Building This Physique?


Nov 21, 2012
Is it possible to get strong and built a physique like this woman on this 'diet'(though I dont eat eggs atm or starch)? (provided that I hope to get this swelling stuff,over with soon)

And if so,how would I go about that, also exercisewise?Now that the jobthing totally failed though I still have officially 2months left to try,I still want to get strong and always loved to have a physique like that,that also breathes 'strongness'....while still being unemployed I like to go to the gym everyday,actually did that in the past too when I did have a job and school,part out of fear but also out of boredom/habit and that it makes me feel good.I also like talking to certain people.
I really hoped the investment in the healthpractitioner was worth it but up until now I only feel regret,even more bc the jobtrial went down the drain and I even had to loan this money in order to hire the practitioner! It has always been kinda my dream,to have a personal coach(and nutritionist) to guide me know like you see in these total life-makeover programs.


Aug 30, 2012
That picture has perfect lighting and is photoshopped. Her physique is not attainable for women naturally. She is taking drugs. I would choose a more realistic goal physique if I were you.


Nov 21, 2012
frustrated said:
That picture has perfect lighting and is photoshopped. Her physique is not attainable for women naturally. She is taking drugs. I would choose a more realistic goal physique if I were you.

I know its PS'ed for ligthning skintone etc.and besides that,I wouldnt want to make the statement thats she's using drugs or that its not attainable when done rigth.
I mean,look at Amber from GoKaleo and Batty.....they don't use drugs for sure!


Feb 9, 2013
Be careful with pictures like this. First off, she's "pumped". This often times makes you appear significantly more muscled up than you actually are. Secondly, the lightning conditions are absolutely PERFECT, which is showcasing the muscle tone much more than in real life situations. Thirdly, this girl was obviously dieting for the picture. No one walks around 365 days a year looking like that. Lastly, she has a spanish name, but she looks like she has some African-American in her, which makes her 3x more likely to be able to build that type of physique. African-Americans (many of them) can build muscle by lifting a laundry basket. They have unbelievable athletic genetics.

I used to do modeling and bodybuilding, so I'm well aware of all of the tricks. You can make a 150 lb guy look like Hercules with the right photographer.


Nov 21, 2012
jaketthomas said:
Be careful with pictures like this. First off, she's "pumped". This often times makes you appear significantly more muscled up than you actually are. Secondly, the lightning conditions are absolutely PERFECT, which is showcasing the muscle tone much more than in real life situations. Thirdly, this girl was obviously dieting for the picture. No one walks around 365 days a year looking like that. Lastly, she has a spanish name, but she looks like she has some African-American in her, which makes her 3x more likely to be able to build that type of physique. African-Americans (many of them) can build muscle by lifting a laundry basket. They have unbelievable athletic genetics.

I used to do modeling and bodybuilding, so I'm well aware of all of the tricks. You can make a 150 lb guy look like Hercules with the right photographer.

Yeah,I know I've worked with PS during college in the past so I'm well aware of what you can do with it. Maybe I took the wrong examplary picture,but take for instance Amber from GoKaleo and also many CF women. They're muscular and not African-American.


Jan 19, 2013
If you want to get muscular lift weights and eat lots of protein. If you want to get ripped lift weights and eat lots of saturated fat.

However if you want to look like that (a look that's completely unsustainable for 99% of the population off drugs) then hire a photographer and a physique coach. Taking photos like that is 100% is about timing your physique, taking ideal photos, and then photoshopping them to perfection.


Nov 21, 2012
Asimov said:
If you want to get muscular lift weights and eat lots of protein. If you want to get ripped lift weights and eat lots of saturated fat.

However if you want to look like that (a look that's completely unsustainable for 99% of the population off drugs) then hire a photographer and a physique coach. Taking photos like that is 100% is about timing your physique, taking ideal photos, and then photoshopping them to perfection.
Either way if i favor one macro over the other,itll go at the expense of other ones.
Ok,for a realistic looking woman,look at the most rigth picture at
I know for sure she doesnt use drugs.

Thats also one of my problems,ill keep running off to the gym to do some wei%thstuff every day,for huge part out of fear&anxiety,but also i feel like im never doing. Enough due to my history and i feel im just doing something and not actually have a solid plan/scheme. My fantasy has always been to have a trainer that can provide&guide me in the beginning while eating big&lifting big with peat inspired foods/fun dishes and laugh about it......kinda a la 180degrees style. Thats why i also hired that healthcoach,but till now im getting nowhere near to what i want,actually drifting further away.
I actually love to be an active person,want to eatbig&liftbig no more food&macro&quanrity fears,want to learn a martial. Arts like mma,i always liked playing bball even though i sucked,tennis and i found out theres an actual rollerderby team here which seems really fun though i cant skate for the life of me and h!ve the boundless energy&zest for it.....and maybe having a creative hobby along with it. Those guys that remodel/furnish and pimp sneakers,hats,clothinf etc. Make some really cool stuff,also some jewellerers&casemodders....

Inmy dreams i can see myself living&balancing the. Perfect life and importanrly being able to wnjoy it fearlessly,but in reality im trying all kinds of stuff to get to that place and am getting. Nowhere near to it.
Are there practitioners here who migth be willing to help/take me on as a client?i dont have money;but im willing to do/provide other stuff/services like translating and stuff....


May 30, 2013
Get the book "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe, that will get you on the right path. Also, why would you want a body like that woman? Most men I know (including myself) do not find extremely muscular women to be attractive. It is also important to realize that more exercise does not equal better results. The key is to workout just the right amount. It sounds like you are going to the gym a lot, maybe more than you need to. Also, training fasted is a bad idea imo, at least have some gelatin and milk before you go to the gym.


Nov 21, 2012
jb4566 said:
Get the book "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe, that will get you on the right path. Also, why would you want a body like that woman? Most men I know (including myself) do not find extremely muscular women to be attractive. It is also important to realize that more exercise does not equal better results. The key is to workout just the right amount. It sounds like you are going to the gym a lot, maybe more than you need to. Also, training fasted is a bad idea imo, at least have some gelatin and milk before you go to the gym.

I've seen the dvd of Starting Strength,looked into Stronlifts etc. Been doing weigths for about a year now,but just basically doing random exercises more intuitively. This week I had a meeting with a trainer from the gym and he's gonna set up a plan for me based on Wendler's 5/3/1/ as Ive heard it's supposed to be good to sustainably built strength&progress throughout the years.
I basically go everyday to the gym now,part out of boredom&bc it's become a pattern in my life throughout the years bc I can't get a job and feel anxious being at home during the day,also go part out of fear, but also bc it eases my anxiety/lifts my mood usually and I'd rather do a bit everyday,to keep a pattern of going,instead of spending hours for 3days a week. (I find it harder to go then).
I wanted to start all over fresh coming Monday; working out/EatingBig delicious food&Lifting Big,no more food/macro/quantity or whatever fears,wanted to have a mealschedule of 3balanced consistent meals daily, basically all of this being fun.I don't have a mealplan/no clue what to eat or grocery shop for tomorrow bc of all these weird ******* emotions/feelings accompanied with some physical issues sometimes....but the way things are going now especially with all these weird feelings/moods after eating,I see it failing hugely.Rigth now,Id rather never eat anymore or if Id have the money pay for someone to shoot me in the head so all this misery is over.


May 30, 2013
I don't think hours are needed, only an hour or forty five minutes three times a week. As for the other stuff, have you tried thyroid?


Nov 21, 2012
jb4566 said:
I don't think hours are needed, only an hour or forty five minutes three times a week. As for the other stuff, have you tried thyroid?
Thinking about 'only 3days' of gym/exercise makes me freak out.
No,i dont take antibiotics or any pills,powders or whatever anymore. Ive waisted so much money of all kinds of supplements and in the end they did sh*t for me. Besides they made me feel as if i was some kind of weak sick person and i dont see/consider myself as a sick person.
The only thing i still do every morning is rub some d3 and vit.e oils on my pulse.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
That physique is completely attainable without drugs. Why do some people always react, almost instinctively, to an impressively lean or muscular body with "steroids!!!"? Is it jealousy? If these people ever invest the time and effort to develop an outstanding physique than I suppose they would see just how irritating their brand of vapid and arrogant postulation can be. Anyways, this chick isn't on drugs. Well, maybe some stims at most but not juice. Heck, even you guys talking about pre-shoot dehydration and prep are way off. That's about 9-11% bodyfat, whereas female competition bf is under 7%, typically closer to 5. What you're seeing is decent muscular development exaggerated by optimal lighting. As a dude (lower bf%), 12% bf with great lighting can make me look closer to 8.
But I digress. Again, this physique, while certainly commendable, is entirely attainable to any female whose genetics fall within the standard curve. Focus on diet, like high protein peatarian, sleep, daily long walks and low frequency resistance training sessions like BodyByScience or Doggcrapp. I recommend the former for those seeking a program prioritizing metabolic health while the latter is a tried and true bodybuilding regimen focusing on aesthetics while perhaps compromising overall health to some extent. Once you get your thyroid straightened out and your metabolism humming through basic Peat principles you should be able to increase training frequency (reduce time between lifting workouts) without sacrificing adequate recovery.


Jan 19, 2013
sladerunner69 said:
That physique is completely attainable without drugs. Why do some people always react, almost instinctively, to an impressively lean or muscular body with "steroids!!!"? Is it jealousy? If these people ever invest the time and effort to develop an outstanding physique than I suppose they would see just how irritating their brand of vapid and arrogant postulation can be. Anyways, this chick isn't on drugs. Well, maybe some stims at most but not juice. Heck, even you guys talking about pre-shoot dehydration and prep are way off. That's about 9-11% bodyfat, whereas female competition bf is under 7%, typically closer to 5. What you're seeing is decent muscular development exaggerated by optimal lighting. As a dude (lower bf%), 12% bf with great lighting can make me look closer to 8.
But I digress. Again, this physique, while certainly commendable, is entirely attainable to any female whose genetics fall within the standard curve. Focus on diet, like high protein peatarian, sleep, daily long walks and low frequency resistance training sessions like BodyByScience or Doggcrapp. I recommend the former for those seeking a program prioritizing metabolic health while the latter is a tried and true bodybuilding regimen focusing on aesthetics while perhaps compromising overall health to some extent. Once you get your thyroid straightened out and your metabolism humming through basic Peat principles you should be able to increase training frequency (reduce time between lifting workouts) without sacrificing adequate recovery.
Just to clairfy, I walk around at single digit body fat. When I was a professional athlete, I got down to 3% BF. And I spent a good portion of my adult career as a professional photographer working with bodybuilders and listening to how they get "shoot ready".

That girl is 95% on drugs. For the normal population, 99% of women will need to get on drugs to look like that (drugs being defined as non-nutritive chemicals that alter your physique).

Come back and talk about how easily attainable this physique is when you finally hit 10% body fat and/or meet a person who makes their living on their physique. Until then, your opinion is sort of a non-starter.


Jan 19, 2013
Just to clarify what I'm talking about with idealized lighting and timing, read this quick article. ... 43898.html


Should be no surprise, but these were taken on the same day. There's a TON of trickery to these type of physique photos. If you want the photos, get a photographer and a photo editor and have them photoshop in some abs. If you really want a physique like that, start researching BB drugs and get ready for your health to take a ***t.


Aug 30, 2012
sladerunner69 said:
That physique is completely attainable without drugs. Why do some people always react, almost instinctively, to an impressively lean or muscular body with "steroids!!!"? Is it jealousy? If these people ever invest the time and effort to develop an outstanding physique than I suppose they would see just how irritating their brand of vapid and arrogant postulation can be. Anyways, this chick isn't on drugs. Well, maybe some stims at most but not juice. Heck, even you guys talking about pre-shoot dehydration and prep are way off. That's about 9-11% bodyfat, whereas female competition bf is under 7%, typically closer to 5. What you're seeing is decent muscular development exaggerated by optimal lighting. As a dude (lower bf%), 12% bf with great lighting can make me look closer to 8.
But I digress. Again, this physique, while certainly commendable, is entirely attainable to any female whose genetics fall within the standard curve. Focus on diet, like high protein peatarian, sleep, daily long walks and low frequency resistance training sessions like BodyByScience or Doggcrapp. I recommend the former for those seeking a program prioritizing metabolic health while the latter is a tried and true bodybuilding regimen focusing on aesthetics while perhaps compromising overall health to some extent. Once you get your thyroid straightened out and your metabolism humming through basic Peat principles you should be able to increase training frequency (reduce time between lifting workouts) without sacrificing adequate recovery.




Oct 28, 2012
I have been following Rp DIET FOR awhile now and its help my strength muscle gains.. I'm a bodybuilder
Yes it's very difficult to achieve that look being natural but you can get a very "built" look being natural.
I am not natural but everything i take is prescribed and monitored by a physician.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Asimov said:
Just to clairfy, I walk around at single digit body fat. When I was a professional athlete, I got down to 3% BF. And I spent a good portion of my adult career as a professional photographer working with bodybuilders and listening to how they get "shoot ready".

That girl is 95% on drugs. For the normal population, 99% of women will need to get on drugs to look like that (drugs being defined as non-nutritive chemicals that alter your physique).

Come back and talk about how easily attainable this physique is when you finally hit 10% body fat and/or meet a person who makes their living on their physique. Until then, your opinion is sort of a non-starter.

****-imov: I can agree that she likely has great genetic potential, likely well outside two standard deviations of the mean population, but then again most dedicated athletes do; it's a reciprocal cycle. I doubt this girl's physique in op's post was the result of androgenic/hypertrophic drugs. In my previous post, however, I heavily implicated my uncertainty as to whether or not she may be using drugs to get lean. The point is, that amount of muscle is attainable for many or most women of her stature, I could care less whether her bodyfat comes from hard work or harder work.

My 12% bodyfat is perfectly healthy. 10-13 is ideal for optimal metabolic efficiency. That said, I have been down to about 6% when I was dabbling in competitive bodybuilding. I stopped that idiocy because not only did I feel like death, but I also came to realize that bodybuilding is a dull, pathetic pseudo-sport suited towards individuals who a. are vein and obsessed with self image, or b. feel inadequate and a need to compensate for being ugly, stupid, or poorly endowed. Judging from your personal neglect of this forum's preference for objectivity, and your quickness in jumping to ad-hominem (personal attacks), I am pretty confident in my assumption as to the group in which you belong. What is it? Here's a hint: it's group B. Anyways, keep up the heart-straining cardio and the slow, useless, sarcoplasm-filled muscle fibers all in the name of the vague chance that eventually some broad will feel sorry for you and pinch-stroke your tic-tac. Meanwhile, I'm an og weightlifter: pure power and strength, darling. Two quick workouts a week doesn't seem like much, I know, but it was enough to grab me a national record in my age range. It's really just another hobby though.

frustrated said:


She looks waaay bigger in that photo...I'd like to see when they were taken. Still, she's not nearly as freakishly massive as some "girls" out there. Even that physique could be attainable without drugs, provided she has awesome genetics.
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