Cheating Is Driven By Cortisol, Not Testosterone


Aug 28, 2012
The topic itself of "macho behaviour" is something I am fascinated with. We can discuss it from a philosophical and cultural view, but it is also interesting from a scientific perspective. What is it to be a man? What is masculine? Is the most aggressive person also the manliest? It seems like a lot of people think so. I read that male dogs will become more aggressive after they are castrated, like they are no longer confident but are fearful and so act out. Dogs that are abused act like that as well. I have a large Komondor who is not fixed and when he is serious about attacking he doesn't go into a barking fit. If he is on leash he will just stand tall and be ready for what is about to happen, like if we are walking by another dog and it is barking at him he just stands there and stares at it. If he is off leash and it's serious enough then he will just attack. He will bark at things if he is in his house and trying to warn something not to come closer though, or possibly to let me know something is there.

I was listening to the Joe Rogan podcast episode with Mike Tyson and he was talking about how he was just so angry in general he just wanted to hurt people in the ring. His tough upbringing just made him very angry and violent. I guess you could call this a negative male behaviour as opposed to positive male behaviour, but male behaviour none-the-less, but I always think of true male behaviour as being calm and confident.

In the book "Black Rednecks and White Liberals" by Thomas Sowell he talks about "cracker culture" and sort of its history in the southern US. He talks about the kind of men that will fight each other to the death because the one guy looked at the other guy funny or something silly like that. Overly sensitive men defending their "honour", is that masculinity? He compares it to "ghetto culture" or perhaps "rap culture" where men brag about how much money they have, sleeping with women, and threaten other men with violence (especially if you diss them). Interestingly, earlier this year Barack Obama said this "If you are really confident about your financial situation, you’re probably not going to be wearing an eight-pound chain around your neck. If you’re very confident about your sexuality, you don’t have to have eight women around you twerking,” I guess he is trying to say that people who feel the need to try and show off, or show people how great they are, actually have a lack of confidence and a need for people to notice them. Doesn't sound like masculine behaviour to me.

Anyway, this cheating thing is very interesting. Cheating doesn't seem to be a masculine behaviour to me. It seems like the person is scared to lose or perform poorly, so they resort to cheating. For the most part anyway... there may be exceptions.

You had me until you use Obamas Bin Lying as an example of confidence. First gay President whose partner Michael has to dress as TV to hide it. Wheres the confidence then?


Jul 29, 2014
You had me until you use Obamas Bin Lying as an example of confidence. First gay President whose partner Michael has to dress as TV to hide it. Wheres the confidence then?

I was using what he said to make a point, that is all. Whether or not he is the epitome of confidence or masculinity is not something I care about. Sometimes people try to make up for a lack of inner confidence by changing their appearance, like short guys who try to get huge muscles, aka short guy syndrome. But I was just rambling on a bit and you shouldn't take what I said too seriously. I was just throwing out ideas and like to ponder about what it is to be a man in this day and age.

What are your thoughts on masculinity? What is healthy male behaviour? I am curious about what other people think.


Feb 3, 2019
I was using what he said to make a point, that is all. Whether or not he is the epitome of confidence or masculinity is not something I care about. Sometimes people try to make up for a lack of inner confidence by changing their appearance, like short guys who try to get huge muscles, aka short guy syndrome. But I was just rambling on a bit and you shouldn't take what I said too seriously. I was just throwing out ideas and like to ponder about what it is to be a man in this day and age.

What are your thoughts on masculinity? What is healthy male behaviour? I am curious about what other people think.
Lol hard to take your points seriously when you just said short guys try to get muscular "because of short guy syndrome." You sound heightist. Any man at any height tyipically benefits socially or romantically from more muscle mass. And if you wanted to go to a biological level muscle mass would help a man compete against a taller one, so what you just said sounds really stupid


Feb 3, 2019
Lifting weights is possibly the most androgenic action a man can take, or a woman. Considering male hormones mediate muscle mass and strength


Oct 16, 2017
Conquering objectives, some aspiration, be secure, comfortable and decisive in your actions and do justice; be incisive
Take action. Perceive, think, act and stand

Some thoughts on masculinity
Last edited:


Jul 29, 2014
Lol hard to take your points seriously when you just said short guys try to get muscular "because of short guy syndrome." You sound heightist. Any man at any height tyipically benefits socially or romantically from more muscle mass. And if you wanted to go to a biological level muscle mass would help a man compete against a taller one, so what you just said sounds really stupid

I am not really being that serious. "short guy syndrome"? lol I made that up (obviously) and was just being funny. As I said after that, don't take me too seriously. I was serious about wanting to know what healthy male behaviour is though. I don't have an answer for that myself but have my own opinions.


Jul 29, 2014
Conquering objectives, some aspiration, be secure, comfortable and decisive in your actions and do justice; be incisive
Take action. Perceive, think, act and stand

Some thoughts on masculinity

I like it! Thanks


Feb 3, 2019
I am not really being that serious. "short guy syndrome"? lol I made that up (obviously) and was just being funny. As I said after that, don't take me too seriously. I was serious about wanting to know what healthy male behaviour is though. I don't have an answer for that myself but have my own opinions.
all good bro


Oct 16, 2017
I like it! Thanks
This is encouraging, thanks

My experience
Pit bulls are hugely affectionate, love to sleep, to do and to receive affection, they are needy for endearment; It's usual for me to laugh at this

In a litter of 9 Pits, 8 lived to playing in fight, the one that lost more was the one that more looked for fights, with time she became the 3ª or 4ª stronger. The strongest and least contentious, when he would open space or when he was disturbed, attacked resolutely

A 10 yo Pit had recently given birth, still chubby. 2 cats and a mouse they were away and in a tight space, saw the Pit kill them with agility and impressive ease. There I realized how easily I could be killed by the chubby
To compare, I've had a Great Dane mixed with a Brazilian Mastiff, male and athletic, even an out-of-shape, newly pregnant and chubby Pit, is much more fierce, fast, agile, powerful and strong

Pits see the goal and do, no hesitation. A friend will hear a immediate and brief growl, another will only be attacked, they possess an extreme determination
Pits are extremely: Affectionate and ferocious

People would say that a Pitbull is the apogee of manliness and my Brazilian/ German is the perfect father; both unlikely to cheat and low cortisol
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Feb 3, 2019
This is encouraging, thanks

My experience
Pit bulls are hugely affectionate, love to sleep, to do and to receive affection, they are needy for endearment; It's usual for me to laugh at this

In a litter of 9 Pits, 8 lived to playing in fight, the one that lost more was the one that more looked for fights, with time she became the 3ª or 4ª stronger. The strongest and least contentious, when he would open space or when he was disturbed, attacked resolutely

A 10 yo Pit had recently given birth, still chubby. 2 cats and a mouse they were away and in a tight space, saw the Pit kill them with agility and impressive ease. There I realized how easily I could be killed by the chubby
To compare, I've had a Great Dane mixed with a Brazilian Mastiff, male and athletic, even an out-of-shape, newly pregnant and chubby Pit, is much more fierce, fast, agile, powerful and strong

Pits see the goal and do, no hesitation. A friend will hear a immediate and brief growl, another will only be attacked, they possess an extreme determination
Pits are extremely: Affectionate and ferocious

People would say that a Pitbull is the apogee of manliness and my Brazilian/ German is the perfect father; both unlikely to cheat and low cortisol
They also kill children more than any other dog


Oct 16, 2017
They also kill children more than any other dog
False, people kill. Why you think they arent guard dogs? Because you have to train them hard to attack humans
Study their history, study them, get to know them, because you will be capable to see how Pitbulls are very affectionate towards human, one of the most affectionate dogs!
They are mortal, so people pick and train them to kill, to be fierce against people, to be the guard of Gangsters
Children can be even more mortal, so terrorists pick then and train them to kill
People kill children with a rigidity education, mistreatment etc.

A guy lived with an uncle, this uncle irritated, hurt the Pit
One day the uncle stabbed one eye of the Pit with an knife, readily the Pit knocked him down and then bit his nose lightly, the uncle become pale, the Pit stared at him while on top, while a common human, would kill the uncle
I know this Pitbull, she is very lovingly
Nevermore had similar problems

My father thought they were unpredictable and dangerous until he decided to met 4 different, two he only saw for many years, he finally met and fell in love with them
Last edited:


Feb 14, 2017
False, people kill. Why you think they arent guard dogs? Because you have to train them hard to attack humans
Study their history, study them, get to know them, because you will be capable to see how Pitbulls are very affectionate towards human, one of the most affectionate dogs!
They are mortal, so people pick and train them to kill, to be fierce against people, to be the guard of Gangsters
Children can be even more mortal, so terrorists pick then and train them to kill
People kill children with a rigidity education, mistreatment etc.

A guy lived with an uncle, this uncle irritated, hurt the Pit
One day the uncle stabbed one eye of the Pit with an knife, readily the Pit knocked him down and then bit his nose lightly, the uncle become pale, the Pit stared at him while on top, while a common human, would kill the uncle
I know this Pitbull, she is very lovingly
Nevermore had similar problems

My father thought they were unpredictable and dangerous until he decided to met 4 different, two he only saw for many years, he finally met and fell in love with them

'Emotional support' pit bull mauled 5-year-old girl at Portland airport gate, lawsuit states


Mar 20, 2013
Your issue stems from viewing relationships as only sexual. Building something with a partner is probably what lowers stress and allows for one to be content with monogamy.

I don't view relationships as only sexual at all, and nothing I wrote implied that I do.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
so , playing hard to get/ mind games in relationships , insecurity , are all signs of hormonal imbalance ?

If done pathologically (e.g. as a default behavior) then yes. Occasional flirting, playing hard to get, engendering jealousy, etc could be just an attempt to "spice things up". But if the underlying motive is basically a desire to manipulate, then I'd say serotonin/cortisol/prolactin are involved.


Apr 11, 2019
The best way to screw up society is to influence women. And also the best way to make society prosper is to influence women.
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