Cultural Marxism, Reds Against (W) Freedom


Aug 22, 2019
Do you have any examples of how the US economy is becoming more communist since the collapse of the berlin wall?
Look around you. We've already seen universal basic income-like handouts and nationalization schemes. Government has never been bigger than it is now. Regardless, as I pointed out earlier, economic communism is not necessary for Marxism to rule. Economic communism is a bit of a trojan horse. Communism is about revolution and coming to power, not about economic theories.
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May 30, 2015
Austin, TX
I think we are heading toward more of a neo-feudal technocratic society where the elites own everything and give the proles just enough to sedate and not revolt. That will have some of the flavors of communism. In the meantime, they will cull until AI can replace all the "useless feeders".

None of this can happen until they destroy our nationalistic identities, which is how cultural Marxism and economic globalism work together. Outright communism implies that someone actually cares about a nation or humanity.

The end result is what always happens: totalitarianism. I personally believe the only antedote is probably fascism. Regardless of how that sounds. The ruling class is serious and they do not care about us.
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Mar 26, 2014
Could you provide any examples? People seem to use the term to mean a lot of different things
Fractional reserve banking
Quantitative easing
Yield curve control
LIBOR rate rigging
Precious metals futures keeping spot price low
Property/real estate bubbles via schemes like Help to Buy over here (help to keep the bubble inflated more like)

None of these have any place in a truly capitalist system but here we are
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Oct 11, 2015

Americans doing business in Germany is not "funding Hitler". Germany was very popular for foreign investments because the German political situation was promising in the 1930s, not because of anything nefarious.

James Corbett begins his lying in the video above at 28:30 by claiming Hitler was a Rothschild. This is a baseless rumor that was started by American intelligence and for which no proof has ever been provided and never will be.

Around 30:30 he talks about the Young Plan as setting up Hitler because it crashed the Germany economy. As if this was part of a big plan to put Hitler in power and not part of squeezing the Germany which led to the shorting of their currency ( this is what actually caused the hyperinflation, not to the "collapsing of Banking" ).

At 33:30 he says "We know American industry and finance was helping the German War Machine the entire way". This is not true either. American investments had shifted towards the Soviet Union by the time of World War 2 and even became official policy with the Lend Lease Act.

Anthony Sutton used the fake Warburg document as one of his primary sources to write "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" which was just a rumor accepted as fact. Actual digging into the German and East German archives about contributions to the NSDAP showed that "Big Business" did not even support Hitler until the March 1933 Election after the Nazis were already in power. Before then there were only a handful of contributions from what can be considered "Industry" like Fritz Thyssen who wrote about his reasons for donating to Hitler, like being wary of Communist takeover. All the Center and the Center left received more from Big Business because the NSDAP regularly attacked the excesses of Capitalism. Henry Ashby Turner wrote extensively about this based on hard evidence, not fake documents with no proof and rumors like Sutton. "German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler" is Turner's book on the subject. Hitler was primarily financed by small party contributions ( from everyday Germans ), membership dues, rally, fees, etc. Like I said above, the only election in which "Big Business" gave considerable money to the NSDAP was that March 1933 Election after the NSDAP was already in power.

As for the rest Corbett gets into, about Hitler being totally in the pockets of International Finance, I find this extremely odd considering actual German policy at the time, which was consistently against International Finance. But Corbett has no interest in discussing the specifics of NSDAP policy, he would rather shout down any honest study of the Third Reich by screeching about Hitler being a Rothschild and funded by International Banking which are both untrue.
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Oct 11, 2015
You're forgetting the most important fact in history that Nazi Germany was a socialist state economically. To call them fascist is dishonest and deflective, but I wouldn't expect anything better from the communists than to do that.

As much as communists would like to pretend how different they are from the Nazis, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact speaks volumes.

Stalin and Hitler. "Socialists" in brotherhood.

The Nazis play the bad cop while the Soviets play the good cop, but all are the same at the top.

Nazi party leader Bormann was a Soviet agent - Gehlen reveals Party leader Bormann to be a Soviet Agent | Espionage |

Fascism would better described as more State-direction rather than as being contrary to Socialism. Here is an actual good source of Third Reich economic policy I will link below. Yes it was Socialist, but to say that NS Germany had a lot in common with the Soviet Union is wrong. For example, the NSDAP was extremely pro-agrarian in terms of policy they enacted for farmers. Rather than collectivizing farmland, they gave all German farms a blank slate on their debt, made non-usurious loans for farm equipment, worked to raise farmining incomes, and made it hard for farmers to sell their farmland to corporations and speculators. That is only a short list also.

Germany was not "run by Business". This is a cope that leftists have invented about Fascism being Capitalism on steroids. The truth is that Business was made subordinate to Germany's interests as a whole, not the the other way around. There is no good reasoning or proof that it operated another way. The thing though, is that contrary to the Soviet Union, the NSDAP did not bother business if it wasn't stepping on anyone's toes. So people could benefit from earned wealth, but this is very different to the rent-seeking sort of Capitalism that High Finance engages in.

As for the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact there a few things to mention. First, German policy was very pro-Polish prior to 1938 when Poland rejected Germany's attempts to settle their indefensible Eastern border, not having land access to Prussia among other things. The Molotov Ribbentrop pact only came after years of attempting to rectify the living situation for German in the Danzig corridor and East Prussia and Danzig being separated from the Reich. Also Britain began sabre-rattling over the Czechoslovakian fallout where Czech Republic became a Reich protectorate. It was very clear long before 1939 that Britain and France did not intend to stay on peaceful relations with Germany. See: Friedrich Stieve's book "What the World Rejected" (available free online) which talks about Hitlers proposals for the limiting of heavy arms and offensive military equipment that were rejected by Britain and France in the mid-1930s. Mainly the Molotov Ribbentrop pact was to dissuade Britain from meddling in Germany's conflict with Poland and also to put German-Soviet relations on a stable basis. Poland had also occupied territories that were settled by Russians in the East. It doesn't mean that Hitler was allying with Stalin on ideological grounds.
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May 30, 2015
Austin, TX
Americans doing business in Germany is not "funding Hitler". Germany was very popular for foreign investments because the German political situation was promising in the 1930s, not because of anything nefarious.

James Corbett begins his lying in the video above at 28:30 by claiming Hitler was a Rothschild. This is a baseless rumor that was started by American intelligence and for which no proof has ever been provided and never will be.

Around 30:30 he talks about the Young Plan as setting up Hitler because it crashed the Germany economy. As if this was part of a big plan to put Hitler in power and not part of squeezing the Germany which led to the shorting of their currency ( this is what actually caused the hyperinflation, not to the "collapsing of Banking" ).

At 33:30 he says "We know American industry and finance was helping the German War Machine the entire way". This is not true either. American investments had shifted towards the Soviet Union by the time of World War 2 and even became official policy with the Lend Lease Act.

Anthony Sutton used the fake Warburg document as one of his primary sources to write "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" which was just a rumor accepted as fact. Actual digging into the German and East German archives about contributions to the NSDAP showed that "Big Business" did not even support Hitler until the March 1933 Election after the Nazis were already in power. Before then there were only a handful of contributions from what can be considered "Industry" like Fritz Thyssen who wrote about his reasons for donating to Hitler, like being wary of Communist takeover. All the Center and the Center left received more from Big Business because the NSDAP regularly attacked the excesses of Capitalism. Henry Ashby Turner wrote extensively about this based on hard evidence, not fake documents with no proof and rumors like Sutton. "German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler" is Turner's book on the subject. Hitler was primarily financed by small party contributions ( from everyday Germans ), membership dues, rally, fees, etc. Like I said above, the only election in which "Big Business" gave considerable money to the NSDAP was that March 1933 Election after the NSDAP was already in power.

As for the rest Corbett gets into, about Hitler being totally in the pockets of International Finance, I find this extremely odd considering actual German policy at the time, which was consistently against International Finance. But Corbett has no interest in discussing the specifics of NSDAP policy, he would rather shout down any honest study of the Third Reich by screeching about Hitler being a Rothschild and funded by International Banking which are both untrue.
I did not watch the Corbett video, but I am surprised to see he made assertions that Hitler was "in the pockets" of international finance. He dissolved all central banks in the territories he conquered.

Your mention of the Young Plan gives context to the infamous hyperinflation, which is commonly blamed on Rudy von Havenstein's QE and interest rate manipulation.

Good article you posted on the Third Reich economic policy. Thanks.


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Apr 15, 2020
You and the young and some of the old choose to only see the 30s and late 80s, and even than the younger ones are filled misinformation


Aug 22, 2019
I did not watch the Corbett video, but I am surprised to see he made assertions that Hitler was "in the pockets" of international finance. He dissolved all central banks in the territories he conquered.

Your mention of the Young Plan gives context to the infamous hyperinflation, which is commonly blamed on Rudy von Havenstein's QE and interest rate manipulation.

Good article you posted on the Third Reich economic policy. Thanks.


Aug 22, 2019
Americans doing business in Germany is not "funding Hitler". Germany was very popular for foreign investments because the German political situation was promising in the 1930s, not because of anything nefarious.

James Corbett begins his lying in the video above at 28:30 by claiming Hitler was a Rothschild. This is a baseless rumor that was started by American intelligence and for which no proof has ever been provided and never will be.

Around 30:30 he talks about the Young Plan as setting up Hitler because it crashed the Germany economy. As if this was part of a big plan to put Hitler in power and not part of squeezing the Germany which led to the shorting of their currency ( this is what actually caused the hyperinflation, not to the "collapsing of Banking" ).

At 33:30 he says "We know American industry and finance was helping the German War Machine the entire way". This is not true either. American investments had shifted towards the Soviet Union by the time of World War 2 and even became official policy with the Lend Lease Act.

Anthony Sutton used the fake Warburg document as one of his primary sources to write "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" which was just a rumor accepted as fact. Actual digging into the German and East German archives about contributions to the NSDAP showed that "Big Business" did not even support Hitler until the March 1933 Election after the Nazis were already in power. Before then there were only a handful of contributions from what can be considered "Industry" like Fritz Thyssen who wrote about his reasons for donating to Hitler, like being wary of Communist takeover. All the Center and the Center left received more from Big Business because the NSDAP regularly attacked the excesses of Capitalism. Henry Ashby Turner wrote extensively about this based on hard evidence, not fake documents with no proof and rumors like Sutton. "German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler" is Turner's book on the subject. Hitler was primarily financed by small party contributions ( from everyday Germans ), membership dues, rally, fees, etc. Like I said above, the only election in which "Big Business" gave considerable money to the NSDAP was that March 1933 Election after the NSDAP was already in power.

As for the rest Corbett gets into, about Hitler being totally in the pockets of International Finance, I find this extremely odd considering actual German policy at the time, which was consistently against International Finance. But Corbett has no interest in discussing the specifics of NSDAP policy, he would rather shout down any honest study of the Third Reich by screeching about Hitler being a Rothschild and funded by International Banking which are both untrue.


May 30, 2015
Austin, TX
Good links and interesting reads. A lot to go through. I'd only recently seen telecasts where Hitler created Israel and he was actually completely "played", which made him furious. What a complete historical blank spot the 1920s/30's are unless you really dig. They were really pivotal times that changed the world in every regard.


May 30, 2015
Austin, TX
You and the young and some of the old choose to only see the 30s and late 80s, and even than the younger ones are filled misinformation
It's possible we both have selective memories, but it's also possible you are recalling peak USSR window before their complete industrial society fell into shambles. Much like America's industrial head start wouldn't die and become irrelevant over night. We often don't see the effects of policy for decades after the fact. It takes a while for the rot growing inside to consume the whole.


Oct 11, 2015
1. The stories about Hitler's "military mistakes" were started by actual traitors, Canaris included. I dont believe anything Canaris has to say about "Soviet infiltration", when he was a confirmed traitor to the German War effort. John Mosiers book Hitler vs Stalin addresses this myth about Hitler being a bad tactician.
2. Germany for a time had a program where Jews could emigrate to Palestine with most of their wealth ( Havaara Agreement ). That is the extent of Hitler "creating Israel".The German government was not involved with displacing Palestinians and establishing the state of Israel. Britain on the other hand did do that.
3. Dugin is a Nazbol flinging mud. The roots of National Socialism is quite explicitly in being against Usury ( Gottfried Feder's Manifesto for the Abolishment of Slavery to Interest on Debt ). And beyond that it was simply German populism.
4. I wont disagree about Soviets manufacturing the Holocaust. The only officual death camps were under Soviet occupation, mostly in modern-day Poland.
5. I mentioned above that it was certain German military officers who started the claim about Hitler being a bad military strategist, and they were actual traitors or connected to them. There has been a lot written about internal sabotage of the German war effort in German but less translated to English. Richard Tedor ( who reads German fluently ) talks about this subject extensively in his book "Hitler's Revolution". There is also this small review which will illuminate the subject further - Conspiracy and Betrayal Around Hitler (Review)

As for "Hitler the Jew" I addressed this in my earlier post. There is no proof that Hitler's Grandmother was "impregnated by a Rothschild". Its all speculation based on American Intelligence reports.


Aug 22, 2019
1. The stories about Hitler's "military mistakes" were started by actual traitors, Canaris included. I dont believe anything Canaris has to say about "Soviet infiltration", when he was a confirmed traitor to the German War effort. John Mosiers book Hitler vs Stalin addresses this myth about Hitler being a bad tactician.
2. Germany for a time had a program where Jews could emigrate to Palestine with most of their wealth ( Havaara Agreement ). That is the extent of Hitler "creating Israel".The German government was not involved with displacing Palestinians and establishing the state of Israel. Britain on the other hand did do that.
3. Dugin is a Nazbol flinging mud. The roots of National Socialism is quite explicitly in being against Usury ( Gottfried Feder's Manifesto for the Abolishment of Slavery to Interest on Debt ). And beyond that it was simply German populism.
4. I wont disagree about Soviets manufacturing the Holocaust. The only officual death camps were under Soviet occupation, mostly in modern-day Poland.
5. I mentioned above that it was certain German military officers who started the claim about Hitler being a bad military strategist, and they were actual traitors or connected to them. There has been a lot written about internal sabotage of the German war effort in German but less translated to English. Richard Tedor ( who reads German fluently ) talks about this subject extensively in his book "Hitler's Revolution". There is also this small review which will illuminate the subject further - Conspiracy and Betrayal Around Hitler (Review)

As for "Hitler the Jew" I addressed this in my earlier post. There is no proof that Hitler's Grandmother was "impregnated by a Rothschild". Its all speculation based on American Intelligence reports.
Yet both the Soviets and the Nazis managed to jointly populate "Palestine" with Jews, which led to 1948's proclamation of "Israel". I guess it's just a coincidence, though. ;) And yet, The West (Balfour declaration) gets the blame. Sounds like a Soviet bait-and-switch to me.


Aug 22, 2019
Are you saying Nazis were Zionists? Or should I say (((nazis))) LUL

Nazis and Soviets were both Zionist collaborators.

“The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism.” — (A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Rabbi Harry Waton, p. 143-144).


May 30, 2015
Austin, TX
Are you saying Nazis were Zionists? Or should I say
From 1933-1939 before the WW2. After the fledgling party took over from the Marxist Weimar Republic in 1933 the World Jewish Congress boycotted and declared war on Nazi Germany. In response, Germany tried to ease tensions with the former ruling elite Zionists with the Havaari Agreement as Michael94 mentioned above.



Oct 11, 2015
From 1933-1939 before the WW2. After the fledgling party took over from the Marxist Weimar Republic in 1933 the World Jewish Congress boycotted and declared war on Nazi Germany. In response, Germany tried to ease tensions with the former ruling elite Zionists with the Havaari Agreement as Michael94 mentioned above.

View attachment 21964
Yep but it can be misleading to say Zionist because now that term is associated with forcing Palestinians out of their homes and ill willed international politics. The Havaara agreement was just so they could leave safely and keep their wealth when they arrived in Palestine... Making this policy out to be part of a larger conspiracy to push Zionism is silly honestly. In any case, the bigger problem is the International Banking Cartel without which Zionism would have no venom.


May 30, 2015
Austin, TX
Yep but it can be misleading to say Zionist because now that term is associated with forcing Palestinians out of their homes and ill willed international politics. The Havaara agreement was just so they could leave safely and keep their wealth when they arrived in Palestine... Making this policy out to be part of a larger conspiracy to push Zionism is silly honestly. In any case, the bigger problem is the International Banking Cartel without which Zionism would have no venom.
Good point. The leaders were Zionists, but history has given the name much more color since the actual creation of the state of Israel.

It certainly appears that it was more a diplomatic relocation agreement to keep them from bankrupting Germany than Hitler being a "Team Zion" advocate lol
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