Covid 'Tests' contain the vaccine

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Mar 7, 2020
I have found some articles about nano particles which deliver vaccines through nasal delivery. Maybe this is why they say they must shove a super long cotton tip up your nose so they can deliver these nano particles. Wouldn't saliva from the inside of the mouth like a DNA test suffice?

I am interested to hear what people on this forum think about this?

Exploring the Potential of Carbon Dots to Combat COVID-19 - PubMed


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Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Yeah and I thought that tests are Safe. Now I understand why some have long lasting effects of Corona virus...


Feb 8, 2020
The possibility of this being true is so very very low.

Nasopharyngeal swabs have been around for quite some time. (2014)

My personal anecdote. I've had 5 nasopharyngeal swabs in one day (I was testing their precision for myself). If they had the vaccine and it's bad as people say it is, I should be seriously maimed by now.

Source Code

Mar 7, 2020
It definitely sounds like something out of science fiction, but they have been investing in the technology so you never know... Maybe it would be a good idea to look at one of the swabs under a microscope


Sep 22, 2020
I get tested twice weekly and I have been for the past few weeks, and I am yet to register a positive diagnosis.


May 3, 2015
The first 29 minutes of this video discusses nanoparticles in the COVID tests, delivered deep into your head.

(The video later covers origins of AIDS, non-isolation of COVID and the dangers of the vaccines).

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Mar 29, 2016
That was very helpful and worth sharing. The length is only necessary because of the convincing material it covers.

It doesn't only cover the test containing the vaccine. It covers many more, but all the rest share a common theme - that all that we are told that is about protecting us, is really about killing us.

Now you can send this video to all your family and friends whom you know will never watch it, and later on tell them months after their taking the mRNA shots - yes, the ones with the "96% effectivity" rate - that you told them so. Of course you won't because you're a nice person. At that point, you can tell them that there's a reason for everything, and that whatever they're undergoing is "God's will." Then tell them you will pray for them.

That is just my attempt at humor, seeing how helpless we are that we cannot turn the tide vs. the propaganda. We may still see ourselves as part of the 500 million survivors in the new world. I say this in a Terminatoresque way. We will then experience less traffic and ess pollution, but we may not call ourselves lucky if the new world is one that is way more dystopian than the world as it exists since last year. It may be permanently rigged against us, and the control they have over us will be just as hopelessly permanent.

Thanks @Richiebogie. Could you share the url to the video? I've been sharing the post together with the thread failing to coax it out of the video.


Jul 22, 2020
That was very helpful and worth sharing. The length is only necessary because of the convincing material it covers.

It doesn't only cover the test containing the vaccine. It covers many more, but all the rest share a common theme - that all that we are told that is about protecting us, is really about killing us.

Now you can send this video to all your family and friends whom you know will never watch it, and later on tell them months after their taking the mRNA shots - yes, the ones with the "96% effectivity" rate - that you told them so. Of course you won't because you're a nice person. At that point, you can tell them that there's a reason for everything, and that whatever they're undergoing is "God's will." Then tell them you will pray for them.

That is just my attempt at humor, seeing how helpless we are that we cannot turn the tide vs. the propaganda. We may still see ourselves as part of the 500 million survivors in the new world. I say this in a Terminatoresque way. We will then experience less traffic and ess pollution, but we may not call ourselves lucky if the new world is one that is way more dystopian than the world as it exists since last year. It may be permanently rigged against us, and the control they have over us will be just as hopelessly permanent.

Thanks @Richiebogie. Could you share the url to the video? I've been sharing the post together with the thread failing to coax it out of the video.
I always like when you write your opinion explicitly. Always good

If you quote his posts then you can see part of video URL

For example:

It seems to be from bitchute and the video URL ending is:
KO495u7J749A[replace this text with the code above]

Just add it to the normal link and it should lead you there. Bit much work, I know


Mar 29, 2016
I always like when you write your opinion explicitly. Always good

If you quote his posts then you can see part of video URL

For example:

It seems to be from bitchute and the video URL ending is:

joe-shmoe[replace this text with the code above]

Just add it to the normal link and it should lead you there. Bit much work, I know


That helped a lot. I was used to Youtube. I guess Youtube must have a patent on that feature of accessing the url from the embedded video window.


May 3, 2015
Hi @yerrag,

I have been posting some pages warning about the Pfizer vaccines on Facebook, but only the same 2 normie friends ever respond accusing me of endangering lives and following conspiracy theories.

I wondered if anyone else reads my Facebook posts, disagrees but stays quiet, and sure enough my cousin had told my aunt about my posts and she mentioned them to my mum.

The consensus is that COVID-19 is bad and the government and vaccine companies are doing a great job fighting it.

They don’t seem to see Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab as megalomaniacs wanting to depopulate the world and create an ecological utopia. Think Hugo Drax from the movie Moonraker! It is also what happened to Scotland... where did all the highland villages go?

People naively think everyone is as sweet and lovely as themselves!

Perhaps we are more in touch with our inner psychopaths!

Or maybe we have experienced the malevolent side of the State, the Church, the Corporation, and fellow humans.
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Hi @yerrag,

I have been posting some pages warning about the Pfizer vaccines on Facebook, but only the same 2 normie friends ever respond accusing me of endangering lives and following conspiracy theories.

I wondered if anyone else reads my Facebook posts, disagrees but stays quiet, and sure enough my cousin had told my aunt about my posts and she spoke to my mum.

The consensus is that COVID-19 is bad and the government and vaccine companies are doing a great job fighting it.

They don’t seem to see Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab as megalomaniacs wanting to depopulate the world and create an ecological utopia. Think Hugo Drax from the movie Moonraker! It is also what happened to Scotland... where did all the highland villages go?

People naively think everyone is as sweet and lovely as themselves!

I've always pondered what was the final goal after depopulation?
For the elite to roam freely in a world free of ugly poor people and with fresh air?
Is there something more they want than a clean environment?


May 3, 2015
Hi @TheBeard,

If the world is run by pedophiles, as Stanley Kubrick believed (according to Nicole Kidman), then maybe the Hugo Drax character was too endearing to be a true model of the elite.

Perhaps the true elite hate beauty and innocence and love power and cruelty.

Before he began his ministry, Jesus was offered worldly power by Satan in the wilderness, so long as He worshipped Satan.

Jesus rejected this offer, but I dare say many take up the offer in one form or another!

The richest and most powerful people may be the most servile to demonic control.


Feb 27, 2021
I have found some articles about nano particles which deliver vaccines through nasal delivery. Maybe this is why they say they must shove a super long cotton tip up your nose so they can deliver these nano particles. Wouldn't saliva from the inside of the mouth like a DNA test suffice?

I am interested to hear what people on this forum think about this?

Exploring the Potential of Carbon Dots to Combat COVID-19 - PubMed
Would this not be quite easy to prove? Go get a test kit, go home and put it under the microscope

Still, it’s a possibility. Maybe some tests have been laden with this, as an experiment. I don’t see what the point of it were though, unless as an extra or first dose, but it seems most people don’t object to the vaccine anyway. I was forced to go test myself but i didn’t even know what the process would be like, I thought they would swab a bit lightly in the nose and that’s it, when the nurse started pushing it in I pushed her away by reflex so she didn’t get it deep and said the test would be unreliable. This was before the vaccines were developed too, so I’m not too worried about myself. Still scary stuff and a reason not to test oneself (not that there were any to begin with)

And what is their reasoning for needing to push the swabs so far in?


Apr 26, 2020
All my family members that took the test seemed to get inflammation in the nose in eye on the side it was inserted
Jun 25, 2021
I can confirm that the „rapid tests“ definitely have some kind of hormone-altering nanoparticles in them, as I’ve been feeling extremely „slave-like“ and more brain fogged/less androgenic since taking the test. This ***t is real.
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