COVID Long Hauler for 7 months, need help


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Aug 24, 2017
So in summary, your article says that COVID-19 screws up the gut, and if I want to know how to resolve it, I need to read your newsletter, and am then directed to this page:
View attachment 28563
Is that right?
I gave some options in my newsletter which I think can be helpful. However, it doesn't contain all the options. Also, I'm still working on the serotonin, endotoxin, glutamate angle as mentioned, and after that, I'll put together a complete guide with all the solutions.


May 13, 2015
Hey folks,

New to Ray Peat...spent the last few days doing some reading and watching videos. I found this forum because I did a duckduckgo search cross-referencing Ivermectin and long haul COVID. It landed me on another thread about someone who was currently using Ivermectin to stop acute COVID. Before that I had never heard of Ray Peat, though I have been bio-hacking for awhile (nootropics and such, trying to optimize health)

I had acute COVID in March of this year - 2021 - previously super fit, training for a marathon, never got ill...35 y/o healthy male. COVID was the sickest I've ever been - horrible headaches, body fatigue, 39/40c fever for a week and a half, delerium, all sorts of fun stuff. I thought I was going to die, to the point where I was writing out all my passwords and personal info for my wife. After two weeks of hell, I pulled through. Interestingly enough, I never had shortness of breath or lung issues. I think I was infected through my eye because it was sore for 4 days before I tested positive and I just felt "off". Anyway, I recovered, felt fine a few weeks after I got over it, started running again. Then the real nightmare began.

Ever since I "recovered" I have had a revolving door of awful symptoms:
- Bone crushing fatigue
- Sore muscles for no reason
- Memory loss, brain fog, "drunk" or "spaced out" feeling
- Trouble forming speech
- Vision issues (seeing sparks/black spots in peripheral vision)
- Twitching muslces (my calves twitch daily, every day)
- Sharp head pain, headaches and occasional nausea
- Sharp chest pains (they have mostly resolved now)
- Post exertional malaise...for example, I went into the office two days ago after the lockdown ended in my country, and just spending the day socializing with co-workers put me in bed for two days. Just talking for an extended period of time hurts.

It's a lot, I know, and it's led me here. I don't know what's happening to me - my life is deteriorating. The doctors in my Scandinavian country ******* suck, excuse my language. When I was acutely ill, I was told to stay home and take an aspirin, and not to come in unless my lips turned blue or I stopped breathing. Unbelievable. Now that I have what seems to be chronic illness from this, I have been passed around like a bag of oreos. Been to the ER multiple times because I thought I was having a heart attack. Docs took blood, said I was fine and sent me home. Been to the local state doc multiple times. They said I just need rest and that I need to exercise more. Obviously ***t advice. One guy suggested it was stress. I know something is wrong. So I'm here, looking for help.

I see there are some threads about long haulers. I have tried Ivermectin for a few days (got it prescribed from a guy in UK), I think it relieved my inflammation but caused an uptick in sharp head pain and vision issues, so I stopped taking it. I have tried tons of supplements - the only thing that seems to put a dent in this is antihistamines. I was over on Reddit for a bit until they started banning the subs because people were talking about taking Ivermectin or saying the vaccine was making them ill. That's a whole other issue.

The supplements I'm currently taking:

For mitochondrial health (I read somewhere that the immune system destroys mitochondria/depletes energy)

For immune support:
Vitamin D3
K2 (if I'm high dosing D3)

For brain health:
Omega 3s
Lions Mane Tea

Loratadine (Claritin)
Roiboos Tea
Corticosteroid inhaler at one point, rarely use now

**Fasting has helped immensely, I think because the autophagy reduces inflammation and if anyone's seen the Bruce Patterson vids, he seems to think the problem is inflammation from non-classical monocytes.

Obviously, this is a lot of ***t - I'm just trying to find something that will help. I have heard rumors that this is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, that I may now have prion disease/mad cow disease. Heard that the vaccinated also shed spike proteins. Not sure what to believe honestly, there's so much ***t flying around. I do believe this virus came from a lab though so I see why the body has trouble clearing it. But I just don't understand why others (my wife, for instance) can have the sniffles for 3 days from this, and then I get completely railroaded, considering I was so healthy before. Sidenote, I tested myself for my D3 levels months ago, realized I was deficient, so maybe that contributed to my susceptibility.

Anyway, apologies for the novel. I just need help, and I'm running out of time and options. I have always been a firm believe in the ability to heal myself no matter what - just need the right tools. Any input you all have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I just found this information and I thought you would be interested: How to treat COVID, long-haul, and COVID vaccine side-effects

Here's some information about Steve Kirsch (this is his compilation):
"Politicians and so-called experts across the planet increasingly want to force you to get inoculated with a substance that takes away at least twice the lives it saves, across all age groups. It doesn’t matter anymore if this is intentional or just sheer incompetence, we have no time left to discuss that. We’re killing people. Millions of people. Our loved ones, family, friends, and neighbors. It has to stop. Now. We have gone mad. Maybe Steve Kirsch’s access to the FDA can help.
"And when Steve says the vaccines killed 200,000 Americans so far already, and permanently disabled 300,000, remember that this is just the tip of the iceberg: many if not most of the effects will only show up later. And then Pfizer today claims that their stuff is safe for kids 5 years old and up. Who are 99.9996% safe if they get infected, due to their immune system, which also gets killed by the vaccines.
"And I would have some questions about the people “saved” by the vaccines. Because a recent Israel study suggests only that “a booster can strengthen protection for a few weeks in older adults.” A few weeks? And we call that a vaccine now?
Stop it. We have gone mad.

"The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) may have opened Pandora’s box on Covid. Not sure why, but for some reason they invited Steve Kirsch to a virtual meeting of the FDA Vaccine Advisory Committee, aka the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, on September 17. The same committee that decided not to recommend booster shots for all Americans.

"Kirsch is an entrepreneur who started several companies in the computing field, for instance Infoseek. He’s worth a few hundred million dollars. He also set up, which promotes early treatment for Covid. Didn’t anyone at the FDA know that in March, Kirsch offered $1 million to anyone who could prove fluvoxamine was not what saved 77 people in a trial, and identify what did?
"Or that he offered $10,000 for a one hour debate on Covid? Or did someone at the FDA open Pandora’s box on purpose? And I know, officially the committee is independent from the FDA, and I don’t know what role Kirsch played in the 16-2 decision against boosters, but there are obviously some people there who feel uncomfortable with the current vaccine-at-all-costs approach. I wouldn’t rule out it was done on purpose. But the info is out there now, and YouTube and Twitter are not going to ban or shadowban the FDA."

link: The Vaccines Kill Many More People Than They Save


Jan 9, 2019
There could be something there, but as far as I know his claims are based on studies, not clinical evidence. Everyone can produce studies to support their claims, but is there real clinical evidence to back them up? So it's suspicious when he speaks with such certainty. No one who has any sense or really cares about people does that. But con artists and grifters do it all of the time.
It seems all of the info Dmitry Kats, the Niatonin guy, is basing his protocol off of is from Nikitas articles, particularly this one

I had read his other papers early on in the so called pandemic. I even sent Dr. Peat one of his early articles to get his thoughts, he dismissed it, don't know if he read it lol

Nikitas articles are interesting to read however.


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
Can anybody link to studies saying Aspirin improves mitochondria? I don’t believe it and can’t find any studies about it. Sounds wrong to me.
LITERALLY all I typed into google was aspirin and mitochondria… 1st thing that comes up… just look around if you’re interested in getting some information..

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Funny, I spoke with someone who used to be on the forum and firmly believes they are the same. I tend to agree. Maybe different stories for different forums?

Could be. From what I've read DGrouf is aged with comorbidities. He mentioned once that he will put on an N95 mask if someone approaches him while he's outside.


Jan 9, 2019
Could be. From what I've read DGrouf is aged with comorbidities. He mentioned once that he will put on an N95 mask if someone approaches him while he's outside.
Because of shedding orrrr the boogie19?


Forum Supporter
Oct 18, 2021
Hey folks,

New to Ray Peat...spent the last few days doing some reading and watching videos. I found this forum because I did a duckduckgo search cross-referencing Ivermectin and long haul COVID. It landed me on another thread about someone who was currently using Ivermectin to stop acute COVID. Before that I had never heard of Ray Peat, though I have been bio-hacking for awhile (nootropics and such, trying to optimize health)

I had acute COVID in March of this year - 2021 - previously super fit, training for a marathon, never got ill...35 y/o healthy male. COVID was the sickest I've ever been - horrible headaches, body fatigue, 39/40c fever for a week and a half, delerium, all sorts of fun stuff. I thought I was going to die, to the point where I was writing out all my passwords and personal info for my wife. After two weeks of hell, I pulled through. Interestingly enough, I never had shortness of breath or lung issues. I think I was infected through my eye because it was sore for 4 days before I tested positive and I just felt "off". Anyway, I recovered, felt fine a few weeks after I got over it, started running again. Then the real nightmare began.

Ever since I "recovered" I have had a revolving door of awful symptoms:
- Bone crushing fatigue
- Sore muscles for no reason
- Memory loss, brain fog, "drunk" or "spaced out" feeling
- Trouble forming speech
- Vision issues (seeing sparks/black spots in peripheral vision)
- Twitching muslces (my calves twitch daily, every day)
- Sharp head pain, headaches and occasional nausea
- Sharp chest pains (they have mostly resolved now)
- Post exertional malaise...for example, I went into the office two days ago after the lockdown ended in my country, and just spending the day socializing with co-workers put me in bed for two days. Just talking for an extended period of time hurts.

It's a lot, I know, and it's led me here. I don't know what's happening to me - my life is deteriorating. The doctors in my Scandinavian country ******* suck, excuse my language. When I was acutely ill, I was told to stay home and take an aspirin, and not to come in unless my lips turned blue or I stopped breathing. Unbelievable. Now that I have what seems to be chronic illness from this, I have been passed around like a bag of oreos. Been to the ER multiple times because I thought I was having a heart attack. Docs took blood, said I was fine and sent me home. Been to the local state doc multiple times. They said I just need rest and that I need to exercise more. Obviously ***t advice. One guy suggested it was stress. I know something is wrong. So I'm here, looking for help.

I see there are some threads about long haulers. I have tried Ivermectin for a few days (got it prescribed from a guy in UK), I think it relieved my inflammation but caused an uptick in sharp head pain and vision issues, so I stopped taking it. I have tried tons of supplements - the only thing that seems to put a dent in this is antihistamines. I was over on Reddit for a bit until they started banning the subs because people were talking about taking Ivermectin or saying the vaccine was making them ill. That's a whole other issue.

The supplements I'm currently taking:

For mitochondrial health (I read somewhere that the immune system destroys mitochondria/depletes energy)

For immune support:
Vitamin D3
K2 (if I'm high dosing D3)

For brain health:
Omega 3s
Lions Mane Tea

Loratadine (Claritin)
Roiboos Tea
Corticosteroid inhaler at one point, rarely use now

**Fasting has helped immensely, I think because the autophagy reduces inflammation and if anyone's seen the Bruce Patterson vids, he seems to think the problem is inflammation from non-classical monocytes.

Obviously, this is a lot of ***t - I'm just trying to find something that will help. I have heard rumors that this is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, that I may now have prion disease/mad cow disease. Heard that the vaccinated also shed spike proteins. Not sure what to believe honestly, there's so much ***t flying around. I do believe this virus came from a lab though so I see why the body has trouble clearing it. But I just don't understand why others (my wife, for instance) can have the sniffles for 3 days from this, and then I get completely railroaded, considering I was so healthy before. Sidenote, I tested myself for my D3 levels months ago, realized I was deficient, so maybe that contributed to my susceptibility.

Anyway, apologies for the novel. I just need help, and I'm running out of time and options. I have always been a firm believe in the ability to heal myself no matter what - just need the right tools. Any input you all have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I am not sure if you resolved your Long Haul or not, but I took Ivermectin for 2 months, which helped immensely. The first month was the regular dose for my weight on the I-Recover FLCCC plan. The second month, it was an increased dose every other day. I had severe GI issues though and lost 35+ lbs in a short time and that took a long time to clear. Most of the other issues improved within 2-4 weeks. I was already taking a ton of supplements including C, D3, K2, Zinc, COQ10, NAC, Curcumin w/pepper, and a bunch of others. In addition, I took colostrum and homeopathic suramin for my GI issues. The fatigue and brain fog cleared immediately for me. I still have a severe headache but I had it before Covid. I actually get injections now and hope that one day I get rid of it.


Sep 16, 2021
I am not sure if you resolved your Long Haul or not, but I took Ivermectin for 2 months, which helped immensely. The first month was the regular dose for my weight on the I-Recover FLCCC plan. The second month, it was an increased dose every other day. I had severe GI issues though and lost 35+ lbs in a short time and that took a long time to clear. Most of the other issues improved within 2-4 weeks. I was already taking a ton of supplements including C, D3, K2, Zinc, COQ10, NAC, Curcumin w/pepper, and a bunch of others. In addition, I took colostrum and homeopathic suramin for my GI issues. The fatigue and brain fog cleared immediately for me. I still have a severe headache but I had it before Covid. I actually get injections now and hope that one day I get rid of it.
I took a 3-day course of Ivermectin. It cleared up my bodily inflammation but increased my neuro issues - sharp stabbing head pains, seeing sparks in my vision, etc.

I think IVM is really good at reducing inflammation, it’s why a lot of folks improve on it. But then when you stop, it comes back so it’s not a permanent solution. I think IVM is great to have on hand in case of acute infection (still have my leftover supply just in case) but for long hauling, I’m not sure I’d want to take it for longer periods of time purely because of the neuro issues it could cause if taken too long/too much.

Thanks for the suggestion though.


Mar 6, 2020
maybe you could try a daily tea made from cinchona bark - a natural form of quinine (ie double-natural form of HCQ). I make a tea each day from approx 2g of bark, gently simmering for 15mins. Adding in OLE, chopped tumeric, ginger, and on hermit days, chopped garlic.


Sep 16, 2021
maybe you could try a daily tea made from cinchona bark - a natural form of quinine (ie double-natural form of HCQ). I make a tea each day from approx 2g of bark, gently simmering for 15mins. Adding in OLE, chopped tumeric, ginger, and on hermit days, chopped garlic.
Interesting. I wonder how easy/difficult it is to source cinchona bark? Never heard of it. I’m in Sweden.


Jan 9, 2019
maybe you could try a daily tea made from cinchona bark - a natural form of quinine (ie double-natural form of HCQ). I make a tea each day from approx 2g of bark, gently simmering for 15mins. Adding in OLE, chopped tumeric, ginger, and on hermit days, chopped garlic.
Maybe also chamomile for the flavonoids.


Mar 6, 2020
Interesting. I wonder how easy/difficult it is to source cinchona bark? Never heard of it. I’m in Sweden.
Its very difficult, but I will provide you with a lifetimes supply of the highest quality Cinchona so long as you let me marry your sister, we would settle in Sweden together.

Alternatively I think most herbalist stock it - I got some from Etsy but it was from a UK based store.
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