B1, Cannabis, cigarettes and workouts cause brain inflammation, LSD reverses it - I want your opinion

Ahmed ELH

Sep 9, 2023
Hey all the smart and beautiful people out here.

I discovered this forum a few months ago when I was trying to understand why Thiamine, Niacin, Psylocibin and LSD significantly improved my physical and mental health.

I've been through several challenges concerning my physical health from a very young age that have subsequently impacted my mental health, I visited many doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, energeticians and naturopaths, they could not find concrete solutions and ended up with the typical "It's in your head" argument.

4 years ago, I tried magic mushrooms out of desperation.

For the FIRST TIME in my life, I was able to FEEL what it feels like to have a fully functional and optimal body.

I also had ETs interactions which helped me understand that the medical and mental health sphere was a BIG FRAUD, making people believe that they are the problem, that they are not enough, that they have to take some pills for the rest of their life and do some long-lasting therapy to fix "traumas", when in fact we are infinite consciousness that is far beyond who we think we are as an individual, but that's another subject.

This experience led me to start my journey into health optimisation to reach what I call the GOD state, which refers to an optimal metabolism.

During the last 4 years, I tried more than 400 different supplements, medications, drugs, diets, therapeutic methods and came to the conclusion that :
- I'm lucky to have a father who is a pharmacist
- Only a few supplements are useful, ideally none at all
- Opioïds, Benzodiazepines, strong stimulants and Serotonin raising compounds are a fast road to self-destruction
- Having a loving and caring partner and/or friends on the same wavelength is way more effective than a therapist
- Sun exposure, nourishing social interactions, diet, movement and sleep are the main pillar to perfect physical and mental health
- From all the antidepressants that I have tried, nothing comes close to a microdose of LSD in term of physical AND mental benefits
- Extreme diets and prolonged fasting are the best way to create useless health complications

Unfortunately, most of the content currently available on Internet leads people to believe that increasing serotonin is a positive thing, that the miracle solution to most chronic health problems is either extreme diets, extended periods of fasting, or the use of many expensive supplements or therapies.

Here's the thing, I had extremly good results during the last two years with just B1, B3 and Magnesium.
Six months ago I felt extreme social pressure for not being able to eat in group due to grain intolerance, I did a 3 day fast and made things 1000x worse.

I started to get severe neuroinflammation after each workout, starting in my gut spreading up to my brain, causing severe lethargy, self hate and suicidal thoughts.

Similar reactions happens when I'm exposed to the smoke of cigarettes and cannabis which never happened before.

B1 started giving me some weird side effects even at very low dose.
During the first hours, I'll feel great, improved breathing, an increase in energy and mental clarity, but after 2 to 3 hours, I'll feel severly depressed, anxious, as if I had a black cloud spreading into my brain, I'm literally knocked out, my digestive system is paralysed, everything I eat just makes me irritable.

Diphenhydramine, Chlorpheniramine or a microdose of LSD are able to reduce/reverse the side effects. LSD being the strongest one.

I suspected MCAS at first, I tried Cyproheptadine, Ketotifen, Cromolyn Sodium, Famotidine, nothing changed.
Right now, I think that the 3 day fast induced/worsned leaky gut and leaky brain as well as a shift to acetylcholine dominance.

I ordered Caffeine/L-Theanine and Bromantane to see if it's related to low gaba/dopamine as well as Aniracetam, Phenylpiracetam to test the acetylcholine dominance hypothesis.

I'd like to hear your opinion in case I'm missing something.
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Jul 4, 2015
It's probably just simply some highly irritating residual solvent or reagent used in the manufacture of the B1, and your intestines are highly sensitive. That's why the anti-histamines/anti-serotonergics help so much.

A few years ago I bought a pack of vitamin B1, it had a mild suflur like smell, and I could take as much as I wanted and only notice good effects. This year I bought another pack, and it has a very strong, sharp, solvent like smell on top of the sulfur smell, and I get a headache from just a small amount. My Mom who has a very sensitive bowel, said she noticed some bleeding on the days she took that B1.

I too have a very sensitive intestine, and easily de-energised gut - liver - brain axis. The most helpful things for me primarily is avoiding starch (though these days I can handle a couple of starch meals a week), and next most important is avoiding irritating things - spices, additives, unripe fruits, acidic / poor quality juices, oral supplements.
Ahmed ELH

Ahmed ELH

Sep 9, 2023
Hey Jman
It's probably just simply some highly irritating residual solvent or reagent used in the manufacture of the B1, and your intestines are highly sensitive. That's why the anti-histamines/anti-serotonergics help so much.
I'm using a high quality B1 free fillers. I tried different brands and they still have the same effect. Anti-histamines without anti-cholinergic properties showed no effects at all in improving the side effects. Cyproheptadine without a dopamine agonist made things even worse.

Anything that blocks Acetylcholine action or increase other neurotransmetters activity seems to work, B6 or even coffee slightly alleviate the symptoms but doesn't get rid of them as effectively as Benadryl or LSD.


Feb 3, 2020
High acetylcholine. I get similar reactions to thiamine (and most other B vitamins) nicotine, night shades, choline supplements.

I get bradycardia from high acetylcholine that makes me feel like I can’t get sufficient oxygen to my cells.

T3, pregnenolone, coffee, vitamin K, benadryl are anticholinergic.
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Ahmed ELH

Ahmed ELH

Sep 9, 2023
High acetylcholine. I get similar reactions to thiamine and nicotine. I get bradycardia from high acetylcholine that makes me feel like I can’t get sufficient oxygen to my cells.
T3, pregnenolone, coffee, vitamin K, benadryl are anticholinergic.
Completely, that's the exact feeling, as if I were suffocating from within.

I understand now why the compounds you mentioned bring some relief, mainly Benadryl, followed by K2 and coffee. I didn't notice much from pregnenolone.

I started Forskolin this morning to upregulate AChE as well as Tyrosine Hydroxylase, I'll see where it goes.


Feb 3, 2020
Completely, that's the exact feeling, as if I were suffocating from within.

I understand now why the compounds you mentioned bring some relief, mainly Benadryl, followed by K2 and coffee. I didn't notice much from pregnenolone.

I started Forskolin this morning to upregulate AChE as well as Tyrosine Hydroxylase, I'll see where it goes.
Have you done some thyroid testing? (TSH, T3, reverse T3)
Or adrenal hormonal testing? (cortisol, DHEA)
Do you have tested your copper status? (serum copper/ceruloplasmin)

I am asking because low T3 (or high reverse T3) and high-ish cortisol can mess with ceruloplasmin synthesis, and hepatic copper utilization. Some theorize that high acetylcholine is a sign of copper deficiency or dysregulation. (you have sufficient stores in the liver but unable to mobilize them)

I personally cannot eat beef or oysters because the zinc is very pro-cholinergic aswell.


Apr 4, 2016
Sulfur in the supplement ,niacin and thiamine itself cause the inhibition of the acetylcholinesterase enzyme ,if your diet is rich in Nickel and zinc you will become sensitive to even a little increase in acetylcholine level.

"Some theorize that high acetylcholine is a sign of copper deficiency or dysregulation"

Nickel interfere with copper and iron metabolism and is remarkably present in air pollution,this wouldn't surprise me if more and more peoples will become sensitive to acetylcholine in the coming years.


Feb 3, 2020
Sulfur in the supplement ,niacin and thiamine itself cause the inhibition of the acetylcholinesterase enzyme ,if your diet is rich in Nickel and zinc you will become sensitive to even a little increase in acetylcholine level.

"Some theorize that high acetylcholine is a sign of copper deficiency or dysregulation"

Nickel interfere with copper and iron metabolism and is remarkably present in air pollution,this wouldn't surprise me if more and more peoples will become sensitive to acetylcholine in the coming years.
Thanks for sharing. How can one mitigate nickel exposure?
Ahmed ELH

Ahmed ELH

Sep 9, 2023
Have you done some thyroid testing? (TSH, T3, reverse T3)
Or adrenal hormonal testing? (cortisol, DHEA)
I have done TSH, T4 and T3 but not reverse T3 - TSH: 0,81 mIU/L, T4: 15,7 pmol/L, T3: 4,6 pmol/L
For cortisol, it was at 18,8 µg/dL at 9AM and 6,2 µg/dL at 5PM, I've done a 24h cortisol test that was at 42 nmol/24h.
I didn't test for DHEA and copper status.

I somehow have very high levels of B12 (755 pmol/L), I don't know if it's related or not.

In case you may ask for Testosterone (807.576 ng/dl), Estradiol (25 pg/ml) or Prolactin (9,24 ng/mL)

I have no hypothyroïdism symptoms, it's kind of the opposite. I always feel energetic, but my nervous system have some hard time following.
I can only tolerate red meat when being in a high dopamine state, otherwise, it isn't digested properly, I never tried Oysters but I have no adverse reactions to Zinc supplementation.


Feb 3, 2020
I have done TSH, T4 and T3 but not reverse T3 - TSH: 0,81 mIU/L, T4: 15,7 pmol/L, T3: 4,6 pmol/L
For cortisol, it was at 18,8 µg/dL at 9AM and 6,2 µg/dL at 5PM, I've done a 24h cortisol test that was at 42 nmol/24h.
I didn't test for DHEA and copper status.

I somehow have very high levels of B12 (755 pmol/L), I don't know if it's related or not.

In case you may ask for Testosterone (807.576 ng/dl), Estradiol (25 pg/ml) or Prolactin (9,24 ng/mL)

I have no hypothyroïdism symptoms, it's kind of the opposite. I always feel energetic, but my nervous system have some hard time following.
I can only tolerate red meat when being in a high dopamine state, otherwise, it isn't digested properly, I never tried Oysters but I have no adverse reactions to Zinc supplementation.
Alright, thyroid looks good. But your cortisol seems on the high side!

Ray said in an email, that serum cortisol should not be higher than middle of the reference range.

That could explain your overactive / nervous feeling. I used to feel that way when I did fasting, ketogenic and carnivore diet, cold exposure.


Feb 3, 2020
Can you post the reference range for those thyroid lab results?
T4 seems on the high side, T3 below the middle of the range. That could be a high reverse T3/high cortisol sign.
Ahmed ELH

Ahmed ELH

Sep 9, 2023
Sulfur in the supplement ,niacin and thiamine itself cause the inhibition of the acetylcholinesterase enzyme ,if your diet is rich in Nickel and zinc you will become sensitive to even a little increase in acetylcholine level.
Now that I'm thinking about it, I have literally abused Thiamin, Niacin and Zinc almost every day during the last year, it may explains why my body struggle so much with acetylcholine.
Ahmed ELH

Ahmed ELH

Sep 9, 2023
Alright, thyroid looks good. But your cortisol seems on the high side!

Ray said in an email, that serum cortisol should not be higher than middle of the reference range.

That could explain your overactive / nervous feeling. I used to feel that way when I did fasting, ketogenic and carnivore diet, cold exposure.

No wonder why my inflammatory symptoms only appears in the morning around that cortisol spike, they quickly vanished after starting 5000 to 10.000 IU of D3 first thing in the morning with some earthing and red light exposure.

Can you post the reference range for those thyroid lab results?
T4 seems on the high side, T3 below the middle of the range. That could be a high reverse T3/high cortisol sign.
Of course:


Feb 3, 2020
No wonder why my inflammatory symptoms only appears in the morning around that cortisol spike, they quickly vanished after starting 5000 to 10.000 IU of D3 first thing in the morning with some earthing and red light exposure.

Of course:
View attachment 58491
Thanks! I have pretty similar thyroid labs, but the reference range in germany goes a bit higher. (FT3 up to 4.4 ng/L and FT4 up to 1,68 ng/dL)

This year I experimented with thyroid a lot and when I tried taking only levothyroxine, my free T4 elevated but my free T3 even dropped lower than my natural production, so I think I just converted all that T4 into reverse T3 and made me even more hypometabolic. I respond favorably to T3 but I currently try to drastically lower my cortisol with high dose pregnenolone, magnesium, high carb diet, eating solid meals every 4-5 hours, herbal teas, relaxation methods etc because my thyroid is functioning correctly, but high cortisol impairs it.


May 11, 2022
Hey Jman

I'm using a high quality B1 free fillers. I tried different brands and they still have the same effect. Anti-histamines without anti-cholinergic properties showed no effects at all in improving the side effects. Cyproheptadine without a dopamine agonist made things even worse.

Anything that blocks Acetylcholine action or increase other neurotransmetters activity seems to work, B6 or even coffee slightly alleviate the symptoms but doesn't get rid of them as effectively as Benadryl or LSD.
What micro LSD dose are you using that you find effective?


Mar 26, 2014
This article by @Hans says that B1 has a biphasic acetycholine response:

Vitamin B1 slightly increases the synthesis of acetylcholine in low concentrations and decreases it in higher ones (R).

But I can't find out what exactly they mean by low/high. Any ideas Hans?
Ahmed ELH

Ahmed ELH

Sep 9, 2023
Thanks! I have pretty similar thyroid labs, but the reference range in germany goes a bit higher. (FT3 up to 4.4 ng/L and FT4 up to 1,68 ng/dL)

This year I experimented with thyroid a lot and when I tried taking only levothyroxine, my free T4 elevated but my free T3 even dropped lower than my natural production, so I think I just converted all that T4 into reverse T3 and made me even more hypometabolic. I respond favorably to T3 but I currently try to drastically lower my cortisol with high dose pregnenolone, magnesium, high carb diet, eating solid meals every 4-5 hours, herbal teas, relaxation methods etc because my thyroid is functioning correctly, but high cortisol impairs it.
Thanks for sharing, I had the exact same reaction to levothyroxine.

I'm actually on the same track, keto, carnivore and fasting just destroyed my body ability to handle cortisol, especially after the 3 day fast I did. I feel like crap after high intensity workouts due to the cortisol spike.

I felt better too after increasing carbs and calories, drinking relaxing teas such as camomile, passion flower and blue lotus only helps when combined with "DMT" breathing exercices, I literally feel an explosion inside of my head that seems to completly shifts me to a really calm energetic state instead of the jiterry energetic state I'm almost always into.


Feb 3, 2020
Thanks for sharing, I had the exact same reaction to levothyroxine.

I'm actually on the same track, keto, carnivore and fasting just destroyed my body ability to handle cortisol, especially after the 3 day fast I did. I feel like crap after high intensity workouts due to the cortisol spike.

I felt better too after increasing carbs and calories, drinking relaxing teas such as camomile, passion flower and blue lotus only helps when combined with "DMT" breathing exercices, I literally feel an explosion inside of my head that seems to completly shifts me to a really calm energetic state instead of the jiterry energetic state I'm almost always into.
Very interesting.

Haidut has an interesting post on this:
Ahmed ELH

Ahmed ELH

Sep 9, 2023
What micro LSD dose are you using that you find effective?

Between 10mcg to 15mcg, more than 15mcg makes me very jittery the same day and dizzy the next one.

This article by @Hans says that B1 has a biphasic acetycholine response:

Vitamin B1 slightly increases the synthesis of acetylcholine in low concentrations and decreases it in higher ones (R).

But I can't find out what exactly they mean by low/high. Any ideas Hans?

I've been thinking about it lately because I sometimes had the exact opposite reactions with doses higher than 1000mg. I'd like Hans opinion on that too.
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