Barely Getting By Each Day Mostly Panic


Aug 2, 2020
The depression and anxiety won't let off. I feel like I'm losing my mind here I have not slept in over 24 hours I think this is because of the Vyvanse which is for ADD. Im glad I have a doctor willing to try his best. I did terrible in school and he wanted to try Vyvanse to see if it would help me. Which honestly I didn't feel any relief of my issues. But my anxiety and depression is even worse from no sleep. So I'm going to stop taking Vyvanse clearly. I feel constant panic. I know I'm in rough shape because my derealization is really bad now feels like I'm in a dream. Whenever my anxiety is this bad the derealization always happens. Even when I get sleep it will be an improvement in my mood bit the next day will still be full of panic I can't get a break. Looking back on when I was a kid I had an anxiety disorder since I was 10. Worried about burglars breaking in, than acne as a teen than social anxiety. I was born with the anxiety gene or an over active fear area of the brain it's the story of my life. And over the years it just gets worse I can't shut of the flight or fight. It's horrible stuck in a freeze state of mind. I take 1mg of Klonopin which really does help much. Ive just started on lamical which can really help anxiety even tho it's an anti seizure. I'm running out of ideas here I'm exercising, eating better. I ate healthy as a teen still had unbearable anxiety. Maybe some people just need to be drugged up?? I really don't want to up the dose of my benzo I can't believe some people are on over 10mg a day of Xanax or Klonopin. That can't be the answer for me but at the same time I'm not getting anywhere.


May 4, 2019
I posted this in another thread about anxiety, maybe it can help you as well:

"Just curious, have you ever approached your anxiety from an emotional/spiritual point of view?

I've noticed on this forum that people tend to emphasize the mechanical, physiological side of things when it comes to health (I need to take substance X to fix problem Y), but not bring up the other side of the coin so much. I believe anxiety is a two-way street where gut irritation, inflammation, nutritional deficiencies certainly can cause anxious feelings and uneasiness - vice versa by focusing your conscious attention on negative, anxious thoughts, trying to resist them or make them go away, can invoke a stress response with heightened adrenalin/cortisol and chronic inflammation which feeds this viscous cycle.

I'm speaking from personal experience as I was pretty much crippled from severe anxiety/OCD for years and was walking around in a constant dream like state of derealization/depersonalization. I thought my life was pretty much over because I was so ****88.

No supplement or food got me out of that state (though I now realize that eating starch, grains, fiber probably made it worse). Things slowly improved when I started developing a healthier relationship with my own thoughts and feelings, realized that we're much better off when we're present here and now and not stuck in our heads thinking about things + letting go of the need to control things."

Also, off the top of my head some things that could be helpful for snapping out of fight or flight: pregnenolone, aspirin, magnesium glycinate, salty bone broth.

More long-term allithiamine (B1) with the other B's could also be a good idea. Along with good diet of course.

Hope you get better man.


Aug 2, 2020
I posted this in another thread about anxiety, maybe it can help you as well:

"Just curious, have you ever approached your anxiety from an emotional/spiritual point of view?

I've noticed on this forum that people tend to emphasize the mechanical, physiological side of things when it comes to health (I need to take substance X to fix problem Y), but not bring up the other side of the coin so much. I believe anxiety is a two-way street where gut irritation, inflammation, nutritional deficiencies certainly can cause anxious feelings and uneasiness - vice versa by focusing your conscious attention on negative, anxious thoughts, trying to resist them or make them go away, can invoke a stress response with heightened adrenalin/cortisol and chronic inflammation which feeds this viscous cycle.

I'm speaking from personal experience as I was pretty much crippled from severe anxiety/OCD for years and was walking around in a constant dream like state of derealization/depersonalization. I thought my life was pretty much over because I was so ****88.

No supplement or food got me out of that state (though I now realize that eating starch, grains, fiber probably made it worse). Things slowly improved when I started developing a healthier relationship with my own thoughts and feelings, realized that we're much better off when we're present here and now and not stuck in our heads thinking about things + letting go of the need to control things."

Also, off the top of my head some things that could be helpful for snapping out of fight or flight: pregnenolone, aspirin, magnesium glycinate, salty bone broth.

More long-term allithiamine (B1) with the other B's could also be a good idea. Along with good diet of course.

Hope you get better man.

as far as emotiomal point of view i have tried meditation videos and following along youtube videos with no real results. ive tried writing down how i feel and get feelings out on paper but i cant do that. it sounds weird but when my anxiety is this bad just writing and putting in any effort gives me brain zaps. my mind is racing to fast and breathing to fast and when i try to write things down from something as simple as that gives me this jolt of frusteration. i would love to be able to just let go but with my anxiety its a very over focused type with OCD. my brain cannot get in the present. im stuck worrying about the past and future and its a loop over and over. i do take 1mg of klonopin each day which helps a little. i get a refill of it tomorrow so im going to try a form self help like you suggested. just right now i cant write anything down but if i can take a chill pill ive read that writing down 3 things your greatful for, 3 things that went well that day etc can help re wire your brain. im glad that works for you where you can switch to being present. i dont know how to do that. i tried gettin out for a bike ride and the whole dang time i had anxiety and i tried to stop by the park to chillout and sit down but nope that lasts literally 10 seconds and i feel like i got to move and started riding again. mind just wants to go go go. appreciate your response. im not against being zen and trying new ways to deal with anxiety. if things dont resolve i think i might just up the dose of klonopin to 2mgs.... i hate to do that i can see myself just getting worse and worse with it but if i cant get relief soon i might just give in


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Vyvanse caused me horrible problems just like you describe. I’m glad you are going to stop taking it. Breathing exercises, good sleep, nutrition and journaling have been helpful for me.
Edit: exercise too but I make sure it’s enjoyable not punishing.


Mar 27, 2015
Get anxiety under control, red light, CBD flower smoked, progesterone + dhea, sun light when you can get it.
Vietnamese Pho / Broth
Magnesium yes, why not
Kratom when needed.

then maybe psilocybin.


Feb 13, 2016
Have you had your vitamin D tested? Sometimes regular amounts don't absorb well for some people so high doses are necessary to get your levels in middle of range (Dr. Peat recommends 50 ng/ml). It helps to quiet the brain (I think by lowering lactic acid).


Jul 23, 2018
It really needs to be said more often in this forum: when stopping any psychoactive drug, ALWAYS taper and NEVER go cold turkey.

Neuro damage can happen as much with an overdose as with a sudden removal. Always gradual. Don't listen to doctors that haven't been in the ER for 20 years saying it's ok to do it. When there are weekly psychotic emergencies from people who go cold turkey.
Nov 16, 2019
I know that feel fam. Just know that it will pass. Derealization comes and goes, it is just part of the anxiety web of symptoms. I had the same feelings and trouble sleeping from amphetamines.

Stop working out for now and just go for a walk if you feel like moving your body. Exerting yourself will just push stress hormones higher.
Force feed if need be.
Get out in the sun if possible.
Socialize with people you trust (hope you have at least one person, If not, talk to me)
No matter how bad you feel, try to think of funny stuff and put on funny videos to generate smiles/laughter ( I humbly suggest

Check out some Eckhart Tolle videos or books when things calm down a bit (assuming you find his voice relaxing)

Even if you do nothing but sit and suffer, all this will pass. You are stronger than you think. Sounds like @S-VV knows what he is talking about, I would heed his message.


Aug 2, 2020
It really needs to be said more often in this forum: when stopping any psychoactive drug, ALWAYS taper and NEVER go cold turkey.

Neuro damage can happen as much with an overdose as with a sudden removal. Always gradual. Don't listen to doctors that haven't been in the ER for 20 years saying it's ok to do it. When there are weekly psychotic emergencies from people who go cold turkey.

No no i was not using vyvanse regularily. this is the first time i have tried except for one other time. i know to taper off medication but this drug was not something that ive been on regularily. so there was no sudden removal


Aug 2, 2020
Get anxiety under control, red light, CBD flower smoked, progesterone + dhea, sun light when you can get it.
Vietnamese Pho / Broth
Magnesium yes, why not
Kratom when needed.

then maybe psilocybin.

can you give some iformation on a few things? what would cbd flower smoked do? i have tried cbd oil before but it did nothing for me. and kratom when needed is that something that works like a benzo? as well how does progesterone and dhea benefit?


Aug 2, 2020
Vyvanse caused me horrible problems just like you describe. I’m glad you are going to stop taking it. Breathing exercises, good sleep, nutrition and journaling have been helpful for me.
Edit: exercise too but I make sure it’s enjoyable not punishing.
vyvanse doesnt seem to do anything for me ive only tried it twice. and yesterday was the 2nd time or was that 2 days ago? i was up for over 24 hours it was brutal. did you feel any extra energy or did vyvanse do anything for your depression? interested in your experience and symptoms


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
vyvanse doesnt seem to do anything for me ive only tried it twice. and yesterday was the 2nd time or was that 2 days ago? i was up for over 24 hours it was brutal. did you feel any extra energy or did vyvanse do anything for your depression? interested in your experience and symptoms
Yes, I took it for chronic fatigue syndrome for about 1.5 years. It seemed fine at first but after a while I developed extreme anxiety/nervousness, sleeping problems and became angry and irritated easily.


Aug 2, 2020
Yes, I took it for chronic fatigue syndrome for about 1.5 years. It seemed fine at first but after a while I developed extreme anxiety/nervousness, sleeping problems and became angry and irritated easily.

yea it seems we have a bit different reactions. for me taking vyvanse didnt give me any energy at all. didnt help with motivation or depression. it just delayed my sleeping. pretty disappointing.


May 30, 2020
Get anxiety under control, red light, CBD flower smoked, progesterone + dhea, sun light when you can get it.
Vietnamese Pho / Broth
Magnesium yes, why not
Kratom when needed.

then maybe psilocybin.
how much DHEA would be helpful for this?


May 30, 2020
8:1 progesterone to dhea
See idea labs IdeaLabs Online Store

cbd flower is in every vape shop, but try Plain Jane or Fern Valley online. It helps with the languishing. Takes the affective edge off the suffering

are you eating?

I never used progesterone before, but i experimented with DHEA but always seem to stop taking it. I am definitely over eating


Mar 27, 2015
I never used progesterone before, but i experimented with DHEA but always seem to stop taking it. I am definitely over eating
Have you tried bag breathing, surrounded by red heat lamps when the panic is bad?

What happens when you drink a lot of broth?
Have you eliminated starches?

do not increase your Klonopin .


Aug 2, 2020
Have you tried bag breathing, surrounded by red heat lamps when the panic is bad?

What happens when you drink a lot of broth?
Have you eliminated starches?

do not increase your Klonopin .

hi i think you responded to the wrong user lol im the one on klonopin. i have yet to try broth. i see broth at the grocery store but i dont know if its low quality? can you recommend a good source?


Mar 27, 2015
hi i think you responded to the wrong user lol im the one on klonopin. i have yet to try broth. i see broth at the grocery store but i dont know if its low quality? can you recommend a good source?

Cook oxtails. Or I’m sure any pure bone broth, people on here would know more than me. Salt to taste. It should help a bit, when things feel very anxious.
You might also want to consider .5mg of cyproheptadine
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