Nov 26, 2013
totally- now i just drink coffee that i make from super filtered or distilled, oj, milk, and coke with sugar. hate to say but i dont drink water much.
What about the water in coke and the irrigation water for oranges?


Mar 15, 2014
What about the water in coke and the irrigation water for oranges?

fruits tend to filter out toxic stuff, no? I remember seeing some girl measure radioactive cesium levels in Pripyat, near Chernobyl. The mushrooms growing there were toxic, the apples there were safe enough to eat.

My bet would be that orange juice has less fluoride than the water it's irrigated with.


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
Fluoride Content in Alcoholic Drinks

"The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) data from 2004 show the lowest fluoride levels in spirits (9 mg/100 g), including vodka, rum, gin, and whiskey The same data shows higher levels of fluoride in regular beers (44 mg/100 g), lagers (45 mg/100 g), red wines (105 mg/100 g), and white wines (202 mg/100 g)"

I don't know how many beers it takes to add up to 100g but that sure seems like a big dose of fluoride at 44mg per 100g of beer? Is that 100g of beer or 100g of alcohol in the beer ? Can someone translate that to the number of regular beers, or wine, or shots?
Nov 26, 2013
fruits tend to filter out toxic stuff, no? I remember seeing some girl measure radioactive cesium levels in Pripyat, near Chernobyl. The mushrooms growing there were toxic, the apples there were safe enough to eat.

My bet would be that orange juice has less fluoride than the water it's irrigated with.
Look in the thread, there are other fruit juices that reach high levels.


Could you explain what happened to you ? Parasites and bacteria? What kind of them and how do you know you caught them ?

Users @lisaferraro and @Greg says have experience dealing with "Indian parasites" LOL
Blasto Homonis and I finally was tested by a lab in AZ. Also , unspecified bacteria small intestine infection from Dr/ Lab in India. It all happened after I ate, of all things, a veggie burger when I was there working. Who knows where I may have picked it up to, I was working in garment factories all over India as well.


Nov 9, 2012
Crap, so beer is out :): So is wine. How do you (as an Italian) feel about dumping wine?

The values for alcoholic beverages like beers are not as high as some teas nor mineral waters. It is comparable to Coca-Cola. 50 mcg/100g. So that's 250mcg per pint of beer. As noted in those studies, it really depends on where these beers and wines were made, it could less in areas where fluoride in water is less.

Seems like people typically get a mg of fluoride per day.


Oct 15, 2016

Fear not, you can all get wasted daily as you usually do (my guess after reading many of your posts anyway) and your thyroid won't even know about it:
Taurine Reverses Thyroid Inhibition Due To Fluoride

We produce our own taurine but clams, octopus, shrimps and fish could help :
Taurine content in foods

Taurine content in foods [1989]
Pasantes-Morales, H. (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico) Quesada, O. Alcocer, L. Olea, R.S.

The taurine content of foods including fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, cereals, meat, seafood, and dairy products was examined in this study. The highest concentration of taurine was found in clams and octopus (41.4 micromoles/g and 31.2 micromoles/g), followed by shrimp and fish (12.4 micromoles/g and 9.1 micromoles/g). Beef, pork and lamb meat contain taurine in concentrations ranging 3.5-4.0 micromoles/g. Taurine concentration in chicken leg was 6.6 micromoles/g and in chicken breast was 1.4 micromoles/g. No taurine was found either in hen eggs (yolk or white) or in dairy products or in honey. Taurine was undetectable in fruits and vegetables. From the seeds, cereals and grains examined, rice, corn, oatmeal, rye, wheat, barley, sesame seed, coffee and cacao, contain no taurine. Pumpkin seeds contain 13.5 nmoles/g, black beans 9.2 nmoles/g, horse beans 12.9 nmoles/g, and chick peas 18.7 nmoles/g. No taurine was detected in peanuts. Walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts and pinenuts contained taurine in concentrations ranging 15-46 nmoles/g. Pistachios contained very low amounts of taurine (4.9 nmoles/g). All analysis were carried out in uncooked samples. The interest of these results is considered in terms of reported evidences on the deleterious consequences of taurine deficiency in animals and humans
Last edited:


Jun 19, 2016
Any idea how dangerous toothpaste with fluoride is? I cant be arsed to order some fancy toothpaste from across the seas . Im so lazy to brush my teeth anyways i havent done that for 2 weeks now. But im afraid that bacteria in my teeth will cause endotoxemia (i have read that bacteria can leak easily from inflamed teeth to bloodstream, and teeth are so close to brain it has short route there)


Sep 13, 2012

Fear not, you can all get wasted daily as you usually do (my guess after reading many of your posts anyway) and your thyroid won't even know about it:
Taurine Reverses Thyroid Inhibition Due To Fluoride

We produce our own taurine but clams, octopus, shrimps and fish could help :
Taurine content in foods

Taurine content in foods [1989]
Pasantes-Morales, H. (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico) Quesada, O. Alcocer, L. Olea, R.S.

The taurine content of foods including fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, cereals, meat, seafood, and dairy products was examined in this study. The highest concentration of taurine was found in clams and octopus (41.4 micromoles/g and 31.2 micromoles/g), followed by shrimp and fish (12.4 micromoles/g and 9.1 micromoles/g). Beef, pork and lamb meat contain taurine in concentrations ranging 3.5-4.0 micromoles/g. Taurine concentration in chicken leg was 6.6 micromoles/g and in chicken breast was 1.4 micromoles/g. No taurine was found either in hen eggs (yolk or white) or in dairy products or in honey. Taurine was undetectable in fruits and vegetables. From the seeds, cereals and grains examined, rice, corn, oatmeal, rye, wheat, barley, sesame seed, coffee and cacao, contain no taurine. Pumpkin seeds contain 13.5 nmoles/g, black beans 9.2 nmoles/g, horse beans 12.9 nmoles/g, and chick peas 18.7 nmoles/g. No taurine was detected in peanuts. Walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts and pinenuts contained taurine in concentrations ranging 15-46 nmoles/g. Pistachios contained very low amounts of taurine (4.9 nmoles/g). All analysis were carried out in uncooked samples. The interest of these results is considered in terms of reported evidences on the deleterious consequences of taurine deficiency in animals and humans
Lol I've had 2 drinks in 2 yrs.


Jul 6, 2014
Good thing they got the fluoride out.
Interestingly that same panel is calling 'willow bark extract', which contains the active ingredient in aspirin unsafe also.
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