☕️ Coffee & Covid ☙ IT IS OVER ? could the pandemic be completely over with


Aug 10, 2012

There seems to be a LOT of sudden momentum surging in the direction of ending the pandemic.


⏰ Let’s talk about mind worms. According to USA Today, the “State of the Union Address” is usually delivered by the president in late January or early February, with the last one given by President Trump on February 4, 2020.

Biden’s first state of the union address has now been scheduled for March 1, 2022 — a month later than usual. He’s just a little slow. Or is it something else?


Aug 10, 2012
"I have a mind worm for you. There’s an interesting political dynamic shaping up, a kind of political vice grip that might just be driving federal Covid policy toward authenticity and an end to the pandemic. As we’ll see in the roundup, a lot of reality has been breaking through lately. Sure, some stubborn pockets of ignorance remain, perhaps even at the highest court, parts of which don’t seem to have gotten the memo about the death of the Narrative.

Remember how last week a federal judge ordered the FDA to go ahead and release all the Pfizer data? The data that the federal government (the FDA) wanted to take 75 years to reveal? Well, the bulk of it is due ON MARCH 1 — oddly, the same day as Biden’s SOTU."


Sep 9, 2021
Very interesting thank you Birdie, I saw the guardian article that is cited in this piece yesterday and couldn't believe it - the guardian of all papers, one that has been pushing the mainstream narrative so very hard over the last two years. I feel the end is nigh!


Jun 29, 2021
"I have a mind worm for you. There’s an interesting political dynamic shaping up, a kind of political vice grip that might just be driving federal Covid policy toward authenticity and an end to the pandemic. As we’ll see in the roundup, a lot of reality has been breaking through lately. Sure, some stubborn pockets of ignorance remain, perhaps even at the highest court, parts of which don’t seem to have gotten the memo about the death of the Narrative.

Remember how last week a federal judge ordered the FDA to go ahead and release all the Pfizer data? The data that the federal government (the FDA) wanted to take 75 years to reveal? Well, the bulk of it is due ON MARCH 1 — oddly, the same day as Biden’s SOTU."
Unfortunately we've seen this movie before with document dumps and the Feds.


Aug 10, 2012

He's got more today on the same subject. Time will tell but when you understand the motive he attributes, it looks quite different from that old movie.

He says: "Happy Tuesday, C&C! We’re still waiting for the Supreme Court to tell us what kind of spring we’re going to have, but meanwhile, the New Narrative is emerging. Three significant stories illustrate the breakneck pace of the replacement plot. I think you’re going to like it.....

? Yesterday in a CNN interview between Jake Tapper and TV-doctor Sanjay Gupta, responding to the new data from New York that about half of hospitalizations AREN’T REALLY Covid patients, Tapper seemed shocked and outraged, saying:

> “We’re 2 years into this … if somebody’s in the hospital with a broken leg and they also have asymptomatic COVID, that should not be counted as hospitalized with Covid! Clearly.”

Then Gupta eagerly agreed with Tapper,....., helpfully suggesting that “I think there needs to be transparency about that in terms of FOR or WITH COVID.”

Ends with this:
"It’s tempting to say “I told you so.” But it’s no time to take victory laps, not yet. It’s time to TRIPLE DOWN. Spread truth and reason and logic. Spread it far and wide. Use the New Narrative’s momentum to shut down the pandemic, for good, if we can. Let’s get to work."


Aug 10, 2012
Very interesting thank you Birdie, I saw the guardian article that is cited in this piece yesterday and couldn't believe it - the guardian of all papers, one that has been pushing the mainstream narrative so very hard over the last two years. I feel the end is nigh!
Yes, pushkin, something's up. Changing the narrative. I think this guy makes sense with his explanation of the reason why. But time will tell.


Jan 21, 2021
Just when I was feeling optimistic about the future....Dr. Malone comes out saying there "may' be an outbreak of Marburg in China. Or something similar....a hemorrhagic fever similar to Ebola with a 50% fatality rate.

When does it end????


Jan 25, 2014
> “We’re 2 years into this … if somebody’s in the hospital with a broken leg and they also have asymptomatic COVID, that should not be counted as hospitalized with Covid! Clearly.”

Then Gupta eagerly agreed with Tapper,....., helpfully suggesting that “I think there needs to be transparency about that in terms of FOR or WITH COVID.”
Why should the policy change now?

Birx and Fauci made it VERY clear in their Corona Virus Task Force briefing on April 8th, 2020, that they were counting Kidney Failure and Heart Attacks as COVID Hospitalizations and Deaths. Really, it seemed like anything could go down as a COVID death, including skydiving, motorcycle crashes, getting eaten by a lion, and so forth.

I would be all for purging the very obvious cases from the COVID tolls, and that would be at least 90-95% of so called "Covid Deaths."

Of course, if that happened, the COVID death toll would be 50,000 (or less) in the US for a 2 year period, and 300-600,000 (or less) Worldwide. Which would be about the numbers expected from a SINGLE flu season (which lasts 6 months, as opposed to 24+). Worldwide, it would be about half the expected numbers that die from Malaria. Which would prove that this entire "Pandemic" was clearly not a pandemic.

Is CNN ready to admit that this entire thing was fake, and they were clearly lying (or greatly exaggerating) for (at least) 24 months?

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Just when I was feeling optimistic about the future....Dr. Malone comes out saying there "may' be an outbreak of Marburg in China. Or something similar....a hemorrhagic fever similar to Ebola with a 50% fatality rate.

When does it end????

Total BS.


Aug 10, 2012
These thoughts by Peter Koenig from January 6th:

The Corona Crisis: Is the Tide Turning? “A Rapid General Awakening”?​

6 Jan 2022 – Early indications are that the tide may be turning, that “peak-covid tyranny” may have been reached. Going into 2022 under these new apparent signs could mean a rapid general awakening, to the point of reaching a critical mass of people who start doubting the going billion-dollar propagated narrative. That would be good. It’s never too late.

Though a lot of damage, health-wise, socially as well as economically has already been done, but a lot more could be done – and is, in fact, planned – through the UN Agenda 2030. We must stop this diabolical agenda.

You might be surprised to hear – or not – that many, if not all, of the most tyrannical leaders (sic), took Klaus Schab’s (WEF) intensive course for “Young Global Leaders”. Among them are New Zealand’s Ms. Ardern; The Australian Prime Minister and several of Australian’s Provincial Governors; Canada’s Mr. Justin Trudeau; France’s Mr. Emmanuel Macron, Costa Rica’s President Carlos Alvarado Quesada; Madame Angela Merkel – and many more – just to give you a taste, so you may judge for yourself, who is at least part of the Big Orchestraters of this deadly game of never heard-of tyranny in recent history..

It’s like a groundswell of understanding what is going on, what has been going on over the past two years, and especially since the so-called vaxx-programs started throughout the western world in mid-December 2020. Once this groundswell of understanding of “waking up”, reaches a critical mass, there is no turning back.


Aug 10, 2012
Why should the policy change now?


Is CNN ready to admit that this entire thing was fake, and they were clearly lying (or greatly exaggerating) for (at least) 24 months?
As Jeff Childers says today in that article:

"I spent WEEKS, maybe months, throughout the summer, going case by case, explaining in C&C just how sick almost every single Covid fatality was — how sick they were BEFORE they got Covid.

My favorite example was the roofer who, according to the ME’s notes, was struck by lightning, fell three stories, crushed his vertebrae, cracked his skull, and was taken to the hospital where he died in a coma, never having woken up. But FOR SOME REASON the hospital stopped trying to save his life just long enough to swab him for Covid, thank goodness, and he was included in the first 40 reported Covid deaths in Florida."

He's speculating that the Biden administration wants to turn this around to look like a victory over Covid so that the Dems will get votes in the coming election. Crummy because it isn't to help people but to get votes. Then, a worse catastrophe can hit. Maybe the ebola like thing apr so elegantly suggested.

I think it's an interesting speculation that they could blame the doctors for being "doomsday" over Covid when, gee these people died of what they really died of, not Covid. And Biden has been doing a splendid job reeling in horrible Covid.


Jan 25, 2014
He's speculating that the Biden administration wants to turn this around
Maybe they do want that. I want to grow wings and fly like an eagle up to the sun, and I think that has a much higher chance of happening.
to look like a victory over Covid so that the Dems will get votes in the coming election. Crummy because it isn't to help people but to get votes. Then, a worse catastrophe can hit. Maybe the ebola like thing apr so elegantly suggested.
I think Dems have given up on "getting votes," with even CNN reporting that Biden has the worst approval rating since Carter at this point in his Presidency (and I think Carter's was actually better). I think it's voter fraud all the way at this point (as witnessed by Newsom's Satanic Psyop in getting 66.6% of votes to not get recalled), so any public relations would be a distant, distant second.

This is just overthinking it. I don't think Biden could ever be seen as having any sort of "victory" in the health department as he obviously has dementia. Or, at least, they are making his clone/CGI Avatar/Rubber Masked Actor appear to have dementia.


Jan 25, 2014
Can you elaborate why?
He's prolly referring to the fact that the evidence for the existence of Ebola is as flimsy as the evidence that SARS-Cov-2 exists. It's the same sort of fraud, no true "isolates" of anything, just a human sample of something that they then mix in with some African Green Monkey Cells and Fetal Bovine Serum and Antibiotics and Anti-Fungals and other random ingredients, and then genetically sequence something and say "Boom! New Virus, Suckas!"

They then get a "50% Fatality Rate" by claiming that 100 dead people died of this "mystery virus," despite no specific symptoms in any patient (and with cases that can easily be explained by other well established diseases or causes) and say that only 200 people total have it. Boom, 50% Fatality Rate.

But it's not like 4 Billion lives on the planet are in danger, or anything like that. It will never be anything close to that.

This fraud relies on people not asking questions, and not thinking for themselves. About 56 Million people die every year of various causes, so if you want to pick a couple million of those people and label them with something, you can easily manufacturer a "Pandemic" out of thin air. But again, this requires people be ignorant of bigger picture facts and ask no questions. Hence, the insane censorship and silencing campaign that had to be rolled out.


Jan 21, 2021
He's prolly referring to the fact that the evidence for the existence of Ebola is as flimsy as the evidence that SARS-Cov-2 exists. It's the same sort of fraud, no true "isolates" of anything, just a human sample of something that they then mix in with some African Green Monkey Cells and Fetal Bovine Serum and Antibiotics and Anti-Fungals and other random ingredients, and then genetically sequence something and say "Boom! New Virus, Suckas!"

They then get a "50% Fatality Rate" by claiming that 100 dead people died of this "mystery virus," despite no specific symptoms in any patient (and with cases that can easily be explained by other well established diseases or causes) and say that only 200 people total have it. Boom, 50% Fatality Rate.

But it's not like 4 Billion lives on the planet are in danger, or anything like that. It will never be anything close to that.

This fraud relies on people not asking questions, and not thinking for themselves. About 56 Million people die every year of various causes, so if you want to pick a couple million of those people and label them with something, you can easily manufacturer a "Pandemic" out of thin air. But again, this requires people be ignorant of bigger picture facts and ask no questions. Hence, the insane censorship and silencing campaign that had to be rolled out.
I tend to agree. And only now have my eyes been opened to this and I am grateful I have not bought into as much hysteria as my social circle has. I am the only unvaxxed and I get heat everyday but do not waver.

That explains me. But how do you reason this with someone like Dr Robert Malone? He said he was very concerned. Would he not be more enlightened?

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
That explains me. But how do you reason this with someone like Dr Robert Malone? He said he was very concerned. Would he not be more enlightened?

Malone has his limitations. Case in point: he took the clot shot.


Aug 10, 2012

"What do they now see about the experimental mRNA vaccines that they did not see just a month ago?"

What is the goal with this? Why would the narrative be changed? I think I'll see what this guy who writes Coffee & Covid has to say today.


Aug 10, 2012


? Right on time schedule, this article from Bloomberg appeared yesterday, headlined “Repeat Booster Shots Spur Europe Warning on Immune-System Risks.” Shocking. It sounds a lot like Narrative 2.0, to me. Back in Narrative 1.0, it was expressly forbidden to publish news articles throwing shade on the injections. It was verboten.

The first sentence from the article says “European Union regulators warned that frequent Covid-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune system and may not be feasible.”

Adversely, means “bad,” I think. And “not feasible” is a fancy way of saying it won’t work.


Feb 28, 2016

He's got more today on the same subject. Time will tell but when you understand the motive he attributes, it looks quite different from that old movie.

He says: "Happy Tuesday, C&C! We’re still waiting for the Supreme Court to tell us what kind of spring we’re going to have, but meanwhile, the New Narrative is emerging. Three significant stories illustrate the breakneck pace of the replacement plot. I think you’re going to like it.....

? Yesterday in a CNN interview between Jake Tapper and TV-doctor Sanjay Gupta, responding to the new data from New York that about half of hospitalizations AREN’T REALLY Covid patients, Tapper seemed shocked and outraged, saying:

> “We’re 2 years into this … if somebody’s in the hospital with a broken leg and they also have asymptomatic COVID, that should not be counted as hospitalized with Covid! Clearly.”

Then Gupta eagerly agreed with Tapper,....., helpfully suggesting that “I think there needs to be transparency about that in terms of FOR or WITH COVID.”

Ends with this:
"It’s tempting to say “I told you so.” But it’s no time to take victory laps, not yet. It’s time to TRIPLE DOWN. Spread truth and reason and logic. Spread it far and wide. Use the New Narrative’s momentum to shut down the pandemic, for good, if we can. Let’s get to work."
The forth branch from CNN is basically saying, you dumb people need more laws. Fox and CNN are just pathetic.


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
These guys don't act like they are quitting:
White House to ship free at-home Covid tests via USPS, finalizes first contracts
Administration officials have said the first batch of these tests will go out in January, though it could take months to procure the 500 million pledged by Biden.
The Biden administration finalized the first contract Thursday related to the delivery of the at-home Covid tests worth $51.6 million to Goldbelt Security in Newport News, Va., which will be funded by the American Rescue Plan passed last spring, the Department of Defense said in a statement. The Pentagon did not announce how many tests would be delivered as part of the contract or how long they would take to arrive.
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