Crippling Rheumatoid arthritis and estrogen dominance


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I'm also fairly new and do not have RA. I will tell you that I was taking over 130mg per day of progest-e for the first 3 month with no adverse reaction. I am now weaned down to about 20mg per day and doing fine with the lowered dose. Since everyone is different I just wanted to share my experience with a higher dose being helpful. You might want to check into red light as well. Peat recommends this and I have found it helpful for pain. I consulted with a person from his link page named Benedicte. I figured since he recommended her for consultation I would give it a try. I was very satisfied. If you can't speak with him I would recommend her. It was 100.00 dollars but well worth it. GOOD LUCK and hang in there.


Hi! I would love to hear more about your experience with Benedicte Mai Lerche. How long was the consult? Did you use phone or Skype? Have you had follow up communication? What type of information did she cover (was she interested in lab work)? Did she give nutritional and supplement advice? Thanks for information, I am hoping to find someone to help me through consultation as well!


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Adnada said:
Hi! I would love to hear more about your experience with Benedicte Mai Lerche. How long was the consult? Did you use phone or Skype? Have you had follow up communication? What type of information did she cover (was she interested in lab work)? Did she give nutritional and supplement advice? Thanks for information, I am hoping to find someone to help me through consultation as well!
I had my appointments with her via Skype and was very happy with her service. She took plenty of time with me and in fact went well over the hour both times. For my situation she mostly talked with me about reducing my serotonin through diet and gave me several options to investigate further. We of course reviewed past issues and diet in detail. I mostly wanted to make sure I was understanding and implementing everything correctly and not missing something completely so it was reassuring to speak with her. She was encouraging and also told me about the time frame she thought that I would experience a more dramatic turn around. For me it was very positive. She didn't seem focused on labs but when I told her I might get the whole blood serotonin repeated she thought that would be wise. She was very personable and not at all authoritarian. I have not emailed her between consultations because I try to be self sufficient and think it's important to try and figure things out on my own. I prefer to let people have their free time when they are off work I suppose. She has said I could do this though so I'm sure she wouldn't offer if she didn't mind. I hope that answers your questions and helps.


Jan 1, 2013
There are a few reliable sources where relief/cure from arthritis/rheumatoid arthritis have been mentioned:

In 1954, a 67-year-old woman was not well. She described her health problems: an inability to see from her left eye, painful arthritis in her hands, tiredness, and generally feeling unwell. Hoffer “knew” that these were all old age changes and that there was nothing anyone could do about it. However, he also “knew” that one should offer some hope; that is offer a placebo if nothing else. By this time he had several years experience with niacin and niacinamide, had taken them himself and knew they were safe. He also felt that the initial flushing would give greater credibility to the placebo and could not do her any harm.

At his urging, she agreed to take 1 gram of niacin three times daily after meals. About one month later, she wrote that she was very much better, could see again, that the arthritis was leaving her hands and “those little bumps on her finger joints (Heberden’s nodes) were going away”. Hoffer was delighted but “knew” that none of this could be true as Heberden’s nodes never went away, and that there was no treatment for old age and its associated changes. But when she was seen again she was very much better. Her mind was clear and the arthritic nodes were flattening out and not as prominent. She remained on high dose niacin until she died in 1975 at age 88.

Dr. Hoffer then prepared a brief report of his work supported by the results of six cases3. One patient with osteoarthritis became normal, another with rheumatoid arthritis became much better, two arthritis cases became normal, one patient with both schizophrenia and arthritis became completely well, while the last, who suffered from vascular nodulitis, was much improved.

Since then many patients with arthritis have recovered or become much better when they took vitamin B-3. A most dramatic case came for help in a wheelchair, pushed by her very tired and sick-looking husband. She was sitting on her legs crossed over as she could not extend them. She had been sick for the previous 20 years and had had every known treatment for arthritis including hormones and gold injections. Nothing had helped. Her hands were totally useless and she was crippled. Her husband had to carry her around the house, even to the bathroom. He provided her with the equivalent care of four nurses, around the clock. No wonder he was totally exhausted and sick. Hoffer “knew” she could not be helped, since such very chronic deteriorated arthritis cases generally did not do well. She said to her doctor, “I know that you cannot help my arthritis, but the pain in my back is terrible. All I want is some relief from it”. He started her on a vitamin program of which the main constituent was niacin, but he did not really expect to see much improvement. She returned a month later in her wheelchair, again being pushed by her husband. This time, however, she was sitting in her chair with her feet dangling straight down. Her husband looked relaxed and had lost his dreadful sick look. She immediately said “THE PAIN IS GONE”. She was so much better that Hoffer began to think that maybe, with skillful surgery, some function might be restored to her hands.

Six months later she telephoned. She called about her husband who had a cold. She was able to get around in her home with her wheelchair. She wanted some advice about how to help him. This woman died several years later, having achieved her goal of a pain free existence.
http://www.orthomolecularvitamincentre. ... hritis.php

STANLEY JACOBS: relief with MMS ( and DMSO)

After James Coburn won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor this year, he credited the supplement MSM for helping him overcome the pain and disability of rheumatoid arthritis. MSM, he said in many interviews, made it possible for him to work. ... -DMSO.html

MAX GERSON: cure with 6 months Gerson diet

You can google it, there's a ton of reliable accounts of people being CURED.
I suppose you could abstain from taking the flaxseed oil, since Ray has written it was incorporated fraudulently into the therapy's regimen after Max Gerson's death.

Here's a 1992 presentation with cured patients, there's a 2 minutes segment with a young lady previously wheelchair bound with crippling RA and subsequently completely cured; go to 1hour31min in the video:

[BBvideo 560,340:19pyw305][/BBvideo]


Nov 30, 2012
I don't think anyone mentioned vitamin A. A deficiency can reinforce estrogen dominance.

You need adequate cholesterol to make progesterone also, so make sure to have some egg yolks.

I've used progesterone cream for years and have found vit A + cholesterol to be more effective. I've gotten up to pee since 2008, but have recently started sleeping through the night.

Low temps reinforce poor circulation and inflammation which could be contributing to your arthritis. I've found salt, coconut oil, and carbs more effective than Cytomel at raising my temperature personally, but everyone's different and you have to find what works best for you.

Vitamin E and vitamin A also protect against lipid peroxidation, and vitamin A is specifically involved in progesterone synthesis. Vitamin A also has a variety of anti-estrogen functions, that are often considered to be relevant to protection against cancer. -Ray Peat

Thyroid hormone, vitamin A, and cholesterol, which are used to produce the protective steroids, have been found to have a similarly broad range of protective effects, even when used singly.
-Ray Peat ... -estrogen/ ... olesterol/


Nov 8, 2013
Hello! I have been doing many things Peat for the last 2 1/2 years, but the only things that have reduced my estrogen besides Progest-E are:

DIM-plus (Nature's Way)--helps metabolize estrogen
Calcium D-Glucarate (Source Naturals)--works with DIM-plus to excrete estrogen
CLA (conjugated linoleic acid)/Tonalin (Natural Factors)--has similar function of an aromatase inhibitor

None of these supplements are recommended by Peat, but many women with breast cancer use these to reduce estrogen levels and slow/prevent reoccurance of the cancer.

I also think supporting your liver and gallbladder are important for reducing estrogen levels: I use several bitters (individually)---rotating them throughout the day. The four I like to use in rotation are: Gentian, Burdock Blend, Yellow Dock, Dandelion, and occasionally Milk Thistle. Most of these are mild phytoestrogens. (I use Herb Pharm Liquid Extracts)--no dry capsules. These are very effective at getting your liver and gallbladder functioning well.

I wish you well. Excess estrogen is a baddy.



Nov 8, 2013
P.S.---I forgot to add to my notes about estrogen dominance: White button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) are a powerful aromatase inhibitor. I eat them raw for snacks and in salads.



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
tomisonbottom said:
I am new to Ray peat.
I have estrogen dominance, rheumatoid arthritis, anxiety attacks and depression because of these 2 problems. I know every time a get sad or stressed about my pain it makes it worse because it stresses my body out to be stressed.
It's a horrible vicious cycle. It's very hard not to stress when you are in pain and unable to do normal things.
Right now the arthritis is very bad and I am bedridden. I am female, 30 years old.
The only thing I know I know of right now that can take away the pain is local cortisone injections. But of course that damages the joint to keep doing that.

I just started progesterone a few weeks ago. It's called progestelle and I'm taking between 60mg and 200/day depending on my symptoms and level of sleepiness.
I had blood work done and my t3 and t4 levels were in normal healthy range according to my doctor. The estrogen was very very high and progesterone very low.
I have been on mostly paleo style diet for the last year and a half. I really thought things got better when I got rid of dairy and sugar.
So this diet is really shocking to me but it's the only diet I've come across that is totally focused on hormones to fix the body.
I am going to start the carrot salad today hopefully. My protein might be too low but I am almost scared to eat everything at this point. It seems like theres a negative aspect to be found about whatever food item you choose. I have read SO MUCH on how bad sugar and diary is so that's the thing I want to understand the most. I read some of his articles and will continue to read through them. There is so much info though it is overwhelming so I was hoping there would be someone on here with RA that could give my some simple advice to start with.

I saw some of you on here aren't doing I dont' know if that's a case by case basis. I have read many stories of people who's RA got better after stopping dairy; (
"In 1992, Sheignalet reported on 46 adults with rheumatoid arthritis who eliminated dairy products and cereals. Thirty-six patients (78%) responded favorably with 17 clearly improved, and 19 in complete remission for one to five years. Eight of those 19 stopped all medications with no relapse. Favorable benefits appeared before the end of the third month in 32 of the patients (Lancet 339:68, 1992)."
In that article there are tons of studies of people who got better by eliminating dairy. Is this simply because they weren't eating raw grassfed dairy?

What things can I do that can help the fastest for these things?
Also is there any way to get an audience with RP for consultation? Does he do that?
THank you so much to whomever can help or give advice.

I will speak only about the RA since I managed to help some friends with the same condition. Are you familiar with niacinamide (vitamin B3) therapy for RA? In come countries like Malaysia and Philippines it is prescribed as a drug for the condition. Effective dosage are usually 3g-4g a day for a human in divided doses. So, something like taking 1g three times a day should bring RA under control. Of course, consult with your doctor. Here are some studies to show him/her.

As far as the estrogen, even a low-ish dose of mixed tocopherols should bring it down. My estrogen went down about 37% after 30 days of a daily dose of 400 IU mixed tocopherols and 15mg of vitamin K2 (MK-4). The vitamin K clearly helped as well as it is a known aromatase inhibitor, but the main effect was likely from the mixed tocopherols since a prior estrogen test showed ~25% estrogen reduction from taking only 400 IU mixed tocopherols. I posted studies showing bigger (~65%) estrogen drop from higher doses of mixed tocopherols but I recommend checking with your doctor first since for some people that much vitamin E can raise blood pressure in the short term and thin the blood too much. Finally, since your estrogen is very high this means prolactin is also likely high and the mixed tocopherols should bring that down too.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
lexis said:
Which brand of k2 did you use?

Thorne K2 and/or Relentless Improvement. The latter recently lowered their price from about $40 to $25 so it is much more affordable. Also, make sure to NOT take K2 and vitamin E at the same time as they interfere with each other's absorption. I personally take K2 at lunch and vitamin E in the evening.


Apr 17, 2013
I am new to Ray peat.
I have estrogen dominance, rheumatoid arthritis, anxiety attacks and depression because of these 2 problems. I know every time a get sad or stressed about my pain it makes it worse because it stresses my body out to be stressed.
It's a horrible vicious cycle. It's very hard not to stress when you are in pain and unable to do normal things.
Right now the arthritis is very bad and I am bedridden. I am female, 30 years old.
The only thing I know I know of right now that can take away the pain is local cortisone injections. But of course that damages the joint to keep doing that.

I just started progesterone a few weeks ago. It's called progestelle and I'm taking between 60mg and 200/day depending on my symptoms and level of sleepiness.
I had blood work done and my t3 and t4 levels were in normal healthy range according to my doctor. The estrogen was very very high and progesterone very low.
I have been on mostly paleo style diet for the last year and a half. I really thought things got better when I got rid of dairy and sugar.
So this diet is really shocking to me but it's the only diet I've come across that is totally focused on hormones to fix the body.
I am going to start the carrot salad today hopefully. My protein might be too low but I am almost scared to eat everything at this point. It seems like theres a negative aspect to be found about whatever food item you choose. I have read SO MUCH on how bad sugar and diary is so that's the thing I want to understand the most. I read some of his articles and will continue to read through them. There is so much info though it is overwhelming so I was hoping there would be someone on here with RA that could give my some simple advice to start with.

I saw some of you on here aren't doing I dont' know if that's a case by case basis. I have read many stories of people who's RA got better after stopping dairy; (
"In 1992, Sheignalet reported on 46 adults with rheumatoid arthritis who eliminated dairy products and cereals. Thirty-six patients (78%) responded favorably with 17 clearly improved, and 19 in complete remission for one to five years. Eight of those 19 stopped all medications with no relapse. Favorable benefits appeared before the end of the third month in 32 of the patients (Lancet 339:68, 1992)."
In that article there are tons of studies of people who got better by eliminating dairy. Is this simply because they weren't eating raw grassfed dairy?

What things can I do that can help the fastest for these things?
Also is there any way to get an audience with RP for consultation? Does he do that?
THank you so much to whomever can help or give advice.

Just wanted to post an update (9 years later, wow!).

I no longer have any pain; Ray was right about everything (speaking about my own experience and others I know who've applied it as well).
Shockingly; I have yet to find anything he's been wrong about for me.

Whenever the "peaty" things I did caused problems; later on it would turn out it was because I did too much or too little of something, or I was missing context in my understanding of how to implement in regard to other things (nothing you take/eat/do operates in a vacuum).

Took a lot of testing; nuance, studying and experimenting to get where I am.

I've healed/eliminated/mediated the following through this process:

Rheumatoid arthritis (I'm not on any meds)
Back pain
Cold all the time
Milk allergies
Food craving
Digestive issues
Mood swings
Low motivation
Add/low focus/low motivation/brain fog

I'm sure there are other things as basically everything I feel/do seem to be affected by metabolism, gut health and hormones.

I will post a separate thread later with lessons I have learned incase it can help others.
Last edited:


Nov 25, 2019
Chesapeake, VA
I will post a separate thread later with lessons I have learned incase it can help others.

Please do, very interested to learn what helped the most, especially with rheumatoid arthritis. My mother suffers from RA and only has found relief from Prednisone which I'd love to get her off of.


Dec 8, 2016
Just wanted to post an update (9 years later, wow!).

I no longer have any pain; Ray was right about everything (speaking about my own experience and others I know who've applied it as well).
Shockingly; I have yet to find anything he's been wrong about for me.

Whenever the "peaty" things I did caused problems; later on it would turn out it was because I did too much or too little of something, or I was missing context in my understanding of how to implement in regard to other things (nothing you take/eat/do operates in a vacuum).

Took a lot of testing; nuance, studying and experimenting to get where I am.

I've healed/eliminated/mediated the following through this process:

Rheumatoid arthritis (I'm not on any meds)
Back pain
Cold all the time
Milk allergies
Food craving
Digestive issues
Mood swings
Low motivation
Add/low focus/low motivation/brain fog

I'm sure there are other things as basically everything I feel/do seem to be affected by metabolism, gut health and hormones.

I will post a separate thread later with lessons I have learned incase it can help others.

Can’t wait for the follow up.

And I agree wholeheartedly regarding Ray.
Yes, I stan him; but he deserves all the love and respect I can give.

Neeters 27

Mar 21, 2022
Hello. For 15 years I have had incredible stiffness and joint pain--very difficult to walk in the morning, very stiff shoulders, walking a bit stilted. I ignored it for a long time--using ibuprofen to help with what I thought was inflammation.

But, since starting NDT (Thiryoid) last year (January 2013) I have had remarkable relief of this stiffness and joint pain (not total, but significant). I have noticed that as I increased my dose, my stiffness would lessen.... every time. So, the return of stiffness and pain is ONE indication that I need to increase my dose again.

After a year of taking NDT I am at 8 grains, and am still not at my optimal dose (recession of all hypothyroid symptoms) ...I hope that by the end of this year I will have found my optimal dose and the stiffness and joint pain will largely be a thing of the past.

8 grains is way too much, no matter how thyroid resistant you may have been (after about2 or 3 months of a high dose of between 4 and 6 grains, that should have resolved) so I think you simply are not absorbing it well. do you CHEW your ndt well before swallowing, and you can have it in the morning with water. have a shower, dress, then go ahaed and have coffee, oj and eggs for breakfast or whatever you like. you should reduce your dose, you are KILLING your adrenal glands with that much! I would think most of your pains and stiffness are from low hormones, dont know how old you are, but hormones fixed all my crunchiness and pains. along with 3 grains ndt (winter) and I reduced to 2.5 grains summer, as I sweat a lot.


Apr 17, 2013
Please do, very interested to learn what helped the most, especially with rheumatoid arthritis. My mother suffers from RA and only has found relief from Prednisone which I'd love to get her off of.

Hi, sorry been meaning to update this but the complexity has made me delay.
I'll repeat what I just messaged another person some of the basics and let me know if you have any specific questions as I'm sure I'll miss something but basically all the Ray peat basics have been my "north star".

Every time I veer off course I notice how essential each part is.

1. Clean gut, limited to almost zero starch; carrot or activated charcoal daily to keep stomach flat, bacteria low.

2. LOTS of salt; like 2 tbsp a day for me (baking soda is another sometimes easier way to get in the sodium, or just having cups of salted broth) which is also antibacterial but a good mood booster and stress reducer. Salt is great for both energy and sleep.

3. I use supplements every morning; T3, cascara, Taurine, coffee/caffeine, Vit D/A/K, progesterone, pregnenolone ......... sometimes cyproheptadine or aspirin depending on how I'm feeling. Also vitex, b vitamins, occasional oysters/liver

4. No pufa ever; If I "cheat" it's sugary foods, like candy/coke, but no pufa or gums (carageenan/xanthum gum, etc). It only takes a day or two of eating starch/nuts/grains to feel slower or stiffer or sleep suffers.

5. Diet is primarily milk, cheese, coke and juice + chicken/beef/shrimp, canned fruit, ice cream, coffee, collagen, soups/broth.

6. I notice for me gut health is paramount while keeping stress down, so that's why the large amount of salt and sugars to keep adrenaline down while using caffeine/T3 for motivation/dopamine/energy are a good balance

I'm not totally sure how much of my success I can attribute to pufa elimation over the years and how much to boosting metabolism while keeping stress in check but I imagine it's a combo of those things.


New Member
May 20, 2020
Hi, sorry been meaning to update this but the complexity has made me delay.
I'll repeat what I just messaged another person some of the basics and let me know if you have any specific questions as I'm sure I'll miss something but basically all the Ray peat basics have been my "north star".

Every time I veer off course I notice how essential each part is.

1. Clean gut, limited to almost zero starch; carrot or activated charcoal daily to keep stomach flat, bacteria low.

2. LOTS of salt; like 2 tbsp a day for me (baking soda is another sometimes easier way to get in the sodium, or just having cups of salted broth) which is also antibacterial but a good mood booster and stress reducer. Salt is great for both energy and sleep.

3. I use supplements every morning; T3, cascara, Taurine, coffee/caffeine, Vit D/A/K, progesterone, pregnenolone ......... sometimes cyproheptadine or aspirin depending on how I'm feeling. Also vitex, b vitamins, occasional oysters/liver

4. No pufa ever; If I "cheat" it's sugary foods, like candy/coke, but no pufa or gums (carageenan/xanthum gum, etc). It only takes a day or two of eating starch/nuts/grains to feel slower or stiffer or sleep suffers.

5. Diet is primarily milk, cheese, coke and juice + chicken/beef/shrimp, canned fruit, ice cream, coffee, collagen, soups/broth.

6. I notice for me gut health is paramount while keeping stress down, so that's why the large amount of salt and sugars to keep adrenaline down while using caffeine/T3 for motivation/dopamine/energy are a good balance

I'm not totally sure how much of my success I can attribute to pufa elimation over the years and how much to boosting metabolism while keeping stress in check but I imagine it's a combo of those things.
Hey there,

I'm so thankful you posted your update because I am also dealing with RA and am completely bedridden. Mine has been pretty aggressive and it all just seems hopeless especially my joints going back to normal if that's even possible. Your post however as really helped me these last few days. I would love to connect with you if possible. It's always nice to know there are others out there who have overcome this disease.

Just wanted to ask you if you eat fresh fruit or stick to canned mostly. And I know cascara is important for gut health but I just cannot take it, it gives me the runs and causes intestinal discomfort. I would love to take it for the benefits but truly don't know how. Any advice is welcome because I cannot keep living my life like this... awful pain and stiffness everyday.
Thank you


Apr 17, 2013
Hey there,

I'm so thankful you posted your update because I am also dealing with RA and am completely bedridden. Mine has been pretty aggressive and it all just seems hopeless especially my joints going back to normal if that's even possible. Your post however as really helped me these last few days. I would love to connect with you if possible. It's always nice to know there are others out there who have overcome this disease.

Just wanted to ask you if you eat fresh fruit or stick to canned mostly. And I know cascara is important for gut health but I just cannot take it, it gives me the runs and causes intestinal discomfort. I would love to take it for the benefits but truly don't know how. Any advice is welcome because I cannot keep living my life like this... awful pain and stiffness everyday.
Thank you

Hi there, I do canned fruit and juice honestly most of the time just because it's easier for me.
If you have fresh organic fruit that's even better typically. It partially depends on how you do on fiber. I also like organic raisins a lot.
I think more than any one type it's about finding something you can do plenty of (sufficient carbs) that doesn't causes digestive issues.

If cascara gives you runs, you might not need it (or might need to do less).

I know calcium/milk/cheese produces bowel bulk so if you're low on that along with the carrot that can help.

That being said, it's typically best to have things going "too fast" then to too be too backed up. Endotoxin causes all kids of problems.
Progesterone might be better for you if cascara doesn't work.
Cyproheptadine is also a pretty cheap, safe drug and great for the gut; just needs to be paired with some T3/caffeine in my experience for best effects.
T3 can go a long way as well to addressing/resolving gut issues.


New Member
May 20, 2020
Hi there, I do canned fruit and juice honestly most of the time just because it's easier for me.
If you have fresh organic fruit that's even better typically. It partially depends on how you do on fiber. I also like organic raisins a lot.
I think more than any one type it's about finding something you can do plenty of (sufficient carbs) that doesn't causes digestive issues.

If cascara gives you runs, you might not need it (or might need to do less).

I know calcium/milk/cheese produces bowel bulk so if you're low on that along with the carrot that can help.

That being said, it's typically best to have things going "too fast" then to too be too backed up. Endotoxin causes all kids of problems.
Progesterone might be better for you if cascara doesn't work.
Cyproheptadine is also a pretty cheap, safe drug and great for the gut; just needs to be paired with some T3/caffeine in my experience for best effects.
T3 can go a long way as well to addressing/resolving gut issues.
Okay thanks for the advice! Yea I think I'll stay away from cascara, it just doesn't make me feel good. Good point on the calcium, probably not getting enough.

Regarding the do you determine an adequate dose? I've been struggling for some time now. If I go past 12.5 mcg a day I get adrenaline up, discomfort in my tummy, which I also just realized my cholesterol is quite low for what is suggested to be healthy by Peat.

Yes I've tried the cyproheptadine before as well but again ran into lots of discomfort even at night time. I feel like I'm doing something wrong taking all these things and having so many negative reactions. Is it possible I'm having these reactions because of dysbiosis? That's the only reason I can think of.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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