

Nov 21, 2012
@Zachs Yes,I've tried everything Organic, Commercial, all doesn't make a difference,apparently only the country of origin does.

@loess We have Fairtrade Bananas here,but they don't name the production company,they only have a sticker which says Fairtrade on them. Like I wrote above,it doesn't make a difference if they're organic or non-organic when they're not from Costa Rica and the same goes for the bananas from Costa Rica....they're actually commercial,I've never seen any organic/Fairtrade ones from there in the stores.


Sep 22, 2013
pboy - I think the man's passion, no matter where he aims it, ends up passing through a harsh filter of arrogance and pride that he has built within himself and is unwilling to acknowledge, but I don't think he's crazy. I don't think he acts out of malicious intent or even necessarily out of desire for pure financial gain. I went to one his fitness retreats almost 10 years ago (and paid an arm and a leg to do it) and enjoyed being around him while he was in a zone of support, encouraging the people around him to set goals and challenge their perceptions of their own limits. But I also witnessed other sides of his personality that I did not vibe with at all, and all of the drama that occurred this year in that community surrounding him doesn't surprise me.

I got myself way deep into the allure of anarchoprimitivism and natural hygiene philosophy during some of those idealism severely clashed with my reality in innumerable ways that ultimately destroyed my mental and physical health and rendered me pretty socially inept for a long time. I am grateful that I found my way to more forgiving and joyful places on a long and twisted rainbow...


Jan 22, 2013
yea, I k now what youre saying. Theres a major good vibe around just eating fruit and veg, but its impractile recommending the 80% carbs with only 10% protein, and its for sure lacking vitamin A, and probably other stuff. Such a diet could work if the people ate a ton of veggies and less fruit, but it would be such a challenge o consume that much in a day, youd revert back to an ape who has to spend all day eating or finding food, and youd have to be super selective about the greens you chose to avoid thyroid problems. Hes probably upset becaue he started the diet, and then a bunch of other people stepped up and started taking his glory, and he wasn't getting 'the man' respect he deserved, or thought he did. But in reality, diets like natural hygiene have already existed for a long time, and Jainism is similar, and theres a ton of natural hygiene like movements that already existed, so all he did was re word it for modern people who speak English. I think theres no excuse for having people fast though, especially charging so much money, it proves a major ignorance of the guy, and its rude as hell. He probably likes having a bunch of helpless people around and him feeling like a hero. The fact he almost, would have, let someone die is pretty crazy, like its been made kind of light and passed off, but in reality that is a severe thing where the guy should be required to either get help or pay a serious fine. No excuse no matter what for being a douce bag, even if youre veiled in the aura of being a natural pure hygiene guy


Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
pboy said:
80% carbs with only 10% protein

Hell some people on this forum are around these percentages. They post of always being cold and not sleeping well. Try to suggest that maybe they have a protein deficiency when they're asking for help and they get all defensive and standoffish. To each their own I guess...


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
I'm not sure but would guess that the difference between them is due to degree of ripeness when they pick it off. Some producers ship to long distances so they don't respect how developed the fruit is. Some fruits start to ripe only after picked but even in those cases I think there's a limit for the fruit to develop, being nourished before you can harvest without problems. If you cut their supply too early (extremely green) it could explain the indigestion or discomfort that you felt. And I don't think that organic or conventional is the issue here at all.


Jan 6, 2015
pboy said:
pretty funny how that 80 10 10 guy turned out to be this like crazy guy who did f***ed up stuff to people, I always could tell he was weird and fake, business money oriented only. He probably did more damage also to all the people who follow his diet

Who is 'this guy'?


Jun 14, 2013
Tucson, AZ
BobbyDukes said:
pboy said:
pretty funny how that 80 10 10 guy turned out to be this like crazy guy who did f***ed up stuff to people, I always could tell he was weird and fake, business money oriented only. He probably did more damage also to all the people who follow his diet

Who is 'this guy'?

Durianrider, all one word. Check him out if you want to see rampant egotism in action... :2cents


Jan 6, 2015
marcar72 said:
BobbyDukes said:
pboy said:
pretty funny how that 80 10 10 guy turned out to be this like crazy guy who did f***ed up stuff to people, I always could tell he was weird and fake, business money oriented only. He probably did more damage also to all the people who follow his diet

Who is 'this guy'?

Durianrider, all one word. Check him out if you want to see rampant egotism in action... :2cents

Ah yeah, I know all about Durianrider. What has he done though? Pboy mentioned him doing 'crazy ***t' to people.

I also think a lot of that aggression that comes from him is down to high serotonin (from all the bananas) and lack of protein (giving rise to a serotonin dominant state). In his vids he's so confrontational. But then, most vegans are. Must be all that endotoxin.

He has definitely made money through being an **** but, to his defence, as far as I'm aware, he's never endorsed products (like Daniel Vitalis, David Wolfe, etc) in a shark salesman type way. He's only ever advocated 80/10/10 and eating food that supports that way of eating. But, I totally think that him being an **** is what has made him cash and he certainly has been aware of that since day one. He's like everyone else. He doesn't truly care about people's health. Money is what matters (that's the world we live in). I also doubt whether he truly cares about being a vegan. He feely admits to eating paleo before becoming a vegan. It's not like he's had this life long hatred of the animal industry. His whole persona is just a marketing con, like the rest of them. Another reason why I've got a ***t ton of respect for Peat.


May 16, 2013
loess said:
I got myself way deep into the allure of anarchoprimitivism and natural hygiene philosophy during some of those idealism severely clashed with my reality in innumerable ways that ultimately destroyed my mental and physical health and rendered me pretty socially inept for a long time. I am grateful that I found my way to more forgiving and joyful places on a long and twisted rainbow...

Never have I heard this better put! Here is to many years of health far greater than 80/10/10 and anarchoprimitivism ever promised!

Thiabendazole and Imazil are fungicides applied to most bananas on transport, which is the fairy dust on the skin. Perhaps there are some brands with exceptions, but even organic bananas can be treated with these chemicals.


Jan 22, 2013
i wasn't talking about durainrider, I was talking about that old dude that started the thing and almost killed people at his fasting retreat and is a tight **** fake

durianrider is actually legit in my opinion, his aggression is just a funny thing he does for attention, tho im sure the gas from his banana smoothies doesn't help. You have to be strong to stand up to all the BS out there though, and I think hes a badass for never accepting things that are money grabs and harmful and overall just non harmonious


Apr 26, 2014
My 2 year old is going through a banana phase. He's eating four or five a day. I guess the tryptophan isn't an issue for someone growing as rapidly as he is, right?


Aug 10, 2012
I ate lots of bananas before reading Peat. I did stop for a few years, but have an organic one about once a week now. I figure the organic are less industrialized.

They would still increase serotonin. And be inflammatory I guess... Fungicides on the banana skin, but not sure they seep inside...

I just wouldn't make them a major part of my diet.


Oct 18, 2013
I think people are referring to Douglas Graham who started the 8 1 1. He is a bit weird.
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