Covid nonsense and Pay Peat


Oct 15, 2012
I am disappointed with RP view on Covid. He makes not sense. I doubt that there is such a thing as 'Virus' at all. I was hoping that he more free in his ideas about Viruses. What is wrong with him?

I wish I got Covid, just to prove that it does not exist. Symptoms exist for other reasons. I am open if someone here is intelligent enough, and not just quoting some researches to correct me.

he is out of his mind


Oct 15, 2012
I mean the fact that he is autistic is not in conflict with many of his genius ideas.


Forum Supporter
Feb 10, 2016
I understand that these are your current strongly held beliefs, but you also must stay open to other possible realities.
When asked about viral isolations, Ray often answers that a set of symptoms have strongly been linked to exposure to certain pathogens. Thus it is hard to say that viruses do not exist per se. Moreover, Ray acknowledges exosomes and the similarities with viruses (I forgot where) and the topic confuses me still.

PS: my cousin died from COVID. She lived in a 3rd world country that mostly didn't believe in anything. Her husband got sick (flu like symptoms and survived), she got the same symptoms afterwards (flu and pneumonia like) and died from respiratory complications. She had no other health conditions and was 48 years old.

I do understand that comorbids, vitamin D status, etc... all play a role. But I cannot (although I did before) subscribe to the ideology that there is no virus. I will listen to people's ideas that conflict with my current views and realize that we ought to always stay fluid in our convictions.


Nov 24, 2017
I understand that these are your current strongly held beliefs, but you also must stay open to other possible realities.
When asked about viral isolations, Ray often answers that a set of symptoms have strongly been linked to exposure to certain pathogens. Thus it is hard to say that viruses do not exist per se. Moreover, Ray acknowledges exosomes and the similarities with viruses (I forgot where) and the topic confuses me still.

PS: my cousin died from COVID. She lived in a 3rd world country that mostly didn't believe in anything. Her husband got sick (flu like symptoms and survived), she got the same symptoms afterwards (flu and pneumonia like) and died from respiratory complications. She had no other health conditions and was 48 years old.

I do understand that comorbids, vitamin D status, etc... all play a role. But I cannot (although I did before) subscribe to the ideology that there is no virus. I will listen to people's ideas that conflict with my current views and realize that we ought to always stay fluid in our convictions.

Sorry to hear that.
Are you vaccinated?

I‘m super critical when it comes to the alternative covid treatments. I don’t think anybody really knows enough about Covid yet.


Feb 7, 2017
So you wish you got COVID to prove that it doesn't exist?

Read that one aloud a few times.
Mar 19, 2021
I am disappointed with RP view on Covid. He makes not sense. I doubt that there is such a thing as 'Virus' at all. I was hoping that he more free in his ideas about Viruses. What is wrong with him?

I wish I got Covid, just to prove that it does not exist. Symptoms exist for other reasons. I am open if someone here is intelligent enough, and not just quoting some researches to correct me.

he is out of his mind

Let's get back to basics.. Dr Andrew Kaufman who has researched this in the extreme, and other colleagues such as Dr Cowan, have clearly stated that no one has ever been successful in finding, i.e, isolating, purifying, or analyzing the supposed coronavirus in question. Therefore it is a logical and possibility to test for something which you have never found. Even the CDC has admitted this fact. Therefore we are living in a fool's world of fake facts and procedures. Why then does Dr Peat speak about the virus as if it is a real and provable entity?

Absurdity upon absurdity!


Sorry to hear that.
Are you vaccinated?

I‘m super critical when it comes to the alternative covid treatments. I don’t think anybody really knows enough about Covid yet.
We know plenty about COVID… and alternative treatments that clearly make a massive difference. And that the vaccines are injuring and killing people.

What is knowing “enough” anyway? We have been around it for two years and it’s nearly identical to other viruses that have been studied thoroughly. If there is such a thing as knowing “enough”… we know enough.


Nov 24, 2017
We know plenty about COVID… and alternative treatments that clearly make a massive difference. And that the vaccines are injuring and killing people.

What is knowing “enough” anyway? We have been around it for two years and it’s nearly identical to other viruses that have been studied thoroughly. If there is such a thing as knowing “enough”… we know enough.

You think that you know.

I took tons of the covid recommended stuff for a common cold and it was the worst cold I can remember. It was not even improving a simple cold.
Before that I thought different too. Naive.
Nov 21, 2015
Dr. Peat has never said he doesn't believe the virus exists. I believe it exists myself. There is a lot wrong with the narratives. Dr. Peat has said this is just another corona virus and it would be just routine, and is routine, like any other source of flu.


You think that you know.

I took tons of the covid recommended stuff for a common cold and it was the worst cold I can remember. It was not even improving a simple cold.
Before that I thought different too. Naive.
No. I don’t think I know. I’m referencing experts.

Anecdotes don’t decide knowledge of a disease… you’re just a singular in a sea of data.


Mar 22, 2019
@Kris do you agree with the idea of extracellular vesicles? Why is no one defining what a virus is before the idea is discredited? That will lead no where. First say what you think a virus is, then communicate your understanding of why you think that there is not a virus or toxin that can cause a disease if transmissed.
And namedrops are not discussion, they are namedrops.

David G

Feb 27, 2019
I see a lot of these claims that viruses don't exist – usually from people who also think the Earth is flat. Clownvid is just another variant of a corona virus, probably not particularly dangerous if you treat it with common sense and are not an obese 85 year old smoker with 3 other conditions. Of course the medical cartel does not treat it with common sense because they are in fact a eugenics cult. As for viruses, they exist, and if someone believes otherwise I'd like to see them try to explain where the symptoms from viruses such as Epstein Barr, herpes variants, or others come from, which affect great numbers of the population and have very real symptoms.


Nov 24, 2017
No. I don’t think I know. I’m referencing experts.

Anecdotes don’t decide knowledge of a disease… you’re just a singular in a sea of data.

Alright. I‘m still sceptical. I was reading from lots of people even in this forum or ray peat groups that people had pretty bad cases and lost smell and taste and still don’t have it back etc.

It’s not that easy.


Forum Supporter
Feb 10, 2016
Dr. Andrew Kaufman et. al bring up some thought provoking ideas. But IMO they are too focused on semantics and stuck in the loop that there is "no virus."

Well, my 48 year old healthy cousin died from something. My boss got wrecked from something, my close friend, etc... they all got hit by something harder than ever before. If you tell me that this is due to 5g / the collective unconscious, I will listen to you - but I am not fully sold on any side. Yes, there remains A LOT for humans to still comprehend.

Dr. Peat kindly and wisely answers by saying that there is an association with certain sets of symptoms and certain microorganismic cultures. He doesn't really dwell into the virus or no virus / exosome but that there is a correlation with predefined illness and something. We happen to call it virus now.

PS: Thank you for the condolences. I am not jabbed and was about to lose my job (healthcare) for not getting it. It is against my religion (typing this from work).


Jan 25, 2014
As for viruses, they exist, and if someone believes otherwise I'd like to see them try to explain where the symptoms from viruses such as Epstein Barr, herpes variants, or others come from, which affect great numbers of the population and have very real symptoms.

Well, it could be germs that aren't viruses (like bacteria and fungi). Or nutrient deficiencies. Or toxin exposure. Obviously, symptoms don't prove the existence of a "virus" in and of themselves, or any other germ, for that matter.

Plenty of diseases that were once thought to be "contagious," like Scurvy, Beri Beri, and Pellagra, turned out to have no causal germ at all


Jan 25, 2014
Alright. I‘m still sceptical. I was reading from lots of people even in this forum or ray peat groups that people had pretty bad cases and lost smell and taste and still don’t have it back etc.

Well, the Mayo Clinic itself has over 40 potential causes for loss of smell, for example-

And I don't know why people continue to overlook all the MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS that were practiced on the population at large for the last year and half. Like Forced Masking, for example. We know the commonly worn masks don't do anything to stop virus transmission, but we also know they all trap bacteria and moisture, and wearing a petri dish on your face for long amounts of time is a good way to increase bacterial loads in the mouth and sinus passageways, which is a good way to get sinusitis.... which kicks off the Mayo Clinic list of potential causes for loss of smell. That coupled with high stress and low zinc, and that's a great recipe for mass scale loss of smell than can be blamed on a phantom virus, if you are running this fake pandemic.


Sep 6, 2020
The virus is a bioweapon, so is the vaccines. To me it seems. With a goal to lower and weaken population, to transfer money and to introduce totalitarian measurements.

Both sides are orchestrated. Just like politics.


Nov 24, 2017
Well, the Mayo Clinic itself has over 40 potential causes for loss of smell, for example-

And I don't know why people continue to overlook all the MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS that were practiced on the population at large for the last year and half. Like Forced Masking, for example. We know the commonly worn masks don't do anything to stop virus transmission, but we also know they all trap bacteria and moisture, and wearing a petri dish on your face for long amounts of time is a good way to increase bacterial loads in the mouth and sinus passageways, which is a good way to get sinusitis.... which kicks off the Mayo Clinic list of potential causes for loss of smell. That coupled with high stress and low zinc, and that's a great recipe for mass scale loss of smell than can be blamed on a phantom virus, if you are running this fake pandemic.

I know three people personally that lost taste and smell in connection with a positive covid test. Some in the very beginning of the pandemic when maskes were not even mandated.
Never knew anybody before who wasn’t able to taste and smell for months

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I know three people personally that lost taste and smell in connection with a positive covid test. Some in the very beginning of the pandemic when maskes were not even mandated.
Never knew anybody before who wasn’t able to taste and smell for months

Just curious, did they lose smell before or after the test?
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