Beware Haidut's products, landed someone in the hospital


May 11, 2022
Never trust a Stan.

You win the day Guybrush Threepwood. One of my favorites as a kid.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
As far as bashing this forum goes, it's a place where speech is about as free as you'll find anywhere. Sure some "extreme" views are expressed, but if a person doesn't have the ability to make his/her own judgments, then certainly that person shouldn't be here regardless.

I started on this forum mid-2020. I can say one thing for certain: if I hadn't discovered Ray and this place by the time the death jabs were released it is very likely I, like almost all of my then friends and compatriots, would have fallen for the lies and gotten the "vaccine." Even if this place has done nothing else for my health (which it has), becoming educated - red-pilled as the "right-wingers" say - and avoiding the jabs has in and of itself proven it to be of inestimable value.


Oct 14, 2016
@haidut On my 3rd bottle of camphosol, i sprinkle it on my carrot salad to get the Good ***t deep into The Bad ***t. Clear tongue, three solid Real Shits per day. Best single health purchase i’ve ever made. I think it’s particularly useful to people w:eek: appendix(s)??? Anyway, Georgi, if you decide to stop making it please let me know so we can negotiate a 5 gal bucket.
That’s amazing! Glad it’s working so well for you? How many drops do you use on the carrot salad?


Mar 29, 2016
Where is Stan now?


Sep 15, 2021
Why do you think haidut puts the disclaimer "not for human use / only for research purposes" behind all his products? So he can't get sued when someone ingests his product and becomes gravely ill.

All I did was link to a post of a real person's experience, to aware people of how potentially unsafe his products are. That's straight up fact, someone ended up in the ER taking his products. Only the white knights here would have you believe that it's a fake post, nothing they have to say has any merit for they are biased and in too deep already, playing russian roulette with their health by taking haidut's concoctions. They won't admit they're fcking themselves.

This is for the people who can actually think and isn't stuck in haidut's echo chamber. Ask yourself if it's worth risking your health.
Low effort FUD post. $0.01 Pfizerbux™ have been deposited in your account


Nov 6, 2015
What's your point? I'm allergic to aspirin and if my wife touches anything with nickel she swells up and rashes out. Many people have allergies to various things. Sometimes those allergies can kill the individual. Some have to find out the hard way.


Nov 18, 2019
I adore IdeaLabs and have gotten my clients and friends purchasing from Haidut. NO ONE has ever experienced any negative affects. I love love his integrity and his products and have used them since 2015 with not one single bad incident. But of course I have a head on my shoulders that I use. I also apply discrimination when trying anything new including a food.

Sad how some guy plays the victim instead of accepting personal responsibility for his misuse of a supplement. Even sadder is how a new forum user decided it was necessary to warn others of the guy in the story’s poor usage discrimination which landed him in the hospital.


May 10, 2018
This crazy post reminded me that I need to order more Camphosol. Thanks.

This is like someone storming back into the pharmacy after snorting a whole pack of NSAIDs and demanding the store be closed down.


Apr 28, 2018
I also adore my Idealabs products and this wonderful forum. I hope Haidut doesnt see this thread; his integrity and the hard work he and his wife have given to this community does not deserve shade of any sort.

Hugh Johnson

Mar 14, 2014
The Sultanate of Portugal
Why do you think haidut puts the disclaimer "not for human use / only for research purposes" behind all his products? So he can't get sued when someone ingests his product and becomes gravely ill.

All I did was link to a post of a real person's experience, to aware people of how potentially unsafe his products are. That's straight up fact, someone ended up in the ER taking his products. Only the white knights here would have you believe that it's a fake post, nothing they have to say has any merit for they are biased and in too deep already, playing russian roulette with their health by taking haidut's concoctions. They won't admit they're fcking themselves.

This is for the people who can actually think and isn't stuck in haidut's echo chamber. Ask yourself if it's worth risking your health.
No, it is not a fact. It is an unproven claim by an anonymous person.

A person who can't understand the difference between ideology and and analysis.


Sep 27, 2015
I hope Haidut doesnt see this thread;
Of course he has seen this thread, he has already replied to it.

I have spent many hundreds of dollars on idealabs products, including an order received just a few days ago. I have probably trialed over half of the products that Georgi sells. Personally, I have only noticed effects with 95%+ certainty while using one of those products, Kuinone. With most of them, I notice middling effects or nothing, which is fine.

I use that preface to say this: if you look at the forum threads for his products, since the beginning, haidut has had a tendency to respond to posts that exhibit a positive tone. To these posts, he will respond, 'thanks so much for your feedback!', while often times (not always) ignoring the negative responses.

When looking at commentary posted on reddit or other competing forums regarding ray peat, I have been struck by the comments regarding banning/censorship on this forum. The internet has become increasingly censorious, and this forum is probably more lenient when it comes to censorship, but the folks who claim that this forum is not an echo chamber would do well to listen to the claims of people on other corners of the internet who say that they've been banned from this forum. Personally, when I post here, I consciously (and unconsciously) self-censor, because posting my true opinion is sometimes not worth the risk of losing my posting privileges on this forum; a forum which I have found on the whole to be quite useful.


Aug 9, 2019
I have spent many hundreds of dollars on idealabs products, including an order received just a few days ago. I have probably trialed over half of the products that Georgi sells. Personally, I have only noticed effects with 95%+ certainty while using one of those products, Kuinone. With most of them, I notice middling effects or nothing, which is fine.
As much as I haven't had much success with a lot of his products, I do believe that his supplements are of high quality and he has good intentions.
Kuinone is the one that definitely works for me too.
The thyroid products are potent, but could never get them to consistently work for me.
Haven't had success with Pansterone, Camphosal, 5a-DHP
Felt nothing from Lisuride, Metergoline, Diamant.

One criticism that can be brought to him is how he doesn't address the negative effects of supplemental D3, and refuses to take it into consideration. There's a reason the anti- vitamin D crowd has been more vocal and vocal, there is truth in what they say. Been reading countless anecdotes of people ruining their health with D3 and recovering once they quit taking it.
Same with the Vitamin A.

TL;DR: I stupidly overdosed on Vitamin D (20,000IU/day for 2 months) in 2017, and developed leg numbness, bone/muscle pain, and severe anxiety. This was despite taking it with high doses of Magnesium Citrate (400mg/day) and Vitamin K (K1+K2-MK4+K2-MK-7, all types). My Vitamin D levels have been normal already 2.5 months after ceasing intake, and so have my calcium levels (8.9mg/dL). It has been 1 year since stopping Vitamin D intake and my symptoms have only slightly improved. Is it permanent? Did anyone else have a similar experience?
I took 10.000 to 12.000 IU per day for about a year, orally.

I took a higher dose after reading studies by Peter McCullough that even doses that are an order of magnitude higher don‘t have side-effects in clinical patients. That was pretty stupid of me, because I am not a clinical patient.

I ended up with pissing out kidney stones and debilitating vertigo, which apparently is not a common symptom of Vitamin D toxicity, but the crystals in the inner ear are formed from calcium. Since both side effects happened around the same time, I suspect they were connected. Both also disappeared when I stopped supplementing.

I want to get my liver and kidney checked again, and I am a bit concerned about the possibility of having developed irreversible artherosclerosis from too much calcium (though I don‘t have any symptoms).

Also, there is a disconnect between some of the pro-metabolic theories he pushes and actual, real-life, results in humans. I remember he posted a study on how fasting induces weight gain/ obesity, which I was skeptical of.
You only need to take a quick look over Reddit communities to know that people are having tremendous success with fasting for losing weight and keeping it long-term.

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Nov 6, 2020
A better title would have been "a person on Reddit reported a bad reaction to camphosol, what are your thoughts/opinions based on what they wrote".

This forum has an anti-peat section. Perhaps it needs an anti-haidut to move posts like this one to. And is there then a way to keep that section out of the threads that populate when I log in.

Alarmist titles like this thread are unnecessary.

Maybe they had good intentions, maybe it was a knee jerk reaction to something they read without any thought put into it, or maybe ? it was malice aforethought.

In any case, Stan, if you are a reader here, you probably don't eat lettuce. But if you do, FYI, google "fsa recalls lettuce".


Apr 28, 2018
Of course he has seen this thread, he has already replied to it.

I have spent many hundreds of dollars on idealabs products, including an order received just a few days ago. I have probably trialed over half of the products that Georgi sells. Personally, I have only noticed effects with 95%+ certainty while using one of those products, Kuinone. With most of them, I notice middling effects or nothing, which is fine.

I use that preface to say this: if you look at the forum threads for his products, since the beginning, haidut has had a tendency to respond to posts that exhibit a positive tone. To these posts, he will respond, 'thanks so much for your feedback!', while often times (not always) ignoring the negative responses.

When looking at commentary posted on reddit or other competing forums regarding ray peat, I have been struck by the comments regarding banning/censorship on this forum. The internet has become increasingly censorious, and this forum is probably more lenient when it comes to censorship, but the folks who claim that this forum is not an echo chamber would do well to listen to the claims of people on other corners of the internet who say that they've been banned from this forum. Personally, when I post here, I consciously (and unconsciously) self-censor, because posting my true opinion is sometimes not worth the risk of losing my posting privileges on this forum; a forum which I have found on the whole to be quite useful.
Irrespective of your opinion on censorship at this forum, I retain an evidential appreciation for Idealabs compounds and this forum's "braintrust". Mismanagement, medical dogma, and intentional misconduct for greed marked my years of "care" and consistent decline whilst incapacitated from a terrible injury requiring multiple reconstructive surgeries. Without the knowledge and tools for self care found within this community, I would have continued to suffer under brain-numbing drugs and thus mental inability, relentess useless testing, and a cold-limp-pointless existence alone with little hope for life beyond my bed. My most recent bloodwork brought to bear a success story of 5 years work and lurking on RPF: hypothyroid balance, mineral and other hormonal deficiencies rectified, gaba receptors reinstated, physical vitality and mental capabilities restored and replaced with a creative verve I shall always be grateful for. Of course, Haidut saw this thread. I am sorry you failed to understand my veiled expression of loyalty to his work, yes it was a little obtuse.


Sep 12, 2018
Haidut' is doing heroic work, and attacks like this jsut confirm this!....I oun't say big pharma shiill, but I just said it and many shills are not aware they are shills.

Yes experimenters to note that test animals will react differently, and we note that some lives have certainly been changed for the better relative to the knowledge gained in what is democratized science....yes beware, but if we can volunteer for the clot shot, why not 11-keto DHT...

i will note that I hope that some open sourcing might be available for insurance purposes, as in this day and age sources can get attacked, but Haidut does
demonstrate the ingridients so i suppose some basic chemistry skills might duplicate....assuming that one can source foundational materials, to which even
having access to source labs might become prohibited by mafia pressure, but hopefully things continue smoothly as the lumbering giants are in their big
label scams....


Jun 24, 2015
I use CamphoSal, and rely on it for SIBO, but I don't take it every day, just once if I need it. Works really well, gets rid of migraines. About 20 drops.
Do you use it topically for migraines? Or internal… 29 drops is for migraine ? Do you have triggers for your migraines?


Jun 24, 2015
I was considering buying some of his products but thankfully came across this:

You want to play around with your health and ingest something a guy concocted in his basement- well just a matter of time you end up like the above person.

I’ve used Solban from Haidut for years . It’s the best sunscreen, the only one my daughter isn’t allergic too. My skin is glowing and better than ever . Use any supplements/medicine responsibly


Apr 8, 2016
Everyone should beware of all supplements and pharmaceuticals everywhere. No one should take any substance of any kind until they have thoroughly researched the supplement or pharmaceutical and fully accepted the risks. Also the concept of the minimum effective dosage should be kept in mind. Better to start with a low dosage of anything and work your way up.

Beware of any "one size fits all" dosage of anything.


Feb 16, 2018
Facts: Haidut refuses to do any quality control on his products. No batch numbers/expiration dates, nor does he provide any certificate of analysis on the chemicals he sources. How do you know one day his source won't accidentally give him contaminated chemicals?

There is no reason NOT to at least provide batch numbers, if the vendor actually cares about his clients' health. If there was something wrong with the product, we could report the bad batch number and haidut would immediately know which specific raw's he used in said bad batch numbers, and toss out all the products with said bad batch number to protect us.

Of course, he doesn't even bother to do that because at the end of the day he doesn't give a fck about your health. Doing any of the quality control that I suggested would just cause him unnecesssary trouble. He's running an unhonest business with the sole intention of milking you all for all you're worth, and he can easily get away with it because he hides behind his disclaimer "not for human use".

Get gravely ill because you ingested his zero quality control products? No problem! He'll just make an excuse that it was the clients fault and take zero responsibility.

Haidut could invalidate everything I said about his shady operation just by implementing the quality control measures which I suggested, but you know he won't for the reasons I explained.

What's worse though is the people here incapable of using any logic and actually thinks its a good idea to use his products, telling themselves its safe because "much good reviews"! You put in all that time and effort into improving your health, only to eventually screw yourself - it'l happen eventually if you continue to take products with zero QC, as what happened to the poor fella in the OP.
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