Another milk casualty


Nov 22, 2013
Thumping heart beat after I drink it. Constipation.

I have persisted with milk for months now. I'm not a meat eater, so this might be the end for me with this diet. Why is protein so important, anyway? I know lots of raw guys who are ripped, anabolic and full of energy and endurance. It's almost like, this amount of protein is complete overload on my system. I'm amazed that an old guy like Ray Peat can pound his body with so much protein.

Anyway, these side effects are a sign that all is not well.

I have blindly carried on with it, thinking that the benefits that I've seen are worth it.

I'm going to go on raw milk soon (just by way of experiment), despite its fat content, to see if it makes any difference whatsoever. Perhaps the extra fat will keep my bowels working. Perhaps there is stuff in raw milk that might cause less stress on my body. Or maybe I won't tolerate that, either?


I would try different brands, different sources. Or taking thyroid, pregnenolone, and/or progesterone to help with digestion.


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
In the beginning I had problems digesting milk like many. I experimented and found a whole milk without added vitamins that worked ok in small amounts like added to coffee. I stuck with that particular brand and just increased the amount gradually. I was pleasantly surprised a few weeks ago when I had no choice but drink some 2% milk that had vitamins that nothing happened. I was perfectly fine with it. I was very anti-milk from my teens on and convinced I was lactose intolerant. One alternative medicine doctor even did a food allergy test that said I had a lactalbumin allergy.What a load of B.S.. I think that a lot of people think they can't tolerate milk because of the additives and that was sure the case with me. I was lactose intolerant because I made myself that way by not drinking milk regularly. I know it's frustrating but it's well worth it because milk is such a fabulous source of so much we need for regeneration. :2cents


Dec 31, 2012
dukez07 said:
Thumping heart beat after I drink it. Constipation.

I have persisted with milk for months now. I'm not a meat eater, so this might be the end for me with this diet. Why is protein so important, anyway? I know lots of raw guys who are ripped, anabolic and full of energy and endurance. It's almost like, this amount of protein is complete overload on my system. I'm amazed that an old guy like Ray Peat can pound his body with so much protein.

Anyway, these side effects are a sign that all is not well.

I have blindly carried on with it, thinking that the benefits that I've seen are worth it.

I'm going to go on raw milk soon (just by way of experiment), despite its fat content, to see if it makes any difference whatsoever. Perhaps the extra fat will keep my bowels working. Perhaps there is stuff in raw milk that might cause less stress on my body. Or maybe I won't tolerate that, either?

I don't think anyone has to drink milk. I think Ray Peat likes milk and recommends it. Thinks it's a good food. That's all.

Everything in context. Milk might not work for you. Why don't you give it up for a while? Have you tried cheese, or does that make you feel unwell also? Or gelatin as a protein source (are you completely vegetarian?). What about potatoes or potato juice?

I don't know how much protein you are consuming or how much you need. Is there an amount that you feel good on? Forcing any type or amount of food is just not helpful. If a food gave me a thumping heart and constipation, I would give it up immediately. If eating too much protein made me feel unwell, I would eat less.

My belief is that you can't force your body to do anything. You have to work with it, not force into submission with will power. Do only what works for you.

Let us know how you go with the raw milk.


ttramone said:
I don't think anyone has to drink milk.

Still, I think it's extremely hard to have a Peat diet without any milk. If you get the amount of protein Peat advises from eggs and cheese, your liquid consumption could be so low as to produce constipation, so you'll have to be careful to always have the right amount of liquid.

Large amounts of cheese produce constipation in a lot of people. Eggs alone are not enough for protein, so if eating a lot of cheese gives you trouble, I think you have few options left, such as potato juice and meats. Making the potato juice is a lot of work, and you might get sick of eating so much of the same meats that are relatively low in iron, so you'll be eating higher-iron meats. Another option is yogurt, but lactic acid creates its own problems. If you can get Greek yogurt you're fine, but if you can't, making it takes some work.

In short, I think finding a way to drink and tolerate milk makes following Peat a lot easier. (pregnenolone and thyroid helped me)


Dec 31, 2012
I don't think it's hard at all to have a "Peat" diet (no such thing really) without milk and get your protein needs met. I just put this into cronometer and got over 80g protein:

5 cups of OJ
2 eggs
600g potato
200g papaya
3oz cheddar cheese
2TBS gelatin
2 cups of diced watermelon

That's for only 1660 calories. It was just random stuff I eat all the time. I'm sure if you thought about it, you can get even more protein from better selected fruits and other foods. Plenty of liquid there, too.

Look, I personally use lots of milk! It works for me and I feel good on it, and it helps me lose weight. But if I couldn't drink it tomorrow, I wouldn't be worried as you just have to put your mind to it and think of other ways to get your nutritional needs met.

I think importantly though, I don't aim for perfection. For me, there is no perfect food. Everything seems to have drawbacks and benefits. It's up to the individual to decide if the benefits outweigh the risks. Or you mitigate as best you can e.g. gelatin/BCAA with muscle meat.


Feb 20, 2013
dukez07 said:
I know lots of raw guys who are ripped, anabolic and full of energy and endurance. It's almost like, this amount of protein is complete overload on my system. I'm amazed that an old guy like Ray Peat can pound his body with so much protein.
Anyway, these side effects are a sign that all is not well.
I have blindly carried on with it, thinking that the benefits that I've seen are worth it.

You really have answered your own question, low protein raw paleo is the
way to great health. If someone is so healthy on this kind of raw diet they
never should abandon their diet and adopt any other diet.


Nov 22, 2013
Hi guys, thanks for all of the comments. Some different viewpoints and it has all been noted.

Anyway, the past couple of days I have been drinking nothing but raw milk. And I have to say that the difference is 'night and day'. I don't know what it is about this raw milk, but it actually makes me feel pretty amazing. My digestion issues have completely stopped. The extra fat hasn't made any negative impact to me at all (although, Peat would say that it isn't optimal). No thumping heartbeat. I'm calm, happy and it certainly helps me feel 'well fed'.

Overall, I think I have tried about three various brands for skimmed milk, and they all give me the same negative reaction. Yet, when I glug on raw milk, all I feel is love...... seriously! But then, the raw food diet was always so much kinder on my system. I am almost tempted to go back to it completely, but I do have hypothyroid symptons and I know that Peat's diet has the potential to help me out a lot more, in the long run. So no more gorging on raw egg yolk and avocado. I think I was eating way too much fat on the raw diet. So, PUFA wasn't super high, but, it was enough that it was giving me problems.

Also, after a great morning and afternoon, yesterday, of drinking raw milk, I then sat down in the evening and decided to have something different. Bone broth with potato (about 300g). Thumping heart beat returned. Felt stressed and whacked out. Today, I am going to eat nothing but oranges and raw milk. All raw. I'll do this for the next few days and see how I go.


Nov 22, 2013
Mittir said:
dukez07 said:
I know lots of raw guys who are ripped, anabolic and full of energy and endurance. It's almost like, this amount of protein is complete overload on my system. I'm amazed that an old guy like Ray Peat can pound his body with so much protein.
Anyway, these side effects are a sign that all is not well.
I have blindly carried on with it, thinking that the benefits that I've seen are worth it.

You really have answered your own question, low protein raw paleo is the
way to great health. If someone is so healthy on this kind of raw diet they
never should abandon their diet and adopt any other diet.

Yes. As per my original post, I know there are different viewpoints on whether protein is needed in larger quantities, or not. Peat, I guess, thinks it's important in certain quantities to help get your metabolism going.

However, lower protein means lower tryptophan, cysteine and methionine.

So it all seems to be swings and roundabouts. I guess that gelatin has quite a unique aminio acid profile, if it comes with lower amounts of these bad amino acids. But, unfortunately, it comes without the nutritional superpowers of milk. If you use gelatin as a protein source, you'll need to get your nutritional intake from elsewhere.
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