Best Of Haidut

Nov 26, 2013
Wow, so much disinformation from actual doctors!

OK, first and foremost, the statement about cancer cells being somehow hooked on sugar is wrong. Cancer cells actually love fat more than anything else:
Cancer cells use fat oxidation for survival | Ray Peat Forum

All you need to read is the first paragraph. Niacinamide/Aspirin to the rescue of every cancer patient! Well, it is probably not enough but you get the point.

Couple of other points. Despite what "cancer gurus" like Amanda Mary say you cannot simply deprive cancer cells of glucose. The cancer will get its glucose either from diet or by eating your muscles at an amazing speed. And if it breaks down muscle tissue it will not only kill the person much faster through cachexia but the breakdown of muscle tissue will also generate glutamine, which cancer cells also love and thrive on; arginine, which will increase NO production; and cysetine, which will help the cancer increase its reductive potential, provide even more sulfhydryl groups for cancer growth, and serve as a powerful anti-oxidant for the tumor to resist destruction from chemotherapy, radiation, and even internal ROS.
There is a reliable way to starve cancer cells of glucose and that is by feeding the organism the so-called 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2-DG).
2-Deoxy-D-glucose - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Given the pervasiveness of this flawed thinking, 2-DG is of course being tried to starve tumors of sugar. It failed, even though initially it seems to restrain tumor growth. Dietary restriction of sugar seems to have the same effects and then the tumor rebounds because it starts to break down muscle tissue for sugar. And of course, like anything that inhibits glucose oxidation, 2-DG has serious cardiac side effects.
"...2-DG is uptaken by the glucose transporters of the cell. Therefore, cells with higher glucose uptake, for example tumor cells, have also a higher uptake of 2-DG. Since 2-DG hampers cell growth, its use as a tumor therapeutic has been suggested, and in fact, 2-DG is in clinical trials [3] A recent clinical trial showed 2-DG can be tolerated at a dose of 63 mg/kg/day, however the observed cardiac side-effects (prolongation of the Q-T interval) at this dose and the fact that a majority of patients' (66%) cancer progressed casts doubt on the feasibility of this reagent for further clinical use.[4] However, it is not completely clear how 2-DG inhibits cell growth. The fact that glycolysis is inhibited by 2-DG, seems not to be sufficient to explain why 2-DG treated cells stop growing."

Now, a much saner approach would be not to somehow deprive the tumor of sugar but consider cancer cells as cells that cannot fully metabolize sugar. It is well-known and undisputed that cancer cells have dramatically downregulated activity and levels of PDH. That is the main reason they overproduce lactate. When glucose is metabolized it produces pyruvate and NADH. If PDH is working, pyruvate is converted into Acyl-Co-A and feeds into the Krebs cycle. If PDH is not working, both pyruvate and NADH build up. The cell depends on NAD for survival and will do anything to get it back. Typically, if metabolilsm is working well, NADH will be oxidized back into NAD in the electron transport chain. However, in hypoxic conditions or malfunctioning metabolism there is no way to oxidize NADH back to NAD. So, the cell used the only material available to it for oxidation and that is the excess pyruvate that builds up during glycolysis. The enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is what takes pyruvate and NADH and used pyruvate to oxidize NADH back to NAD and that process converts pyruvate to lactate. However, even that process is not sufficient to meet the NAD needs to of the cells quickly enough so they die. That is why people with cancer have abnormally high LDH levels - first because it is elevated to convert pyruvate to lactate and NADH to NAD, and second because when even that process is not fast enough the cell dies spilling its LDH into the bloodstream.
So, what does one do in situations like that?

1. Boost PDH by any and all means possible. The chemical dicholoroacetate (DCA), that pretty much everybody has heard of as possible cancer treatment, boosts PDH activity. Unfortunately, it is also toxic to the glycolysis enzymes and eventually becomes a carcinogen itself. However, thiamine, which is a cofactor of PDH does not have these side effects and at least one study found it comparable to DCA for cancer treatment.
Thiamine acts similarly to DCA and may be helpful in cancer | Ray Peat Forum

Thiamine is also carbonic anhydrase inhibitor and will raise CO2 levels, which will also oppose lactate buildup.
Thiamine is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor as effective as acetazolamide | Ray Peat Forum

And thiamine also lowers ammonia, which is likely to be high in people with cancer as they break down muscle tissue under the "wise" advice of their doctor to lower glucose intake.
Thiamine reduces both lactate and ammonia | Ray Peat Forum

In addition, to PDH, there is also PDC. That enzyme is a biotin-dependent enzyme and is an alternative "consumer" of pyruvate and converts it into oxaloacetate to also feed into the Krebs cycle. I don't know the exact dose for biotin but given the recent clinical trial with MS, starting with 300mg seems like a good bet since that dose raised ATP production and increased CO2.

2. Provide alternative oxidizing agents if oxygen is not available or unable (as in cancer) to oxidize NADH. Methylene blue is prime example of a substance that can completely replace oxygen in the metabolic pathways. It also stimulates the activities of electron transport chain comp[lexes II, III, and IV and also boosts levels of cytochrome C oxidase. Vitamin K can also serve as alternative electron carrier if CoQ10 is unavailable or very low (as in cancer).

3. Provide substances that oppose the Warburg phenotype systemically. Thyroid hormone, quinones, methylene blue, tetracyclines, dopamineric agents, anti-estrogens, anti-serotonin agents, anti-glucocorticoid agents, anti-aldosterone agents, etc can all contribute to that effect but thyroid hormone is the master regulator.

I can list at least 20 other steps that are key in inhibiting cancer growth and restoring normal cell function, but those are already posted on the forum. What gives me anxiety is that if these simple biochemical processes are not something that the doctor is likely to know and apply, then your doctor is much more likely to kill you than help you since these same biochemical principles apply to all therapies and all drugs for any condition. ANYTHING that inhibits respiration, be it in the step of glycolysis, Krebs cycle, or electron transport chain, WILL cause a disease of some kind and eventually cancer if the patient lives long enough and does not die from earlier complications.
I suppose creating a Wiki page that summarizes this well would greatly help in dispelling some of the myths being propagated by medical professionals that are so focused on their specific (and usually genetically-driven) field that none of them even tries to look at the big picture. You want to try for yourself? Next time you see your primary care doctor ask him/her what happens in the body when somebody restricts sugar intake. Jut ask for simple explanation of the processes that kick in and how the body adapts. I have tried it with 7 of my friends so far who are all M.D. and got either a blank stare or an insulted response "I don't work in metabolics/diabetes".


New Member
Jan 9, 2014
Been reading much discussion here about lactate (bad guy) and CO2 (good guy). As a new comer I am not permitted to post links yet, so I will recommend Googling: Johannes Kuhl Waltraut Fryda L+ Lactic acid.

These European doctors treated many people with a dextrorotatory Lactic acid to undo the effects of levorotatory lactic acid which they saw as one of the principal culprits in cancer proliferation. According to them, the differences between these two forms of lactic acid is profound. Hopefully, I'll soon be able to provide links to the sites that cover their protocols in some detail.
Nov 26, 2013
Been reading much discussion here about lactate (bad guy) and CO2 (good guy). As a new comer I am not permitted to post links yet, so I will recommend Googling: Johannes Kuhl Waltraut Fryda L+ Lactic acid.

These European doctors treated many people with a dextrorotatory Lactic acid to undo the effects of levorotatory lactic acid which they saw as one of the principal culprits in cancer proliferation. According to them, the differences between these two forms of lactic acid is profound. Hopefully, I'll soon be able to provide links to the sites that cover their protocols in some detail.

Isn't that the isomer from bacteria?


Dec 17, 2015
Been reading much discussion here about lactate (bad guy) and CO2 (good guy). As a new comer I am not permitted to post links yet, so I will recommend Googling: Johannes Kuhl Waltraut Fryda L+ Lactic acid.

These European doctors treated many people with a dextrorotatory Lactic acid to undo the effects of levorotatory lactic acid which they saw as one of the principal culprits in cancer proliferation. According to them, the differences between these two forms of lactic acid is profound. Hopefully, I'll soon be able to provide links to the sites that cover their protocols in some detail.

Isn't that the isomer from bacteria?

" Hartmann and Senn used racemic lactate, that is, a mixture of D-lactate and L-lactate. Our own tissues produce mostly L-lactate, but they can produce small amounts of D-lactate; larger amounts are produced by diabetics. Intestinal bacteria can produce large amounts of it, and it has many toxic effects. Methylglyoxal can be formed from either form of lactate, and it is an important factor in the glycation of proteins. It can also be formed from MDA, a product of lipid peroxidation. Protein glycation is an important factor in diabetes and aging, but glucose, rather than lactate and polyunsaturated fats, is commonly said to be the cause."


Jul 13, 2014
here's a summary i did of Haiduts podcasts on youtube:

Danny Roddy:

Generative Energy #7: Polyunsaturated Fats in The Real Organism

Generative Energy #8: The Youth Steroids (Pregnenolone, Progesterone, and DHEA)

Generative Energy #9: A Bioenergetic View of Weight Loss

Generative Energy #10: A Bioenergetic View of Digestion and Mood

Generative Energy #11: Nitric Oxide and Methylene Blue

Generative Energy #12: A Bioenergetic View of Autoimmunity

Generative Energy #14: Another View of Evolution

Generative Energy #15: A Bioenergetic View of Addiction

Generative Energy #16: Hair Loss and Prostate Cancer

Generative Energy #17: PMS, PCOS, and Breast Cancer

Generative Energy #18: Q and A with Danny and Georgi

Generative Energy #20: A Bioenergetic View of Dementia

Generative Energy #22: A Bioenergetic View of Heart Disease and Stroke

Generative Energy #23: Q&A - Weight Loss, Dating, Red Light, Authorities, Starch Diets

Generative Energy #24: Q&A - Tooth Decay, Supplements vs. Food, Long Walks, and Ray Peat's Work

Generative Energy #25: A Bioenergetic View of Osteoporosis

#01: Thyroid, CO2, Redox Balance, and Hans Selye's Stress with Georgi Dinkov

#03: Vitamin E, Cancer, Thyroid, Sugar, and Aspirin with Georgi Dinkov

#04: Endotoxin, Otto Warburg, Cancer, Ketosis, and PUFA with Georgi Dinkov

#05: Global Warming, Serotonin, Dopamine, Nitric Oxide, Depression, and BPA with Georgi Dinkov

#06: Glutathione, Consciousness, Electronic Universe, and Statins with Georgi Dinkov

#07: Sugar, Hypoglycemia, Trauma, Aspirin, Imagination, and Altruism with Georgi Dinkov

#09: Estrogen, Fluoride, Pregnancy, Children, and Metabolism with Georgi Dinkov and Emma Sgourakis

#11: Testosterone, DHEA, PUFA, Libido, Aspirin, Progesterone, and Saturated Fat with Georgi Dinkov

#12: Panic Attacks, DHT, Prostate Cancer, Receptors, Pollution, and Estrogen with Georgi Dinkov

#14: Aging, Mitochondria, Hypoxia, DHEA, Fertility, Serotonin, and Progesterone with Georgi Dinkov

#15: NAD+/NADH Redox Balance, Vitamin D, Sugar, Genetic Determinism & Vitamin E with Georgi Dinkov


Magnesium - The Mineral Everyone Needs, The Benefits, The Best Form, & Why It's Important!

Exhausted? Tired all the Time? Low Energy? Chronic Fatigue - Georgi Dinkov

Why Some Sugar is Actually Good For You, & Methylene Blue too w/ Georgi Dinkov

Stress & Weight Gain, Estrogen & Endotoxins w/ Georgi Dinkov

Anxiety, Sleep, GABA, Serotonin & Why we Don't Want too much Serotonin - Georgi Dinkov

How to Naturally Lower Cortisol & Optimize Your Health with Georgi Dinkov

The Top Supplement For Health and Longevity from with Georgi Dinkov

Butter Living

Prenatal and Neonatal Development with Georgi Dinkov (Butter Living Podcast)

Playing with Energy by Keeping Endotoxin Low with Georgi Dinkov (Butter Living Podcast)

"Ideal Environment(s)", "Progesterone", and "Vaccinations" w/ Georgi Dinkov (Butter Living Podcast)

Georgi Dinkov On PUFA (Polyunsaturated Fats) in a Developing Organism (Butter Living Pod Clip)

Matt Blackburn

Estrogen, Progesterone & Resveratrol w/ Georgi Dinkov | Mitolife Radio Ep. #039
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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