BE UNSHAKEABLE. Don't Be Affected By Events


Aug 17, 2016
Which color did u get? I like the salmon/orange one
I got 3 - navy, black and salmon. That way, I can nearly always be wearing one.

But I got them on amazon. Mine are normal length, not overly long, like the one in the photo.

Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016
Which color did u get? I like the salmon/orange one
I have the coral, lavender and black. I’m wearing the black one lately. The gold one is meh... my daughter has that one. The other colors are actually really beautiful and that’s why I’m constantly stopped when out in public . This is not an exaggeration. They attract A LOT of attention which was not exactly my original intention. I was pretty much trying to fly below the radar with this faux mask. Best laid plans, sigh. Oh well.


Jan 11, 2019
I have the coral, lavender and black. I’m wearing the black one lately. The gold one is meh... my daughter has that one. The other colors are actually really beautiful and that’s why I’m constantly stopped when out in public . This is not an exaggeration. They attract A LOT of attention which was not exactly my original intention. I was pretty much trying to fly below the radar with this faux mask. Best laid plans, sigh. Oh well.
I have a feeling a male who lives in new mexico might be less approachable while wearing a sparkly coral mask. I hope not tho, i love talking to random people haha


Oct 16, 2017
Lets bring some context. The intent and embodiment of the inventor of Stoicism, Zeno of Citium,
"The purpose of the work was to outline the ideal society based on Stoic principles, where virtuous men and women would live a life of simple asceticism in an equal society."

Plutarch on Zeno work:
"It is true indeed that the so much admired Republic of Zeno, first author of the Stoic sect, aims singly at this, that neither in cities nor in towns we should live under laws distinct one from another, but that we should look upon all people in general to be our fellow-countryfolk and citizens, observing one manner of living and one kind of order, like a flock feeding together with equal right in one common pasture. This Zeno wrote, fancying to himself, as in a dream, a certain scheme of civil order, and the image of a philosophical commonwealth."

Kropotkin on Zeno
"The best exponent of anarchist philosophy in ancient Greece was Zeno (342-267 or 270 BC), from Crete, the founder of the Stoic philosophy, who distinctly opposed his conception of a free community without government to the state-utopia of Plato. He repudiated the omnipotence of the state, its intervention and regimentation, and proclaimed the sovereignty of the moral law of the individual - remarking already that, while the necessary instinct of self-preservation leads man to egotism, nature has supplied a corrective to it by providing man with another instinct - that of sociability. When men are reasonable enough to follow their natural instincts, they will unite across the frontiers and constitute the cosmos. They will have no need of law-courts or police, will have no temples and no public worship, and use no money - free gifts taking the place of the exchanges. Unfortunately, the writings of Zeno have not reached us and are only known through fragmentary quotations. However, the fact that his very wording is similar to the wording now in use, shows how deeply is laid the tendency of human nature of which he was the mouthpiece."

I added the seven tags, authoritarianism, stoicism, behavior, society, environment, ethics and law.
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Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016
I have a feeling a male who lives in new mexico might be less approachable while wearing a sparkly coral mask. I hope not tho, i love talking to random people haha
They’ll probably just think you spent waaaay to much time at music festivals.

In all honesty, I never was one to gravitate to that bedazzled look. But once I put that mask on and could breath without resistance, I was sold. I just couldn’t breathe properly with even the paper masks and my lungs would be irritated for days afterward. I had to find an alternative and this works perfectly for me.


Feb 13, 2016
Be unshakeable but not so unshakeable you can't move... Be unshakeable like a bear not like a tree.


Dec 11, 2018
Not so. I’m doing what I always did. What, frankly EVERYONE did pre-pandemic. It’s hard to gauge avocado ripeness just by looking at them. I am not going to buy a an overripe or underripe avocado just to make someone else more comfortable. That’s BS. I’m going to find one that is worth the cost.... i.e. something edible. The only way you can check is by handling them. I also sniff the bottom of my pineapples to see if they are sweet. I also knock on my watermelons to see if they contain a lot of juice indicating they are ready to eat. I gently squeeze peaches and nectarines to make sure they are not rock hard. I smell my tomatoes to make sure they smell like a tomato and not a red piece of plastic.

This is common sense stuff. If you are not doing this in the produce department you must be subjecting yourself to a lot of tasteless, subpar fruit and a substantial waste of money.
I'm sorry, I understood now. I somehow got the impression you're doing it just so you can drive everyone else insane around you.
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Dec 11, 2018
No one with self respect cares about your mental illness enough to change their lives. You are not entitled to tell others how to act.
Yes, I totally agree.

The impression I got from the post is that they're deliberately doing it to make those around them mad and feeling pleasure from it. If you go out of your way to do something, and even start exaggerating, when you know someone will care and won't like it, then that's imo awful behavior.

Doing so drives me nuts, but I wrongly accused Nicole W. of doing it.
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Okay, here’s a few more:
We have a close knit group of neighbors we’ve known for over 20 years. We get together, have a party, without fail every Friday night. We are drawing a line in the sand when it comes to our social lives. We typically do it outside because one neighbor is immune compromised. Now since its cooler, we have been doing it in the garage with the garage door open for additional warmth. Wondering when someone in the neighbor will report us.

I’m also an avid game player, and by games, I mean the old fashioned kind that involve holding cards or tiles. My girlfriends and I will go out to lunch or coffee and play games, which I am sure break so many Covid rules, haha. We get dark stares that’s for sure. It’s a real mind bender for the sheeple.

Also, at the grocery store, I make a point to handle/test every single avocado before I select one because it absolutely makes people insane as they silently fume watching me. Who says Covid can’t be fun???

I'm attaching my mask to a strap that goes behing my head so that it doesn't sit on my ears and that way it also creates hige gaps on the side from which air comes in, the mask is resting really loose on my nose.

I'm therefore wearing a mask that has an obvious lack of utility when it comes to blocking particles, and it's obvious to everyone including cops that controled me.

They just can't say anything as the mask properly covers the nose and the mouth, which are the only requirements.

Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016
I'm sorry, I understood now. I somehow got the impression you're doing it just so you can drive everyone else insane around you.
No problem, I am not trying to trigger you or anyone else.

When I am in the produce department, I am not doing anything outside of conventional behavior. There is an undeniable expectation that you and everyone else will be touching lots of things at the grocery store, no? This is normal. However, the lens through which people are viewing other people’s behavior has changed enormously. Nine months ago, no one would have given a thought to some lady testing the avocados for ripeness. Now, its apparently a federal offense. So where does the real problem lie?

I am not driving everyone insane, their new fear-driven mindset is driving them insane. If someone is that afraid of catching a virus from an avocado then they should probably refrain from going near the avocados. This is my best advice. To stand there, watching and fuming (or worse, making a comment, a scene, whatever) as others customers try to find a good one is ludicrous. These reactions are the product of hysteria, and I will not legitimize it by changing my behavior to help them calm themselves down. These people, and maybe you, need to recognize that all the food that we consume has passed from many, many hands and is probably covered in all kinds of undesirables.

Several years ago, 60 Minutes did a segment on how nearly every grocery cart handle studied was covered in E. Coli. People who handle the carts handle everything else in the store, lol. As a result, grocery stores are just warehouse-sized Petri dishes teaming with unfriendly bacteria. So whether I’m touching the avocados or you’re touching the pasta, the outcome is the same: living our lives is a dirty affair. Luckily, our immune systems have evolved over the millennia to deal with this very basic problem.

Not giving in to other people’s fear and hysteria is how I remain UNSHAKEABLE.

Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016
I'm attaching my mask to a strap that goes behing my head so that it doesn't sit on my ears and that way it also creates hige gaps on the side from which air comes in, the mask is resting really loose on my nose.

I'm therefore wearing a mask that has an obvious lack of utility when it comes to blocking particles, and it's obvious to everyone including cops that controled me.

They just can't say anything as the mask properly covers the nose and the mouth, which are the only requirements.
I’m having a hard time visualizing this. Is this a strap you made yourself or can you buy it somewhere?


Sep 5, 2015
No problem, I am not trying to trigger you or anyone else.

When I am in the produce department, I am not doing anything outside of conventional behavior. There is an undeniable expectation that you and everyone else will be touching lots of things at the grocery store, no? This is normal. However, the lens through which people are viewing other people’s behavior has changed enormously. Nine months ago, no one would have given a thought to some lady testing the avocados for ripeness. Now, its apparently a federal offense. So where does the real problem lie?

I am not driving everyone insane, their new fear-driven mindset is driving them insane. If someone is that afraid of catching a virus from an avocado then they should probably refrain from going near the avocados. This is my best advice. To stand there, watching and fuming (or worse, making a comment, a scene, whatever) as others customers try to find a good one is ludicrous. These reactions are the product of hysteria, and I will not legitimize it by changing my behavior to help them calm themselves down. These people, and maybe you, need to recognize that all the food that we consume has passed from many, many hands and is probably covered in all kinds of undesirables.

Several years ago, 60 Minutes did a segment on how nearly every grocery cart handle studied was covered in E. Coli. People who handle the carts handle everything else in the store, lol. As a result, grocery stores are just warehouse-sized Petri dishes teaming with unfriendly bacteria. So whether I’m touching the avocados or you’re touching the pasta, the outcome is the same: living our lives is a dirty affair. Luckily, our immune systems have evolved over the millennia to deal with this very basic problem.

Not giving in to other people’s fear and hysteria is how I remain UNSHAKEABLE.

I so agree with everything you say. It’s something that can really trigger me, when people act super illogically or non-sensical. Like come on, wake up! Simply wash your produce and hands when you come home and you should be fine. People Think they can control their exposure to bacteria, but they are litterally everywhere. Like the self-checkout screen or shopping cart as you mention. People’s illogical (or at least logic different from my own) has always bygged me, but corona has really brought the worst out in a lot of people


Nov 29, 2020
You can mostly ignore it while not being ignorant of it. Extra points for small acts of rebellion like seeing friends and relatives in person. This helps everyone’s metal health.

Speaking of small ( or big) acts of rebellion, everyone here probably has a few... what are they?

I’ll start: I bought a mesh rave mask that is covered in rhinestones. The rhinestones are fairly blinding so you can’t tell that the mask is open mesh and completely breathable. I get nothing but complements and inquiry as to where I got it, lol. It cracks me up.
That's awesome! Where did you buy it?
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