Blood Results From 3 Different Takes In 6 Months - Comparison


Sep 16, 2015

I made a label of my blood test results.
I started to eat Peaty in July 2015. I was coming from 2 years of low carb.

My blood seems fine to most doctors, but I am still worried for fasting glucose, lipid panel, thyroid is not perfect...liver is okay... And that phosphate inorganic - is that a sign of bad Ca absorption?
Feel free to comment.

Numbers in red are out of normal range.


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Nov 28, 2014
Interpreting this with a Peaty perspective and based on some of my own experience, it looks to me like you've improved your t4 to t3 conversion, though overall levels are still low due to low t4 output from thyroid gland. Cholesterol may still be highish because thyroid levels are too low to be able to use it to make your steroid hormones.

Ferritin may also have gone down because of low thyroid. I think this is what Peat believes.

Triglycerides may be elevated because your body is still adapting to more carbs. Again, better thyroid levels might help with that.

I don't know anything about phosphate.


Sep 16, 2015
@sweetpeat , thanks for taking time to check my numbers.

Glucose in July was awful. I didn't mention but in July my blood was taken after 1,5 h after breakfast. I remember that breakfast had been 3 nectarines, hot cocoa with gelatin. Maybe not enough fat? I have in my mind I felt weak that day.

I wasn't so worried because it was not fasting glucose but I see that trend is that my fasting glucose is somehow lower.

Cholesterol in October could be higher due to a lot of raw coconut meat (like 500 g of it in three days) in days before blood was taken. Not sure.
Triglycerides were okay back then.
And I was eating a lot of fruit too. But tried to stay away from starches.
Those cholesterol numbers were just something I blamed it on raw coconuts :) Triglycerides were okay back then and that all mattered to me.

So end of the January 2016 showed a lack of T4 and high triglycerides.
I also think that conversion became more sufficient but on the other side I am sad because my thyroid is not producing enough T4 :(
I don't know what is worse. Bad conversion or bad production.

I went low fat with February and still doing it at least until Easter (that will be 40 days).
At first I was eating a lot of starches, less fruit. Right now I am changing back to more fruits, less starches.
I hope my lipid panel will be okay, TSH lower...

I supplement vit E, K, D.
Magnesium. Calcium time to time.
Every morning: 10 g of brewers Yeast - vitamins B
My food choices:
Fruits: ripe bananes, cooked apples, oranges, kiwi fruit.
Starches: white potatoes, white rice, white homemade bread, oats, polenta (masa harina)
Meat: not every day. I eat lean red meat or lean chicken.
Eggs: not lately.
Diary: cottage cheese, sometimes fat free milk (I get gasses if I have too much milk in diet)
Veggies (cooked!): zucchini, winter squash, kohlrabi, champignons, celery root, kale, broccoli, beats, cucumber, tomato sauce, onions
Fat sources: coconut oil, probably 1-2 tsp daily


May 16, 2013
Do you eat liver or supplement A? Is there a reason why it is missing from your choice to supplement E, K and D?

How is your digestion? Is your protein intake 80-100g with the cottage cheese etc?


Sep 16, 2015

I forgot to mention that I am adding gelatin 10-20 g on a daily base. My protein intake is 80-100 g including gelatin.

I just had a short episode (10 days or so) that I consumed more starches and less simple sugars. I somehow got constipated (despite so much food I didn't go), otherwise I have two bowel movements daily. Or at least one in the morning. I would say that my digestion is okay but could be better.

Vit A is missing, I have it back at home, 10.000 UI gel capsules.
I don't eat liver. I am preparing myself starting to eat them.
I had a phase when eating a lot of winter squash and raw carrots and I started to get orange calluses on the palm. Beta carotene wasn't converting to vit A and I wanted to wait with supplementing vit A.
Then I got more intensive nose bleeding from vitamin E so I decided to have a pause with (A),D,E,K.

I am also taking 20 mg of progesterone (IdeaLabs) before bed.
Magnesium is in form of malate.

Forgot to mention also:

My Hba1c:
July 2015 - 5.2 %
October 2015 - 5.4 %

My acne problem: I had many pimples and in last month things improved. I am not sure what exactly helped.

Coffee: I drink it a lot. Around meals. Now I am adding sugar too. 5 grams.
Sugars: table sugar or honey.

I have 62 kg / 136 lbs.
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Nov 28, 2014
In my case (and yours too it seems) conversion was the easier problem to fix. I also have below range t4 with good conversion and have yet to find a solution other than taking supplemental t4. I'm putting some of my hope in this quote from Peat regarding thyroid supplementation: “The dose usually has to be increased in steps for a few months, to find how much is needed for sustained good health. After a year or more of good health, the amount needed will usually decrease, if the diet has been good during that time.” I've not yet reached the point of “a year or more of good health”, so for me, that remains to be seen. But if I have to stay on it, it's not the worst thing in the world.

I'm not saying you should take thyroid, btw. If you're young enough and your symptoms aren't that severe, another 6-12 months of good nutrition might be enough to recover your thyroid from whatever has slowed it down.


Mar 29, 2014
remember that breakfast had been 3 nectarines, hot cocoa with gelatin. Maybe not enough fat? I have in my mind I felt weak that day.
Maybe not enough carbs?

Cholesterol in October could be higher due to a lot of raw coconut meat (like 500 g of it in three days) in days before blood was taken. Not sure.
I don't think coconuts contain any cholesterol?


Sep 16, 2015
Maybe not enough carbs?

I don't think coconuts contain any cholesterol?

- that day - no - wasn't enough carbs. breakfast had only like 350 kcal. I checked.
- my breakfasts in last two months are somewhere 700 kcal and I still feel hungry after 3 hours. And I eat again then. Carbs.
- I doubt my calorie intake nowadays is low

- coconuts don't have a cholesterol but I don't know why I thought somehow this is correlated :)
- in that time (summer, fall 2015) I had quite a lot coconut fats in my diet and it seems that did me well. hm.

- I really give a lot of emphasis on triglycerides and that is why I am so afraid of eating too much simple sugars aka fruit. All this time I had been living with mentality how fructose is bad and I still feel it sometime when I eat like 5 apples and feel guilty. :rolleyes:

- So if there is too much cholesterol in my blood there are options:
a. too much cholesterol from food (eg. eggs)
b. too low thyroid
c. not enough vitamin A


Jun 20, 2015
- So if there is too much cholesterol in my blood there are options:
a. too much cholesterol from food (eg. eggs)
b. too low thyroid
c. not enough vitamin A
d. Your body needs it.

If the online sources I found are correct, your total cholesterol is somewhere between 190 and 200 mg/dl. This is the lower end of what Peat considers optimal. (If you are older higher total cholesterol might be preferable.)


Cholesterol - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

TC = HDL + LDL + VLDL, VLDL usually estimated as 0.2 triglycerides - Cholesterol Converter


Sep 16, 2015
I am more concerned with trend of triglycerides. They got much higher. This is the highest I had them. The another higher peak was on ketogenic diet - 0,85.
I was always in range 40-55.

I just checked what was I eating before Ocotber 2015:
fruits (cooked apples, pears, bananas, sometime orange), eggs (2-3 daily), coconut oil (1-2 tsp), raw coconut meat/ coconut flour, cocoa powder, gelatin, coffee, magnesium, calcium, meat (chicken, beef), cottage cheese, honey, skim milk, raw carrots, low fat cheese. I was avoiding starches but still 1-2 times per week I was eating rice, potatoes, oatmeal.

My issues back then were gasses after milk and starting to have some issues with skin, smarting pain in teeth, getting dry skin on legs... --> thyroid problems.

I am switching back to that regime.
What is different today?
I am eating sea food which in these days I hadn't.
I am having supplements of ADEK (for pain in teeth, vit A for steroid hormones, D, E...)
More experiences after all.
Coconut has a lot fibers. I will use only coconut oil, I will avoid coconut flour, raw meat.
Instead of eggs I will try with fat free milk - slowly.

I quess I will soon leave a pufa depletion camp. Will raise the fat intake a little bit.


Jun 20, 2015
- So if there is too much cholesterol in my blood there are options:
a. too much cholesterol from food (eg. eggs)

RP: Yes, but eating cholesterol if you’re healthy, you’d have to eat a tremendous amount, like the experiment where they had healthy, I think they were young men, eat eggs until they could see an increase in blood cholesterol, and it took 22 eggs before they saw a rise in the day’s cholesterol. And it does rise if you’re very sick and can’t compensate, but in a practical situation where a person might want to raise their cholesterol, you can usually do it just by eating lots of fruit, because for several reasons the minerals and sugar in the fruit give the liver the energy it needs to make adequate cholesterol.

Politics and Science: Dogmatism in Science (2008)


Sep 16, 2015
I have a new tests to compare.
I was fasted for 10 hours (after sleeping).
From February 1st until these days I was testing low fat diet. It wasn't zero, it was more lower than moderate.

  • TSH from 4.5 to 3.2
  • T3 from 3.5 to 3.4
  • T4 from 10.8 to 12.3
  • Glucose remains the same - 4.1 mmol / 74 mg
  • Ferritin got better.
  • What's up with inorganic phosphate? Could that help me know about Ca : P ratio?

What I am worried about the most is trend of increasing B12 (see results I've attached).
It was elevated for the first time and that made me realize that it is getting higher and higher. I read somewhere something connected to liver, methylation etc..?

Please, any comments?


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