Cytoflavin- Have You Tried It

Nov 21, 2015
It’s succinic acid, riboflavin, niacinamide and inosine.

In Russia they consider it good for everything medical.

Here’s a patent using it and .5% Novocaine:

RU2523412C1 - Method of treating patients with obliterating diseases of lower extremity arteries - Google Patents

We have developed, tested and used as part of a comprehensive drug therapy recommended by the Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery them.A.I.Bakuleva Medical Sciences and the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery Academy of Postgraduate Education (authors: V.I.Kovalenko, M.B.Temrezov, I.M.Kalitko Angioprotektsiya in complex treatment of patients with obliterating diseases of lower limb arteries Toolkit for doctors... . - M., 2011. 24 c), a method for treating occlusive diseases of the arteries of the lower extremities, which is carried out as follows: a mixture of drugs, consisting of 5.0 ml cytoflavin novocaine and 0.5% -5.0 ml, administered by lymphotropic interstitial injection into the antero-lateral or postero-l teralnuyu surface of the upper or middle segments of the tibia, after preliminary injection of local anesthetic procaine region 0.5% -5.0 ml once a day.

Heading dose and the number of courses are determined by the clinical picture of the disease.

The invention is aimed at solving the following tasks:

1. To improve the effectiveness of treatment occlusive arterial disease of lower extremities new way of administration cytoflavin mixture novocaine.

2. Reduce dose administered cytoflavin due lymphotropic regional administration compared with intravenous administration.

3. Avoid intravenous route of administration of the drug, to minimize the occurrence of side reaktsiyi - 4, to develop a method painless introduction with novocaine cytoflavin mixture suitable for prolonged daily administration, designed for many months of therapy.

Examples of particular embodiment.

Example 1. Patient A., 87 years old. Do not smoke during the 22 last years. With 20 (I was at the front) for 65 years, occasionally smoked. He complained of increased pain in the right foot, especially in the first finger and the tibia. The patient had constant pain peace not only in the daytime, but at night, which deprived him of sleep. Considers herself sick for about five years, when he first showed symptoms of intermittent claudication, gradually reduces the distance of painless walking. In March - April 2012 increased pain in the lower leg and foot, trophic ulcer appeared on the first finger of his right foot. In May 2012, he was examined and treated in the cardiovascular surgery department of city hospital №4. Performed abdominal aortoarteriografiya. Revealed multiple stenoses levels from 55 to 84% completion arteries: femoral, popliteal. Diagnosis: Atherosclerosis. Stenosis of the iliac arteries on both sides. Occlusion of the right femoral artery, tibial artery on both sides.Chronic arterial insufficiency stage IV right. The treatment vazaprostanom 60 micrograms intravenously slowly №10. After a course of treatment the patient's condition improved and pain decreased, normalized sleep, ulcers first right toe under a dry scab. State of relative comfort in the right lower leg and foot resting on a background of continuous use Plavix 75 mg 1 time / day, Lipitor 80 mg 1 time / day lasted about one month, then reappeared rest pain. Therapy was initiated by intravenous infusion solution cytoflavin 10 ml, diluted in normal saline NaCl.However, along with a decrease in pain in the shins every time infusion cytoflavin appear severe headaches, and by intravenous cytoflavin had to be abandoned. In this regard, we carried out a lymphotropic therapy cytoflavin mixture of 5.0 ml of 0.5% novocaine and -5.0 ml after prior local anesthetic procaine 0.5% -5.0 ml injection region antero-lateral surface of the upper segment of the leg. Injections were accompanied by cessation of pain, heat sensation in the leg and foot for 16-24 hours after administration of the drug mixture, the absence of headaches, increased tolerance to stress (as walking on the street that was previously not feasible). The injections were made in the first three months on a daily basis, and in the next three months - every other day for six months on an outpatient basis until the next course vasaprostan hospital.


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Oct 30, 2015
@drk not sure where you’re from but I’ve just recived a delivery from pillbuys in Russian shipped to the uk without a problem.
Thanks for letting me know. DO you have lower extremity artery issues? or otherwise what do you use this for and what have you noticed?
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