Daily Headaches


Jan 3, 2014
Not every single day but I have / had long patches ,like weeks, of headaches, often intensifying into migraines. Regularly.I scarcely ever had a headache in my life before low carb. On reading RP articles I understand them as energy problems. What's helped, though it took time, has been focusing on lowering serotonin as well as estrogen. Sunlight, getting outdoors in the mornings, bcaa, have all helped. Another thing I worked out was that I was undereating due to feeling so awful. This made things worse. HDD recommended ice cream which is fantastic but you need lots. Coffee sipped slowly throughout the day has helped a lot.even though the idea did not appeal. I think the liver is involved - as for me nausea accompanies all this - so charcoal / carrot salad I also think has helped. In fact I won't miss a day anymore, that's what a difference I think it makes. Hope something here helps.


Jan 1, 2013
Well, the first obvious step is to avoid any food with MSG ( hiding under more than 40 different names) and aspartame.

Then you must be careful not to skip food in the morning.

Do you have amalgam fillings in your mouth ?


Jun 12, 2013
I've been getting mild, annoying ones not every day, but many days. Sometimes they develop into stronger headaches. This is usually late afternoon/early evening. I began to notice all this since this winter.

Aspirin may or may not work. Getting my blood sugar up with food/drink can help. Sleep always takes it away if nothing else, but that's not practical at all times of day.

I had a headache hanging around all afternoon. It went away some and then it came back. In fact I have it now at midnight. It's what I would call mild if I were comparing it to some really bad headaches, but it still.. hurts.

I've already taken a lot of aspirin today. Most of it was coated 81 mg. but it's all I had access to. I took 6 at a time, 2 or 3 x . Plus, 2 of the 325 mg. pills earlier.

Carrot salad earlier seemed to help for a while.

I just took Activated Charcoal. And will get some sleep.


Jan 1, 2013
Nowadays, just about any processed food contains MSG.
Stop eating them, and you become hyper allergic to it, ie even the smallest portion eaten again will trigger a headache.


Aug 9, 2019
Regularly.I scarcely ever had a headache in my life before low carb
God damn, I relate to this. Used to never get headache in my life. All this changed since going low-carb and Carnivore. Started getting daily headaches. They still somewhat persist now, 2 months into peating, and my overall energy levels are low.
Did the measures you mentioned made a difference for you?
Nov 21, 2015
I get a lot of headaches. Go for two or three days. Have one now. It’s been a long term work to figure them out.


Jan 3, 2014
Massive. My low carb created migraine problem which seemed to progressively accelerate, and started to include horrible light headedness and dizziness which scared me so much it got me to abandon low carb and ultimately find Peat, have been gone since mid 2014. I still get very occasional headaches, often when I start or change something - even if it helps in the end. The short version: eat more not less when feeling horrible and nauseous from a headache. Don't just eat ice cream, eat a litre of it (easy to think a bowl will do but no...). Drink coffee even though it is the last thing you may feel like. One day as I did this I felt the migraine evaporate. That was one of my last migraines because I just kept doing the coffee and ice cream and it worked.
Not everything by any means has fixed this easily. I still have insomnia and some weight gain to overcome. So if it isn't this easy for you, keep trying things from this forum, and keep being patient and giving it time, lots of time.
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