CNN: What's the point of ever leaving home again?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Yet another example that this whole "pandemic" is nothing but a smokescreen for the ushering in of the deliberate digitization and isolation of society. The former for profit, and the latter for security. Except, we are being gaslighted that the "security" portion is all about protecting us - i.e. who knows what kinds of dangerous germs we may catch when mingling with others. /s
The sad reality is that the security attained from isolation is for the powers that be. When we don't meet in person, we cannot really organize a resistance. Communication over digital channels is completely controlled/censored at this point, and even if it was useful, effective resistance still requires physical action by large groups of people. Staying at home 24x7 is exactly what allows the powers that be to keep pushing/deploying their antihumanistic technologies (aka "Great Reset"), while at the same time staying relatively safe from social unrest. I am reminded of a scene from the movie "Shawshank Redemption". There was an old felon (Brooks) who had stayed in prison for pretty much his entire life. When he got out of prison on parole, the world had changed so much that he simply could not fathom surviving in it and...committed suicide shortly after, as a result of constantly living in fear. He had become institutionalized and was better off inside prison than out in the real world. In the words of his friend Red (Morgan Freeman):
Red : These walls are funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on them. That's institutionalized.
Heywood : ***t. I could never get like that.
Ernie : Oh yeah? Say that when you been here as long as Brooks has.
Red : ******* right. They send you here for life, and that's exactly what they take. The part that counts, anyway.

It seems the powers that be are pursuing exactly such an agenda - institutionalizing us - into our own homes, by creating a fake but reassuring environment inside, while changing the world outside in such ways that we feel alienated and threatened by it and predictably retreat back into the "safety" of our homes. This is also the main theme of the great movie series "The Wire" - i.e. everybody living in the city had become institutionalized - even though the series claimed it was an unintended consequence of how society was structured. If the last year has taught us anything, it is that it has ALWAYS been deliberate!

@Drareg @Regina @tankasnowgod @boris @Giraffe
"...A year ago, this was our last normal weekend and we didn't even know it. Now, we're deep into a pandemic, with ever-rising Covid-19-related deaths, a new strain on the loose and news of people still experiencing symptoms months after testing positive. But as more people get vaccinated, it finally seems like there's hope on the horizon. Eventually, someday soon, the joys of normal life will return. And yet, we have to ask: Why bother? What's the point of ever leaving home again? Getting dinner, grabbing drinks, working out, seeing a movie. All these comforts of middle class existence in the Before Times are gone, and it could be another year until it's completely safe to return. And after months of pandemmy life, those of us who are lucky enough to work from home have gotten really good at this stay-at-home thing. Bars? Simply overpriced drinks. Concerts? Too many sweaty armpits, way too close to your face. Gyms? A house party for germs. Of course, the pandemic has been a tough time for millions of people -- as many are out of work and mental health struggles continue. Here are some ways you can help. But still, maybe introverts were right all along: Why go out when you can stay in?"


Aug 13, 2020
The author starts to make some valid points about questioning overpriced drinks in bars and sweaty strangers at concerts, but then makes the wrong conclusion. The realization here is not that staying indoors all the time is the logical thing to do, it's that so much of what we do for pastime and fun really isn't that great of an experience.


Nov 22, 2017
The author starts to make some valid points about questioning overpriced drinks in bars and sweaty strangers at concerts, but then makes the wrong conclusion. The realization here is not that staying indoors all the time is the logical thing to do, it's that so much of what we do for pastime and fun really isn't that great of an experience.

Meh. I like to stay home a lot because I have a lot of hobbies, reading and work I do on my own but I can still have fun with concerts/drinks out with friends and it can be a great experience. The price of the drinks and/or the crowd at a concert doesn't really deter from the experience if the music is good or if the vibe is great at a bar. It can also be a subpar experience, for sure, but so is staying at home all the time.

And I get your fundamental point, much of what society has conditioned us to think is ''fun'' (i.e. going out to restaurants and watching movies/shows) is a quite diluted and regulated experience of life. Clearly there was a freedom in the 1970s-1990s which is gone. But there are plenty of fun activities available, especially so outside of cities.

Nobody really cares about germs at the gyms or sweaty armpits at concerts. They are a minor inconvenience for the benefits and at this point I think the majority of people are starting to recognize the value of being with other people (it makes us feel better).

I'm confident that this whole manufactured crisis will backfire, because as humans we do like our privacy and our space, but we need a certain degree of companionship and friendship and daily interaction, just to feel right, and in my life I'm seeing that more and more people have come to realize that this is much more important than being always 100% safe from germs and viruses.
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Aug 17, 2016
Yet another example that this whole "pandemic" is nothing but a smokescreen for the ushering in of the deliberate digitization and isolation of society. The former for profit, and the latter for security. Except, we are being gaslighted that the "security" portion is all about protecting us - i.e. who knows what kinds of dangerous germs we may catch when mingling with others. /s
The sad reality is that the security attained from isolation is for the powers that be. When we don't meet in person, we cannot really organize a resistance. Communication over digital channels is completely controlled/censored at this point, and even if it was useful, effective resistance still requires physical action by large groups of people. Staying at home 24x7 is exactly what allows the powers that be to keep pushing/deploying their antihumanistic technologies (aka "Great Reset"), while at the same time staying relatively safe from social unrest. I am reminded of a scene from the movie "Shawshank Redemption". There was an old felon (Brooks) who had stayed in prison for pretty much his entire life. When he got out of prison on parole, the world had changed so much that he simply could not fathom surviving in it and...committed suicide shortly after, as a result of constantly living in fear. He had become institutionalized and was better off inside prison than out in the real world. In the words of his friend Red (Morgan Freeman):
Red : These walls are funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on them. That's institutionalized.
Heywood : ***t. I could never get like that.
Ernie : Oh yeah? Say that when you been here as long as Brooks has.
Red : ******* right. They send you here for life, and that's exactly what they take. The part that counts, anyway.

It seems the powers that be are pursuing exactly such an agenda - institutionalizing us - into our own homes, by creating a fake but reassuring environment inside, while changing the world outside in such ways that we feel alienated and threatened by it and predictably retreat back into the "safety" of our homes. This is also the main theme of the great movie series "The Wire" - i.e. everybody living in the city had become institutionalized - even though the series claimed it was an unintended consequence of how society was structured. If the last year has taught us anything, it is that it has ALWAYS been deliberate!

@Drareg @Regina @tankasnowgod @boris @Giraffe
"...A year ago, this was our last normal weekend and we didn't even know it. Now, we're deep into a pandemic, with ever-rising Covid-19-related deaths, a new strain on the loose and news of people still experiencing symptoms months after testing positive. But as more people get vaccinated, it finally seems like there's hope on the horizon. Eventually, someday soon, the joys of normal life will return. And yet, we have to ask: Why bother? What's the point of ever leaving home again? Getting dinner, grabbing drinks, working out, seeing a movie. All these comforts of middle class existence in the Before Times are gone, and it could be another year until it's completely safe to return. And after months of pandemmy life, those of us who are lucky enough to work from home have gotten really good at this stay-at-home thing. Bars? Simply overpriced drinks. Concerts? Too many sweaty armpits, way too close to your face. Gyms? A house party for germs. Of course, the pandemic has been a tough time for millions of people -- as many are out of work and mental health struggles continue. Here are some ways you can help. But still, maybe introverts were right all along: Why go out when you can stay in?"

100%. It was a How-to on how to make and keep the Globe a permanent playground for the chosen illuminates without pesky interference from the peons.

As far as germs, no one ever cared in aikido. In a big dojo in a big city like Chicago, with no air conditioning, you grapple with people from all over the world in each lesson. Sweaty hairy smelly, snotty, jock-itch dudes with rotten toenails and bad breath. All shapes, sizes and colors. I never heard of anyone getting sick from anyone. When people are really sick, they just don't come because they don't feel like doing anything. That "system" seemed to work fine.

(I skipped the cheesy Trump vid, but otherwise....)


Jun 13, 2019
the "ray peat lifestlye". stay at home, shop, cook, read, paint. everyday for decades. it works for some, makes others go insane. Didn't ray say he thinks UBI is a good idea so people can stop doing meaningless work soon?
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
the "ray peat lifestlye". stay at home, shop, cook, read, paint. everyday for decades. it works for some, makes others go insane. Didn't ray say he thinks UBI is a good idea so people can stop doing meaningless work soon?

I think he said it may a lesser evil than doing meaningless work, but cautioned that once people become fully dependent on UBI the state will gradually change eligibility requirements along the lines of mandatory vaccines, UBI can only be spent on certain things/food (which would be easy with fully digital currency), what to watch/listen/read on TV/radio/internet, who to associate with, where to go/travel, etc. I just don't see what good can come from a system where people are just being paid to do nothing. Sooner or later, the state will find a way to get rid of those "useless eaters" (actual term used by "Great Reset" oligarchs for all of us). If the system that rules us is as evil and corrupt as we suspect, being financially dependent on it would be a terrible development. IMO, being free and doing nothing are two very different things. It seems, the latter is not much different than doing meaningless work (effort that amounts to nothing). Besides, I am not aware of any country where UBI is implemented that pays enough to live comfortably. It is meant as basically a subsistence level income that prevents people from dying or doing crime, but the policies even in UBI havens like Denmark are still geared towards getting able-bodied people to work for a living. It is not that working is somehow inherently bad, it is that the financialization/digitization of the economy, combined with globalization, has left mostly meaningless jobs for most people and even those are soon to be gobbled up by the AI machines. The goal should be towards restoring a social order where people's work has meaning and benefits others, not simply generates profit out of thin air while destroying economies/societies/lives.
Just my 2c.


Nov 22, 2017
The goal should be towards restoring a social order where people's work has meaning and benefits others, not simply generates profit out of thin air while destroying economies/societies/lives.

I think this won't be possible without actively abandoning the ideals of globalization and returning to local, decentralized economies. Producing foods, items locally and various services are simple things but bring meaningful jobs to the community.

Where I live the government is bonkers regarding covid, but they are at least pretending like they want to take advantage of the situation to rebuild the local economy.


Feb 18, 2016
the "ray peat lifestlye". stay at home, shop, cook, read, paint. everyday for decades. it works for some, makes others go insane. Didn't ray say he thinks UBI is a good idea so people can stop doing meaningless work soon?

Most will use the UBI to consume at elite owned businesses, internet, food, subscriptions for Netflix,Apple Music etc , they will also justify an increase in VAT to justify the UBI. You will have to spend it with ruling class businesses to survive, even if peaty it will be tight.

The central bank will print the electronic numbers so to speak and hand it to the peasants, said peasants will then hand it straight to the ruling class via consumerism, the ruling class wont circulate the money so no inflation, maybe to collapse major currencies in the short term they will, then we usher in the global central bank digital currency, once on digital the same system, the central bank will circulate the money to the ruling class and they will hoard it and not circulate it, just dangle some tokens to the peasants when they want us to tap dance.
One of the reasons the ruling class are glamorizing sex work and pushing for legalization of all degeneracy in general is because this is how they will spend their money, with so many in the lower socio economic class it means a lot of folks will take up sex work, they don’t want to be another epstein case so legalizing it will be pumped, it’s every humans dream to have a Henry Kissinger like elderly man humping on you for a few hundred euro, this is what sexual empowerment looks like, sexual liberation/freedom they say yet ironically no freedom from needing money, this prostitution market will be so saturated it will probably cost 1 euro in the end.

The peasants desire and acceptance of the currency give the ruling class close to absolute power on a global level, the ruling class will use this money to take the space race to the next level, misses and armaments in space, even more control.

We also have zero hour contracts with no rights for workers if you want to earn extra on top of the UBI, you will never be fired from a job again just not rehired, this means with open boarders wages will be market adjustable, lol!

Life is beautiful, it’s important to stay positive and parrot, it could be worse, like dying or something.


Feb 18, 2016
Yet another example that this whole "pandemic" is nothing but a smokescreen for the ushering in of the deliberate digitization and isolation of society. The former for profit, and the latter for security. Except, we are being gaslighted that the "security" portion is all about protecting us - i.e. who knows what kinds of dangerous germs we may catch when mingling with others. /s
The sad reality is that the security attained from isolation is for the powers that be. When we don't meet in person, we cannot really organize a resistance. Communication over digital channels is completely controlled/censored at this point, and even if it was useful, effective resistance still requires physical action by large groups of people. Staying at home 24x7 is exactly what allows the powers that be to keep pushing/deploying their antihumanistic technologies (aka "Great Reset"), while at the same time staying relatively safe from social unrest. I am reminded of a scene from the movie "Shawshank Redemption". There was an old felon (Brooks) who had stayed in prison for pretty much his entire life. When he got out of prison on parole, the world had changed so much that he simply could not fathom surviving in it and...committed suicide shortly after, as a result of constantly living in fear. He had become institutionalized and was better off inside prison than out in the real world. In the words of his friend Red (Morgan Freeman):
Red : These walls are funny. First you hate 'em, then you get used to 'em. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on them. That's institutionalized.
Heywood : ***t. I could never get like that.
Ernie : Oh yeah? Say that when you been here as long as Brooks has.
Red : ******* right. They send you here for life, and that's exactly what they take. The part that counts, anyway.

It seems the powers that be are pursuing exactly such an agenda - institutionalizing us - into our own homes, by creating a fake but reassuring environment inside, while changing the world outside in such ways that we feel alienated and threatened by it and predictably retreat back into the "safety" of our homes. This is also the main theme of the great movie series "The Wire" - i.e. everybody living in the city had become institutionalized - even though the series claimed it was an unintended consequence of how society was structured. If the last year has taught us anything, it is that it has ALWAYS been deliberate!

@Drareg @Regina @tankasnowgod @boris @Giraffe
"...A year ago, this was our last normal weekend and we didn't even know it. Now, we're deep into a pandemic, with ever-rising Covid-19-related deaths, a new strain on the loose and news of people still experiencing symptoms months after testing positive. But as more people get vaccinated, it finally seems like there's hope on the horizon. Eventually, someday soon, the joys of normal life will return. And yet, we have to ask: Why bother? What's the point of ever leaving home again? Getting dinner, grabbing drinks, working out, seeing a movie. All these comforts of middle class existence in the Before Times are gone, and it could be another year until it's completely safe to return. And after months of pandemmy life, those of us who are lucky enough to work from home have gotten really good at this stay-at-home thing. Bars? Simply overpriced drinks. Concerts? Too many sweaty armpits, way too close to your face. Gyms? A house party for germs. Of course, the pandemic has been a tough time for millions of people -- as many are out of work and mental health struggles continue. Here are some ways you can help. But still, maybe introverts were right all along: Why go out when you can stay in?"

This article is for the billionaire class where their private estate is the size of a small town, their yachts are the size of a small council housing estate.

Not that I want to read the entire article but did they add climate saving virtue to the reasons to become a hermit?
You can save the climate these days by doing anything that limits your individual freedom and wealth while making the ruling class richer.

This is what life is like in countries that are economically backward, there isn’t really anything outside to do, they are probably social engineering from this type of model.


Jun 13, 2019
Most will use the UBI to consume at elite owned businesses, internet, food, subscriptions for Netflix,Apple Music etc , they will also justify an increase in VAT to justify the UBI. You will have to spend it with ruling class businesses to survive, even if peaty it will be tight.

The central bank will print the electronic numbers so to speak and hand it to the peasants, said peasants will then hand it straight to the ruling class via consumerism, the ruling class wont circulate the money so no inflation, maybe to collapse major currencies in the short term they will, then we usher in the global central bank digital currency, once on digital the same system, the central bank will circulate the money to the ruling class and they will hoard it and not circulate it, just dangle some tokens to the peasants when they want us to tap dance.
One of the reasons the ruling class are glamorizing sex work and pushing for legalization of all degeneracy in general is because this is how they will spend their money, with so many in the lower socio economic class it means a lot of folks will take up sex work, they don’t want to be another epstein case so legalizing it will be pumped, it’s every humans dream to have a Henry Kissinger like elderly man humping on you for a few hundred euro, this is what sexual empowerment looks like, sexual liberation/freedom they say yet ironically no freedom from needing money, this prostitution market will be so saturated it will probably cost 1 euro in the end.

The peasants desire and acceptance of the currency give the ruling class close to absolute power on a global level, the ruling class will use this money to take the space race to the next level, misses and armaments in space, even more control.

We also have zero hour contracts with no rights for workers if you want to earn extra on top of the UBI, you will never be fired from a job again just not rehired, this means with open boarders wages will be market adjustable, lol!

Life is beautiful, it’s important to stay positive and parrot, it could be worse, like dying or something.
well said...modern monetary theory, aka MMT, summed up. pump up the stocks with QE and low interest rates, kill small businesses with lockdowns, devalue the dollar, tax to keep inflation "low", give the people UBI, people spend UBI on big businesses like you said but they'll also invest in the market through apps like robinhood further increasing stock prices. they've pulled off a master class scheme to win in every scenario. what's most impressive to me is how they can claim inflations low and under control with a straight face.
Jun 16, 2017
I think he said it may a lesser evil than doing meaningless work, but cautioned that once people become fully dependent on UBI the state will gradually change eligibility requirements along the lines of mandatory vaccines, UBI can only be spent on certain things/food (which would be easy with fully digital currency), what to watch/listen/read on TV/radio/internet, who to associate with, where to go/travel, etc. I just don't see what good can come from a system where people are just being paid to do nothing. Sooner or later, the state will find a way to get rid of those "useless eaters" (actual term used by "Great Reset" oligarchs for all of us). If the system that rules us is as evil and corrupt as we suspect, being financially dependent on it would be a terrible development. IMO, being free and doing nothing are two very different things. It seems, the latter is not much different than doing meaningless work (effort that amounts to nothing). Besides, I am not aware of any country where UBI is implemented that pays enough to live comfortably. It is meant as basically a subsistence level income that prevents people from dying or doing crime, but the policies even in UBI havens like Denmark are still geared towards getting able-bodied people to work for a living. It is not that working is somehow inherently bad, it is that the financialization/digitization of the economy, combined with globalization, has left mostly meaningless jobs for most people and even those are soon to be gobbled up by the AI machines. The goal should be towards restoring a social order where people's work has meaning and benefits others, not simply generates profit out of thin air while destroying economies/societies/lives.
Just my 2c.
I agree that everybody needs to find something that they enjoy and which contributes positively to their community. I think it's hard to be happy without finding something in this intersection.

I think Finland was testing giving some of their citizens a UBI, and, although the mainstream media said that it didn't go so well, the Finland media said it went quite well. The fact that the UBI wouldn't be removed from the person if they got a regular job( unlike when people are on welfare) is really nice. @rei can talk about it with much more depth than I can.

I'm biased in favor of UBI, because it would help me in my current situation, but I definitely understand the shortcomings, especially with this the whole covid plannedemic. Lots of authoritarian moves from the government in multiple countries. Makes it quite clear that most countries have non- trustworthy people in power.

Do you think it's possible that a UBI could be beneficial if the government wasn't corrup/ authoritarian? It's a big if, I know. For example, by giving a financial boost, allowing people to stick with jobs that they like but don't pay that much?


Aug 17, 2016
This article is for the billionaire class where their private estate is the size of a small town, their yachts are the size of a small council housing estate.

Not that I want to read the entire article but did they add climate saving virtue to the reasons to become a hermit?
You can save the climate these days by doing anything that limits your individual freedom and wealth while making the ruling class richer.

This is what life is like in countries that are economically backward, there isn’t really anything outside to do, they are probably social engineering from this type of model.
Yeah. That model makes living in a city completely miserable. No one would want to live in a smart city with no local shop owners to chat with.
They've done enough rat experiments to know how miserable isolated rats don't thrive.


Feb 18, 2016
Yeah. That model makes living in a city completely miserable. No one would want to live in a smart city with no local shop owners to chat with.
They've done enough rat experiments to know how miserable isolated rats don't thrive.

I know right, even those who claim to be misanthropic and solitary secretly enjoy going to the supermarket for the presence of other human beings, society is going full blown autist.


Feb 18, 2016
well said...modern monetary theory, aka MMT, summed up. pump up the stocks with QE and low interest rates, kill small businesses with lockdowns, devalue the dollar, tax to keep inflation "low", give the people UBI, people spend UBI on big businesses like you said but they'll also invest in the market through apps like robinhood further increasing stock prices. they've pulled off a master class scheme to win in every scenario. what's most impressive to me is how they can claim inflations low and under control with a straight face.

I think it’s more about the circulation of money, Velocity, most of the money is with the top 1% of society, they don’t buy bread they get their Chef to make it fresh every day.
Most of the trillions in debt with regard to the dollar just requires the interest to be paid off, most people forget that, also half of the USA debt is to itself the government so basically it’s a joke system, they don’t have to pay money back to themselves anytime soon.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Do you think it's possible that a UBI could be beneficial if the government wasn't corrup/ authoritarian? It's a big if, I know. For example, by giving a financial boost, allowing people to stick with jobs that they like but don't pay that much?

Of course, this was what the situation was apparently back in early 20th century when Peat was growing up and in some countries around the world sporadically throughout 20th century. I think one of the "biggest tricks the devil ever pulled" (a quote from the movie "The Usual Suspects") was to convince people that human nature is inherently bad/evil, so corruption in governments is "natural" and there is no such thing as govt working for its people but rather all we can do is seek the least of all evils when it comes to govt. The only way to have a future as human species is to cultivate humanity in people. Then, even if corruption/totalitarianism raises its ugly head somewhere it would an aberration rather than "normality". Peat spoke of this reality when he was a little child - i.e. there was an aura that the govt was doing its best to help people, not enslave them. So, in the hands of a govt which represents its people UBI can be a lifesaving tool for millions. Yet, in the hands of a nefarious power, UBI can be a tool of absolute control too. I guess, the old Buddhist saying was right by saying that: "To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven. The same key opens the gates of hell". The saying is attributed to the physicist Richard Feynman, but he was paraphrasing Buddha's words.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Not that I want to read the entire article but did they add climate saving virtue to the reasons to become a hermit?

I don't think they did, but their "sister publication" The Guardian took care of this. Man, this is such obvious travesty that at least half of the world must be on SSRI not to see it coming...


Aug 17, 2016
Of course, this was what the situation was apparently back in early 20th century when Peat was growing up and in some countries around the world sporadically throughout 20th century. I think one of the "biggest tricks the devil ever pulled" (a quote from the movie "The Usual Suspects") was to convince people that human nature is inherently bad/evil, so corruption in governments is "natural" and there is no such thing as govt working for its people but rather all we can do is seek the least of all evils when it comes to govt. The only way to have a future as human species is to cultivate humanity in people. Then, even if corruption/totalitarianism raises its ugly head somewhere it would an aberration rather than "normality". Peat spoke of this reality when he was a little child - i.e. there was an aura that the govt was doing its best to help people, not enslave them. So, in the hands of a govt which represents its people UBI can be a lifesaving tool for millions. Yet, in the hands of a nefarious power, UBI can be a tool of absolute control too. I guess, the old Buddhist saying was right by saying that: "To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven. The same key opens the gates of hell". The saying is attributed to the physicist Richard Feynman, but he was paraphrasing Buddha's words.

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Jun 16, 2017
Of course, this was what the situation was apparently back in early 20th century when Peat was growing up and in some countries around the world sporadically throughout 20th century. I think one of the "biggest tricks the devil ever pulled" (a quote from the movie "The Usual Suspects") was to convince people that human nature is inherently bad/evil, so corruption in governments is "natural" and there is no such thing as govt working for its people but rather all we can do is seek the least of all evils when it comes to govt. The only way to have a future as human species is to cultivate humanity in people. Then, even if corruption/totalitarianism raises its ugly head somewhere it would an aberration rather than "normality". Peat spoke of this reality when he was a little child - i.e. there was an aura that the govt was doing its best to help people, not enslave them. So, in the hands of a govt which represents its people UBI can be a lifesaving tool for millions. Yet, in the hands of a nefarious power, UBI can be a tool of absolute control too. I guess, the old Buddhist saying was right by saying that: "To every man is given the key to the gates of heaven. The same key opens the gates of hell". The saying is attributed to the physicist Richard Feynman, but he was paraphrasing Buddha's words.
Very interesting reply as always, haidut. Thanks a lot.


Aug 17, 2016
I don't think they did, but their "sister publication" The Guardian took care of this. Man, this is such obvious travesty that at least half of the world must be on SSRI not to see it coming...
with the continuous scrubbing of the internet, it is not possible to see how the Wellcome trust plays into poisoning women and children in camps during the 2nd Boer Wars or Rockefeller giving out tokens that could only be used at the company store. History is whitewashed. And so much R-fam. mon dieu

Did you see how santa Klaus' wife's, Hilde Stoll, family business is and was poised at every nook n cranny, soup to nuts, of Covid and 4IR?

When I read D Henderson's Agenda 21 book in April 2020, all these references were easy to look up. Good luck finding anything but the glowing philanthrophy of the Wellcome trust, Rockefeller and R-fam.


Jan 1, 2020
UBI is just a bad idea even through the lens of normality. I mean, what if it's removed? Now you have a ten year unemployment history.
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