Baking Soda Is Helping Me So Much - Looking To Clarify A Few Things


Oct 11, 2016
People who have issues with coffee should try adding it to their coffee (as long as the coffee is high quality). The sweet spot will make your coffee taste better.


Apr 8, 2020
((Peat supplement experiments include thyroid, niacinamide, progesterone, cyproheptadine - all of which I have dosed cautiously and still keep in rotation. I've used oregano oil extensively with limited success (though more success than all other strategies). I've also tried sulfur, diatomaceous earth, charcoal, enzymes, B vits, fat soluble vits, magnesium. High fat, low fat, starch, no starch, vegetables, no vegetables, lots of meat, no meat, lots of dairy, no dairy.))
So what i understand is you have tried "everything" except the RP number one rule that is increase your fiber intake from whole fruits... :rolling
Forget the baking soda, whole fruit does the same thing and is has more nutrition value to.
Apple cider vinager will hurting your intestine like hot herbs does and will increase serotonin
The basic component of vinegar (including apple cider vinegar) is diluted acetic acid, which is a toxic waste product in the human body.

Vinegar Makes Me Hypothyroid
This Writing Says That Vinegar Can Be Harmful In The Long Term
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May 31, 2015
If someone is reacting poorly to vinegar it is very likely they are reacting to the histamine, as vinegar is one of the highest histamine foods. However it does seem that even people with mast cell issues (like me) often do better with RAW apple cider vinegar. After experimenting I have found that the only way this method helps (or even foams up the proper way when mixing) is with the raw ACV. The times it led me astray were when I thought I could get away with using other vinegars. This makes me suspect that the effect is not only from the acetic acid, bicarbonate, sodium acetate, or whatever, but rather at least heavily in part due to the fermentation byproducts that remain in the vinegar. It is known that even dead bacteria (like the ones in raw ACV) has a “probiotic”/immune modulating/antibiotic effect, one that is likely much safer and Peat approved than ingesting live bacteria. There is significant anecdotal support for ingesting raw apple cider vinegar for all kinds of problems and I suspect this is why. I’ve restarted the acv+baking soda and I still find it very helpful. I still don’t think any one thing “cures” someone like me as I believe I have significant metabolic damage or genetic impairments since birth, but the acv soda is up there in my opinion with thyroid hormone in terms of benefits that touch every system of the body.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
Just a note to say that an old family recipe for heartburn, stomach or intestinal upset is as follows: In a large glass mix 1 cup water, 3-1/2 T vinegar and 2T sugar. Drop in 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, stir briefly and chug the whole thing down while its fizzing.

We call it an "old fashioned soda." Works like a charm. I once had a stomach upset that kept getting worse for hours into the night, felt increasingly severe waves of nausea and pressure like I had food poisoning. Downed a glass of this and within 15 minutes I was fine.

After reading this thread, I'm trying it now to see what effect it may have when not treating digestive issues. Thus far, 10 minutes later, a rather stiff neck and nascent headache are abating.
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May 31, 2015
However it does seem that even people with mast cell issues (like me) often do better with RAW apple cider vinegar. After experimenting I have found that the only way this method helps (or even foams up the proper way when mixing) is with the raw ACV. The times it led me astray were when I thought I could get away with using other vinegars. This makes me suspect that the effect is not only from the acetic acid, bicarbonate, sodium acetate, or whatever, but rather at least heavily in part due to the fermentation byproducts that remain in the vinegar. It is known that even dead bacteria (like the ones in raw ACV) has a “probiotic”/immune modulating/antibiotic effect, one that is likely much safer and Peat approved than ingesting live bacteria. There is significant anecdotal support for ingesting raw apple cider vinegar for all kinds of problems and I suspect this is why. I’ve restarted the acv+baking soda and I still find it very helpful. I still don’t think any one thing “cures” someone like me as I believe I have significant metabolic damage or genetic impairments since birth, but the acv soda is up there in my opinion with thyroid hormone in terms of benefits that touch every system of the body.
Just wanted to update to say I'm not sure what my deal was here but this really wasn't true. I observed some kind of false pattern or something else was causing me issues, but any vinegar works for me. It's hard to do science with only one test subject :cry I've actually branched out to even mixing the baking soda with citric acid and malic acid, and they all seem to work.

Something I realized recently while doing research on how different things affect urine pH is that both citric acid and acetic acid (vinegar) metabolize to bicarbonate in the body, which is why they all raise urine pH. I'm wondering if the craving for vinegar and citrus, which many of us share, isn't caused by a need for bicarbonate. I think sodium (which acts as a mast cell stabilizer unto itself) and bicarbonate (which has many known health benefits) are both likely candidates for why baking soda is so helpful, both by itself and reacted with other bicarbonate producing compounds.


Nov 12, 2020
I'm glad it works. It's a shame the whole pharma and medicine industry got the stomach acidity issue wrong, and instead of preparing the stomach for digestion with substances that raise stomach acidity, throw in a bunch of antacids after a meal

oh well, no money to be made with baking soda, betain HCl, or raw apple cider vinegar...

Isn't baking soda antacid?


Feb 22, 2014
Let us know how it goes @artist - I've come to realize after a lot of experimenting with all the various magnesium supplements available that they all act a little differently. Milk of magnesia is underrated, mainly referred to for the laxative quality but imo it is highly effective for supplementing in smaller quantities. Like many old boring drug store staples it seems to have slipped under the radar. For whatever reason it has been the most effective for me for joint/muscle pain management (1 tsp twice a day doses). Other forms seem to work better for the gaba effects; you would think the magnesium oxide form would basically act the same but I haven't had the same success - I can take the hydroxide form and literally within an hour notice a 50% reduction in stiff/popping joints from costochondritis flare ups. Magnesium via Epsom, Citrate, Malate, Chloride, Threonate, Glycinate - all have done little for me in comparison - even when transdermal or pre dissolved in water.
Wow, what a great find! I had never considered MoM form for supplementing, but I might give it a try, per your experiences and recommendation. Is this still your choice of forms? Probably true it's underrated; ironically, why wouldn't we intuitively choose MoM BECAUSE it is known to do what Magnesium is supposed to do!!!?
Also, very minimal ingredients. Kroger used to offer a brand without the additive whose name escapes me at the moment, but I haven't been able to find any brand since that doesn't have ***? If you know of one, please share! Thanks for great post.


Mar 20, 2021
Just wanted to update to say I'm not sure what my deal was here but this really wasn't true. I observed some kind of false pattern or something else was causing me issues, but any vinegar works for me. It's hard to do science with only one test subject :cry I've actually branched out to even mixing the baking soda with citric acid and malic acid, and they all seem to work.

Something I realized recently while doing research on how different things affect urine pH is that both citric acid and acetic acid (vinegar) metabolize to bicarbonate in the body, which is why they all raise urine pH. I'm wondering if the craving for vinegar and citrus, which many of us share, isn't caused by a need for bicarbonate. I think sodium (which acts as a mast cell stabilizer unto itself) and bicarbonate (which has many known health benefits) are both likely candidates for why baking soda is so helpful, both by itself and reacted with other bicarbonate producing compounds.
Really interesting thread- and I read it all the way through. I've been taking backing soda, potassium bicarbonate, and magnesium bicarbonate together stirred up into orange juice 3-4 x/day and the biggest thing I've noticed so far is less heaviness in my legs, less lactic acid? The first few days I peed a lot.

I have also noticed that my ring slips off my finger easier now, especially first thing in the morning when it used to be really tight and there's no way I could get it off...

I've been trying to figure out why I seem to be puffy all over first thing in the morning and have that heavy leg feeling in the evening???


Nov 23, 2022
Something I realized recently while doing research on how different things affect urine pH is that both citric acid and acetic acid (vinegar) metabolize to bicarbonate in the body, which is why they all raise urine pH. I'm wondering if the craving for vinegar and citrus, which many of us share, isn't caused by a need for bicarbonate.

Sodium bicarbonate is a versatile substance, and powerful medicine, Here's what it can do in pancreas cancer:

"Twenty-eight patients with metastatic or recurrent pancreatic cancer were assessed in this study. Alkalization therapy consisted of an alkaline diet with supplementary oral sodium bicarbonate (3.0-5.0 g/day). Results: The mean urine pH was significantly higher after the alkalization therapy (6.85±0.74 vs. 6.39±0.92; p<0.05). The median overall survival from the start of alkalization therapy of the patients with high urine pH (>7.0) was significantly longer than those with low urine pH (≤ 7.0) (16.1 vs. 4.7 months; p<0.05). " Effects of Alkalization Therapy on Chemotherapy Outcomes in Metastatic or Recurrent Pancreatic Cancer

Deleted member 5487

Baking soda can be great for quickly alkalizing blood, however it also increase the acidity of the blood from excess CO2 production it creates.

It's a pain in the @ss trying to balance Arterial PH. But I believe it to be the key to health.

Essentially you want to input High PH foods/Low PRAL. While exhaling CO2 efficiently.

So like 80/20 Plant/Animal with regular exercise. Should be sufficient to do this and keep a good PH which increases blood flow to the skin, tanks cortisol and drastically slows the ageing process.

Where If you sit on your tail and consumer the SAD your doing the opposite of the above and will rapidly deteriate.

I enjoy baking soda with my workouts! It buffers lactic acid production and the act of working out on it means you will also exhale the excess CO2.

But we can't just guzzle fruit juice and baked potatos, theres so many carbs it will drastically increase CO2 production and you will be reaching for coffee to try and exhale this.


Sep 12, 2015
Wow, what a great find! I had never considered MoM form for supplementing, but I might give it a try, per your experiences and recommendation. Is this still your choice of forms? Probably true it's underrated; ironically, why wouldn't we intuitively choose MoM BECAUSE it is known to do what Magnesium is supposed to do!!!?
Also, very minimal ingredients. Kroger used to offer a brand without the additive whose name escapes me at the moment, but I haven't been able to find any brand since that doesn't have ***? If you know of one, please share! Thanks for great post.
Some benefits of Milk of Magnesia could be due to its sodium hypochlorite acting as a bowel disinfectant.


Feb 22, 2014
People who have issues with coffee should try adding it to their coffee (as long as the coffee is high quality). The sweet spot will make your coffee taste better.
Just caught this thread, as I've been having slight nausea and GI upset. Can't pinpoint anything diff in diet. Could be neck issues. Anyway, how much BS do you suggest to add to coffee? Thanks!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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