Candida - Affecting Nose And Sinus


Mar 25, 2016
The patient (my Mrs) who received a massive dose of antibiotics giving birth five months ago, has been run down and is very tired (naturally enough) since the birth. She is great feeding and sleeps much less than she should.

She now has, what she believes to be a candid overgrowth... she self treated for this a few years back with a lengthy, elimination diet. Thing is, these things take months, they are hard on the body, since they tell the patient to avoid sugar, fruit etc..... I disagree with this, but she won't listen to me, she is convinced that sugar is bad, its the root cause of all her problems and she has become addicted to it... (shakes head).

Is there a hack that would allow someone immediate relief from this, something that could prevent the need for one of these stupid elimination diets and all that entails.

I've convinced her to try Activated Charcoal, today (we'll see how that goes) but I think Turpentine would be a step too far. Anyone know if MB can be effective against candida? Can you take MB if you're breastfeeding?

All contributions welcome - even stupid ones;-))


Mar 2, 2016
These are things I did when dealing with what I suspected was a fungal overgrowth. Please note this is what has worked for me and may not be appropriate for everyone. Do your research :)


Strict avoidance of starches, including fruit. Carrots are beneficial but I noticed when my symptoms were the worst was when I was eating the most carrot. I'm not sure if it's the type of sugar in them or what.

Boiled mushroom broth - absolutely delicious and full of compounds that are antagonistic to fungus. Boil button mushrooms in clean water for 2+ hours and drink the broth with salt.

Clean sugar is beneficial and should be encouraged, as long as there is a taste for it. It is assimilated into the system long before it should be hitting anywhere with fungus.

As much sunlight as can be tolerated.

Moderate amounts of coconut oil with meals.

Buffered aspirin and niacinamide. Both of these are incredibly helpful.

Vitamin K, preferably pure and well absorbed. Boiled greens broth is a great source of vitamin K, calcium, magnesium, and other compounds.

Coffee enemas have helped me immensely, though drinking coffee regularly on a compromised digestive system is not advised.

Herbal solutions like oregano oil have helped me.

Proper sleep is absolutely critical, one of the reasons why the sunlight is so important. Once the sun goes down, make it your mission to eliminate stress.

Vagal nerve tone - neck/back massages and foam rolling of the spine will be very beneficial. Does she have lower back pain?

Thyroid status is important, if the body is under 97 degrees it will be very difficult to maintain proper gut health. Some thyroid supplement may be beneficial but do your research and make sure she is responding properly to it.

I would also avoid almost any capsule, anything with silica, starch, stearate, etc. Very irritating to the gut. Charcoal has helped me but it can also be very irritating to my gut so I don't use it very often.


Mar 25, 2016
Thank you so much for that reply, im going to print it out for her. She will certainly be happy to make tbe broths. What about fruit juices, shouldnt tbey digest higher up?

When you mention "buffered aspirin" what do you mean by that?


Jun 6, 2016
I have suffered from Candida for years. First I tried to change my diet, but that never made any difference. Sugar avoidance made me weaker. When my doctor found evidence for an infection in my blood he prescribed antifungals. They did help, and the fungus went into remission. Unfortunately, it didnt destroy the fungus completely, and I still had symptoms.

It was when I started to take a Candida Supplement containing Oregano oil, magnesium caprylate, garlic, black walnut, Olive Oil Extract and Pau dArco that I really noted a lasting improvement. My immune system is still weak, so I have to take them for a few days every couple of months, so yeah, its the most powerful supplement against candida I know. Immediately after taking it my sugar cravings go down to zero, my energy increases and sleep time is reduced.

Taking for example oregano oil only by itself did not help my in any way, so I guess its the synergy between this natural substances that gives them the ability to destroy candida.


Aug 9, 2014
The patient (my Mrs) who received a massive dose of antibiotics giving birth five months ago, has been run down and is very tired (naturally enough) since the birth. She is great feeding and sleeps much less than she should.

She now has, what she believes to be a candid overgrowth... she self treated for this a few years back with a lengthy, elimination diet. Thing is, these things take months, they are hard on the body, since they tell the patient to avoid sugar, fruit etc..... I disagree with this, but she won't listen to me, she is convinced that sugar is bad, its the root cause of all her problems and she has become addicted to it... (shakes head).

Is there a hack that would allow someone immediate relief from this, something that could prevent the need for one of these stupid elimination diets and all that entails.

I've convinced her to try Activated Charcoal, today (we'll see how that goes) but I think Turpentine would be a step too far. Anyone know if MB can be effective against candida? Can you take MB if you're breastfeeding?

All contributions welcome - even stupid ones;-))
High estrogen increases candida or any fungal infection. I remember those days when I used to buy Monistat in bulk.
Raising metabolism will help to detoxify estrogen faster.
Avoiding sugar or fructose will only make the fungus more invasive.
As others have mentioned, there are several methods to lower candida but it will always come back if the cause is not taken care of.
May I ask, what makes her believe it could be a candida overgrowth?


Aug 10, 2016
I have suffered from Candida for years. First I tried to change my diet, but that never made any difference. Sugar avoidance made me weaker. When my doctor found evidence for an infection in my blood he prescribed antifungals. They did help, and the fungus went into remission. Unfortunately, it didnt destroy the fungus completely, and I still had symptoms.

It was when I started to take a Candida Supplement containing Oregano oil, magnesium caprylate, garlic, black walnut, Olive Oil Extract and Pau dArco that I really noted a lasting improvement. My immune system is still weak, so I have to take them for a few days every couple of months, so yeah, its the most powerful supplement against candida I know. Immediately after taking it my sugar cravings go down to zero, my energy increases and sleep time is reduced.

Taking for example oregano oil only by itself did not help my in any way, so I guess its the synergy between this natural substances that gives them the ability to destroy candida.
@mosaic01 What is the name/brand of this supplement?


Mar 25, 2016
I have suffered from Candida for years. First I tried to change my diet, but that never made any difference. Sugar avoidance made me weaker. When my doctor found evidence for an infection in my blood he prescribed antifungals. They did help, and the fungus went into remission. Unfortunately, it didnt destroy the fungus completely, and I still had symptoms.

It was when I started to take a Candida Supplement containing Oregano oil, magnesium caprylate, garlic, black walnut, Olive Oil Extract and Pau dArco that I really noted a lasting improvement. My immune system is still weak, so I have to take them for a few days every couple of months, so yeah, its the most powerful supplement against candida I know. Immediately after taking it my sugar cravings go down to zero, my energy increases and sleep time is reduced.

Taking for example oregano oil only by itself did not help my in any way, so I guess its the synergy between this natural substances that gives them the ability to destroy candida.
Hi mosaic, thanks for the response. What is the name of this supplement?


Mar 25, 2016
High estrogen increases candida or any fungal infection. I remember those days when I used to buy Monistat in bulk.
Raising metabolism will help to detoxify estrogen faster.
Avoiding sugar or fructose will only make the fungus more invasive.
As others have mentioned, there are several methods to lower candida but it will always come back if the cause is not taken care of.
May I ask, what makes her believe it could be a candida overgrowth?
She had a candida overgrowth before and recignises some symptoms. The main problem symptom is a non allergic rhynitis causing pain and irritation at nose / throat.


Jun 6, 2016
@Vida, @BrianF:

You're welcome. The brand is Now Foods, "Candida Support".

I forgot to add it also contains high dose biotin.

I liked the fact that the dose I needed (6 capsules/day) gave me significant amounts of magnesium (from the caprylate) as well.


Mar 25, 2016
@Vida, @BrianF:

You're welcome. The brand is Now Foods, "Candida Support".

I forgot to add it also contains high dose biotin.

I liked the fact that the dose I needed (6 capsules/day) gave me significant amounts of magnesium (from the caprylate) as well.
Thank you Mos


Mar 2, 2016
Thank you so much for that reply, im going to print it out for her. She will certainly be happy to make tbe broths. What about fruit juices, shouldnt tbey digest higher up?

When you mention "buffered aspirin" what do you mean by that?

I don't tolerate most commercial fruit juices, something they do to them in processing is not good for my system. I regularly juice oranges, apples, etc. Fruit juice is probably helpful, lots of good minerals that will help restore glucose oxidation. I also would eat cooked fruits occasionally and they seemed to digest much better.

Buffered aspirin - react either clean aspirin tablets or pure powder with baking soda.


Mar 29, 2014
I used to get regular thrush, which I assume was something like a candida overgrowth. I have not had trouble with that since I resumed eating lots of fruit and juice. So I'm convinced that sugar does not make it worse for me, and may have made it better. I also used to get a thickly coated tongue from time to time.

But back when I did used to get them, I would sometimes use a lively yogurt to fight it, and sometimes raw garlic, both of which were effective in the short term. I think the garlic tended to leave me vulnerable to rebound, probably because it also reduced the other microbes that would naturally help keep the fungi in check.


May 25, 2020
I was using Ceylon cinammon and biotin to lower amonia, and my candida really went down, could it have something to do with ammonia? Mushrooms (and candida) need ammonia (nitrogen) to grow. Google: Mushrooms synthesize the nutrients they need from organic material. The particular nutrients they need to grow are sugar, starch, lignin, fats, protein and nitrogen.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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