Deconstructing The Carnivore Diet Superpowers


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Aug 24, 2017
Many of us on this forum have done the Carnivore Diet. There are amazing libido benefits that people experience on the diet. Granted, sometimes it's not long-term as it was in my case, but I was thinking on how we can extract and get the same benefits on a Peat-inspired diet.
I got some of my hardest erections ever on Carnivore.

I’ve tried literally every diet (not joking) and eating only fatty beef, salt, and water is probably the worst thing you can do for semen retention BECAUSE IT MAKES YOU SO DAMN VIRILE AND HORNY. It’s like being on adderall, viagra, and anabolic steroids at once. Check out zerocarb reddit or google “carnivore diet” best thing I ever did
So what's exactly the secret here and how we can get the same benefits without the negatives?
Is it the high-protein intake? The high animal (saturated) fat intake? The high nutrient density? The Creatine, Carnitine? The high cholesterol?
In short, it's the complete elimination of gut irritant and allergenic and toxic plant foods. It's perfect for people with a lot of sensitivities.
This lowers inflammation greatly and increases energy production and steroidogenesis.
Lastly, meat, especially organ meat, is very rich in highly bio-available micros which optimizes cellular function.
Those that don't do good on it need more easy digestible carbs to limit the stress response.


Apr 9, 2015
In short, it's the complete elimination of gut irritant and allergenic and toxic plant foods. It's perfect for people with a lot of sensitivities.
This lowers inflammation greatly and increases energy production and steroidogenesis.
Lastly, meat, especially organ meat, is very rich in highly bio-available micros which optimizes cellular function.
Those that don't do good on it need more easy digestible carbs to limit the stress response.
You are saying the people who dont do well on carnivore need easy digestible carbs?


Nov 18, 2019
i agree with him

meat OR fruit based. Combining both sounds like an awful lot of iron + vitamin C

pick one, try it out, observe, reassess

For carbs : raw milk, raw honey, Maple syrup, dried or cooked Bananas are quite low in C and phytoestrogens
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Aug 24, 2017
You are saying the people who dont do well on carnivore need easy digestible carbs?
It depends, but generally yes. With easy to digest carbs I'm refering to fruit.
I think it bears repeating that I'm not for one diet or the other. I'm for the diet that works best for the individual.


Sep 5, 2018
Highly dependent on what you were eating beforehand but fatty red meat as the sole food can work for quite a while and give high libido because it has most things needed for libido though the B vitamins can be lacking if its just muscle meat. It wouldnt be an issue right away and for some seemingly never.

Its high in iron, zinc, B6 which can dramatically lower prolactin and that alone can raise sex drive. Usually the lower the prolactin the higher the sex drive (higher dopamine of course).

It also has all the amino acids needed for sexual function in liberal quantities. Arginine, histidine, tyrosine/phenylalanine, for example... Non-meat foods like milk and eggs lack arginine for nitric oxide, a basic thing needed you will easily have a low intake of if you don't eat meat.

Also the B3, B6, zinc, iron content helps making steroid hormones which are absolutely essential. The other B vitamins play a role as well but meat has the major ones for that.

A carnivore diet that incorporated organs would be even more sufficient in all the nutrients I just mentioned. You would get massive amounts of cholesterol and choline adding in organs which are pro-sexual nutrients while just steaks dont have as much cholesterol and choline in comparison.
So to try it out could a supplement in B vitamines, zinc, iron and maybe cholesterol do the job to mimic the effect of the diet?

I think it could be a good experience but I also think it won't do the job. I've tried some B vitamin complex and never went even near to the "manly / to the roof libido" feels I had on carnivore.

I feel like carnivore benefits are not only what's in it, but also what is NOT.


Nov 18, 2019
When I was very High carbs and consuming a lot of fruits, principaly bananas (more calorie per 100g) I was literraly pissing all the day, +10 Times a day, too much potassium I think, althought I was consuming like 20-25 g of salt (sodium chloride) + the only moment when I wasn’t bloated was the morning when I waked up

Currently carnivore/ wapf oriented (grassfed beef, raw milk, raw yolks, raw butter, tallow, gelatin, some organs + some einkorn sourdough, raw honey, sometimes fruits like dried bananas or papayas) I don’t consume a lot of potassium and high salt (I have cystic fibrosis) and it is waaaaay more convenient not having to piss each 30minutes, although sourdough bloats me , it’s not more than with fruits, white rice or mashed potatoes, only carbs that don’t bloat me are raw milk and raw honey...


Oct 23, 2015
It is the original low vitamin A diet, when people add back in organ meats it goes downhill from what I have read.


Dec 17, 2018
So to try it out could a supplement in B vitamines, zinc, iron and maybe cholesterol do the job to mimic the effect of the diet?

I think it could be a good experience but I also think it won't do the job. I've tried some B vitamin complex and never went even near to the "manly / to the roof libido" feels I had on carnivore.

I feel like carnivore benefits are not only what's in it, but also what is NOT.

Not all the Bs in the B complex are pro-libido. They can be but B complexes tend to be too high in B vitamins which can do the opposite. Supplemental iron irritates the gut while you take it and most mineral supplements can do that.

You are right that a carnivore diet relieves the gut dramatically as well as reducing serotonin and helping in that respect.
Feb 23, 2020
Judging by meat’s neutral impact on human health, it makes sense that sticking to just that should feel like a relief for people who were previously intoxicating themselves. For someone like me who is at an optimal state of health in spite of reckless toying around with hormones (which I’ve completely dropped, because I’m not huge on big androgenic jaw and skull and hair loss) switching to a “neutral” diet feels suboptimal.

I think that this kind of data provides better understanding of what kills people most: salted junk food obviously (sodium as a marker of trashed eating patterns), lack of “clean” carbs among which fruit, lack of balanced essential fats. Clearly I’m not understanding why the hate on sugar, processed meat and all that jazz when the evidence points to other issues in the diet. People love to eat low sugar Shake Shack mushroom burgers for sure.



Sexual Dysfunction Among Young Men: Overview of Dietary Components Associated With Erectile Dysfunction - PubMed

Of all recorded flavonoids, flavones appeared to contribute the most to healthy erectile function. Controls reported a greater consumption of vegetables and fruits, a lower intake of dairy and alcoholic beverages, and a less intense smoking habit compared with cases (P < .001).

Clinical implications: Increased intake of fruits, vegetables, and flavonoids decreases the risk of ED in young men.

“The only known important edible sources of flavones are parsley and celery. Flavanones are found in tomatoes and certain aromatic plants such as mint but their rich sources are citrus fruits. Flavonones are present in the form of naringenin in grapefruit, hesperetin in oranges, and eriodictyol in lemons.”


Nov 18, 2019
In my case, the only thing that seems to improve drastically my libido is a high consumption of raw egg yolks (4-6 yolks a day).
Maybe the cholesterol
Wether or not I’ m consuming a lot of carbs/sugars neither plants food doesn’t change anything .


Jun 25, 2017
In my case, the only thing that seems to improve drastically my libido is a high consumption of raw egg yolks (4-6 yolks a day).
Maybe the cholesterol
Wether or not I’ m consuming a lot of carbs/sugars neither plants food doesn’t change anything .
Maybe it's the choline increasing acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that handles the mechanics of arousal.


Nov 5, 2017
I reverted back to carnivore diet 4 days ago after excess carbs messed me up and I had horrible reaction to starch that left me in a bad way physically and mentally

My mood is constant, my sleep is perfect, I've quit smoking cigs and cannabis and my energy levels feel consistent; I know when I'm hungry vs just bored. I ate my steak dinner last night at 6pm, went to bed at 11pm (was routinely going to bed at 3am due to insomnia from lckdown last few weeks) and up at 6am, though I stayed in bed because if I go downstairs my dog harasses me for her morning walkies :S

Breakfast is currently 3 poached eggs and 5-6 rashers of bacon on a bed of arugula. Also adding in one cup of coffee to see how it makes me feel but tbh this is d2 of coffee and I don't think it's doing me any favours beyond "excess" energy

Dinner is a decent steak on a bed of friend onion and more arugula with vinegar and salt

I know carnivore is meant to drop everything except meat but I think the benefits of leafy greens outweigh the potential negatives - they are super low sugar and aid digestion and that's the whole reason I'm back on it atm

I also drink ginger tea with some honey at night

My libido is also different - I've never had sex issues but sometimes I crave porn and that craving has totally disappeared. I'm a walking erection but I don't feel frustrated which is nice given the current circumstances.

All told the benefits of carniore are the cleansing effect it has on gut imo - I always believed I needed tons of food because I am tall and lean and never put on weight, and I have neurotic thoughts that **** up my sleep which I put down to stress and because of RPF associated with lack of sugar, but last night I lay down, realized I was taking maybe 1-2 breaths per minute, then I rolled over and it was 6am and I felt wonderful.

The only thing I am not sure on is coffee - without a lot of sugar I notice it tends to mess me up a bit - I don't have a thermometer atm and I tend to gauge stress levels/body temp by how low my balls hang, and on carnivore diet they are super low, but if I add coffee, despite giving clammy fingers, they tend to hide which makes me think it's stressing me out too much. On normal carb diet no matter what I eat the only time they hang low is when I am stoned and I think this is because of the relaxing effect cannabis has on the body and gut. Ginger tea is opposite - it makes me feel calm and happy and a healthy kind of aroused without anything shrivelling up \o/

I really like the simplicity of the diet. No calorie counting, no stressing about eating often and regular since I can exercise without problems on just2 meals a day. Just eat meat and leaves and drink warm liquid to stimulate gut. I guess I also get the benefits of intermitent fasting but it's not something I'm actively aiming for, it's just a by product of what feels natural now, like going to bed before midnight.

Also I did full carnivore diet for a month in past nd tbh I think I was under eating. Adding in leafy greens has had a huge impact by contrast.
Apr 24, 2017
I reverted back to carnivore diet 4 days ago after excess carbs messed me up and I had horrible reaction to starch that left me in a bad way physically and mentally

My mood is constant, my sleep is perfect, I've quit smoking cigs and cannabis and my energy levels feel consistent; I know when I'm hungry vs just bored. I ate my steak dinner last night at 6pm, went to bed at 11pm (was routinely going to bed at 3am due to insomnia from lckdown last few weeks) and up at 6am, though I stayed in bed because if I go downstairs my dog harasses me for her morning walkies :S

Breakfast is currently 3 poached eggs and 5-6 rashers of bacon on a bed of arugula. Also adding in one cup of coffee to see how it makes me feel but tbh this is d2 of coffee and I don't think it's doing me any favours beyond "excess" energy

Dinner is a decent steak on a bed of friend onion and more arugula with vinegar and salt

I know carnivore is meant to drop everything except meat but I think the benefits of leafy greens outweigh the potential negatives - they are super low sugar and aid digestion and that's the whole reason I'm back on it atm

I also drink ginger tea with some honey at night

My libido is also different - I've never had sex issues but sometimes I crave porn and that craving has totally disappeared. I'm a walking erection but I don't feel frustrated which is nice given the current circumstances.

All told the benefits of carniore are the cleansing effect it has on gut imo - I always believed I needed tons of food because I am tall and lean and never put on weight, and I have neurotic thoughts that **** up my sleep which I put down to stress and because of RPF associated with lack of sugar, but last night I lay down, realized I was taking maybe 1-2 breaths per minute, then I rolled over and it was 6am and I felt wonderful.

The only thing I am not sure on is coffee - without a lot of sugar I notice it tends to mess me up a bit - I don't have a thermometer atm and I tend to gauge stress levels/body temp by how low my balls hang, and on carnivore diet they are super low, but if I add coffee, despite giving clammy fingers, they tend to hide which makes me think it's stressing me out too much. On normal carb diet no matter what I eat the only time they hang low is when I am stoned and I think this is because of the relaxing effect cannabis has on the body and gut. Ginger tea is opposite - it makes me feel calm and happy and a healthy kind of aroused without anything shrivelling up \o/

I really like the simplicity of the diet. No calorie counting, no stressing about eating often and regular since I can exercise without problems on just2 meals a day. Just eat meat and leaves and drink warm liquid to stimulate gut. I guess I also get the benefits of intermitent fasting but it's not something I'm actively aiming for, it's just a by product of what feels natural now, like going to bed before midnight.

Also I did full carnivore diet for a month in past nd tbh I think I was under eating. Adding in leafy greens has had a huge impact by contrast.
No dairy? Butter?


Nov 5, 2017
No dairy? Butter?


I use coconut oil to fry my onions and steak, grilling my bacon. Though I guess you could consider the eggs dairy; I actually get a mild reaction from them but they digest quickly and have more nutrition than bacon so I don't mind for the sake of variety atm.

I definitely don't think coffee is a great idea though. I got hyperactive and shivers about an hour after consuming it this morning despite the initial bump. It's now 15 degrees inside and I'm warmer now than I was then, even though I've had nothing but warm water and sun. tbh I've drunk an average of 5-10 cups of coffee every day for the last ten years with full fat cream, sugar and gelatin, and I get all the same benefits from ginger tea and honey without the crash.

I don't have any craving for sugar beyond a little honey in my ginger tea, which is kinda great because I always assume going low carb would wreak havoc on a addict's mind \o/

-edit- should probably add that I used to make ghee and would 100% consider it again for this diet. It seems vastly more appealing than butter (and I like butter) - the smell, texture, taste and the fact that it's a lot more nutrient dense make it a great substitute for coconut oil/olive oil
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Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
No increase in libido whatsoever, till this moment, on carnivore diet.


Nov 5, 2017
No dairy? Butter?

Hey again Vlad,

After watching this;

I think experimenting with yoghurt may be in my interest for calcium and gut health. Very interesting that the effect is the same regardless of whether the LB is alive or dead.


Nov 5, 2017
My thermometer just arrived;

36.5 oral at 8pm. I ate my dinner around six and then went shopping. Ambient temp is 14/15 degrees inside and I've been in sandals and shorts all day

Will compare and contrast my morning temp to see how it stacks up since protein is very thermagenic


Nov 18, 2019
I’m way more calm and it’s lot easier to go sleep for me when I eat a carnivore meal for my last one, like a good chunk of fatty grassfed beef, I sleep like a baby
Carbs in the evening make me anxious and nervous, but not in the day
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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