Called a healthcare worker family member a “fu**ing r*tard*


Mar 4, 2022
west coast leafland
My mom has three covid shots. She tested positive shortly after getting her last one and my sister came by to help take care of her. My sister works in healthcare specifically for respiratory therapy. She also thinks vaxxed vs unvaxxed
is somewhat of a meaningful distinction. I asked her what she gave my mom and she said tylenol. I blurted out “that’s fuc**ng retarded” and she got really mad saying essentially she is a healthcare worker and I’m not. I read haidut’s article Aspirin beneficial, other NSAID harmful, for COVID-19 – To Extract Knowledge from Matter on aspirin vs other nsaids. But it wasn’t only that. My sister has had a position on vaxxed and unvaxxed, it wasn’t outright and authoritarian but she actually had a notion about there actually being a point in not letting unvaxxed mingle with vaxxed during christmas times. I never said anything to keep the peace but it was slightly annoying to know.

I thought about apologizing but I don’t really want to. I felt a little bad for being mean when she was trying to be helpful but at the same time I’m a little fed up with healthcare workers. I admit I wasn’t feeling good otherwise I wouldn’t have been so mean. Anyways my mom is fine. She was barely ill from what I could see. My family members made her wear a mask at home which I thought was a little pointless and stupid.

I’m also not speaking to my other sister either for a variety of reasons but something that bothered me was how she told me I probably wouldn’t be allowed to a family friend’s wedding because I didn’t take the shot. I don’t know how true it is but I was struck by the way in which my sister said it to me. She was kind of glib about it, but she probably didn’t mean it to sound so offensive. It’s probably me projecting a bit, actually it definitely is. I think I’m being rude to my family members for not ever voicing any opposition to all this stuff that went on for two years.

I’m sure if my health was top notch at the time none of this would have bothered me. What I notice though, is the almost complete lack of guilt or pressing want to apologize. I don’t want to apologize and make up, whereas before in situations like this I would. It’s a more involved issue than I can go into here without a short novel about it. Basically I’m dissapointed in the attitudes and behaviors of my family members and I’m not interested in forcing my viewpoints on them. I have a lot of acceptance now even when I know they’re wrong but at the same time I will openly tell them they’re “fuc***ng retards” if I feel pushed/insulted enough to it. Well, the goal is to not let myself be triggered into negative thoughts or outbursts about when I feel slighted.

The reason I mention it is because although obviously I’m not a top tier example of health because I get myself into these stupid situations of displeasure, the lack of nervousness and guilt or shame over it is something new for me. A year ago I was feeling terrible one morning and got into a yelling match with my dad saying I won’t take the mark of the beast and so on, lol. I couldn’t do that now. Not that long ago I would be desperate to patch things up but now, I just don’t care that much, and I am fine with it. I don’t think I’m really bottling anything negative up, either.

It’s nice, to not feel like I need to express my opposition anymore. Keeping my opinions to myself is one of the best parts about improving health. I have no neurotic need to get into arguments as much. When I feel good there is not even a slight urge to argue a position to someone. That day I insulted my sister when my mom tested positive for covid, i was feeling terrible in the morning. as my health is improving the mornings are getting better so I don’t think I’d be in a mind state to say such mean things anymore.
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Oct 6, 2020
Awhh ... i was just writing quite some text for a response when you made that edit. Oh well. Know that i feel similar and seems like you ended up in the right kind of attitude.


Mar 4, 2022
west coast leafland
Awhh ... i was just writing quite some text for a response when you made that edit. Oh well. Know that i feel similar and seems like you ended up in the right kind of attitude.
hehe sorry ben. sometimes it just feels good to post it but then i realize all i wanted to do was write in a diary rather than share it to the world. thanks for reading and formulating a reply though


Mar 4, 2022
west coast leafland
Awhh ... i was just writing quite some text for a response when you made that edit. Oh well. Know that i feel similar and seems like you ended up in the right kind of attitude.
ben i reposted it. would be glad to hear what you wanted to respond with if you feel like it


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
"Called a healthcare worker family member a “fu**ing r*tard*"
"I blurted out “that’s fuc**ng retarded” "

Two different things. I try to avoid the first, but the 2nd is the truth that somebody needs to tell them


Jun 22, 2021
I thought about apologizing but I don’t really want to. I felt a little bad for being mean when she was trying to be helpful but at the same time I’m a little fed up with healthcare workers. I admit I wasn’t feeling good otherwise I wouldn’t have been so mean. Anyways my mom is fine. She was barely ill from what I could see. My family members made her wear a mask at home which I thought was a little pointless and stupid.
Same - I always have a bone to pick with healthcare workers.

I see them on the transit or on a rare visit to the hospital and I never fail to see/hear something crazy - I've slowly grown a 0 tolerance to these people

Not to mention that masks actually make the problem worse and I think actually kills the person quicker - seeing someone wear a mask outside. in their car, or in my house truly baffles me and makes me concerned about their ability to survive the next few years.


May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I asked Dr Peat if it was okay to take naproxen instead of aspirin for the treatment of Covid as I am asthmatic and don't respond well to aspirin.

He said it was okay.
Jul 17, 2021


Jul 29, 2019



May be why she got sick soon after getting another dose. Pfizer document shows temporary reduction in white blood cell count for 1st week after 1st dose of vaccination. May be worth showing them

Pfizer wanted to release their documents in 55 years lol
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Aug 17, 2016
My mom has three covid shots. She tested positive shortly after getting her last one and my sister came by to help take care of her. My sister works in healthcare specifically for respiratory therapy. She also thinks vaxxed vs unvaxxed
is somewhat of a meaningful distinction. I asked her what she gave my mom and she said tylenol. I blurted out “that’s fuc**ng retarded” and she got really mad saying essentially she is a healthcare worker and I’m not. I read haidut’s article Aspirin beneficial, other NSAID harmful, for COVID-19 – To Extract Knowledge from Matter on aspirin vs other nsaids. But it wasn’t only that. My sister has had a position on vaxxed and unvaxxed, it wasn’t outright and authoritarian but she actually had a notion about there actually being a point in not letting unvaxxed mingle with vaxxed during christmas times. I never said anything to keep the peace but it was slightly annoying to know.

I thought about apologizing but I don’t really want to. I felt a little bad for being mean when she was trying to be helpful but at the same time I’m a little fed up with healthcare workers. I admit I wasn’t feeling good otherwise I wouldn’t have been so mean. Anyways my mom is fine. She was barely ill from what I could see. My family members made her wear a mask at home which I thought was a little pointless and stupid.

I’m also not speaking to my other sister either for a variety of reasons but something that bothered me was how she told me I probably wouldn’t be allowed to a family friend’s wedding because I didn’t take the shot. I don’t know how true it is but I was struck by the way in which my sister said it to me. She was kind of glib about it, but she probably didn’t mean it to sound so offensive. It’s probably me projecting a bit, actually it definitely is. I think I’m being rude to my family members for not ever voicing any opposition to all this stuff that went on for two years.

I’m sure if my health was top notch at the time none of this would have bothered me. What I notice though, is the almost complete lack of guilt or pressing want to apologize. I don’t want to apologize and make up, whereas before in situations like this I would. It’s a more involved issue than I can go into here without a short novel about it. Basically I’m dissapointed in the attitudes and behaviors of my family members and I’m not interested in forcing my viewpoints on them. I have a lot of acceptance now even when I know they’re wrong but at the same time I will openly tell them they’re “fuc***ng retards” if I feel pushed/insulted enough to it. Well, the goal is to not let myself be triggered into negative thoughts or outbursts about when I feel slighted.

The reason I mention it is because although obviously I’m not a top tier example of health because I get myself into these stupid situations of displeasure, the lack of nervousness and guilt or shame over it is something new for me. A year ago I was feeling terrible one morning and got into a yelling match with my dad saying I won’t take the mark of the beast and so on, lol. I couldn’t do that now. Not that long ago I would be desperate to patch things up but now, I just don’t care that much, and I am fine with it. I don’t think I’m really bottling anything negative up, either.

It’s nice, to not feel like I need to express my opposition anymore. Keeping my opinions to myself is one of the best parts about improving health. I have no neurotic need to get into arguments as much. When I feel good there is not even a slight urge to argue a position to someone. That day I insulted my sister when my mom tested positive for covid, i was feeling terrible in the morning. as my health is improving the mornings are getting better so I don’t think I’d be in a mind state to say such mean things anymore.
Well, I did the unthinkable a few years ago.
Early on when my Mom got dx'd with Alzheimer's, she went into an ER with massive edema.
The attending Dr. put her on a no salt or water regimen condescendingly explaining to me that edema was caused by gravity.
And, well, I called him a c*&%sucker.
All the nurses almost fainted. You could hear a pin drop.

I admit, it was a poor choice of words.
(although correct and apropos).


Jun 7, 2016
You could say:

she’s not a doctor and has no authority.

If she knows so much why is there a pandemic of respiratory disease?

But you will only get entitled authoritarian responses from your sister because she is an authoritarian in an authoritarian industry which as we know is made up of fraud.

I don’t know about your family but my Mother does what she wants and neither me of my sister have any control of her and why should we. I learnt that early on and just stay out of it and my health is better for it, let the chips fall where they may.


Apr 10, 2021


Jun 12, 2016
healthcare worker and I’m not.

You should get this print for her.

Also the eye rolling and condescending attitude is palpable the second you question the idea of being their lab rat.

The amount of underhandedness and persistence they engage in to just follow their protocol is worse than cops. At least if you demonstrate some knowledge of your rights and conduct yourself appropriately cops tend to level with you.


Feb 9, 2013
Well, I did the unthinkable a few years ago.
Early on when my Mom got dx'd with Alzheimer's, she went into an ER with massive edema.
The attending Dr. put her on a no salt or water regimen condescendingly explaining to me that edema was caused by gravity.
And, well, I called him a c*&%sucker.
All the nurses almost fainted. You could hear a pin drop.

I admit, it was a poor choice of words.
(although correct and apropos).
? ? ? ? this made me laugh out loud, thank you!


Feb 9, 2013
@noodlecat I feel your frustration... I don’t think I would be on speaking terms if I had a smug vaxed healthcare worker in my family! ?

But the family divide is real... I recently had a family member get mad at me because I said covid is a rebranded flu and it’s the vaccines that are making people more sick now. (I don’t even know why that is so controversial?) I think I was a bit rude because they were telling me I had to be careful when I went out since “nobody is wearing masks so cases are spreading more”. It’s just so dumb hearing people say this stuff STILL, like they want to live in fear!

Anyway, I feel extremely isolated because everyone I know in real life believes most or all of the narrative, even the unvaxed ones.
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