B1 / Thiamine Causing Histamine Issues

Apr 24, 2017
It might be b2. Somewhere I've read (don't quote me on that) b1 can interfere with b2 status in an antagonistic fashion. Try adding 50-100mg Riboflavin to your Tiamine and see how it goes. I recently ran into problems with high does Tiamine mononitrate - it fixed my digestion, but created some skin issues which I believe are a result of b2 depletion, because supplementing it seem to help.


Jan 3, 2013
It might be b2. Somewhere I've read (don't quote me on that) b1 can interfere with b2 status in an antagonistic fashion. Try adding 50-100mg Riboflavin to your Tiamine and see how it goes. I recently ran into problems with high does Tiamine mononitrate - it fixed my digestion, but created some skin issues which I believe are a result of b2 depletion, because supplementing it seem to help.
I recently started B2, about 12 mg a day. I'll increase to see if it makes a difference. Thank you.
Feb 25, 2019
May I ask: what results did you get from adding the B2 to your B1?
Feb 4, 2021
It might be b2. Somewhere I've read (don't quote me on that) b1 can interfere with b2 status in an antagonistic fashion. Try adding 50-100mg Riboflavin to your Tiamine and see how it goes. I recently ran into problems with high does Tiamine mononitrate - it fixed my digestion, but created some skin issues which I believe are a result of b2 depletion, because supplementing it seem to help.
you think thiamine mononitrate is problematic in general? people here say nitrates should be avoided but also that a low dose of 10mg per day should be okay. how has your experience been with mononitrate overall? can't get pure thiamine hcl where I live. only mononitrate. I'm guessing its better than taking nothing at all? thanks
Apr 24, 2017
you think thiamine mononitrate is problematic in general? people here say nitrates should be avoided but also that a low dose of 10mg per day should be okay. how has your experience been with mononitrate overall? can't get pure thiamine hcl where I live. only mononitrate. I'm guessing its better than taking nothing at all? thanks
Low doses didn’t cause problems. You should be good.


Apr 3, 2013
I'm also getting massive histamine/serotonin issues from taking thiamine hcl (purebulk powder brand). Did anyone ever figure out why this happens? I stopped taking the stuff three days ago and am still getting dermographia and itching.


Jun 2, 2017
I don't do well on thiamine hcl as well, but thiamine mononitrate so far has worked well for me. It may be worth trying.


Jun 10, 2020
I'm also getting massive histamine/serotonin issues from taking thiamine hcl (purebulk powder brand). Did anyone ever figure out why this happens? I stopped taking the stuff three days ago and am still getting dermographia and itching.
Thiamine HCL causes me major digestive disturbance, but allithiamine (TTFD) doesn’t seem to cause this issue.


Mar 26, 2014
I'm also getting massive histamine/serotonin issues from taking thiamine hcl (purebulk powder brand). Did anyone ever figure out why this happens? I stopped taking the stuff three days ago and am still getting dermographia and itching.
Did you ever get to the bottom of this peateats?


Apr 3, 2013
Did you ever get to the bottom of this peateats?
No, not really. I don't know why I had that reaction. I can use thiamine hcl just fine now, in large amounts even, with no reaction like I had at that time. I did have a bad gut infection back then though, so it may have had to do with that I guess.


Mar 26, 2014
No, not really. I don't know why I had that reaction. I can use thiamine hcl just fine now, in large amounts even, with no reaction like I had at that time. I did have a bad gut infection back then though, so it may have had to do with that I guess.
Thanks for getting back to me, can you remember how long the itching took to pass?


Jul 17, 2015
I'm also getting massive histamine/serotonin issues from taking thiamine hcl (purebulk powder brand). Did anyone ever figure out why this happens? I stopped taking the stuff three days ago and am still getting dermographia and itching.
Well, by stopping thiamin, you've stopped the inhibition of DAO enzyme and you stop adding a layer to the problem (liberator).
Now you can try to limit sources bringing histamine (H) (e.g. canned tuna) or freeing histamine (F) (orange juice).
NB: You need to inform on both sources (H and F).
We can deal with 50 - 100 units per day. Tuna brings 600 units.
So, taking DAO supplement could help, but only at a high rate: I take 1 000 000 Units. 10-15' before the meal.
I took quercetin anhydride 500 mg 1x/d (cure), at the beginning of the process.
Note: It won't be sufficient if you suffer from dysbiosis. You have to calm down first, before taking a supplement.
I can't give a link here to my forum (read between the lines) where I 've opened a diary to explain how I proceeded with:
- drink with EO origano (+ ...) to weaken and match bacteria (overgrowth), treated like a beginning of SIBO / SIFO.
- DAO enzyme 1 000 000 and quercetin anhydride.
- advised probiotics to occupy the place, at the end.

Note: I made a mistake: high level of thiamine HCL to get more energy (...). Stopped B1 today.


Jul 17, 2022
st louis mo
I've taken B1 on and off for several years, everywhere from 10mg to 100mg per day. Mostly taken the thiamine HCL form. When I take it regularly, it makes me smell funny, so I cut it back for a while, but then I always start up again because I feel like it's useful (though the more and more I try, the less I notice its effects).
Recently, when I take it on a regular basis, it seems to cause histamine issues, like getting hives. When I cut it out, I don't break out in the hives. I thought B1 was supposed to be helpful with histamine issues so I'm confused about this reaction. Anecdotally, I've read others on other websites mention they also had allergy issues when taking B1.
Anyone have thoughts on why this happens?
I can take a guess.

I have similar issues with B3 (Niacinimide) and I'm pretty sure I've got it figured out: Niacinimide mops up methyl groups (CH3) in the blood, which allows histamine (H) to spike. Low CH3, high H. I also remember a side comment that Haidut mentioned in a post a while back (sorry I can't find it), where he mentioned a few other things that cause a similar reaction. B1 was in the group. I don't remember if the mechanism was the same, but the takaway that I put in my memory banks was "watch B1 it might cause a histamine reaction." Sorry I don't have better info on this.


Mar 26, 2014
I can take a guess.

I have similar issues with B3 (Niacinimide) and I'm pretty sure I've got it figured out: Niacinimide mops up methyl groups (CH3) in the blood, which allows histamine (H) to spike. Low CH3, high H. I also remember a side comment that Haidut mentioned in a post a while back (sorry I can't find it), where he mentioned a few other things that cause a similar reaction. B1 was in the group. I don't remember if the mechanism was the same, but the takaway that I put in my memory banks was "watch B1 it might cause a histamine reaction." Sorry I don't have better info on this.

@haidut Could you help us out with this issue? I know you're doing some experiments with B1 currently so you might have some updated thoughts.

I have had intermittent itching for years now, for the past week or so I was taking 500mg B1 HCL in gelatin capsules and everything seemed OK but the past few days have been an itching and mood nightmare. TMG (For the methyl) and P5P (For any homocystine) didn't seem to make much difference.

The best I can describe it is, it's like the sore feeling of dry skin, and the tingling feeling you get with beta alanine, but turned up so it's like pin pricks in some places, and just non-stop.

I even ended up searching to see if mild shingles is an actual illness, I've never had it but the description of the constant nerve irritation matched.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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