Anyone See This? Jordan Peterson Act 2


Mar 10, 2016
There's something wrong with a subset of people who is willing to harass...the same guy over and over...with no clear results...using simple and debase phrases which they seem very proud to parrot.


Mar 7, 2017
Maybe I'm just old-fashioned in thinking college is the place to get an education which results in students who seem educated or at least partly so. But these privileged kids, spewing profanity and screaming out a near-constant stream of F words in various instances makes them seem to be more akin to the most ignorant and bitter denizens of the worst slums and barrios (whatever their color or nationality) in the world., but the latter at least usually have good reasons for being bitter and ignorant, these students don't. This video show images of the slow-motion collapse and degeneracy of America as it was happening in 2017 inside the college sector of life. My big question about Evergreen is if it will spark and inspire similar behavior in many other colleges and universities in coming months and years. My bet is it will.




Jan 23, 2017
Seems the video shows a large proportion of the protesting students - maybe most? - are fatties, especially the females. In my college days, student fatties comprised a very small minority.

This is like a car wreck. I can't stop looking at it.


Feb 18, 2016
Hey drareg, if you don't mind telling where did you read that Google has rigged search engines in such a way ?
Were they giving different results a few months ago for the same query you typed ?

Sorry I was speculating,should have stated that,or accusing,bloggers in academia and extreme right blogs can manipulate search results as any site can.
"Commercial gene testing" is hugely profitable now. If you type some common searches in around certain terms they will come up,controversy sells.


Jan 23, 2017
Parroting - especially debased and crude phrases - is proof of their ignorance and lack of education.

There's something wrong with a subset of people who is willing to harass...the same guy over and over...with no clear results...using simple and debase phrases which they seem very proud to parrot.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Hey drareg, if you don't mind telling where did you read that Google has rigged search engines in such a way ?
Were they giving different results a few months ago for the same query you typed ?
I agree with @Drareg on this. There is lots of evidence that the Internet is one big psy op. Lots of these technologies and companies came out of DARPA or CIA funding and are used for social engineering purposes all the time. It's called the web or the net for a reason after all.

Google Autocomplete Search Results Favor Hillary Clinton
Here Are 10 Examples of Google Search Results Favoring Hillary
BUSTED! Twitter Caught Manipulating Tweets Of Former BlackRock Fund Manager Critical Of CIA and NSA | Zero Hedge
youtube also manipulates view counts to keep undesirable videos relatively obscure and of course they push videos they want seen by including them in your recommended list. A good rule of thumb of disinfo is if it has a very high view count you can bet that its not telling you the whole truth.


Feb 18, 2016
I agree with @Drareg on this. There is lots of evidence that the Internet is one big psy op. Lots of these technologies and companies came out of DARPA or CIA funding and are used for social engineering purposes all the time. It's called the web or the net for a reason after all.

Google Autocomplete Search Results Favor Hillary Clinton
Here Are 10 Examples of Google Search Results Favoring Hillary
BUSTED! Twitter Caught Manipulating Tweets Of Former BlackRock Fund Manager Critical Of CIA and NSA | Zero Hedge
youtube also manipulates view counts to keep undesirable videos relatively obscure and of course they push videos they want seen by including them in your recommended list. A good rule of thumb of disinfo is if it has a very high view count you can bet that its not telling you the whole truth.

This piece is an example of what's coming from the mainstream next time round based on what they now know ,I have no side here just curious about the behaviour all round.They rigged global social media and searches from 2 small rooms according to this.
Meet the millionaires corrupting democracy in Britain

Jane Mayer on Robert1 Mercer2.


Sep 15, 2016
Good for him for standing up for what he believes is right, but he is not really that interesting of a thinker.
agreed. he probably is having delusions about following Jordan Peterson into YouTube stardom, but that's very unlikely.
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Dec 25, 2014
Seems the video shows a large proportion of the protesting students - maybe most? - are fatties, especially the females. In my college days, student fatties comprised a very small minority.

Low thyroid = High serotonin/estrogen = conflict, aggression, volatility, etc

Low attractiveness = low rank = high cortisol, conflict, aggression, etc

A large sector of college women are what would have been called borderline a generation or two ago.

Childbirth is highly protective to the female psyche due to the permanent increase in progesterone that mothers get. It is almost as a given that a woman who reaches a certain age without giving birth becomes a stressed out neurotic. That 'certain age' has gone down precipitously in the last few decades. In addition a large number of college age women take birth control pills, smoke weed, drink to abandon, and have the kind of diets that keep Ray Peat awake at night.

They're angry but they don't know why. Once the biochemistry is in order all it takes is a plausible cause and you got people ranting and raving.
Dec 25, 2014
As far as the internet being controlled, of course it is. It came out of DARPA. it's more of an open range where free thinkers can go grazing as far as the eye can see, with the occasional cowboy to reign them in here and there. As opposed to modern slaughterhouses of the mind where you're stuck in horrible cloistered conditions (school, television, mass media ) with nothing to look forward to except death


Mar 24, 2014
Stepping down now would be taken as an admission of guilt and reward people who stand to gain from false allegations incentive to make more. Assuming he is innocent of the pertinent charges, he shouldn't.
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