Aromasin Rebound High E2 High LH Problems


Jul 13, 2014
So it didnt work out for you ?
well i feel a lot better because my estrogen was high and a lot of my problems have completely cleared up. but my libido has completely gone.


Jul 13, 2014
Free test is 25% above top of the lab range
some quotes from haidut

“I think free T has a value as far as suggesting that SHBG was lowered. I think both free T and total T give useful information. Total T gives indication of gonadal function, while free T gives an idea of estrogenicity. If free T goes up, this suggests SHBG has gone down and since SHBG goes up and down together with estrogen, it suggests estrogen also went down. By estrogen, I mean total estrogenic reserves, as SHBG rises or falls to reflect systemic estrogenic tone, not only what's in the blood”
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Feb 20, 2018
well i feel a lot better because my estrogen was high and a lot of my problems have completely cleared up. but my libido has completely gone.
So you only checked for total testosterone? What about others such as Prolactin ? LH? Free T ? E2? Progesterone? DHT?

Why was your e2 high ? How high ?
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Sep 20, 2017
i thought total T was more important

I would suggest you scroll a bit on steroid forums if you want to get a real grasp of how hormones work, seems like you still have some homework to do.


Jul 13, 2014
I would suggest you scroll a bit on steroid forums if you want to get a real grasp of how hormones work, seems like you still have some homework to do.
yeah and you don't.


Feb 20, 2018
i thought total T was more important

Total T is important but Free T has to be taken into account as well because it is used up since it is "Free" from SHBG which renders your main reserve of Testosterone inactive, Its the body's way of preserving and regulating the utilization of the actual hormone that binds to the Androgen receptor AR. so I say both are equally important Total is your reserve and free is your utilizing


Feb 20, 2018
Any other people who have used aromasin from the aromasin experiences thread?


Feb 20, 2018
I also hope that more people have insights to what factors trigger aromatase


Feb 20, 2018
Is high gonadotrophins LH and FSH increasing aromatase activity ?


Dec 17, 2017
Queensland Australia
Is high gonadotrophins LH and FSH increasing aromatase activity ?

My understanding is that LH & FSH stimulate testosterone production which makes more testosterone available to be aromatised (may stimulate aromatase production too I don’t know). Low estrogen levels tend to boost LH & FSH since your body produces estrogen mainly by aromatising testosterone.

It’s kind of interesting that the male body seems so adept at maintaining estrogen levels. I guess in a tribe you don’t want too many males demonstrating alpha traits, from an evolutionary perspective.

Libido is a funny thing and often tanks when estrogen tanks but should be replaced by a different kind of libido when you get your other androgens up. Estrogen based libido is characterised by a lack of sexual satiation.

My guess is that you’re either trying to re-establish some sort of normal equilibrium again, so maybe try to manage your estrogen levels with more peaty methods. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me to take a prescription AI long term unless you’re on TRT/AAS or are willing to research/experiment with a combo that works for you. The latter will be a frustrating and lonely road at times.


Feb 20, 2018
My understanding is that LH & FSH stimulate testosterone production which makes more testosterone available to be aromatised (may stimulate aromatase production too I don’t know). Low estrogen levels tend to boost LH & FSH since your body produces estrogen mainly by aromatising testosterone.

It’s kind of interesting that the male body seems so adept at maintaining estrogen levels. I guess in a tribe you don’t want too many males demonstrating alpha traits, from an evolutionary perspective.

Libido is a funny thing and often tanks when estrogen tanks but should be replaced by a different kind of libido when you get your other androgens up. Estrogen based libido is characterised by a lack of sexual satiation.

My guess is that you’re either trying to re-establish some sort of normal equilibrium again, so maybe try to manage your estrogen levels with more peaty methods. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me to take a prescription AI long term unless you’re on TRT/AAS or are willing to research/experiment with a combo that works for you. The latter will be a frustrating and lonely road at times.
I have came to a conlusion that aromatase inhibitors are dangerous when not needed... the body will produce alot of estrogen in return to compensate...


Dec 17, 2017
Queensland Australia
They’re probably not the best thing for elevating testosterone when you are not suppressed. It makes sense to use them when your testosterone production is less than what it would be naturally and you want to get to a more normal level quickly (ie in a PCT). From what I’ve heard there seems to be a rebound after stopping an AI but it’s more from the elevated testosterone and the aromatase levels return after the aromasin leaves your body. You could probably take a low dose every second day to maintain a sort of unnatural equilibrium but it’s a juggling game and probably not worth it.

Your LH and FSH levels will drop once your estrogen comes back up but that rebound might be a b****.


Feb 20, 2018
They’re probably not the best thing for elevating testosterone when you are not suppressed. It makes sense to use them when your testosterone production is less than what it would be naturally and you want to get to a more normal level quickly (ie in a PCT). From what I’ve heard there seems to be a rebound after stopping an AI but it’s more from the elevated testosterone and the aromatase levels return after the aromasin leaves your body. You could probably take a low dose every second day to maintain a sort of unnatural equilibrium but it’s a juggling game and probably not worth it.

Your LH and FSH levels will drop once your estrogen comes back up but that rebound might be a b****.
I don' know why but my estrogen is elevated and LH as well it is not responding anymore

Doctor said you need testosterone to suppress LH and estrogen

He told me never take an AI they increase estrogen. Also it makes sense if LH increases estrogen. Many ppl get estrogen sides from HCG a gonadotropin mimic

I dont know if calcium glucarate can detox estrogen
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Dec 17, 2017
Queensland Australia
Testosterone doesn’t suppress estrogen - it’s fuel for production. Exogenous testosterone suppresses LH but I’m not sure if that is a direct down regulation with your body sensing free testosterone levels or an indirect down regulation from the increased estrogen (both testosterone and estrogen increase when exogenous T is introduced). LH is suppressed so much that endogenous testosterone production can be close to zero (hence the need for a PCT after anabolic steroid use).

In men LH stimulates testosterone which is then converted into estrogen via aromatase. Aromasin temporarily destroys your aromatase (an enzyme) levels which almost stops estrogen from being made (from testosterone) for a while. Your body senses this and ups LH & FSH to compensate. This is how it boosts T levels (simplistically speaking). Meanwhile your aromatase builds up again and with the additional testosterone your estrogen rises as testosterone gets converted.

An AI reduces estrogen in the short term but estrogen can rebound when you stop (over compensation). Maybe that’s what your doctor means by it increasing estrogen. I believe aromasin also reduces SHBG meaning there is more free T and E circulating which probably also has an effect.

You need testosterone to balance your estrogen levels or you will start to feel pretty crap. Anything that elevates testosterone is likely to also increase estrogen unless you can find a way to suppress aromatase activity. I think your doctor was basically telling you to stop dabbling with your hormones or to go on Test. I’d probably be looking at adding a small amount of DHT or Androsterone which are androgenic, non aromatising and suppress aromatase activity.
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Feb 20, 2018
Testosterone doesn’t suppress estrogen - it’s fuel for production. Exogenous testosterone suppresses LH but I’m not sure if that is a direct down regulation with your body sensing free testosterone levels or an indirect down regulation from the increased estrogen (both testosterone and estrogen increase when exogenous T is introduced). LH is suppressed so much that endogenous testosterone production can be close to zero (hence the need for a PCT after anabolic steroid use).

In men LH stimulates testosterone which is then converted into estrogen via aromatase. Aromasin temporarily destroys your aromatase (an enzyme) levels which almost stops estrogen from being made (from testosterone) for a while. Your body senses this and ups LH & FSH to compensate. This is how it boosts T levels (simplistically speaking). Meanwhile your aromatase builds up again and with the additional testosterone your estrogen rises as testosterone gets converted.

An AI reduces estrogen in the short term but estrogen can rebound when you stop (over compensation). Maybe that’s what your doctor means by it increasing estrogen. I believe aromasin also reduces SHBG meaning there is more free T and E circulating which probably also has an effect.

You need testosterone to balance your estrogen levels or you will start to feel pretty crap. Anything that elevates testosterone is likely to also increase estrogen unless you can find a way to suppress aromatase activity. I think your doctor was basically telling you to stop dabbling with your hormones or to go on Test. I’d probably be looking at adding a small amount of DHT or Androsterone which are androgenic, non aromatising and suppress aromatase activity.
My doctor recommended DHT but unfortunately we don' have that here.. it is available in France

He says by taking testosterone only 10% converts in his experience..especially in young non obese men.. he said it will then balance itself out.. I'm aware of all you said.. thank you v much for your kind advice.. I'll see what happens.. he is not too concerned but he said it takes time.. he usually doesnt give testosterone indefinitely.. initially aromasin worked last year if you see my first post.. But if i take one now it works in reverse...
He does extensive tests such as ultrasound on breast tissue to see the effects of e2. He helped bodybuilders before that took many things...
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New Member
Mar 29, 2018
Hello. What a coincidence that I found this thread. I happen to be kind of in the same boat but my issues started after using arimidex, not aromasin. I used it few months over a year ago for trying to boost my testosterone and lower my estrogen which was actually not in need of lowering, it was perfectly normal.

I think I drove my e2 too low and stopped taking it as it didn't do much to me anyway. Soon after these problems started that still affect me every day.

Some of the symptoms include constant scalp itching (seems to get worse with stress), hair loss/thinning (I had perfect hair before this and no itch), sweating/bad hot flashes which seem to get worse as the day goes on, I feel the best (still not good) during mornings usually. Also my breast area is tingling from time to time and I seem to have developed mild gyno. I also have some chest pains occasionally, usually along with the hot flashes.

I have tried tamoxifen prescribed by doctor for awhile for the breast tingling but that didn't help for my overall much and I was a bit scared taking it for longer after this. I also tried low dose arimidex again but didn't help for symptoms and I'm scared If I take it longer, I will get even worse rebound issues.

Funnily enough, my estradiol level has never been too high on blood tests but I also feel like my body naturally was on the lower side of e2 before this. Only measured once with the sensitive e2 test and it was ~28 pg/ml then. Testosterone has been in mid range and free testosterone in range too. Progesterone was what would be converted to 0.9 ng/ml which was in normal reference range. Prolactin always good, thyroid levels normal too the couple of times I have had them measured. Cortisol has been around mid-range when taken in blood 8AM but ACTH was little bit over the top of range (I get stressed and anxious easily). Now I took my DHT once and it was at the very low end of range (however I don't know how reliable DHT is when measured in blood)

These symptoms suck and I am positive they started after quitting arimidex. I will be measuring my test, e2, LH and DHT again probably next week so will see where I am at then.


Feb 20, 2018
Hello. What a coincidence that I found this thread. I happen to be kind of in the same boat but my issues started after using arimidex, not aromasin. I used it few months over a year ago for trying to boost my testosterone and lower my estrogen which was actually not in need of lowering, it was perfectly normal.

I think I drove my e2 too low and stopped taking it as it didn't do much to me anyway. Soon after these problems started that still affect me every day.

Some of the symptoms include constant scalp itching (seems to get worse with stress), hair loss/thinning (I had perfect hair before this and no itch), sweating/bad hot flashes which seem to get worse as the day goes on, I feel the best (still not good) during mornings usually. Also my breast area is tingling from time to time and I seem to have developed mild gyno. I also have some chest pains occasionally, usually along with the hot flashes.

I have tried tamoxifen prescribed by doctor for awhile for the breast tingling but that didn't help for my overall much and I was a bit scared taking it for longer after this. I also tried low dose arimidex again but didn't help for symptoms and I'm scared If I take it longer, I will get even worse rebound issues.

Funnily enough, my estradiol level has never been too high on blood tests but I also feel like my body naturally was on the lower side of e2 before this. Only measured once with the sensitive e2 test and it was ~28 pg/ml then. Testosterone has been in mid range and free testosterone in range too. Progesterone was what would be converted to 0.9 ng/ml which was in normal reference range. Prolactin always good, thyroid levels normal too the couple of times I have had them measured. Cortisol has been around mid-range when taken in blood 8AM but ACTH was little bit over the top of range (I get stressed and anxious easily). Now I took my DHT once and it was at the very low end of range (however I don't know how reliable DHT is when measured in blood)

These symptoms suck and I am positive they started after quitting arimidex. I will be measuring my test, e2, LH and DHT again probably next week so will see where I am at then.

Hey man let me know what happens.. I think the best thing is to drop all types of aromatase inhibitors let your body stabilize. I think that we are in the same case.. glad you posted here your story.. looking forward
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New Member
Mar 29, 2018
Hello again, it has been awhile. So symptoms continue. Fatigue, sweating, scalp itching etc. Recently not been feeling very well, I've had some weird cardiac type symptoms but nothing serious has been diagnosed. My stress tolerance is very low. Took some bloodwork while not on anything and results are as follows:

Testosterone: 18.6 nmol/l (10-38)
SHBG: 28 nmol/l (14-71)
Free testosterone: 309 pmol/l (230-575)
LH 3.7 nmol/l (1-9)
E2: 0.14 (<0.14) !
DHT: 1.1 nmol/l (1-10)
ACTH: 38 ng/l (<45)
Cortisol: 488 nmol/l (138-690)
Insulin: 11.3 mU/l (3-25)

So high E2, low DHT while normal testosterone? What the heck? Also my fasting insulin seems high. It was around the same range last time. I've read that insulin resistance could cause hair loss..

Although estrogen test was regular one and not the sensitive assay as I've read is recommended for males. Also my DHT has been at the bottom of the range both times I've had it measured now. However I am not sure how good of an indicator blood DHT levels are of overall 5-alpha reductase activity in body. I recently took my thyroid levels but results still pending. This is very frustrating and confusing. Doctor said this couldn't have been caused by arimidex. I know its wrong because I didnt have these type of symptoms before it so it must have been atleast a big contributor. Trying to figure out what to do next..
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