits to being outside. Between activity and diet, I'm in a 1000 calorie a day deficit (supposedly).


As noted above, I am still losing weight. I also would like to improve my skin. I've had keratosis pilaris pretty much my whole life, and some of these things (Like Vitamin A, E, and Pansterone) can have a good effect on the skin as well as Testosterone. It's also why I'm using such a high dose of Vitamin A.

So that's basically it! I think the most important items might be the dietary cholesterol, Vitamin E and Aspirin (to inhibit aromatase), Vitamin A, Pansterone, and light exposure. Also, ED was never an issue for me. I started supplementing Magnesium and K2 back in my paleo days, and at that point, nighttime and early morning erections started happening daily. I don't remember that from anytime before, even when I was a teen. If ED happens to be an issue for anyone reading this, K2 and Magnesium would be the things I supplement first, along with A and D.

If ya gots questions about this protocol, or the weight loss, or iron reduction, ask, and I'll see if I can't get to it during a weekday update.


Jan 25, 2014
how are you walking so much a day out of curiosity?

Getting a fitbit had a lot to do with it. I started with the default 10,000 steps a day, and just kept pushing it up as the goal became easier to meet. I also made it a priority in my life, as I love to eat, so if I wanted to get fit, I basically had to increase activity. The last person I wanted to end up like was Jimmy Moore- basically, someone who thinks they know all this stuff about health and nutrition, but in reality, is worse off than 99% of people out there.

I also had to look for practical ways to just become more active in all parts of my life. I use standing desk for my computer at home, and also do a lot of my work standing up, so that's probably 5000-7000 more steps than I used to take doing the same activities right there. I also live in a cool part of Long Beach, right by the beach, parks, neighborhoods with awesome architecture, restaurants, bars, and stores, so there's a lot of great places to walk for pleasure, and places to walk to, like the grocery store, instead of driving. I don't watch a lot of TV, and do try to limit time on the internet, so a lot of time I spend walking probably comes from cutting back there. I if watch something like a baseball game or Sportscenter, I'm often doing some other light activity around the house. It does add up.

Lastly, I'm single with no children or pets, so it's probably easier for me to find time than it would be for lots of others.


Sep 11, 2013
I would consider tocovit maybe as vitamin E supplement from

I shine red light device from redlightman on my penis and testicles every day, and that is supposed to be very good for testosterone.

Consider daily oysters and liver once a week. I think it is better tha taking zinc supplements. Not sure why, but oysters do something more than just zinc for libido in my experience.

Good luck with it, and keep us posted!


Jan 25, 2014
I would consider tocovit maybe as vitamin E supplement from

I shine red light device from redlightman on my penis and testicles every day, and that is supposed to be very good for testosterone.

Consider daily oysters and liver once a week. I think it is better tha taking zinc supplements. Not sure why, but oysters do something more than just zinc for libido in my experience.

Good luck with it, and keep us posted!

I think Haidut's supplements are awesome, but I think cost would be a bit of an issue with using Tocovit for this purpose. Maybe in the future. If I get a massive promotion or win the lottery, one of the things I would do is go nuts buying Idealabs supplements.

I may ramp the oysters up, though daily seems like it might be excessive. How many oysters were you eating a day, and how long did you do it for?


Nov 24, 2015
Bro, honestly you don't need to take all that ***t. Cut out the junk food on the weekend and you'll make good progress.

Also, Steve Reeves was on steroids.


Jan 25, 2014
Bro, honestly you don't need to take all that ***t. Cut out the junk food on the weekend and you'll make good progress.

Also, Steve Reeves was on steroids.

First of all bro, what proof do you have that Reeves was on steroids? It seems unlikely to me. He was in his prime before steroids became commonplace in bodybuilding. And he was a proponent of drug free bodybuilding all his life. Sure, lots of people who took steroids denied taking them, but that was largely after they had been demonized and criminalized in the 90's. Had Reeves been using, it would have been a good four decades before that, at least. Not nearly the incentive to lie as accused steroid users like Roger Clemens and Rafael Palmero.

Not that I have any problem with steroids. I still might take Testosterone or DHT someday, and I think they should all be completely legal. Along with every other drug.

And honestly, what does it even matter? I was just making an offhand comment about my diet.

I'd also point out that I've made great progress over the past year allowing indulgences on weekends. One of the great joys in life, for me, is going out to eat at a restaurant, and I'll be damned if I give that up. Even if the food ain't perfect. Life is too short not to enjoy, and too damn long to endure without an occasional beer.

Basically, I'm doing this experiment cause I want to.


Jan 25, 2014
Just wanted to do a quick update note for myself-

Been doing this protocol for about a week, and I am feeling really good today. About to hit the gym to do weights. I was buying groceries today, and noticed I was particularly friendly, talking more with store employees than normal.

Also, I started with a half dose of Mitolipin yesterday and today, and noticed some uncoupling type of effects, like increased heat. Reminded me a bit of the first time I cooked potatoes in coconut oil.


Mar 15, 2014
If ED happens to be an issue for anyone reading this, K2 and Magnesium would be the things I supplement first, along with A and D.

Never had ED problems, but k2 (mk7 and mk4 were both needed it seems) and some zinc and B vitamins did more good than 2 years of PUFA avoidance.


Jan 25, 2014
Does thyroid have an effect in temp or heart Rate?

I assume you're asking about me personally. I've been supplementing Thyroid for a few years, and yes, it certainly did help raise my basal temperature at first. I think it's normalized now, but I know it helps me out. I got FREEZING cold hands and feet after doing Paleo and Intermittent Fasting. I don't think that was the "cause," as most of my immediate family has been diagnosed with low thyroid function. And we originally came from Detroit, which I believe is part of the famous "Goiter Belt." More just exposed an underlying condition Extended family has a lot of diseases that are associated with hypothyroidism, also. Didn't really measure pulse at the time, so I can't really comment on that. Although, according to my fitibit, resting pulse is in the 70-75 range on average.


Jan 25, 2014
Update for Monday, 6/6- Still feeling really good. More energy than I remember last week at this time. I noticed the past few days muscles (especially biceps) look and feel more pumped up. Not drastic, mind, you, but noticeable. Maybe this is the creatine, or maybe it's also due to the taurine improving protein synthesis.

On the protein note, I'm also adding higher dose biotin. Been reading Haidut's thread on how it can improve ammonia clearance and improve energy, and that certainly can't hurt. I've been eating higher protein for years, so, maybe I've been dealing with some ammonia buildup. Also, improvements in hair, skin and nails seem to be really common,.

One other note, I still have lots of glycine powder lying around. Might start mixing that in along with the gelatin I'm already consuming. And again, there is the thread that talks about glycine upregulating 5 alpha reductase activity.


Jan 25, 2014
6/7 update- Felt incredibly good the first half of yesterday. Kinda like I was a teenager! Things calmed down a bit after that. Not bad, just not young and out of control. Last night was also liver night. Nothing else really to report.


Jan 25, 2014
6/8 update- Things still seem to be going well. Really like the extra sun exposure. I think I ramped up too many of the free form amino acids too quickly. My stomach seems a bit unsettled. Nothing massive, mind you, just not great. I'm keeping taurine low, will probably cut back on the BCAAs and creatine a bit, and stick with gelatin instead of glycine powder. However, since I still have lots of glycine, think I might make up a topical glycine solution and see how that works. I keep on seeing studies Haidut posts about the benefits of topical administration of various substances, and I also came across this study-


Jan 25, 2014
Friday 6/10 update- Yesterday, I was feeling somewhat tired, wiped out, and just generally blah. Ended up taking an hour nap in the afternoon, and woke up feeling much, much better. I'm guessing that all of the things I've changed recently might have needed some extra sleep. Feeling really good and energetic this morning.

I decided against doing any supplemental glycine orally. I am using a fair amount of gelatin, and I may use 15-20 grams a day, and am also getting glycine from the mag supplement. I am trying out topical application, mainly to see if helps improve skin.

I also stopped the BCAAs. I think I started out with too big a dose, and this was making my stomach a bit unsettled during the day, and maybe negatively affecting mood. It's been much better since stopping the past day. I may add back a low dose (like 500mg) with meals next week.

Pansterone dose seems to be settled in at 2-3 time a day. Doing 5 grams of creatine in the evening, and 600mg taurine, in divided between two doses. I think I'm gonna hold with this routine for a bit. Seems good so far. Also, I think I may have added too much too soon, I know I'm a bit prone to do that.

Lastly, I am gonna go up to 20 mg a day of biotin. This is more to see if it improves hair, skin and nails (and maybe ligaments) more so than anything else, but along with the taurine and B1, should help with ammonia clearance.

And lastly, I've really been enjoying the sun exposure. I'm up to 30 min total, 15 minutes on front and 15 on the back, while walking barefoot along the beach. If there is anything to grounding, guess I'm getting benefits from that as well. If not, whatever, it's still awesome and quite enjoyable walking right by the ocean.


Jan 5, 2016
Perth, Australia
So I feel this thread should start off "Dear Penthouse Forum...." know, as a nod to another famous forum where a protocol like this could be published?

Anyways, I got the idea for this log as I was looking through ideas to boost both Testosterone and DHT. My Testosterone has been low for a while now (300 ng/dl area), and I've been going back and forth about whether to do something like TRT or getting a DHT gel for a few months now. However, both seem to carry their own issues (cost, legality, doctor's approval, accepted dosing, shutting down of HTPA axis , and creation of issues they are supposed to treat). I still think both options can be useful, but they need some complementary supplements or nutrition or activities or drugs, or better dosing and delivery options.

I was about ready to pull the trigger on TRT (and all its possible issues), when I remembered I had gotten Testosterone up to 589 ng/dl a couple years ago using a combo of Ray Peat's ideas, some of the ideas Haidut had posted about his own testosterone boosting experiment, and, of all things, Tim Ferriss's Nobnom challenge. And some point, I'll go into what I think helped with all of these things.

So, I came back here, drafted a plan around diet, activity, supplements, light exposure, and some other things. While I think it's a pretty good plan (mostly for me, but prolly helpful for others as well), it's certainly a work in progress. I have had amazing success in weight loss over the past year logging food on Fitibt (and having activity auto-logged for me), so this log is mostly for me, but I think it could be helpful for others interested in the same idea. Hey, I might actually get some useful feedback, too!

The plan is describe baseline, my diet, my supplements, my activity, ideas on light, and anything else that I think might be relevant to the protocol in one freaking loooooooooooooooooooooong post, and then update with feedback, adjustments, and labs when I get them. I plan to update most weekdays. (I'm writing this initial post over couple days, so the save draft function better work!)


I'm a 39 year old male, about to be 40 in July. On May 3, 2016, total testosterone measured 316 ng/dl in serum. Technically in range, but low enough to qualify for TRT.

Over the past year or so, I've lost about 55 pounds (down from 263 to 209), and went from size 42 pants to about 37. This has been a huge plus in my life, and overall, I'm feeling and looking much better. I'm still losing, so this may be keeping Testosterone, DHT and other hormones low. Ideally, I'd like to get under 15% BF, around 170 pounds and wear size 32 pants. Also, I have a job that requires me to wake up at 4:40 in the morning. I used to have high iron levels (Ferritin tested at 444 a couple years ago), but lowered them through blood donation. Last time I donated a couple months ago, hemoglobin was highest ever checked at 15.6, yet ferritin was 18, again on May 3. (Hemoglobin was likely very good due to taking Life Extention's Two Per Day)

I mention these things as I think they could be having an effect. Overall, I feel pretty good and happy, but am doing this for improved mood and assertiveness, better muscle tone and BF%, and to see if libido rises. Also, I want to see if there's anything to the "higher androgens gets you more female attention" idea.



I'm starting here, as I think it's the most important. Basically, I mostly follow the plan Anthony Colpo lays out in The Fat Loss Bible, with a few "Peaty" tweaks (mainly, drinking more milk and OJ, focusing more on gelatin and coconut oil, and skipping the recommendation for fish oil). Colpo's plan actually works great with Peat's ideas, and I would highly recommend it if you're looking to lose weight. Also, I'm sure members of this forum would enjoy Colpo's recent articles defending sugar, bashing Lustig, and detailing soda's use as a Sports Drink.

My goal ratios for the day are about 2500 cals, 150g protein, 250-300g carbs, and under 100g fat. Most days see me eating cottage cheese with gelatin and fruit or honey for breakfast, eggs and hashbrowns cooked in CO for lunch, and some sort of meat with potatoes/rice or some other carb for dinner, with milk, oj and coffee thrown in to hit my goals. I do liver and oysters 1X a week (not at the same time). I'm looser on weekends, and will usually eat out at a restaurant once or twice on the weekend, and have a few drinks as well. Incidentally, I noticed that my diet matched up pretty well to the one Steve Reeves claimed to use when he was bodybuilding in his prime.

One last note- I was eating about 3-4eggs a day, and I'm bumping it up to 6 for this protocol, for the added cholesterol. This should give me about 1000mg of dietary cholesterol from eggs alone, and probably about 1400-2000 mg per day, depending on other food choices.

SUPPLEMENTS- This is the fun part, right? Here's what I'm taking-

100,000IU Vitamin A as Retinyl Palmitate (split AM and PM)
8000IU Vitamin D (AM only)
Swanson High Gamma Vitamin E (1 pill AM, 1 PM) I believe this is 2400mg
16mg Vitamin K2 (15mg AM, one Super K PM)
500mg of Magnesium as Glycinate, (in PM)
100mg oral Pregneneolone (AM)
100mg Ubiquinol
1000mg Tyrosine (AM doses)
Aspirin, still experimenting with doses, but currently 975mg a day
Taurine (starting with 300mg, will slowly titrate up)
BCAAs (experimenting with dose and timing)
Pansterone (Experimenting with dose and timing, prolly 2-3 total daily. And yes, I have done direct application to the testicles)
3 grains dessicated thyroid in AM
Creatine (experimenting with dose, may or may not improve DHT, but does help muscle tone and workouts)

I'm also getting 30mg of zinc from my Two Per Day multi (which is awesome for building hemoglobin, as mentioned above), although I may switch the multi out.

I should also note I am experimenting with Oxidal, Mitolipin, Solban, and high dose B1. I don't think these would affect androgens, but they may. I also still have a lot of lotioncrafter Vitamin E that I mix with coconut oil and use on my skin.


I'm trying to get more sun exposure on my chest and back. This is not only to stimulate testosterone, but to even out my tan (Serious farmer tan going on right now). I also have a red (not infrared) LED flashlight that I shine directly on my testicles for 5 minutes or so every other day.


Basically, I walk. A LOT. I pretty much hit 17,500 steps every day, usually getting a couple thousand more. I also do some weight training at the gym twice a week. Mostly, it's casual and enjoyable. I live by the ocean, so I this also allows me to get a lot of benefits to being outside. Between activity and diet, I'm in a 1000 calorie a day deficit (supposedly).


As noted above, I am still losing weight. I also would like to improve my skin. I've had keratosis pilaris pretty much my whole life, and some of these things (Like Vitamin A, E, and Pansterone) can have a good effect on the skin as well as Testosterone. It's also why I'm using such a high dose of Vitamin A.

So that's basically it! I think the most important items might be the dietary cholesterol, Vitamin E and Aspirin (to inhibit aromatase), Vitamin A, Pansterone, and light exposure. Also, ED was never an issue for me. I started supplementing Magnesium and K2 back in my paleo days, and at that point, nighttime and early morning erections started happening daily. I don't remember that from anytime before, even when I was a teen. If ED happens to be an issue for anyone reading this, K2 and Magnesium would be the things I supplement first, along with A and D.

If ya gots questions about this protocol, or the weight loss, or iron reduction, ask, and I'll see if I can't get to it during a weekday update.

Hey man! Sounds like a great plan. I've got a similar protocol going on at the moment (only i'm 24, eating less fat, and taking less supplements).
Check it out if you want; 'Gainz Brah' Bio-energetic Log

I'm not sure what my T was before but I've been having amazing results! I think primarily from the vitamin A + eggs (I have them in the morning with OJ in the same meal hoping to enhance their synergy).


Jan 25, 2014
6/14 Update- Continued to have good mood and energy over the weekend. I've been getting a bit bored with potatoes and rice, so decided to try and up my sugar consumption even more. I tried this yesterday, and it basically feels like skipping a side dish with lunch and dinner, and eating desert instead. Had even better energy yesterday. Although I think I changed my sugar/starch ratio from about 60/40 to 90/10, my fructose consumption really went up (more than doubling), as about half that sugar was from lactose.

On a side note, you truly know you've entered the Ray Peat Forum when dinner is pan fried liver and a root beer float.


Jan 25, 2014
6/23 Update- It's been quite an interesting week. While eating more sugar in place of starch, i noticed quite often that my pulse and/or temperature would be higher than it used to be when eating more starch. I hadn't been measuring regularly, but did quite a bit more this week. But I did notice that "slight hyperthyroid" feeling quite a bit, which led me to measure those things more. Temps of about 99 degrees, and a resting pulse in the 8os-90s an hour or so after eating were more common. While I have been eating a lot of dessert type food and using refined sugar, I'm actually craving more fruit in general. Energy has overall been better, although there are times I would get tired really early in the evening. Some nights, I feel I've slept like a rock, much deeper than what I was sleeping before.

As for the point of this log, libido and desire both seem to be rising. I have noticed that I see more women I'm attracted to in day to day activities. I'm gonna do some blood tests in a couple weeks to see if anything changed there. While weight and other measurements seem to have leveled off, I notice my muscles feel harder and seem stronger, I think I look a bit leaner, and clothes seem a bit looser, even from the beginning of this month.

I've been doing a caloric deficit for a while, and weight loss seems to have stalled. This weekend starts a diet break (which was planned), and I'm looking forward to experimenting with higher sugar intakes, and using a bit more coconut oil as well. I certainly noticed uncoupling-like effects from higher sugar this past week, and have noticed them from coconut oil in the past.

I think the most powerful things in this protocol are the high sugar and cholesterol in diet, high levels of A, E, K2, and Magnesium, Sun and red light exposure, and the DHEA/Preg combo from Pansterone.

Another aside, while I've never had great skin, I've noticed the skin on my arms (which has always had keratosis pilaris) is looking and feeling smoother than I can ever remember.


Jan 25, 2014
7/12 Update- I haven't updated this log in a few weeks, as I was dealing with quite a stressful situation at work. I was still following most of the diet and supplement protocol. I was still pretty active, walking wise, although missed a few times I was supposed to go to the gym. I also didn't get regular sun or red light exposure, but still did that once or twice a week.

One thing that was interesting, my temperature was generally pretty high when I measured it during the day. 99.2 was really common, and it would be there a half hour up till about four or so after eating. I think shifting my diet even more toward fructose containing sugars was largely responsible for this. I'm also eating more at maintenance level calories, so that could be a factor, but I don't remember the body heat sensations like this from the last times I went to maintence. It is summer here too, but if you're not familiar with Los Angeles/ Long Beach weather, the temperatures are pretty much the same as they were in May, April, March, and even February and Januray- high 70s, low 80s. There might be more humidity, however. When I checked my basal temp on the weekend, it was 98.2, which is about .2 degrees higher when I previously measured it, likely years ago. (Basal was 97 degrees before I started using Thyroid).

One other thing, I've noticed more bug bites on my legs. This could be due to wearing shorts more often as it's summer, but I wouldn't doubt my blood is "sweeter," and attracting more insects.

I plan on doing a few labs in a week or two. I ordered a DHT and estrone test, and I'll probably add Testosterone too.

Even with the work situation, I feel pretty good overall. I think good diet, supplements, activity, time spent outside, and an attempt to get good sleep (even though this didn't happen several nights) has helped out significantly.


Apr 18, 2016
I think the most powerful things in this protocol are the high sugar and cholesterol in diet, high levels of A, E, K2, and Magnesium, Sun and red light exposure, and the DHEA/Preg combo from Pansterone.

This quote sums up what I was thinking while reading your thread. As an abuser of supplements and overly detailed health plans in the past, I can assure you that you are overdoing it a bit. There's a few supplements you are taking that actually could have quite negative effects on your health in the doses you are taking them and overall, less is better.

You absolutely nailed it with the above quote in that I agree that the only supplements that are essentail are E,K2,Pansterone and magnesium. Red light is key and getting plenty of protein, sugar and cholesterol in you diet is also key.

Everything else can and should be gotten from diet. Base you diet around quality ruminent meat and shellfish, eggs, dairy and sugar and you are good to go.

BTW, if you live close to an ocean, I highly recommend being in salt water as much as possible. There isn't anything as healing as salt water + sun light.

Lastly, while losing fat is crucial for high testosterone, being in a catabolic state long term is very detrimental. Hopefully you do refeeds weekly or so, I know your not in a huge deficit but still, anabolism mean calorie excess.

Good luck, dude!
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