Cyproheptadine Lowers Cortisol, Endorphins, HGH, Aldosterone


Apr 17, 2013
The zombie feeling I had previously has now gone since I made a point to take thyroid (I take 25mcg of T3 spread throughout the day, which has the activity of 1 grain), caffeine and vitamin B6 -- both of which are important for maintaining dopamine.

How much b6 do you take?


Sep 16, 2014
It seems like the effects on slow wave sleep are more likely to happen when cypro is taken in advance (here, at least 1 hour prior to instead of after sleep onset). Which should make sense because that sleep phase occurs first and we need to give time for the drug to act. Note that they infuse it, so maybe this translates into a different conclusion for optimal speed/dose than with oral pills.

Surprising how some of these hormones seem to be almost 100% eliminated by cypro (during some phases of sleep) yet there are not necessarily (negative) consequences in practice, why is the body even bothering with these?!...

I've found it's best to take cypro 6+ hours before sleep. Taking it too near badtime gives incredibly restless sleep (others have also found this.)


Sep 1, 2017
"Finally, if cyproheptadine acts to lower all these stress hormone it may be a good supplement to consider if someone is struggling with thyroid and not reacting well to it.
Oh, and I forgot to mention - cyproheptadine also lowers adrenalin. The lowering of adrenalin and serotonin may explain why some people seem to feel like zombies after taking serotonin. If the stress hormones are lowered and the person feels like crap this reveals low metabolism. So, if cyproheptadine makes you feel like crap maybe try to increase thyroid dosage." - Haidut

That would explain why today I had abnormaly low pulse and temp. I toke 4 mg of cypro before bed and I slept more than usual, woke up, ate, and usually I would be on 80+ pulse and 37+ temps, but I'm at 72 and 36.6, despite doing Pansterone + 11-keto DHT.

I will try to use 1 mg several times a day to see what happens


Aug 17, 2016
The flight or fight response I guess. In organism that have no natural enemies, the cortisol and adrenalin release is almost non-existent. Since adaptation is the primary feature of consciousness, I suppose the existence of these hormones and our ability to release them in such large quantities speaks of the harsh times through which we lived and adapted to.


Sep 1, 2017
That'a a pretty interesting theory. I have been also questioning our own capacity to recreate stress in our minds and as a result of such simulation, our body reacts according to such. If you start imagining how your sons are going to survive after you die, you are creating a simulation of a stressful environment, and surely stress hormones would rise as a response to such thing.
There should be studies upon "positive" vs "negative" imagination excercises and it's impact on hormones


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
That'a a pretty interesting theory. I have been also questioning our own capacity to recreate stress in our minds and as a result of such simulation, our body reacts according to such. If you start imagining how your sons are going to survive after you die, you are creating a simulation of a stressful environment, and surely stress hormones would rise as a response to such thing.
There should be studies upon "positive" vs "negative" imagination excercises and it's impact on hormones

This "imagining of bad scenarios" is a hallmark of the condition PTSD. When looked through the prism of Peat it is simply an organism that received a VERY strong signal from outside that life will be VERY bad and as such has adapted to it. Ironically, people with PTSD are the ones that had better health initially. The more pathological types that do not develop PTSD due to extreme rigidity from high serotonin tend to die very early, and usually from cancer.


Apr 17, 2013
By lowering intestinal inflammation by avoiding tryptophan, methionine, and cysteine-rich proteins, eliminating starch, and by introducing 2-4 TBSP coconut oil per day, you can drop between 3-6% body fat.

What made you think to try such large amounts of coconut oil? Do you still think it doesn't cause fat gain in large amounts like that?


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
What made you think to try such large amounts of coconut oil? Do you still think it doesn't cause fat gain in large amounts like that?
I took 8 TBSP daily for a while. A couple tablespoons probably won't cause fat gain. It depends on the context of your diet.


Oct 11, 2016
Since I tend not to view single molecules as totally negative - I would say increased levels of HGH from working out for example, as an appropriate response to stress (and that provides desired growth to adapt to such stress). Therefore, the question arises: should we take cyproheptadine away from stressful workouts?


Jun 1, 2017
Love how everyone says high estrogen makes you retain water.. from personal experience low estrogen makes me retain water since estrogen and aldosterone are closely related. Once my E2 went from 9 /pmol to around 30-40 I was way slimmer and had no problems dieting whereas when I was low e2 I had water retention and it was alot harder to exercise.

I feel if you're mentally I'll low e2 will save you're life because you dont think at all you're just very present. With higher e2 I do ruminate but i actually have short long term planning and seem to think more creatively. Moderate higher e2 makes me feel human whereas low e2 makes me feel apathetic to life but I can see how it can save some people

Long story short low e2 actually makes me retain fat and water weight alot more than moderate to high e2/ end of rant

Btw I'm using trt and have used aromasin and arimidex (not on purpose) and have crashed my e2. Thankfully I use 15mg of test prop daily so if i say use arimidex i wont be crashed for too long whereas if i crash it with aromasin itll take me weeks to feel normal again


Love how everyone says high estrogen makes you retain water.. from personal experience low estrogen makes me retain water since estrogen and aldosterone are closely related. Once my E2 went from 9 /pmol to around 30-40 I was way slimmer and had no problems dieting whereas when I was low e2 I had water retention and it was alot harder to exercise.

I feel if you're mentally I'll low e2 will save you're life because you dont think at all you're just very present. With higher e2 I do ruminate but i actually have short long term planning and seem to think more creatively. Moderate higher e2 makes me feel human whereas low e2 makes me feel apathetic to life but I can see how it can save some people

Long story short low e2 actually makes me retain fat and water weight alot more than moderate to high e2/ end of rant

Btw I'm using trt and have used aromasin and arimidex (not on purpose) and have crashed my e2. Thankfully I use 15mg of test prop daily so if i say use arimidex i wont be crashed for too long whereas if i crash it with aromasin itll take me weeks to feel normal again
That's because blood estrogen is indicative of estrogen kicked out of tissue and (hopefully, if healthy enough) ready for excretion. Many misinterpret this aspect of bloodwork.


Mar 17, 2017
Cypro for me is a great reset. I don't like the way I feel on it at all but in the next day,I feel so good especially If I take something to boost dopamine such as simple as 20mg B6.
It also seems like Cypro resets caffeine tolerence


Dec 7, 2022
I really don't know what it is but Cypro fixes the problems I have been trying to fix.

With it my mind is plain, uniform and whole;

It is as if I am actually present in what i am doing/seeing, instead of always having my mind shifting to a "blank space zone" everytime I try to focus.

Can actually see things as they are, instead of looking at things and see them for what they mean/represent;

Also, I became less smart on it, it seems, but was able to actually read things from beginning to end and actually connect and above all see and understand the message behind what I was reading, instead of looking at things and only perceiving them for what they represent and creating a reality half full based on core perceptions of individual material, all forged somewhere in my brain to create a half real reality.

@haidut do you know what mechanisms could be at play in this matter?

Believed it could be due to Thyroid, now am not sure.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Cypro for me is a great reset. I don't like the way I feel on it at all but in the next day,I feel so good especially If I take something to boost dopamine such as simple as 20mg B6.
It also seems like Cypro resets caffeine tolerence
It lowers cortisol. I've known people who have combined caffeine and cyproheptadine to mimic the effects of thyroid (and assuredly greater.) It would be better to take caffeine and cyproheptadine than merely thyroid, judging by the wide-reaching effects of the latter tricyclic drug.


Mar 25, 2019
I really don't know what it is but Cypro fixes the problems I have been trying to fix.

With it my mind is plain, uniform and whole;

It is as if I am actually present in what i am doing/seeing, instead of always having my mind shifting to a "blank space zone" everytime I try to focus.

Can actually see things as they are, instead of looking at things and see them for what they mean/represent;

Also, I became less smart on it, it seems, but was able to actually read things from beginning to end and actually connect and above all see and understand the message behind what I was reading, instead of looking at things and only perceiving them for what they represent and creating a reality half full based on core perceptions of individual material, all forged somewhere in my brain to create a half real reality.

@haidut do you know what mechanisms could be at play in this matter?

Believed it could be due to Thyroid, now am not sure.
Just ordered some and I hope I get similar effects… honestly had a good night’s sleep in years
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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