CNN admits constant deliberate lies on COVID-19, climate, economy, Trump, etc.


May 20, 2020
Good post btw...Bill Gates?!?! Wtf??and I don’t curse. I know a lot of groups who jumped on Telegram - Danny Roddy for one. The My Pillow guy is coming out with his own social media platform on the 19th. He says he won’t censure.
Bill Gates is an evil man, wants to vaccinate the entire world, largest private farmland owner in the US, pushes fake meat and also wants to put nano particle dust into the atmosphere to try to dull the sunlight. The man belongs in a strait jacket in a rubber room.


Nov 18, 2019
Bill Gates is an evil man, wants to vaccinate the entire world, largest private farmland owner in the US, pushes fake meat and also wants to put nano particle dust into the atmosphere to try to dull the sunlight. The man belongs in a strait jacket in a rubber room.
+1 Needs to be tried for crimes against humanity.


Feb 18, 2016
...and now we have CNN also admitting deliberate racial bias in news in order to stoke racial tensions and support the "woke" narrative.

...and Twitter immediately suspended the journalists doing the undercover interviews with the CNN director.

In light of all of this, it is just astounding that half of the country (or Western population in general) still believes the official narrative...
No accountability either, the intelligence reports have predicted this, people will just believe what they want, if it fits the bias dopamine is stimulated.
They could get away with this in the past but not now, almost 50 million Americans who voted for Trump will see this, it doesn’t end well.


Jan 25, 2014
Yep, I agree. The good news is that at least half of the country is well-aware of what is going on. And that is based on polls CNN conducts, which means in reality probably 75% of the country understands what is going on, but won't act yet as they have not been pushed into a corner yet. Also, in my experience a good portion of the people supporting the "pandemic", vaccines, lockdowns, etc are actually only doing it as it benefits them in some way (usually financially). They have no illusions about the "good intentions" of the powers that be and the moment this stops being in their interest they will push back. Of course, some things, like getting their health ruined with the mRNA injections, cannot be reversed once done but at least it is encouraging to know that the general public is not too dumb but...maybe too opportunistic, to their own detriment.
As far as fleeing - the evil cabal that is trying to take over the world won't leave any civilized place intact, even if means world war. If one flees, it can only work temporarily and if one goes to live in the wilderness like a monk. That is not something most people can survive as a lifestyle or can even be done on a mass scale. So...the final fight is upon us and there is no point trying to run away. If history is any guide, evil is never a stable structure and invariably falls, and the only question is how many innocents the cabal will take with itself on its way down.

It's encouraging to hear this from you. I was looking at the Covid vaccination numbers, and think the 75% number may be roughly accurate.

There are about 161 Million Flu vaccines given in a normal year. So far, there are 78 Million Americans "Fully Vaccinated," (or about 23%) with 125 Million having taken "one dose" (about 38%) for Covid.

Kids under 16 aren't eligible for the covid vax, but are for the flu shot, so that might be about 40 million or so less expected doses.

On the flip side, there has been enormous pressure to take the covid vax from many angles, along with a sort of "Black Friday" rollout, similar to what you used to see on flat screen TVs, X-boxes, and Tickle Me Elmo..... Great Deals to be had, but not enough supply for everyone! So act fast, trample over shoppers if you have to!

Although, it seems the volunteers and the easily pressured are pretty much done. They're hitting a wall with volunteers, and the rest of us aren't just "vaccine hesitant." No, we are determined to REJECT their medical experimention. When talking with my mom recently, she mentioned hearing that there were a lot of appointments now open for the shot (she isn't getting it, thankfully).

Also, having said that, I can see reasons for the entities counting these numbers to inflate them, just like COVID cases and deaths were. Pharma companies probably want the numbers exaggerated, so they can get more money from the federal government. State and Local governments probably want them inflated, to justify opening policies. The Federal Government and Media probably want them inflated, to show people complying, and encouraging the "Monkey See, Monkey Do" lemming type attitude.

I'm sure some took the shot thinking it was basically a flu shot, got much worse reactions, and are having a rude awakening. Some don't believe in it, and fell for the pressure, possibly because of their job or something. And maybe some are like the average Biden voter....... long dead for years or decades. But there's already some that are standing their ground and fighting in court.

Even CNN has been forced to air segments like this. Even in a sentence or two, these people bring up some solid objections-


Also, as far as the cabal and the World Takeover is concerned...... did you ever read "Pawns In the Game" by William Guy Carr? Written over 60 years ago, but you can still see predictions made coming true today. One thing I have thought, as this so called "Pandemic" has dragged on, is that this Cabal screwed up, and pushed too fast. It really seems like they needed another 20-30 years before they attempted an operation this big and long. But maybe they were pressured into doing this, with either too many people waking up, or some higher level forces opposing them, or some combination of the two. It's odd, but this has simultaneously been the most depressing and most encouraging time of my life.
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May 20, 2020
It's encouraging to hear this from you. I was looking at the Covid vaccination numbers, and think the 75% number may be roughly accurate.

There are about 161 Million Flu vaccines given in a normal year. So far, there are 78 Million Americans "Fully Vaccinated," (or about 23%) with 125 Million having taken "one dose" (about 38%) for Covid.

Kids under 16 aren't eligible for the covid vax, but are for the flu shot, so that might be about 40 million or so less expected doses.

On the flip side, there has been enormous pressure to take the covid vax from many angles, along with a sort of "Black Friday" rollout, similar to what you used to see on flat screen TVs, X-boxes, and Tickle Me Elmo..... Great Deals to be had, but not enough supply for everyone! So act fast, trample over shoppers if you have to!

Although, it seems the volunteers and the easily pressured are pretty much done. They're hitting a wall with volunteers, and the rest of us aren't just "vaccine hesitant." No, we are determined to REJECT their medical experimention. When talking with my mom recently, she mentioned hearing that there were a lot of appointments now open for the shot (she isn't getting it, thankfully).

Also, having said that, I can see reasons for the entities counting these numbers to inflate them, just like COVID cases and deaths were. Pharma companies probably want the numbers exaggerated, so they can get more money from the federal government. State and Local governments probably want them inflated, to justify opening policies. The Federal Government and Media probably want them inflated, to show people complying, and encouraging the "Monkey See, Monkey Do" lemming type attitude.

I'm sure some took the shot thinking it was basically a flu shot, got much worse reactions, and are having a rude awakening. Some don't believe in it, and fell for the pressure, possibly because of their job or something. And maybe some are like the average Biden voter....... long dead for years or decades. But there's already some that are standing their ground and fighting in court.

Even CNN has been forced to air segments like this. Even in a sentence or two, these people bring up some solid objections-


Also, as far as the cabal and the World Takeover is concerned...... did you ever read "Pawns In the Game" by William Guy Carr? Written over 60 years ago, but you can still see predictions made coming true today. One thing I have thought, as this so called "Pandemic" has dragged on, is that this Cabal screwed up, and pushed too fast. It really seems like they needed another 20-30 years before they attempted an operation this big and long. But maybe they were pressured into doing this, with either too many people waking up, or some higher level forces opposing them, or some combination of the two. It's odd, but this has simultaneously been the most depressing and most encouraging time of my life.

I've been doing a ton of reading on these topics because the lockdowns just never made sense to me...when has the government ever cared about your health?? From what I've been able to see , this all ties into Klaus Schwab his World Economic Forum and their mantra to build back better into a global green new deal. It's scary ***t, in order to build back you have to crush the economy to get people to work from home to lower carbon emissions to discourage travel. The WEF had a video out a while back showing their 8 predictions for the next decade, the video is still out there but you have to dig to find it. In this video he tells us that you will own nothing and be happy about it, meat will only be an occasional treat and not a staple and the US will no longer be a world superpower. Europe's countries presidents are firmly in the pocket of the WEF I believe. And looks like Biden is too, first day in office canceling the Keystone pipeline and look at where gas prices are at already - discouraging travel. There were Congress men/women that sold their entire stock portfolio last January right before covid came to the US right before the March/April mini-crash. And Fauci has been in videos with the WEF over in Europe. We are literally living in the largest global coordinated okiedoke of all time just to crush fossil fuels and push a global green new deal.


Jan 25, 2014
In this video he tells us that you will own nothing and be happy about it,

I think you're on to a lot, but the whole "You'll own nothing and be happy about it" always makes me laugh.

Most people don't realize that they already don't own anything! Well, aside from trinkets, and any gold and silver in your possession.

A house? You don't own that if you pay a "mortgage." Or taxes. And you already know you don't own it if you pay rent.

A car? You don't own that if it's "registered" with the state.

Money? Ha! There is no money! The only "money" there is in circulation is promissory notes. It doesn't have any real value. No one "buys" anything anymore. They simply "discharge their debt."

Stock? Ha! Again! You can prove me wrong by going to your safe and pulling out your stock certificate and seeing that it's clearly in your name. Except...... the stock you "own" isn't reflected in a stock certificate in your possession, is it? It's at a broker, like eTrade or Fidelity. There's more than a 99% chance that stock is in the name of Cede & Co.

The funny thing about about that statement is he is basically saying "you'll own exactly as much as you own now, and be happy about it."

And truthfully, most "rich people" don't own anything, either. But, they know about things like trusts and corporations, and how to use them. Rich people know how to fill out forms.


Jan 25, 2014
I'm surprised no one has tried to kill him yet, and Fauci and Claus Schwab. Just saying.

Are you sure no one hasn't?

I've only seen video evidence of Fauci, ever (and the quality has gotten far worse since October of last year). CGI and holograms are great now. Ever seen this?


And we see crazier things than that in fiction all the time. Check this out-


Was Jordana Brewster ever at "risk" of getting crushed by that, um, mega truck that went as tall as a 10 (20?) story building?

You really think Ludacris and Tyrese drove across a bridge as it collapsed?

And then do you think Cena drove off a cliff and got picked up by a "Magnet Plane?" (piloted by Charleze Theron?)

And then do you think Vin Diesel and Michelle Rodriguez did a "Spiderman" swing across that same chasm with the one remaining cable?

So what makes you think that drug companies, the most profitable companies in the world, wouldn't fake a Fauci for some extra profits?

I mean, obviously that is like, 87 billion times more believable than the official Covid narrative, that some woman caught this "novel corona virus" after eating a bat, and that Chinese Researchers found it in the very first every patient, and that the same virus is somehow uniquely deadly, even though it ranks number seven on the cause of deaths for 2020, even with all the obvious inflation...... but that F9 trailer still isn't realistic.
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May 20, 2020
I'm surprised no one has tried to kill him yet, and Fauci and Claus Schwab. Just saying.
Man charged with trying to blow up a Google data center. Big tech is complicit in all of this as well as the media. You just cannot impose your leftist values on everybody along with this fake cancel culture and not expect a violent reaction.


Nov 22, 2017
Northeast US
Man charged with trying to blow up a Google data center. Big tech is complicit in all of this as well as the media. You just cannot impose your leftist values on everybody along with this fake cancel culture and not expect a violent reaction.
MichaelY, "leftist" is a creation of the media and our two party ping-pong political system. Things come into focus for me when I view them through authoritarian/nonauthoritarian glasses. Obviously both parties switch on or off as they deem fit for the moment. Let's not forget the economic welfare that large corporations get (many large ones that lobby, pay no taxes and actually get rebates), and the foolish small businessman and "poor" individual promoting no-regulations which only big-corps can take advantage of. They are making us their proxies by the ole "commie vs 'merican" trick.

It'll be interesting to see if anyone walks into a Pfizer or Astrazeneca building and blows himself up (just saying).


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Also, as far as the cabal and the World Takeover is concerned...... did you ever read "Pawns In the Game" by William Guy Carr? Written over 60 years ago, but you can still see predictions made coming true today. One thing I have thought, as this so called "Pandemic" has dragged on, is that this Cabal screwed up, and pushed too fast. It really seems like they needed another 20-30 years before they attempted an operation this big and long. But maybe they were pressured into doing this, with either too many people waking up, or some higher level forces opposing them, or some combination of the two. It's odd, but this has simultaneously been the most depressing and most encouraging time of my life.

Thanks, had not read that book, lookup it up as a PDF right now.
As far as pushing it too fast/soon - I agree, but I think they had no choice as the psyop was dictated by the urgency of the financial insolvency of Wall Street. There are basically no rich markets left to plunder, Russia/China are now giving serious pushback to the imperialism of Wall Street and the banksters were at the end of their wits where to get more money from. Considering the financial markets were about to collapse back in August 2019, I am surprised they did not start the "plandemic" earlier, circa beginning of 2019.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This is all a financial issue isn't it? Just like last century.

Yep. I don't think there has been any global crisis/war in the last 100 years that was not financial in origin. USSR and USA had every ideological reason to nuke each other out repeatedly yet nothing major happened in 50+ years of these countries threatening each other. Yet, once fiat money is allowed to run the show unopposed and a massive "bubble" forms it can usually only be defused by an economic collapse and/or war...and if those don't happen naturally, they will be induced deliberately if the financial class deems it necessary to protect its "wealth".


Mar 15, 2018
Yep. I don't think there has been any global crisis/war in the last 100 years that was not financial in origin. USSR and USA had every ideological reason to nuke each other out repeatedly yet nothing major happened in 50+ years of these countries threatening each other. Yet, once fiat money is allowed to run the show unopposed and a massive "bubble" forms it can usually only be defused by an economic collapse and/or war...and if those don't happen naturally, they will be induced deliberately if the financial class deems it necessary to protect its "wealth".
I'm certain you're fair aware of this kind of economic bolshevism yourself given your own experiences, just like others from South Africa and South America.
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Apr 10, 2017
I knew CNN was engaging in blatant COVID-19 manipulation back in March 2020 when for several days in row I saw CNN display constantly a red alert banner that said "This about to get VERY, VERY scary!" Aside from the fact that no serious journalist/news organization runs headlines like that, to this day I am sure this level of fearmongering violates state/local laws in many US jurisdictions against causing panic in the general population. Of course, no govt agency has investigated CNN (or other MSM outlets) over deliberately stoking provably unfounded fears in the general population. However, one of the links below also shows that CNN was engaged in deliberate smear campaign against Trump while he was still POTUS, and I am pretty sure there are FEC rules on blatant lies against a political opponent, or any public official running for re-election. CNN also apparently engaged in blatant lies about the economy, and "climate change" in order to further stoke fear about Trump and get people to vote against him. And if all of that was not bad enough, CNN also admits that ALL of its reporters openly manipulate people they interview to get them to say whatever CNN's agenda desires, and to never invite people for interviews who basically "won't play ball". According to CNN itself, there is no such thing as "unbiased news" in MSM and the closest to unbiased news we can get is independent reporting/analysis similar to what we have on this forum. Yet, CNN also admits that they tirelessly lobby to have exactly such independent reporting/analysis brutally censored by Big Tech in order to "combat misinformation". I just don't understand how such open, public admissions are not enough to arrest and imprison the entire leadership of CNN, or at least launch a massive criminal investigation into its "journalism" practices. Actually, since most of MSM parrots the same idiotisms as CNN, the entire MSM industry should be investigated and/or sued into oblivion for being nothing but an instrument of deception while getting multiple bailouts with taxpayers' money.
The founder of Project Veritas, who made those videos exposing the absolute abysmal fraud CNN is, claims he will take CNN to court precisely because he believes they have violated a number of federal and state laws. So, even if CNN is the darling of DOJ and won't get criminally prosecuted maybe the civil lawsuit will succeed and expose the inconvenient truth that MSM has truly become an "enemy of the people" and have nothing to offer except mental zombification on demand.

@Regina @tankasnowgod

@Drareg - has anything similar been leaked recently about the UK press? I'd imagine it is just as criminally zombifying and lying non-stop for a living.

"...An undercover video released by Project Veritas shows CNN technical director Charlie Chester revealing how the network purposefully painted Joe Biden in a positive light to get Donald Trump out of office. In a conversation with a Project Veritas journalist, Chester can be seen on video admitting CNN worked to make Trump look “unfit for office,” while simultaneously portraying Biden as healthy to combat fears the 78-year-old was not up to holding the presidency. Look what we did, we [CNN] got Trump out. I am 100% going to say it, and I 100% believe that if it wasn't for CNN, I don't know that Trump would have got voted out…I came to CNN because I wanted to be a part of that,” Chester says in the video. He also detailed bringing in “medical people” to tell a story that was “all speculation” about Trump’s hand shaking. We were creating a story there that we didn't know anything about. That's what – I think that’s propaganda,” he said.

"...Chester revealed the opposite was done for Biden during the 2020 presidential race. “We would always show shots of him [Biden] jogging and that [he’s] healthy, you know, and him in aviator shades. Like you paint him as a young geriatric,” he said, saying the strategy was a “deflection” of his age and numerous public gaffes."

"...It's going to be our [CNN’s] focus. Like our focus was to get Trump out of office, right? Without saying it, that's what it was, right? So, our next thing is going to be climate change awareness,” he said. Chester added he doesn’t specifically know what that coverage looks like, but it will likely include fear-mongering videos of “the effects it’s having on the economy,” as well as “decline in ice” and “weather warming.”

"...CNN’s coverage of Covid-19 reflected a formula for the way the network capitalizes on news, Chester said. “It’s fear,” he said. “Like, fear really drives numbers. The technical director added that, while the “happiest” news might cause people to go and spend time with their families, Fear is the thing that keeps you tuned in, I would imagine. What’s the scariest thing next, you know?” When CNN puts a good-news segment at the end of a program, Chester added, it’s like “the ice cream to alleviate, you know, like, everything that you’ve been through, like something sweet to end it with, because everything else is like doom and gloom." Beyond making fear-based coverage decisions – “if it bleeds, it leads”CNN often presents its stories in a biased way, Chester admitted. “There’s no such thing as unbiased news,” he said. “It just doesn’t exist. There’s too many agendas. There’s too many people that have jobs, that need to feed families, for it to be unbiased.” Chester said “grassroots” podcasts, often done out of people’s basements, are the closest thing to unbiased news. Ironically, CNN has pushed for censorship of smaller, independent voices in the name of fighting “misinformation.” Chester said CNN and rival Fox News are essentially the same in their biases, except they stand on opposing sides of the political spectrum. He added that all CNN reporters are able to manipulate people in interviews – using inflection, repetition, and other techniques -- to spin the focus of a story to their liking. “Listen to the way they ask questions, because they’re not actually asking questions,” he said. “What they’re actually doing is, they’re telling the person what to say. It’s an art form in there. There’s an art form to it.” Chester added that “it’s always like leading them in a direction before they even open their mouths. And the only people that we will let on the air, for the most part, are the people that have a proven track record of taking the bait.” Such manipulation is powerful enough “to change the world,” Chester said. It worked for CNN in helping to oust Trump, he noted, “but look at the other side, how devastated they were. So, were we the good guys or the bad guys? It depends on which side you were looking at it from, you know?”
I'm disappointed in you, Georgi. There are some real problems with the sham video you posted. Note that it aired on "RT" i.e., Russian Television. Points deducted right there. The video/audio was also HIGHLY and very slickly edited, which no doubt distorted the content materially. The chap in the video, a wanna be director, was also DRINKING alcohol while being leadingly pumped by a sly young woman. It is no wonder that he so sloppily and brazenly bragged to her about his/CNN's power and influence. A sophisticated viewer could see all of this quickly -- and move on, not offer it up as a groundbreaking journalistic find. But hey, that said, I love me some Pyrucet!
Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
I'm disappointed in you, Georgi. There are some real problems with the sham video you posted. Note that it aired on "RT" i.e., Russian Television. Points deducted right there. The video/audio was also HIGHLY and very slickly edited, which no doubt distorted the content materially. The chap in the video, a wanna be director, was also DRINKING alcohol while being leadingly pumped by a sly young woman. It is no wonder that he so sloppily and brazenly bragged to her about his/CNN's power and influence. A sophisticated viewer could see all of this quickly -- and move on, not offer it up as a groundbreaking journalistic find. But hey, that said, I love me some Pyrucet!


Read who James O'Keefe is and the history of what Project Veritas has done up until today before your next comment. To summarise, he exposes crimes committed by politicians and political activists, getting many of those he exposes fired and/or prosecuted as a result. He and PV have no relationship with RT; RT and many other news platforms are showing the independent work from Project Veritas after James O'Keefe was banned from Twitter.

He is now attempting to sue them into oblivion, and has a 100% success rate in the courts against high profile offenders until now.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I'm disappointed in you, Georgi. There are some real problems with the sham video you posted. Note that it aired on "RT" i.e., Russian Television. Points deducted right there. The video/audio was also HIGHLY and very slickly edited, which no doubt distorted the content materially. The chap in the video, a wanna be director, was also DRINKING alcohol while being leadingly pumped by a sly young woman. It is no wonder that he so sloppily and brazenly bragged to her about his/CNN's power and influence. A sophisticated viewer could see all of this quickly -- and move on, not offer it up as a groundbreaking journalistic find. But hey, that said, I love me some Pyrucet!

If you do a little more research on the topic you will see that the videos and the claims of the CNN director are quite legit. No doubt the video and admissions were obtained through questionable and possibly even illegal means, but that does not change the underlying reality of what CNN and the rest of MSM (Fox News included) does/are - i.e. nothing but a propaganda machine pushing whatever narrative their owners are currently selling. The part about deliberate fearmongering and lying about COVID-19 is at this point beyond proven, and transcends the typical "left vs. right" narrative traditionally used to judge "news" sources.


Jul 6, 2016
This is a great thread.

I'm wondering if any deep states agents or controlled opposition agents will jump in and try to diffuse and discredit.

In this ongoing war with the globalists who have infiltrated pretty much every institution and organization in the country, I am always looking for any reliable sources of evidence to see if the good guys are winning.
The fact that more people are awake to the propaganda of the MSM is encouraging. James O'keefe is doing good work.

But the current border problems, the absence of arrests, the continued censorship, rioters being caught and released, the election fraud, and yes that brutal murder of Kemp's daughter's boyfriend...makes me think the deep state still has a lot of power and it seems we are at a stalemate.

Who knows where we go from here.


Apr 10, 2017
If you do a little more research on the topic you will see that the videos and the claims of the CNN director are quite legit. No doubt the video and admissions were obtained through questionable and possibly even illegal means, but that does not change the underlying reality of what CNN and the rest of MSM (Fox News included) does/are - i.e. nothing but a propaganda machine pushing whatever narrative their owners are currently selling. The part about deliberate fearmongering and lying about COVID-19 is at this point beyond proven, and transcends the typical "left vs. right" narrative traditionally used to judge "news" sources.
I do hear you. It's just that the technical/circumstantial flaws of the video jumped out at me so much. I'm almost as disturbed by the practices of networks like CNN as I am by those of the vile Fox.
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