Australia to "Let 'Er Rip" -- Marking Beginning of the End?


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
My best wishes for your husband and his dad :praying:
Thank you kindly. My husband went back to work on day 5 and said this time wasn’t as bad as the first. His dad managed to stay out of the hospital but he has Leukemia so he’s having a tough time bouncing back.


Mar 26, 2014
Any corroboration that Uk, Oz or some other country really letting omicron go through?
That would be so refreshingly and unexpectedly sane

There are a lot of headlines that seem to oppose the narrative even just last week, but lets see how things actually transpire. I don't trust them.


Jun 7, 2016
I think the thinking is that we cannot continue to destroy the economy and we vaccinated most of the population and we are so confident in the vaccine and we believe omicron to be less deadly.


Jun 7, 2016
I just looked up the entry requirements for my home state in Australia, fully vaccinated no quarantine now but un vaccinated 14 days hotel quarantine $3000.

Not really keen on the hotel quarantine, mainly the food is what I’m concerned about. I’d rather spend that money going to Africa and doing volunteer work for 6 months and keep waiting it out.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
of course Blossom! I took around 60-70 mg of potassium iodide+10mg iodine.

+/- 10% error

Plus 200mcg selenomethionine to protect from the peroxidation but if you don't have it at hand it is strictly not necessary if you take iodine a few days. But you can buy it at any store.

Do you need more info on what is useful? if so just ask. I guess you are aware of all the NAC, Zinc, Aspirin, Ivermectin, Antihistamines, Melatonin, etc. right?
what if its 200mcg selenium glycinate? does it need to be methionine


Jun 7, 2019
It's basically still limited to the biggest state and to some extent the holiday destination state. The scamdemic unearthed a strong provincialist streak in Australia, so in other states the politicians are trying to play up "cases" as much as they can, even though almost everyone is vaccinated (why bother getting vaccinated if you're still going to hide at home forever?). I guess it should be pointed out that Australians don't really have any experience with covid because the lockdowns and media blackout have been so successful; it should be harder to hide a lot of people getting it and getting over it when it happens here.
Why does anyone do the horseshit tests? Treatment will be the same regardless.
Positive PCR test gives you a 6-month vax exemption in Australia (so you're allowed to have a job again and so on). If I thought I had it then I would get a test. I guess it might also exempt you from getting a booster.
But most people are just doing it because it's still required to get an interstate travel visa or because they have been trained to be hypochondriacs. For two years the government has been constantly harassing people to get tested even though the positive rate was 0.0%, and now they don't like it.


Jan 12, 2021
Because there are some damn stupid hypochondriac hysterical people that will try to almost literally lynch you if you had symptoms and you didn't test. I am referring mostly to work colleagues but it applies to other places. I wouldn't have tested otherwise.
That's not enough of a reason for putting a weird stick just underneath one's brain I would say ..


Aug 4, 2020
My husband has to test for his job.
An interesting thought @Blossom, when Joe Rogan interviewed Dr Peter Mc Collough, he had mentioned that in Bangladesh they developed a protocol using a neti pot with some iodine as a method to flush and disinfect the nasal passages . He made the statement that the people would do this flush after contact with people that lasted up to and over a three hour period. He also mentioned using hydrogen peroxide as well as saline. His comment was if you were to do this you would kill the virus present in the nasal and sinus passages and would not test positive on a PCR test.
I believe that it only requires a few drops of Lugols iodine or Providone iodine. If you need to get tested, I think this might be a good strategy to stack the deck in your favour. At minimum it is worth a look into.


Aug 4, 2020
I also took a high dose of iodine yesterday but didn't feel the need for it today since this is super mild. I probably got the viral load to minimums yesterday after the iodine. I am still taking other things though : Zinc, Aspirin, Melatonin, a bit of NAC, raw garlic and pepcid in the morning, cetirizine at night.

I will drop the NAC in 2 days as I only wanted to take it to protect from the spike. The rest I will keep them for 5-6 days if all goes well.
Curious @Makrosky i had thought that the NAC was meant for detoxing the graphene oxide in the gene therapies serum. I was unaware on its abilities to detox the spike protein,
I only knew of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for spike protein detoxification.


Oct 5, 2014
Curious @Makrosky i had thought that the NAC was meant for detoxing the graphene oxide in the gene therapies serum. I was unaware on its abilities to detox the spike protein,
I only knew of Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for spike protein detoxification.
You are totally right JRK. My mistake, sorry. NAC is useful for many other things but on my notes I can't find anything about the Spike.

But it helps fight covid in many other ways though :


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
An interesting thought @Blossom, when Joe Rogan interviewed Dr Peter Mc Collough, he had mentioned that in Bangladesh they developed a protocol using a neti pot with some iodine as a method to flush and disinfect the nasal passages . He made the statement that the people would do this flush after contact with people that lasted up to and over a three hour period. He also mentioned using hydrogen peroxide as well as saline. His comment was if you were to do this you would kill the virus present in the nasal and sinus passages and would not test positive on a PCR test.
I believe that it only requires a few drops of Lugols iodine or Providone iodine. If you need to get tested, I think this might be a good strategy to stack the deck in your favour. At minimum it is worth a look into.
Thank you @J.R.K


Oct 5, 2014
An interesting thought @Blossom, when Joe Rogan interviewed Dr Peter Mc Collough, he had mentioned that in Bangladesh they developed a protocol using a neti pot with some iodine as a method to flush and disinfect the nasal passages . He made the statement that the people would do this flush after contact with people that lasted up to and over a three hour period. He also mentioned using hydrogen peroxide as well as saline. His comment was if you were to do this you would kill the virus present in the nasal and sinus passages and would not test positive on a PCR test.
I believe that it only requires a few drops of Lugols iodine or Providone iodine. If you need to get tested, I think this might be a good strategy to stack the deck in your favour. At minimum it is worth a look into.
Yes I remember that as well. If you don't have a neti pot you can also do it (With Lugol, other compounds I don't know) by pouring it in your hand and sniffing it strongly. It goes all the way up and down to the mouth.


Mar 29, 2016
It still hurts btw. 2 days after. Insanely criminal.
Still nasal swab testing? In the Philippines, there are many oral swab tests already.


Aug 4, 2020
You are totally right JRK. My mistake, sorry. NAC is useful for many other things but on my notes I can't find anything about the Spike.

But it helps fight covid in many other ways though :
Thank you the information @Makrosky! I myself have many many facts floating about in my head and get things confused many times, but every now and then things come together and make perfect sense.
The one thing that I am fuzzy on though is whether NAC and the corresponding downstream glutathione being carcinogenic. If I am not mistaken @haidut has posted some information regarding this in his blog. Again this is just my methodology of trying to clarify and understand the best and safest methods to treat and more importantly be able to live up to Dr Peats famous phrase,”If you are afraid of COVID-19 then you are probably also afraid of Ebola”. To anyone else not familiar with his work, this would sound like the ravings of a madman, but I am coming more to the understanding that health and disease really do begin in the gut and that simple things like keeping the gut as clean as possible have a huge impact on disease prevention. It is just allowing this information to percolate into a form that makes sense to my mind.

And this one as well,

Again all insights and clarification from any forum members is always appreciated.


Aug 4, 2020
Yes I remember that as well. If you don't have a neti pot you can also do it (With Lugol, other compounds I don't know) by pouring it in your hand and sniffing it strongly. It goes all the way up and down to the mouth.

I have not really had the courage to do it yet, more of a mental thing, as I envision it to being like water forced up your nose when you have not held your breath properly and diving into water and getting it up your nose. Plus the whole iodine and thyroid relationship. Again the paradox of everyone saying that iodine is crucial for thyroid function, yet Dr Peats (as my understanding is) that iodine impacts the thyroid negatively. Again feel free to clarify.


Aug 4, 2020
I just looked up the entry requirements for my home state in Australia, fully vaccinated no quarantine now but un vaccinated 14 days hotel quarantine $3000.

Not really keen on the hotel quarantine, mainly the food is what I’m concerned about. I’d rather spend that money going to Africa and doing volunteer work for 6 months and keep waiting it out.

I am curious @Herbie does the government provide any scientific explanations on the rationale for no quarantine for the vaccinated and fourteen days hotel quarantine for the unvaccinated?
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