Can't Eat Most Of Peat's Recommendation, Here's My Current Approach



Jun 9, 2018
Testing Levothyroxin / T4 at the moment.

I've tested it already in the past, but wanted to give it another go.

Stopped taking it in the past because the day after taking it, I got very irritable and aggressive.

Will see how it goes this time with my diet dialed in. Last time my diet was still a big mess and was testing other supplements at the same time. Right now I take nothing else.

Testing with Levothyrox from Merck, took 1/4 of a 100mcg tablet.

Today sex drive and energy is through the roof. Getting random erections like when I was 14.


Jun 9, 2018
Experiment with Levothyroxine is going great.

Great energy and most important much improved mental clarity.

Taking 3-4x 10mcg throughout the day.

Today I got the above mentioned irritable and aggressiveness for 2-3 hours, I would guess its DHT rage (high DHT & low estradiol). Can avoid it by simply not eating things that knock down my estradiol (today it happened after eating citrus fruits).

Nutrition is still meat and starch, which in combination with levothyroxine works phenomenal for me.


Feb 11, 2017
Testing around with sodium and potassium.

Sodium alone is not doing much for me, but today I tested a combination of sodium and potassium (45% / 55%).

Getting some great first results, mood and energy is up a lot, good mental clarity. Almost feeling a bit euphoric.

Nutrition wise it's currently mostly Beef and starch and some fruit jelly. Seems that I can digest fruit jelly / cooked fruits better than raw fruits.

Have to retest cooked fruits, maybe I can ditch some of the starch for cooked fruits.
I eat similarly. I do white bread and beef. A little honey for sugar sometimes.
I dont have other cravings. Dairy ruins my mood.
Im worried about calcium. I should crave dairy if my calcium intqke is low right? But i dont.


Jun 9, 2018
Stopping the levothyroxine experiment for now.

Lot's of low estradiol symptoms, since day 3.

Think it's knocking out my estradiol (even at 10mcg/day).

Could try taking DHEA or Boron to increase estradiol, but not really interested in it, want to take as little as possible.

For now going back to the basis, meat+starch and vitamin k.

Edit: Does anybody know if the anti estrogenic effect is the same with T3?
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Jun 9, 2018
Tested some more supplements.

Pregnenolone 10-20mg/day: Ended up with increased estrogen and lower DHT (no labs, just from the feel and symptoms of it). Estrogen probably via DHEA pathway, reduced DHT probably via progesterone pathway. Must be the worst supplement I could possibly take.

Vit D3 2x4000 I.E./day: I like it a lot. Taking one tablet at morning and one at evening. Nice increase in mood and energy. Will keep using it, nice addition to the K2 I'm already taking.

Nutrition wise I start to really like cheese and ice cream. Don't have digestion issues with dairy anymore. Vit K2 and D3 taking out the rest of the problems I had with it (felt a bit tired and lethargic after eating dairy, popping those supps helps). Dairy replacing starch in my diet more and more. Beef and cheese together with some ice cream after is just phenomenal.
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Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Just wondering, was the milk full fat or skim milk that you have tried? I think a lot of people don't do well on most full fat milks sold in stores.

Are you really taking 400-600 mg of vitamin K2 a day or did you mean 400-600 mcg??? I take like 5 mg a day. What brand are you using to get that much, and is it really safe at that dosage?

And which fruits have you tried? I myself don't seem to like high fructose fruits that well. I prefer fruits that are higher glucose like oranges, grapes...


Jun 9, 2018
Yes you're right it's mcg not mg with the K2. Will edit the post, thx.

For the milk, i agree I seem to do better with skim milk than with full fat. Tested everything from 0% to 3.8% and around 1% it seemed to cause the least problems.

Tested mostly the tropical fruits and pears, apples, figgs, dates. I get strong brainfog and digestion problems, plus teeth sensitivity.

Least amounts of problems were with dried figs, mangoes and pineapple / pear juice. But still far from good, and I don't seem to improve over time opposite to the improvement with dairy. If I had to pick one fruit, it would probably be the dried figs.
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Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Peat does 1% milk too I believe if I recall correct. My theory why you may do best on 1% is that the skim milk has added vitamins which are fat soluble (A/E/D/K) and won't be absorbed well or at all without fat, which may cause some problems. 1% at least has some fat which would let you absorb some of those vitamins. I wish I could find skim milk with no added vitamins, does this exist anywhere??

For fruits, I'm not surprised apples and pears bother you. They bother me too - I suspect because of too much fructose. They have 2:1 fructose:glucose ratio. I do best on 1:1 ratio foods like grapes, oranges. Actually grapes are more like 0.9, more glucose than fructose even. Grapes are my go to fruit these days.

To be clear I don't think fructose is bad, in fact it's great, dosed correctly. Unfortunately in my time in the health sphere, I have noticed a trend: People find out that X substance is good for you, then automatically assume X substance in increased quantities, ad libitum, is better for you. Sometimes that's true to an extent, but just about any substance can be abused, whether its sugar, fructose, protein, caffeine, thyroid, aspirin, saturated fats, whatever.

Dried fruits also bother me, so that's interesting they work for you. I suspect because fruits are meant to be digested alongside water. Most fruits are 80-90% water by weight. Too much dried fruits then could cause dehydration which can = brain fog (Which is the case for me).
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Jun 9, 2018
Tried combining fructose with glucose e.g. rice with fruit jelly and getting good results.

Less to no brainfog from fructose this way.

Fruit jelly, instead of fresh fruit or fruit juice, brings no stomach issues. Another plus.

Current diet plan is narrowed down by a lot (my diet now comes pretty close to the vertical diet from stan efferding who is a peat fan).

Beef Steak for fat and protein.

Rice with fruit jelly for carbs.

A bit spinach, eggs and cheese here and there for micros, but not a major component of my diet.

Decaf coffee to get the day started.

Cut out all supplements, no need for it with this plan.

Having great energy, good body temp all day, and for the first time diet plan feels sustainable for the long run.

Will stop experimenting here and let it run for a couple months.
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Jul 18, 2018
Is there a reason you dont have many veggies in your diet? What are your sources of vitamin a and c?

Tried combining fructose with glucose e.g. rice with fruit jelly and getting good results.

Less to no brainfog from fructose this way.

Fruit jelly, instead of fresh fruit or fruit juice, brings no stomach issues. Another plus.

Current diet plan is narrowed down by a lot (my diet now comes pretty close to the vertical diet from stan efferding who is a peat fan).

Beef Steak for fat and protein.

Rice with fruit jelly for carbs.

A bit spinach, eggs and cheese here and there for micros, but not a major component of my diet.

Decaf coffee to get the day started.

Cut out all supplements, no need for it with this plan.

Having great energy, good body temp all day, and for the first time diet plan feels sustainable for the long run.

Will stop experimenting here and let it run for a couple months.


Jun 9, 2018
Transdermal TRT with testo cream applied on scrotum (2x daily) is currently a big topic in the TRT community.

Should lead to higher DHT conversion and lower estradiol conversion. Many report to feel good for the first time on TRT since using this delivery method.

Had some test prop here and thought why not testing if it works the same like cream. I never felt really good injecting test prop, to edgy to angry.

Applied around 10mg test prop (oil) on the scrotum and what should I say, got a massive boost in DHT. By far the best I ever felt using testo.

Boost in calm energy, sex drive up, rock hard errection, very good mood, strong facial lifting. Roughly the same feeling I get when I inject masteron.

I don't know how much test the body truly gets via this delivery method, but it's was certainly enough for me to get a strong DHT boost.
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Jun 9, 2018
Transdermal TRT with testo cream applied on scrotum (2x daily) is currently a big topic in the TRT community.

Should lead to higher DHT conversion and lower estradiol conversion. Many report to feel good for the first time on TRT since using this delivery method.

Had some test prop here and thought why not testing if it works the same like cream. I never felt really good injecting test prop, to edgy to angry.

Applied around 10mg test prop (oil) on the scrotum and what should I say, got a massive boost in DHT. By far the best I ever felt using testo.

Boost in calm energy, sex drive up, rock hard errection, very good mood, strong facial lifting. Roughly the same feeling I get when I inject masteron.

I don't know how much test the body truly gets via this delivery method, but it's was certainly enough for me to get a strong DHT boost.

Tested now with Sustanon as well.

Works great.


Jun 9, 2018
Quick update, everything going well.

I'm not thinking all too much about diet anymore, which I take as a good sign.

Mostly eating fatty beef cuts for protein and fat (60-70% of my calories).

It's very easy for me to fill up my daily calories with beef.

Only mistake I have to avoid is eating lean cuts, I start freezing very soon after eating it. Fatty cuts or added Tallow heat me up nicely.

In terms of carbs, switching more and more from starch as carb source to dried fruits.

My favorite must be dried figs.

Insanely calorie dense, no teeth problems so far (compared to orange juice) and no brain fog.

It's a bit strange with fruits....fruit juice, fresh fruit and smoothies make a lot of problems for me....while dried fruits seem to be fine. Maybe it's just that I do well with figs in general. Pineapple and dates are mostly fine for me as well, all low in Poison A.

Will test some more dried fruits the coming weeks.
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Jun 9, 2018
Just had the best training session in years, fascinating what happens when you stop poisoning your body.

Tallow and dried figs are one hell of a combination....

Adequate animal protein, saturated fat and simple sugars (no starch, no dairy, no vegetables, no poison A) seems to work great for me.

Got energy levels back that I have not felt in years.
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Oct 11, 2015
Peat does 1% milk too I believe if I recall correct. My theory why you may do best on 1% is that the skim milk has added vitamins which are fat soluble (A/E/D/K) and won't be absorbed well or at all without fat, which may cause some problems. 1% at least has some fat which would let you absorb some of those vitamins. I wish I could find skim milk with no added vitamins, does this exist anywhere??

For fruits, I'm not surprised apples and pears bother you. They bother me too - I suspect because of too much fructose. They have 2:1 fructose:glucose ratio. I do best on 1:1 ratio foods like grapes, oranges. Actually grapes are more like 0.9, more glucose than fructose even. Grapes are my go to fruit these days.

To be clear I don't think fructose is bad, in fact it's great, dosed correctly. Unfortunately in my time in the health sphere, I have noticed a trend: People find out that X substance is good for you, then automatically assume X substance in increased quantities, ad libitum, is better for you. Sometimes that's true to an extent, but just about any substance can be abused, whether its sugar, fructose, protein, caffeine, thyroid, aspirin, saturated fats, whatever.

Dried fruits also bother me, so that's interesting they work for you. I suspect because fruits are meant to be digested alongside water. Most fruits are 80-90% water by weight. Too much dried fruits then could cause dehydration which can = brain fog (Which is the case for me).

On the other hand wouldnt a benefit of skim milk be that if the added vitamins are low quality then you wont absorb them? or are they worse going through your digestive trac unabsorbed


Mar 5, 2018
Just had the best training session in years, fascinating what happens when you stop poisoning your body.

Tallow and dried figs are one hell of a combination....

Adequate animal protein, saturated fat and simple sugars (no starch, no dairy, no vegetables, no poison A) seems to work great for me.

Got energy levels back that I have not felt in years.
sebastian_r, are you still doing good on figs ? I am testing them now and seems like my body loves them )


Mar 3, 2016
Just had the best training session in years, fascinating what happens when you stop poisoning your body.

Tallow and dried figs are one hell of a combination....

Adequate animal protein, saturated fat and simple sugars (no starch, no dairy, no vegetables, no poison A) seems to work great for me.

Got energy levels back that I have not felt in years.
Earlier in your thread you said VA made you less allergic to foods. But now you're eating a low VA diet. Have your allergies and oversensitivites returned while on the low VA diet?

My personal experience is that VA seems to make my immune system less hyperreactive to everything, but at the same time it gives me insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, gastrointestinal upset, night-blindness, worsened brainfog, painful joints, and much more.


Apr 18, 2018
I have the exact same reactions you have to the exact same
foods. Let’s collaborate and share logs.

Except I can’t tolerate vit d, a , k at all.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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