Confused About Grape Juice

Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
Specifically purple. I've read it has resveratrol, but that's considered estrogenic and/or not good here (against the anti-aging angle attributed to its use)

It also has a good amount of manganese, but there's debate on whether it's even beneficial much.

Also read that grapes absorb lots of more fluoride than other fruits due to having a thin skin, making them more likely to carry lots of it. Is the fluoride concern really a thing for one who may drink a lot of it? Because I buy and drink like 3-4 cups some days with grapes, but still mostly have OJ for carbs/fruit/vitamins.

I mean on the one hand Ray himself says grape juice is good/fine, but many here point out lots of cons with it too. For example:

1. The fluoride;
2. Lack of usefulness in manganese, making it arguably a "pro" in that context;
3. The estrogenic potential of lots of resveratrol;

The plus might be:

1. Iron absorption reduction.

Oranges are not likely to have much fluoride I don't think -- and nothing really estrogenic about it. But I try and rotate it around because endlessly downing OJ seems like it'd make my stomach possibly a citric acid reactor or something. OJ also has like 2-3x+ more niacin/thiamine/etc. than GJ as well per cup.

I don't really care about the higher carb density since that's not really an issue in general. I just worry about if I'm overloading myself with estrogenic, fluoride water that's taking a back seat for orange juice in effectiveness.

Is it a good idea to drink OJ much more than switching it out for GJ frequently, leaving it to less regular use?
Nov 21, 2015
The resveratrol is minimal. Purple grape juice inhibits iron absorption. I think it’s wonderful. I dilute with carbonated mineral water. Delicious.
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