CDC Childhood vaccination schedule VS none at all


New Member
Apr 7, 2017
Let’s say someone is about to have a baby here in 2022, in USA. Assume the baby is 100% healthy. What’s everyone’s opinion on childhood vaccination? I’m talking about what’s recommended in the CDC’s childhood immunization schedule. PDF link below. Is it better to do some of the vaccines? All of the vaccines? Or none at all. Or delayed schedule? Anything concerning about them? Please no discussion about covid vaccines because there is already plenty of that.

Dr Paul Thomas who wrote a famous Vaccine Friendly Plan book published in 2016 is now doubting if it’s better to do none at all based on his own practice data at his own clinic.


If you’re having a baby, what would be your choice?

Thank you


May 10, 2022
We just had our 4th child and decided to forgo all vaccines for him. It seemed as though with each kid we did less and less. We watched a video by Dr. Tenpenny on vaccines and from then on we have been suspicious of most then add on everything with covid, I think you can see our apprehension. I have a few friends doing the delayed schedule. I am still open to hearing opinions but I just don't think we will end up doing any more vaccinations.


Dec 8, 2016
We did delayed with both of ours.
(For reference- both are middle school age now)

With what we know now…
I would find a way to take none at all- or the very very very bare minimum.

It simply came down to the public school vs homeschooling decision for us.
And again- making that decision today would look different.
I would opt to homeschool / find a co-op group.


None - no vaccine is safe

From the book

At the annual ACS Science Writers Seminar, Dr. Robert W.
Simpson, of Rutgers University, warned that "immunization
programs against flu, measles, mumps and polio may
actually be seeding humans with RNA to form proviruses
which will then become latent cells throughout the body . . .
they can then become activated as a variety of diseases
including lupus, cancer, rheumatism and arthritis."
This was a remarkable verification of the earlier warning
delivered by Dr. Herbert Snow of London more than fifty
years earlier. He had observed that the long-term effects of
the vaccine, lodging in the heart or other parts of the body,
would eventually result in fatal damage to the heart.
vaccine becomes a time bomb in the system, festering as
what are known as "slow viruses," which may take ten to
thirty years to become virulent. When that time arrives, the
victim is felled by a fatal onslaught, often with no prior
warning, whether it is a heart attack or some other disease.
Health Freedom News, in its July/August 1986 issue, noted
that "Vaccine is linked to brain damage. 150 lawsuits
pending against DPT vaccine manufacturers, seeking $1.5
billion damages."

See also



Jan 25, 2014
Let’s say someone is about to have a baby here in 2022, in USA. Assume the baby is 100% healthy. What’s everyone’s opinion on childhood vaccination? I’m talking about what’s recommended in the CDC’s childhood immunization schedule. PDF link below. Is it better to do some of the vaccines? All of the vaccines? Or none at all. Or delayed schedule? Anything concerning about them? Please no discussion about covid vaccines because there is already plenty of that.

Dr Paul Thomas who wrote a famous Vaccine Friendly Plan book published in 2016 is now doubting if it’s better to do none at all based on his own practice data at his own clinic.


If you’re having a baby, what would be your choice?

Thank you

I would do none at all. For anyone considering any vaccine, I would suggest getting the drug insert included in the packaging, and reading all the listed side effects. And also ask if you are willing to inject a drug into your baby/small child for which the drug manufacterers have no liability for. Oh, and if you are willing to do that 40-70 times or so.

Nor would I allow them to be circumcised. That is an evil act, sure to cause pain and mutilation, and possibly even death. Besides, if the Creator intended for babies to be circumcised, that is how they would have been born.

I would also make sure I don't sign them up for a Social Security Number. Hospitals try and do that now, too. You are just making them a surety for the National Debt by doing that (although that can be re-contracted later, but better not to enter into that contract in the first place).

I would also file paperwork with several Federal Agencies specifically noticing them that my child isn't to be used as such surety. If they did issue a birth certificate, I would make sure to claim that and my child on a UCC-1. Truthfully, you don't even need a birth certificate, you can simply record any birth in a bible (with two additional witnesses and maybe a notary), and that is sufficient evidence of when they were born.

And I wouldn't put them in any public school. By accepting benefits from government, you are responsible for the corresponding liability.

I'm sure there's more, but that would at least be a solid start.
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May 10, 2022
And there is this….


Aug 17, 2016
We just had our 4th child and decided to forgo all vaccines for him. It seemed as though with each kid we did less and less. We watched a video by Dr. Tenpenny on vaccines and from then on we have been suspicious of most then add on everything with covid, I think you can see our apprehension. I have a few friends doing the delayed schedule. I am still open to hearing opinions but I just don't think we will end up doing any more vaccinations.
:rockout Nice!

I'd agree with NONE.


May 10, 2022
We are also pretty lucky to have found a family physician who is absolutely ok with us not vaccinating any of the kids, which is hard to find. I believe his daughter had some sort of adverse reaction, he didn't go into detail. Since then he has been fine with patients/kids not getting vaccinated.


Aug 17, 2016
We are also pretty lucky to have found a family physician who is absolutely ok with us not vaccinating any of the kids, which is hard to find. I believe his daughter had some sort of adverse reaction, he didn't go into detail. Since then he has been fine with patients/kids not getting vaccinated.


Dec 8, 2016
We are also pretty lucky to have found a family physician who is absolutely ok with us not vaccinating any of the kids, which is hard to find. I believe his daughter had some sort of adverse reaction, he didn't go into detail. Since then he has been fine with patients/kids not getting vaccinated.
By all means:
Do not vaxx


May 6, 2014
In one of Danny Roddy's interviews with Giorgi/Haidut, Giorgi recounts the birth of his first child. He never let the baby be alone with hospital staff as he didn't trust them to not vaccinate on the sly. That interview is a real eye-opener--worth looking for.


Jan 9, 2019
Viruses have been misclassified at best and likely don't even exist.

That being said, you could just use Homeoprophylaxis - Lotus Homeopathy, Inc.

If you are afraid of disease the above may help you to ease your fears. It's intelligent to treat symptoms without focus on the pathogen, as the symptoms don't lie, but the existence of "pathogens" according to science do. Especially when said pathogens are claimed as the SOLE cause of said illness.

If you are afraid of not fitting in to our current society this is only the start of the problems you are to encounter.

Build a community of like minded individuals if you want your way of life to be sustainable and not a constant up hill battle.


Jan 25, 2014
In one of Danny Roddy's interviews with Giorgi/Haidut, Giorgi recounts the birth of his first child. He never let the baby be alone with hospital staff as he didn't trust them to not vaccinate on the sly. That interview is a real eye-opener--worth looking for.

Vaccination, circumcision, and being signed up for a Social Security number are the most overt dangers of having a child in a hospital. I've heard of others, like potential "Vitamin shots" and heel pricks for a blood sample, and certainly those are a danger as well, but not as big as the first 3.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
In one of Danny Roddy's interviews with Giorgi/Haidut, Giorgi recounts the birth of his first child. He never let the baby be alone with hospital staff as he didn't trust them to not vaccinate on the sly. That interview is a real eye-opener--worth looking for.

...and the hospital staff, especially the night shift, tried really hard to take the baby away from us. Saying things like "but but but, just give it to us in the nursing station so you can have a decent night of sleep" or "but but but you can't be present in the room for the 24 hour examination of the baby as the doctors there discuss the health issues of other babies and that is private information", or "but but but you are not allowed to refuse procedure X, it is mandated by law" (not it wasn't/isn't), or "but but but the baby must eat formula in addition to breastmilk, otherwise it will be malnourished and that is child abuse", or "but but but the Hep B vaccine must be given NOW since the baby may need surgery before you get discharged" (really!? despite the baby being declared healthy!). I remember there were other dirty tricks they tried to pull but at this point I would rather leave this behind...Guess what they were doing in the examination room where I went with my son for the 24-hour checkup? Vaccinating, taking DNA samples, drawing blood, even X-rays, etc and when I asked "did you get consent from the parents about this" they all got really nervous and started looking around saying "but but but no need for consent. the consent was given when they got admitted to the hospital". In other words, yes, there was a nefarious reason to whisk those babies away and it was to avoid having to ask for consent each time, to explain each procedure to the parents, and be faced with a potential "nightmare" parent like me asking annoying questions or, worse, saying NO to whatever monstrosity they tried to do to a child.
Bottom line - from the moment your baby is born (and even before that, in regards to things they do to pregnant women), you are his/her only protection against a medical world of pure soullessness that sees the parents as nothing more than milk cows (for the insurance) and the baby as a specimen to be harvested and experimented on. But once you push back, especially if you use medical terms here and there or offer to show studies on PubMed, they usually immediately back off and only bring this up "by accident" in casual conversations asking thing like "are you a doctor?" or "how do you know this stuff? doesn't it make you depressed to know all these bad things about how ineffective/dangerous medicine is? we sure don't want to know them:):"
Anyways, you get the idea. If you have a child, you better be ready to have his/her back 24x7...and you should be the most vigilant precisely around "trusted" people like doctors, nurses, teachers, social workers, etc.
Btw, the delivery doctors and nurses were great and very professional. It was the hospital "staff" (whose goal is pure profit and data gathering) afterwards that handles the postnatal care that was quite psychopathic and cunning, and treating everybody like cattle.


Aug 22, 2013
No vaccines.

My first child I still believed in vaccines but wanted them delayed, she got everything until age 2. Second child I started waking up and stopped at six months. My third was born at home and not vaccinated. I wish I knew better with the first two.


Mar 18, 2016
...and the hospital staff, especially the night shift, tried really hard to take the baby away from us. Saying things like "but but but, just give it to us in the nursing station so you can have a decent night of sleep" or "but but but you can't be present in the room for the 24 hour examination of the baby as the doctors there discuss the health issues of other babies and that is private information", or "but but but you are not allowed to refuse procedure X, it is mandated by law" (not it wasn't/isn't), or "but but but the baby must eat formula in addition to breastmilk, otherwise it will be malnourished and that is child abuse", or "but but but the Hep B vaccine must be given NOW since the baby may need surgery before you get discharged" (really!? despite the baby being declared healthy!). I remember there were other dirty tricks they tried to pull but at this point I would rather leave this behind...Guess what they were doing in the examination room where I went with my son for the 24-hour checkup? Vaccinating, taking DNA samples, drawing blood, even X-rays, etc and when I asked "did you get consent from the parents about this" they all got really nervous and started looking around saying "but but but no need for consent. the consent was given when they got admitted to the hospital". In other words, yes, there was a nefarious reason to whisk those babies away and it was to avoid having to ask for consent each time, to explain each procedure to the parents, and be faced with a potential "nightmare" parent like me asking annoying questions or, worse, saying NO to whatever monstrosity they tried to do to a child.
Bottom line - from the moment your baby is born (and even before that, in regards to things they do to pregnant women), you are his/her only protection against a medical world of pure soullessness that sees the parents as nothing more than milk cows (for the insurance) and the baby as a specimen to be harvested and experimented on. But once you push back, especially if you use medical terms here and there or offer to show studies on PubMed, they usually immediately back off and only bring this up "by accident" in casual conversations asking thing like "are you a doctor?" or "how do you know this stuff? doesn't it make you depressed to know all these bad things about how ineffective/dangerous medicine is? we sure don't want to know them:):"
Anyways, you get the idea. If you have a child, you better be ready to have his/her back 24x7...and you should be the most vigilant precisely around "trusted" people like doctors, nurses, teachers, social workers, etc.
Btw, the delivery doctors and nurses were great and very professional. It was the hospital "staff" (whose goal is pure profit and data gathering) afterwards that handles the postnatal care that was quite psychopathic and cunning, and treating everybody like cattle.

Do you think these nefarious practices are more common in the US? Do you see this happening in Bulgaria, for example? I wonder what the process is like in welfare states from the EU, for example, where doctors don't gain anything from pushing expensive stuff to bill an insurance.


Jan 25, 2014
Do you think these nefarious practices are more common in the US? Do you see this happening in Bulgaria, for example? I wonder what the process is like in welfare states from the EU, for example, where doctors don't gain anything from pushing expensive stuff to bill an insurance.
Probably basically the same. They could just push expensive stuff to bill the government. The hospital or doctor is still billing a third party payer. I'm sure there is plenty of "gain" to be had by billing the government directly, or billing one of their contractors. What does the hosiptal/doctor/medical staff care if they are billing an insurance company, or the government directly? If the government is directly involved, they probably have similar rate schedules to what insurance companies offer, and those can still be gamed.

Remember, the drug companies basically sold the Covid shots to governments, directly. They absolutely know that big money to be made in billing the German national government, or France, or Bulgaria, or Russia, or Kenya, or whoever. Why wouldn't medical staff in that country know the same?

Besides, it not like the US doesn't have any government run insurance. Ever heard of Medicare or Medicaid? Or the VA?
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Jul 17, 2021
None. And I didn’t. They’re not necessary. It’s all been a lie from the very beginning.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Do you think these nefarious practices are more common in the US? Do you see this happening in Bulgaria, for example? I wonder what the process is like in welfare states from the EU, for example, where doctors don't gain anything from pushing expensive stuff to bill an insurance.

As @tankasnowgod said, it can actually be worse. The "normies" in Bulgaria pay quite a bit out-of-pocket (you can call it a bribe/donation if you want) cash or various goods of value (gold, food, etc) to be seen by the "expert" doctor and not a medical student on duty. I guess one can argue that this is indeed a better scenario and worth paying for, but my experience is that the "expert" doctors in Bulgaria are even worse than the US ones - just as psychopathic, but also corrupt. So, paying extra to be seen by those types is basically adding insult to injury. Back there, I'd rather see a medical student than the "expert", unless the issue in question/trauma is surgery and then an experienced surgeon is worth paying extra for.
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