Covid vaccine related health issues worsened after pharma aromatase inhibitor use (comprehensive labs)


Jul 20, 2023
Hey everyone. Looking for some smart folks to offer additional perspective on my situation.
(Warning, long post.)
TL,DR: had some issues that got worse with aromasin (and some herbs), then got a tad worser after my attemps to fix it, and now here I am a bit confused with some labs that might give some clues on what to do :)

For the last 1.5 years I've been struggling with some health issues that worsened severely 8 months ago, and as of today I'm at a point where I think I understand some of the potential root causes of these issues but I'd like someone more knowledgeable offering their opinion as well before I start my protocol. In a nutshell, my story: after the covid vaccine and the whole quarantine thing I struggled with sleep, 0 libido (I mean, seriously, a proper asexual boi), fatigue, decreased motivation/drive. Wasn't that bad but I had just met a perfect girl and the asexuality thing suddenly became a huge obstacle. So I did many blood tests and ended up believing high prl and high e2 levels were to blame. After much naive experimentation I've found that inhibiting aromatase is a good way to get a libido spike for a few days. That was, until I've very stupidly and naively tried aromasin (pharma grade AI), combined with NDs tongkat ali, tribulus, cistanche etc. (jesus christ, why I am so stupid). This worked until I went a tad overboard and craaaasheeeed. This is where the worsening of my health condition had started.

In a nutshell, my situation after the crash:

I've developed classic low E2 symptoms (see below). And some additional ones that remind me of PFS. Lots of ppl experience such symptoms after crashing E2, nothing special (it's terrible but it passes) BUT, in my case, these symptoms simply refused to go away. They improved, sure, but after 2 months I was still in a condition that could not be fairly compared to what I was before. Because of some important life events I wanted a quick fix (a mistake if there ever was one) so I tried HCG monotherapy (not under docs supervision; I haven't even done proper blood tests beforehand :clown:). It made some symptoms better, some worse (I got a bellybutton infection on it, the ****; also, mood-wise I was rollercoasting from feeling happy to feeling like life cannot be justified lol). 1.5 months later, still very impatient (as if nothing could teach me a lesson) and seeing my relationship with the girl slowly deteriorate I went on a lower dose TRT (20mg of test E EOD), hoping I get better faster. On this, my energy improved, my sleep improved, my mood improved but chest tightness got uncomfortably worse. After a lot of reading I decided, after 2 months on it, to stop this and attempt a natural recovery from the AI crash (and potential vaccine dmg). I didn't want to use SERMs because I suspected my estrogen receptors were already not having a grand time, and so I opted for the infamous cold turkey approach. 4 months later, I'm here writing this, feeling a bit better but being regretful for being impatient and ignorant (seriously, life took a nosedive because of my very uncharacteristic impatience this last year).

So I turn to this forum, hoping that some open-minded and knowledgeable folks might offer some advice about my health situation. Before I attempt any kind of protocol, I need to be sure of what I am doing, so for anyone willing to offer any advice regarding how I should approach my health issues and what the core underlying issues might be, I also ask you to provide the logic behind your advice. I have some background in biochemistry and endocrinology but obviously not enough, otherwise I would've already solved this, ha. Currently I'm considering some sort of HTMA based program (ala TEI or ARL). But am open to anything - diet/lifestyle changes, noots, supps, peptides, hormones, meds etc.

- low mood/depression (never in my life was I depressed in this way or had a longer period of more frequent "doomer" mood days)
- low grade anhedonia or emotional blunting ("emotions" lack depth and character to some extent)
- decreased motivation/apathy (usual hobbies don't attract me anymore)
- chest tightness (now off everything this got much better but still present to some extent),
- low energy/occasional fatigue (but still intact cognitive function/0 brain fog),
- gut/digestion issues (floating stool)
- dark purple-ish circles under eyes (nothing too bad but noticeable to me)
- persistent belly button infection (likely fungal?)
- dry mouth (this is weird - as if I was dehydrated?)
- cracking joints (annoying af)
- sleep issues (nothing major as this was happening before the crash, mostly waking up too often during the night)
- muscle twitching (especially eyelids; got better with time)
- low libido, watery semen, low ejaculate force, weird looking flaccid/kinda hard-flaccid/hourglassing thing going on (but no ED, sensitivity etc. issues, also have good morning wood)
- no issues with hairloss, muscle wastage (still quite lean, no noticeable fat anywhere), dry skin or hair or things like that; still very functional but just with way less gusto than before.

Below are my labs before my AI use, during HRT and 3 months after being off it. So - anyone wanna have a(n argumented) stab at it? Please and thank you!


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Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
I am very sorry to read about all your health problems that came after taking the Covid shot.

I didn’t take them, fortunately. I read on Dr. Peter McCullough’s Substack about his protocol to clean the body of the nasty spike protein that the mRNA shots produced and which the body has a very hard time to eliminate. His protocol is taking nattokinase, bromalin, and curcumin for six months up to a year and reports good results. These digestive enzymes are able to eliminate the spike protein. He offers the supplements through his Wellness Company:

Another enzyme product is Wobenzym N, a German supplement. My ex is taking it, she had breast cancer surgery and treatment after taking the shots. I think she is doing fine, I was scared that she might develop turbo cancer and I hope that the Wobenzym N is working. This enzyme product contains chymotrypsin, which plays an important role during pregnancy. The ‘Trophoblastic Theory of Cancer’ relates cancer to a trophoblastic growth, that occurs during pregnancy, it attaches the fertilized egg to the uterus wall. Then on the 57th (or so) day since conception, the mother’s pancreas produced this chymotrypsin and it dissolves the trophoblast resulting in a normal pregnancy. But if the mother’s pancreas fails to produce this enzyme, the the mother will die in a couple of weeks from the unstoppable growth of this trophoblast, just like with an aggressive cancer.



Jul 20, 2023
I am very sorry to read about all your health problems that came after taking the Covid shot.

I didn’t take them, fortunately. I read on Dr. Peter McCullough’s Substack about his protocol to clean the body of the nasty spike protein that the mRNA shots produced and which the body has a very hard time to eliminate. His protocol is taking nattokinase, bromalin, and curcumin for six months up to a year and reports good results. These digestive enzymes are able to eliminate the spike protein. He offers the supplements through his Wellness Company:

Another enzyme product is Wobenzym N, a German supplement. My ex is taking it, she had breast cancer surgery and treatment after taking the shots. I think she is doing fine, I was scared that she might develop turbo cancer and I hope that the Wobenzym N is working. This enzyme product contains chymotrypsin, which plays an important role during pregnancy. The ‘Trophoblastic Theory of Cancer’ relates cancer to a trophoblastic growth, that occurs during pregnancy, it attaches the fertilized egg to the uterus wall. Then on the 57th (or so) day since conception, the mother’s pancreas produced this chymotrypsin and it dissolves the trophoblast resulting in a normal pregnancy. But if the mother’s pancreas fails to produce this enzyme, the the mother will die in a couple of weeks from the unstoppable growth of this trophoblast, just like with an aggressive cancer.

Thank you, this is a great advice also for anyone else reading.

I've actually done some research on bromelain, papain and trypsin and chymotrypsin some time ago. I didn't manage to get Wobenzyme but I did get Nature's Way Mega-Zyme just recently (includes both trypsin and chymotrypsin). For me, these definitely help. But I also just started using them so hopefully I'll see more results in the coming months. Nattokinase I haven't yet looked into that much. Will do.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Thank you, this is a great advice also for anyone else reading.

I've actually done some research on bromelain, papain and trypsin and chymotrypsin some time ago. I didn't manage to get Wobenzyme but I did get Nature's Way Mega-Zyme just recently (includes both trypsin and chymotrypsin). For me, these definitely help. But I also just started using them so hopefully I'll see more results in the coming months. Nattokinase I haven't yet looked into that much. Will do.
Please keep us updated on your progress, it will help others!


Oct 12, 2020

Also, Is the damage Covid Vaccine causes permanent? (Genetic changes, read the study!)

Please read all the data and tell me what you think guys...


May 30, 2018
@Cooper The yahoo article contrains a link towards an AFP "fact-check" which is a textbook case of manipulation in my opinion.


Jul 20, 2023

Also, Is the damage Covid Vaccine causes permanent? (Genetic changes, read the study!)

Please read all the data and tell me what you think guys...
Thanks for posting. There's no doubt the vaccine messed up a lot of people. Though, in my opinion, debating whether something induced permanent damage should always ultimately end in acknowledging that we as of yet lack enough knowledge. We cannot know whether damage is permanent if we don't treat it with any possible intervention. Only rarely damage is permanent (excluding actual severe organ damage). For example, as of now, conditions like PSSD, PFS, PAS etc. are considered permanent. Not because they actually are but because "mainstream" medicine (if it at all acknowledges the reality of these conditions) doesn't know how to treat them/hasn't yet come up with good treatment protocols for them. (Ofc, in terms of awareness raising and ensuring dangerous meds get banned, it makes more sense to proclaim a (iatrogenic) condition permanent.) Epigenetic changes mean little, I think.


Jul 2, 2022
You seem to have high progesterone and lowish DHEA which can explain the libido issues. Also above range rt3 is no good together with lowish cholesterol.

I am no expert but I would kindly suggest upping fat intake - 2-4 quality eggs and good amount of butter to try and increase cholesterol a bit. This could take some time.

Some raw oysters 2 times weekly might also help things in terms of energy and skin.

Smallish dose of DHEA(1-2mg) could help libido and balance out DHEA/Cortisol ratio. Your cortisol seems on the high side while DHEA seems to be getting lower with each test and is on the low side of the range. Careful with DHEA as you are very young, no need for big doses or anything if you decide to try this route.

Thyroid seems lowish with rt3 this high I would imagine this could be one reason for infections and sleep issues which leads to the low energy. Selenium,b12 and the standard stuff for t4 to t3 conversion might help even though t4 also seems a bit low... If not maybe some thyroid use and lots of food can be warranted to fix things.


Feb 3, 2020
I recently chatted with a person that got officially diagnosed with post-vac syndrome (+CFS) and her labs showed she had cortisol on the high end, low-ish DHEA-S, high reverse T3 aswell alongside low thyroid symptoms and low libido which makes sense.

Ray said in an email:
„It’s best to have cortisol no higher than the middle of the range, estrogen below the middle, testosterone above the middle.“


Jul 20, 2023
You seem to have high progesterone and lowish DHEA which can explain the libido issues. Also above range rt3 is no good together with lowish cholesterol.

I am no expert but I would kindly suggest upping fat intake - 2-4 quality eggs and good amount of butter to try and increase cholesterol a bit. This could take some time.

Some raw oysters 2 times weekly might also help things in terms of energy and skin.

Smallish dose of DHEA(1-2mg) could help libido and balance out DHEA/Cortisol ratio. Your cortisol seems on the high side while DHEA seems to be getting lower with each test and is on the low side of the range. Careful with DHEA as you are very young, no need for big doses or anything if you decide to try this route.

Thyroid seems lowish with rt3 this high I would imagine this could be one reason for infections and sleep issues which leads to the low energy. Selenium,b12 and the standard stuff for t4 to t3 conversion might help even though t4 also seems a bit low... If not maybe some thyroid use and lots of food can be warranted to fix things.
Thanks. Yeah, the rt3 definitely points to something "sinister" going on. I considered the RT3 flush protocol but as of now am trying to track down what might be some stuff contributing to excess T4-->RT3 conversion.
I'll add butter into my diet. Eggs I already love. The low cholesterol (+ high hormones) is quite a ???. I've no idea what that is as usually excess cholesterol is what you see accompanying chronic health issues.


Jul 20, 2023
I recently chatted with a person that got officially diagnosed with post-vac syndrome (+CFS) and her labs showed she had cortisol on the high end, low-ish DHEA-S, high reverse T3 aswell alongside low thyroid symptoms and low libido which makes sense.

Ray said in an email:
„It’s best to have cortisol no higher than the middle of the range, estrogen below the middle, testosterone above the middle.“
O, that's helpful, thank you. Yes, I need to figure out how to address this cortisol thing.


Feb 3, 2020
O, that's helpful, thank you. Yes, I need to figure out how to address this cortisol thing.
Q: „What could a cortisol test help with?“
Ray: „It could show whether it’s chronically high. It can help to judge the doses of the things that lower it—pregnenolone, progesterone, aspirin, sugar, thyroid, calcium, etc.“


Jul 20, 2023
Q: „What could a cortisol test help with?“
Ray: „It could show whether it’s chronically high. It can help to judge the doses of the things that lower it—pregnenolone, progesterone, aspirin, sugar, thyroid, calcium, etc.“
This is interesting. I'd like to know why exactly would those thing help. Calcium would slow down the metabolism so there would be less need for cortisol, I suppose.
Also, this tells me that cortisol levels have little to do with cortisol release.


Feb 3, 2020
This is interesting. I'd like to know why exactly would those thing help. Calcium would slow down the metabolism so there would be less need for cortisol, I suppose.
Also, this tells me that cortisol levels have little to do with cortisol release.
Calcium stimulates mitochondrial respiration, and raises the metabolic rate, so I am curious to know why you think it slows down metabolism.

Exogenous pregnenolone and progesterone in higher doses are cortisol antagonists (by either starkly reducing CRH, ACTH and/or blocking corticosteroid receptors)

Sugar (or more generally carbohydrates) lower cortisol. Aspirin has some mild cortisol reducing effects in a human study I have read but not that significant. T3 stimulates the clearance of cortisol. T4, tho, can raise cortisol and ACTH if I remember correctly.


Jul 20, 2023
Calcium stimulates mitochondrial respiration, and raises the metabolic rate, so I am curious to know why you think it slows down metabolism.

Exogenous pregnenolone and progesterone in higher doses are cortisol antagonists (by either starkly reducing CRH, ACTH and/or blocking corticosteroid receptors)

Sugar (or more generally carbohydrates) lower cortisol. Aspirin has some mild cortisol reducing effects in a human study I have read but not that significant. T3 stimulates the clearance of cortisol. T4, tho, can raise cortisol and ACTH if I remember correctly.
This is a late answer, sorry.
My knowledge of biochemistry is limited but - I assumed calcium "slows down metabolism" only because in HTMA circles they prescribe calcium to fast oxidizers.

Btw, my RT3 is high. Do you know how this is usually addressed?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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