Cultural genocide.

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon


Are we going back to the war on terror?

Good threads with lots of context

I've posted this previously. Until I watched this talk I did not understand the context of people displacement that's been happening the the past few decades

I came across this yesterday and posted this paragraph on another thread

Rebuilding America's Defenses - September 2000 (pg. 60)

Although it may take several decades for the process of transformation to unfold, in time, the art of warfare on air, land, and sea will be vastly different than it is today, and “combat” likely will take place in new dimensions: in space, “cyber-space,” and perhaps the world of microbes. Air warfare may no longer be fought by pilots manning tactical fighter aircraft sweeping the skies of opposing fighters, but a regime dominated by long-range, stealthy unmanned craft. On land, the clash of massive, combined-arms armored forces may be replaced by the dashes of much lighter, stealthier and information-intensive forces, augmented by fleets of robots, some small enough to fit in soldiers’ pockets. Control of the sea could be largely determined not by fleets of surface combatants and aircraft carriers, but from land- and space-based systems, forcing navies to maneuver and fight underwater. Space itself will become a theater of war, as nations gain access to space capabilities and come to rely on them; further, the distinction between military and commercial space systems - combatants and noncombatants will become blurred. Information systems will become an important focus of attack, particularly for U.S. enemies seeking to short-circuit sophisticated American forces. And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.
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May 31, 2018
"Gay Pride" is Liberal gay pride. Gays who are not Liberal have nothing to do with how Liberal gays act and think.
David PS

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
@Peatress - Thanks, the gay pride month has impacted my thoughts. I cannot just ignnore the politics.

Here in the US, the November 2024 appears to be presenting the voters with choosing between the lesser of the two evils. I am beginning to think of the presidential candidates as choosing the flavor of cultural genocide. My person feeling is the WEF will make their prediction come true.
David PS

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon


@Peatress - Thanks, the gay pride month has impacted my thoughts. I cannot just ignnore the politics.

Here in the US, the November 2024 appears to be presenting the voters with choosing between the lesser of the two evils. I am beginning to think of the presidential candidates as choosing the flavor of cultural genocide. My person feeling is the WEF will make their prediction come true.
I understand but don't forget the news doesn't always reflect reality.


Jan 7, 2017
"Gay Pride" is Liberal gay pride. Gays who are not Liberal have nothing to do with how Liberal gays act and think.
I completely agree. Signed, a #lesbianoutsidethealphabet I absolutely want nothing to do with that "community" or whatever it has become today. I am a GenXer, libertarian-type, a traditional/conservatish kind of gal, too. It is appalling what our society and culture have become today. Guess that is all I have to say, well, other than this: I normally do not make a point to mention my sexual orientation. It is NOT the lens through which I see the world. In fact, I loathe identity politics and think that it's ruined western civilization, this exultation of one's identity. If anything, we all could use a "Humility Month," not pride. But I digress. I point out that I am a lesbian AS WELL AS to point out that I am a conservatish libertarian to demonstrate that not every gay person, or whatever, agrees with the "community," the gender ideology nonsense, and all of that. I am individual and definitely not one to be put into a box. Dirty Dancing had it best with that line, "No one puts Baby in a corner." :):;)


May 31, 2018
I completely agree. Signed, a #lesbianoutsidethealphabet I absolutely want nothing to do with that "community" or whatever it has become today. I am a GenXer, libertarian-type, a traditional/conservatish kind of gal, too. It is appalling what our society and culture have become today. Guess that is all I have to say, well, other than this: I normally do not make a point to mention my sexual orientation. It is NOT the lens through which I see the world. In fact, I loathe identity politics and think that it's ruined western civilization, this exultation of one's identity. If anything, we all could use a "Humility Month," not pride. But I digress. I point out that I am a lesbian AS WELL AS to point out that I am a conservatish libertarian to demonstrate that not every gay person, or whatever, agrees with the "community," the gender ideology nonsense, and all of that. I am individual and definitely not one to be put into a box. Dirty Dancing had it best with that line, "No one puts Baby in a corner." :):;)

100% AGREED! Wanna go out? HAHAHA, I'm just kidding!! But yeah, I don't mention it either because of the disgusting stigma that is associated with being gay.
I once had a famous (? LOL) singer tell me "You can't possibly exist being a Lesbian who supports Trump/Republicans". What a tiny mind. And what an **** to say such a thing. Their brains are in a vice and in a self-defeating cult.


Jan 7, 2017
100% AGREED! Wanna go out? HAHAHA, I'm just kidding!! But yeah, I don't mention it either because of the disgusting stigma that is associated with being gay.
I once had a famous (? LOL) singer tell me "You can't possibly exist being a Lesbian who supports Trump/Republicans". What a tiny mind. And what an **** to say such a thing. Their brains are in a vice and in a self-defeating cult.
Hey, I am open-minded and willing to date other women who love Trump. Who cares? Lol .. I agree, so narrow-minded and ignorant. Again--putting us individual, independent thinkers in a box!! Ugh, so infuriating! Speaking of the dating world ... I live in SoCal and recently decided to venture out after being divorced from my ex for a little over 3 1/2 years (we are still good friends, and she couldn't care less about me dating. We are great as friends, and neither of us wants to get back together with the other. The fact that we are good friends is an issue for some women, in my experience.). Anyway, given that I am in SoCal, my sense is that many/most lesbians here are on the political left (the ones I saw on the online dating apps, which I dumped after being on one for a month and the other for 2 weeks, appear to be on the political left if they indicated their political preference. I paid for the 2 apps for 6 months, but what a shitstain!). Like, I was one of the only profiles that I came across without pronouns. (I don't care what other people do, but I will never go along with that crap. It's ideological to me.). I decided to meet other lesbians in person through meetups, and so far, I have had a nice time with one meetup at least. I suppose as long as politics is kept out of the conversation! I will let others do the talking there and try to read the temperature and wind direction of the room, so to speak. It is truly sad/unfortunate, where we are at as a country (the US) and in western civilization broadly speaking. People claim you leveled hate speech at them when all you shared was a different perspective or that you are a Republican, like Trump, or whatever. We have peaked as far as IQ goes, and our collective EQ is in the toilet. We are clearly in a process of societal entropy, or devolution ... de-evolution, which is an interesting topic in itself. Anyway, good luck out there! Glad to have "met" you here in this space!! :):


May 31, 2018
Hey, I am open-minded and willing to date other women who love Trump. Who cares? Lol .. I agree, so narrow-minded and ignorant. Again--putting us individual, independent thinkers in a box!! Ugh, so infuriating! Speaking of the dating world ... I live in SoCal and recently decided to venture out after being divorced from my ex for a little over 3 1/2 years (we are still good friends, and she couldn't care less about me dating. We are great as friends, and neither of us wants to get back together with the other. The fact that we are good friends is an issue for some women, in my experience.). Anyway, given that I am in SoCal, my sense is that many/most lesbians here are on the political left (the ones I saw on the online dating apps, which I dumped after being on one for a month and the other for 2 weeks, appear to be on the political left if they indicated their political preference. I paid for the 2 apps for 6 months, but what a shitstain!). Like, I was one of the only profiles that I came across without pronouns. (I don't care what other people do, but I will never go along with that crap. It's ideological to me.). I decided to meet other lesbians in person through meetups, and so far, I have had a nice time with one meetup at least. I suppose as long as politics is kept out of the conversation! I will let others do the talking there and try to read the temperature and wind direction of the room, so to speak. It is truly sad/unfortunate, where we are at as a country (the US) and in western civilization broadly speaking. People claim you leveled hate speech at them when all you shared was a different perspective or that you are a Republican, like Trump, or whatever. We have peaked as far as IQ goes, and our collective EQ is in the toilet. We are clearly in a process of societal entropy, or devolution ... de-evolution, which is an interesting topic in itself. Anyway, good luck out there! Glad to have "met" you here in this space!! :):

LMAO, I am in So CA, too. Don't worry, I have enough going on in my life to keep me out of the dating pool LOL (health issues, worries, money worries, etc x 100). I am in no shape to barely "hang out" with people anymore. The last 3 yrs finally did me in, meaning the initial 6 months of the freak out before we knew it was a pLandemic, my liberal friends all going batsh*t hysterical because they outright refused to even consider the info I was giving them (all ended up being true), me losing all my friends due to a virus having political sides (did they ever stop to think how that's insane? And what it implies?) Then soon after, issues like drag queens reading to kids and dancing in bars with kids, and my friends playing that "I don't ever discuss politics" B.S. excuse game, not able to say it's wrong and stayed tight lipped without one single word to me, that shocked me to be honest, and that's when I dropped 2 very long time friends. That was selling my morals to be friends with 2 people who I know (99% sure!?) are against it, but can't tell me due to their Liberal Cult. And, oh, yes, I've said it's a cult for decades now and I love hearing it finally acknowledged in the rest of the world. I feel vindicated haha. Those are some serious brain issues right there. Everyone tolerated each other until trump. That's when the left went insane and never recovered. "He will put gays in camps!!1!" I mean, how do you even reply to such stupidity. I was in a band so I was always around far lefties whether I liked it or not, shrug. Oh well, I tolerated them for 20+ years by seeing just the good in them and letting the bad slide. Now? After these past 3 yrs, I had enough LOL. And i agree, there is some sort of death happening. life, the planet, it's all a cycle, and I fear we are in a death one. I'm just glad i grew up in the 80s. Best. Era. Ever. :) Sorry if this post was "off". I think I'm having a migraine today. This weather tho :depressed:


Mar 21, 2021
There has always been culture wars started by the elites and those in power to divide and conquer and gain more power and money. The elites now have perfected it and they don’t care what side you are in as long as you are on a side fighting with other people and not directing the anger at the elites. And the elites have propped up these political parties and puppet politicians to pretend one side is fighting for you and one side is against you. But the are just one uniparty doing the bidding of the elites.


May 31, 2018
There has always been culture wars started by the elites and those in power to divide and conquer and gain more power and money. The elites now have perfected it and they don’t care what side you are in as long as you are on a side fighting with other people and not directing the anger at the elites. And the elites have propped up these political parties and puppet politicians to pretend one side is fighting for you and one side is against you. But the are just one uniparty doing the bidding of the elites.



Mar 21, 2021
There is cultural religious genocide going on. But it’s genocide on all cultures and religions.

CBDC,the approved science and scientists and AI will be god.

CBDC will control your behavior by controlling your money and be the punishers for undesirable behavior.

Like with Covid, the scientist will be the authority on what vaccines, medications and food you take.

And the world government programed AI that they will say is all knowing like god is, and our little human brains can’t comprehend the knowledge it has and it will dictate our laws and they way we live our lives.

This is the way the will ultimately destroy religion and culture.


Jan 7, 2017
LMAO, I am in So CA, too. Don't worry, I have enough going on in my life to keep me out of the dating pool LOL (health issues, worries, money worries, etc x 100). I am in no shape to barely "hang out" with people anymore. The last 3 yrs finally did me in, meaning the initial 6 months of the freak out before we knew it was a pLandemic, my liberal friends all going batsh*t hysterical because they outright refused to even consider the info I was giving them (all ended up being true), me losing all my friends due to a virus having political sides (did they ever stop to think how that's insane? And what it implies?) Then soon after, issues like drag queens reading to kids and dancing in bars with kids, and my friends playing that "I don't ever discuss politics" B.S. excuse game, not able to say it's wrong and stayed tight lipped without one single word to me, that shocked me to be honest, and that's when I dropped 2 very long time friends. That was selling my morals to be friends with 2 people who I know (99% sure!?) are against it, but can't tell me due to their Liberal Cult. And, oh, yes, I've said it's a cult for decades now and I love hearing it finally acknowledged in the rest of the world. I feel vindicated haha. Those are some serious brain issues right there. Everyone tolerated each other until trump. That's when the left went insane and never recovered. "He will put gays in camps!!1!" I mean, how do you even reply to such stupidity. I was in a band so I was always around far lefties whether I liked it or not, shrug. Oh well, I tolerated them for 20+ years by seeing just the good in them and letting the bad slide. Now? After these past 3 yrs, I had enough LOL. And i agree, there is some sort of death happening. life, the planet, it's all a cycle, and I fear we are in a death one. I'm just glad i grew up in the 80s. Best. Era. Ever. :) Sorry if this post was "off". I think I'm having a migraine today. This weather tho :depressed:
No apologies necessary! Yes, the ignorance and stupidity of so many people is astounding and depressing, quite honestly! I have lost some friends as well because of my pro-freedom/anti-mandate stance on everything, including the pokey poke. Sadly, I ended up getting it--3 total (Pfizer)... Praying I got a placebo! I had shitty reactions from the 2nd and the booster, but otherwise, I feel fine and have had no other issues, thank God. I was coerced by family (parents said can't visit unless you get it), and since all my family lives on the east coast, I couldn't live with myself if I decided not to get it and couldn't ever visit them. I made the conscious choice to do it and be a guinea pig, but after the 3rd one, I was done regardless of what they said. Thankfully, they did not push for more shots. But if they did, I would have said "nope. I am done. I guess I am not ever visiting." It was clear by early 2022 that people were having horrendous reactions to it. I have tried a couple remedies to "detox" from it and don't ever get any other kind of shot. But yeah, that time was insane.

I agree with you that the 80s were the best time to grow up. I am in my early 50s, solid GenXer, don't give a **** what people think of me--in general. I do care what my close friends think as they are very supportive and love me for me. But in general, no, I don't care. So, yeah, dating as a conservatish libertarian lesbian has been an interesting challenge to say the least!I try to find humor in everything. Hang in there, and I hope your health improves!! This heat is brutal though. Ugh.. I live in the Antelope Valley (not sure I mentioned that). Hot, hot hot!!! Lol ...
David PS

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon


Sep 9, 2019
I'm down, at least I can entertain the idea. Not so much the waffle about a "black sun" but this...

"What if the WEF and what's going on now is meant to 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲𝗴 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗲𝗿 just like 𝗪𝗲𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗿 𝗚𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗻𝘆?

What if all you have to do is 𝗱𝗿𝗼𝗽 𝗼𝗹𝗱 𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀?"
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