Jun 30, 2021
T3 only has many advantages if one is unable to properly use T4. Additional T4 not only converts to T3 in the liver to provide stable blood levels, but also a little converts in the cells themselves, and it may even have little action independently.
Do you think I should place another order for Cynoplus, then? I thought I'd be good with T3 only.

My main question is why should I take a mixed T4/T3 supplement when the purpose of T4 is to be converted into T3 anyways?

Why stress the body with T4 when there's most likely an adequate supply of it already that the body is having trouble converting, hence my low thyroid symptoms.

Does T4 has beneficial effects on its own?

I've been taking D3/K2, multi, and B vitamins for a while. Nothing has helped with my energy or appetite levels.

The fatigue is overbearing, I'm oversleeping, etc. I'm still fairly young so this sucks.


Jan 26, 2020
Ok cool, do you think 6mcg at once is OK? Im using tiromel 25mcg tabs and the smallest I can get it to is 6mcg.
Yeah I think thats a great dosage with a meal. Hows tiromel? European source? Been thinking that I'll possibly have to source that when I run out of idealabs... The first time I tried thyroid was few years before finding peats work so I took 25mcg once a day. Didn't have any effects, so I when I found out peat I was always very critical of his obsession with thyroid:D Theres a high chance it could have been fake too.


Jan 26, 2020
Do you think I should place another order for Cynoplus, then? I thought I'd be good with T3 only.

My main question is why should I take a mixed T4/T3 supplement when the purpose of T4 is to be converted into T3 anyways?

Why stress the body with T4 when there's most likely an adequate supply of it already that the body is having trouble converting, hence my low thyroid symptoms.

Does T4 has beneficial effects on its own?

I've been taking D3/K2, multi, and B vitamins for a while. Nothing has helped with my energy or appetite levels.

The fatigue is overbearing, I'm oversleeping, etc. I'm still fairly young so this sucks.
Well, its very individual. My thyroid is able to supply some T4 so I do mostly T3. How is your pulse and temperature, in a stress free environment. Morning, after lunch and maybe evening are very important and most useful metrics for assessing thyroid function.

Yeah you're right, theres probably enough T4 already, thus starting with T3 only would be ideal. Once the T3 starts to have an effect the natural production will adjust slowly. This can take weeks as the half life of T4 is quite long (7-10days). Like on the comment you quoted, T4 has some independent actions on its own, but the main part is to stabilise T3 and especially at night you're not taking those T3s unless you want to wake up in the middle of the night:D I noticed that I needed some T4 when I started to wake up in the night randomly.

Yeah, when I started T3 the immediate effect I noticed was a severe increase in cognition, which I've never experienced before, and I've tried a lot of stuff. It made me much more proactive, able to get out of bed quickly, able to do chores and not postpone them, chores where much funner, able to read and research much more and be social and yeah just be more proactive. But most of these benefits took a while to show up. In the very first week it made me very tired and I was just nodding on the couch listening to music, mostly due to lowering of the stress hormones, that I had been chronically using. But the energy you get from thyroid is nothing like the excessive stimulant or stress, things just start to happen...smoothly. Also I noticed and increased connection with nature, I was very happy just chilling outside looking at trees and birds and my dog... I lost most of my interest at the digital world. When I took a break from thyroid I noticed how lethargic I was, and had been before it. All I'd do was sit on the computer like a slug and do useless things like watch youtube videos that I don't care and not do things that I wanted to do, like music. I'm young too. The cumulative stresses that we are exposed in our modern lives and our youths really has damaged us, and a lot of helpful stuff might be needed to change the direction, like thyroid, progesterone etc...
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Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
@RenaissanceMan Mmm how does one saturate cells with T3 taking 150mcg... If in any way you could get that amount to the cells you would have a heart attack. There's no storage of T3 afaik and its half life is very short, it needs to be carried to the cells which would also limit the "saturation". The excess exogenous would be either deactivated or turned into rT2.

There are many kinds of inflammation and other factors that disrupt thyroids action on the cells, like estrogen, pufa/ffa, NO, prostaglandins, bacterial products (endotoxins, pieces of genes etc.) vitamin deficiencies etc. I think a little overcompensation with T3 would be beneficial like Dave said but finding the culprit would be necessary and why going slow helps one to identify those factors.

Regarding andman, I wonder if he had T4 also or was going with only T3 which like Ray said in mr.bolloxes comment could be stressful. Or maybe he has slower liver digestion of it. Or maybe he needed less T3 in the beginning and the big doses gave him the needed amount and the rest was excreted. But whatever floats your boat.

NDTs are interesting in that regard that they may have those downstream metabolites of T2 and T1, how much those have effect I can't tell. Probably T4&T3 will provide all that you need. I think starting with T3 is always the best strategy to start(unless your thyroid has been cut out), and after a while bringing in T4. A good Ndt could be very good for someone after they have stabilised, as its smooth and digests slower and may contain some additional metabolites, however tinkering with the ratios would be harder and the dosages might vary. Ray talked about how people at Merck experimented with the beef and pork ndts and they always came to the conclusion that 3:1 ratio was the best for rats.

I mean did you build it up slowly and feed it properly? Especially at that dosage you would require quite a lot of carbs. After sufficient protein the next most important would be to have enough carbs to ensure nitrogen retention and to lower stress. That T3 dosage was quite high and could be stressful like ray said, although ray has said that his most on only T3 was 50mcg and he noticed his thyroid glands reduce in size. As much as I respect bodybuilders independence and anti-authoritarianism, their ideas seem to be many times quite idiotic. Usually their way of burning fat is to throw carbs out of the window and crank themselves with ephedrine, clenbuterol, dnp and all the other fun stuff they use for burning fat. Yes both of them reduce TSH, increased thyroid activity reduces TSH. Yeah some of the benefit of even low doses of T4 in hypo people would be the reduction of TSH. T3 only has many advantages if one is unable to properly use T4. Additional T4 not only converts to T3 in the liver to provide stable blood levels, but also a little converts in the cells themselves, and it may even have little action independently.
i ate carbs and protein but it actually reduced my appetite so eating proper protein was harder. i put on 10 pounds in 2 months of using t3 only, and in that time it burned some of my muscle tissue so i probably gained 15 pounds fat or so. my metabolism was in a lower spot after using it, weaker appetite, carrying less muscle etc...

it is true NDT has the t1, t2, calcitonin and parathyroid which all have their effects. bodybuilders do some silly things but their desire to hold onto muscle is useful to keep in mind, they dont like using t3 as a fat burner unless its very small doses. dave palumbo said hgh increases t4 to t3 conversion, he said thats responsible for hghs fat burning and youth promoting effects. i think Peat said hgh is pro aging, but the supplemental forms of it seem to be doing something that's causing fat loss and improved skin texture. some bbers do use the eca stack of ephedrine caffeine and aspirin.
im not sure about aspirin, it seems like it bloats my face a bit, but i added it in alongside 500mg thiamine hcl and 20mg policosanols so id have to wait a while to confirm it was the aspirin but i just doubt policosanol or thiamine hcl would puff the face and dry the eyes out. the aspirin i used did have carnauba wax and triacetin, not sure if those could do something.

i think it was posted on here that in rare cases some people can have tsh too low and be hypothyroid as a result of it. that seems to be the mechanism behind how iodine causes hypothyroidism in some. i think Hans or someone mentioned tsh going too low is also responsible for negative responses to T3 only usage. T3 usage can drive tsh too low to where you then wont make enough T4 iirc
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Jan 26, 2020
Dave palumbo said hgh increases t4 to t3 conversion, he said thats responsible for hghs fat burning and youth promoting effects. i think Peat said hgh is pro aging, but the supplemental forms of it seem to be doing something that's causing fat loss and improved skin texture. some bbers do use the eca stack of ephedrine caffeine and aspirin.
im not sure about aspirin, it seems like it bloats my face a bit, but i added it in alongside 500mg thiamine hcl and 20mg policosanols so id have to wait a while to confirm it was the aspirin but i just doubt policosanol or thiamine hcl would puff the face and dry the eyes out. the aspirin i used did have carnauba wax and triacetin, not sure if those could do something.

i think it was posted on here that in rare cases some people can have tsh too low and be hypothyroid as a result of it. that seems to be the mechanism behind how iodine causes hypothyroidism in some. i think Hans or someone mentioned tsh going too low is also responsible for negative responses to T3 only usage. T3 usage can drive tsh too low to where you then wont make enough T4 iirc
Hgh also increases lipolysis and causes insulin resistance. Its an odd hormone for sure, it increases during fasting, but b3 also increases it. Testosterone, Dhea and estrogen increase it and dht decreases. It rises in the first hours of sleep and then stabilises. Some users note great sleep on it. I wonder if they are just bad sugar burners and the extra lipolysis via less stressful way just increases their energy during sleep. Maybe there is a need for little, but the hgh growth effects with excess always look like stress growth, growing heart, nose, ears etc. "palumboism" is also thought be from insulin resistance. They also have made Hgh frag for only lipolysis effects. Usually bbs combine hgh with insulin to stimulate igf production and lengthen it. Usually they only blowup when hgh is with insulin, hgh never alone has any dramatic effect. I think most of the benefit actually from the insulin "the most anabolic hormone". There was this one guy who put his clients on insulin only cycles and seemd to have great effects on that only.

I'm a aspirin junkie. Have always craving for 2g/day, been doing that for 1,5 years. But its probably from my chronic intestinal infection and stress. When I started T3 I noticed my craving lowered to 1g/day , so it is also compensating for low thyroid. In Usa there are quite a many options for aspirin without those junk. I think aspirin actually debloats, as it is anti-inflammatory and antistress.

I use to have that when I was at a very bad health, my tsh was 0.4 but I was severly hypo. I think it is from chronic infection/inflammation, i think ray has said that. Yeah thyroid action drives down tsh so you might end up with low natural production which might be therapeutic to a degree, but nights would be horrible.
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Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Hgh also increases lipolysis and causes insulin resistance. Its an odd hormone for sure, it increases during fasting, but b3 also increases it. Testosterone, Dhea and estrogen increase it and dht decreases. It rises in the first hours of sleep and then stabilises. Some users note great sleep on it. I wonder if they are just bad sugar burners and the extra lipolysis via less stressful way just increases their energy during sleep. Maybe there is a need for little, but the hgh growth effects with excess always look like stress growth, growing heart, nose, ears etc. "palumboism" is also thought be from insulin resistance. They also have made Hgh frag for only lipolysis effects. Usually bbs combine hgh with insulin to stimulate igf production and lengthen it. Usually they only blowup when hgh is with insulin, hgh never alone has any dramatic effect. I think most of the benefit actually from the insulin "the most anabolic hormone". There was this one guy who put his clients on insulin only cycles and seemd to have great effects on that only.

I'm a aspirin junkie. Have always craving for 2g/day, been doing that for 1,5 years. But its probably from my chronic intestinal infection and stress. When I started T3 I noticed my craving lowered to 1g/day , so it is also compensating for low thyroid. In Usa there are quite a many options for aspirin without those junk. I think aspirin actually debloats, as it is anti-inflammatory and antistress.

I use to have that when I was at a very bad health, my tsh was 0.4 but I was severly hypo. I think it is from chronic infection/inflammation, i think ray has said that. Yeah thyroid action drives down tsh so you might end up with low natural production which might be therapeutic to a degree, but nights would be horrible.

wow interesting where did you learn all this about hgh.
ah thats concerning, so growing a bigger nose and ears are driven by hgh and cortisol then? is that why larger nose and ears are seen as unattractive? i thought better metabolism would increase size of all glands and organs, but it does make sense that every organ doesnt increase from a better metabolism. the testes and the brain and maybe thyroid, and eyes get bigger from better metabolism. ears and nose thankfully dont seem to. would ears/nose lose their size once your metabolism shifts in the right direction? large noses/ears just undoubtedly seem to be considered ugly in every culture whereas large brains, eyes, seen as attractive.

how did he get results with insulin only? does insulin stimulate a ton of fat gain as well as muscle gain? how come some get very fat off of it, like the diabetics or people with high natural production? what determines whether insulin goes towards massive muscle gain instead of fat.

with aspirin it should debloat but i wonder about that salicylate, is it something were meant to ingest, which fruits is it in and in what amounts is it present in those fruits. i think salicylates in topical acne medicines have a very drying effect as well as a bleaching effect. so if aspirins taken internally would it also then have a drying effect in the belly? and, do you need to take 1mg vitamin k daily if using just 325mg aspirin daily... or is 1mg K1 and 1.5mg K2 mk4 once a week enough, even if using aspirin daily...

how did you fix that situation of very bad health?


Feb 18, 2018
Yeah I think thats a great dosage with a meal. Hows tiromel? European source? Been thinking that I'll possibly have to source that when I run out of idealabs... The first time I tried thyroid was few years before finding peats work so I took 25mcg once a day. Didn't have any effects, so I when I found out peat I was always very critical of his obsession with thyroid:D Theres a high chance it could have been fake too.
Not sure I still feel so fatigued and cold with it so I'm not even sure it's real but I do think it's giving me palpitations
Jun 30, 2021
Might help someone

Full text: https://annarborholistichealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Thyroid-Myths.pdf


Jan 26, 2020
wow interesting where did you learn all this about hgh.
ah thats concerning, so growing a bigger nose and ears are driven by hgh and cortisol then? is that why larger nose and ears are seen as unattractive? i thought better metabolism would increase size of all glands and organs, but it does make sense that every organ doesnt increase from a better metabolism. the testes and the brain and maybe thyroid, and eyes get bigger from better metabolism. ears and nose thankfully dont seem to. would ears/nose lose their size once your metabolism shifts in the right direction? large noses/ears just undoubtedly seem to be considered ugly in every culture whereas large brains, eyes, seen as attractive.

how did he get results with insulin only? does insulin stimulate a ton of fat gain as well as muscle gain? how come some get very fat off of it, like the diabetics or people with high natural production? what determines whether insulin goes towards massive muscle gain instead of fat.

with aspirin it should debloat but i wonder about that salicylate, is it something were meant to ingest, which fruits is it in and in what amounts is it present in those fruits. i think salicylates in topical acne medicines have a very drying effect as well as a bleaching effect. so if aspirins taken internally would it also then have a drying effect in the belly? and, do you need to take 1mg vitamin k daily if using just 325mg aspirin daily... or is 1mg K1 and 1.5mg K2 mk4 once a week enough, even if using aspirin daily...

how did you fix that situation of very bad health?
Well, I use to be pretty into bodybuilding and endocrinology was the first thing that really made me research, if you can call it that, but into reading a lot of stuff.
I'm not sure if cortisol has anything to do with this kind of growth, although estrogen increases the conversion into igf-1 which has most of the growth mediating effects. The point was that the growth caused by gh looks to me like stress.
"GH regulates postnatal body growth. In both mice and humans, GH deficiency or GH insensitivity (Laron's syndrome caused by inactivating mutations of the GH receptor gene) minimally affect birth size, but lead to reduced growth during childhood and adolescence resulting in diminished stature (Savage et al., 1993; Zhou et al., 1997; Efstratiadis, 1998). Supraphysiological GH in the young leads to pituitary gigantism, whereas adult-onset GH tumours result in a condition called acromegaly characterized by overgrowth of bony tissue (brow and lower jaw protrusion, enlargement of the extremities), osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, cardiomyopathies, hyperglycaemia, hypertension and diabetes mellitus (Ayuk and Sheppard, 2006). In mice, enlargement of the heart and general increase in organ size are features of systemic GH overproduction or administration (Kopchick et al., 1999)."

I'm not sure how much metabolism would increase different organs, other than the ones you mentioned, however it certainly increases their action. Too much heartgrowth is quite dangerous, and one known bb Rich Piana died at the age of 45 had twice the size of heart and liver than a regular person... It was thought to be the cause of death...Also he had very large extremities like hands and feet. I've been wondering if the growing heart that a lot of athletes see is a stress compensation to low metabolism/low heartrate.

Well he thinks that diabetics dont get fat with it with a good diet and that its impossible to tell a t1 diabetic from a normal person. Many diabetics also take very high dosages of insulin compared to natural producers and don't get fattier than the general population. Insulin shuttles nutrients like glucose and aminoacids into the muscle, increasing anabolism. Really, neither Hgh or Igf-1 grows muscle, at least to any significant extent, the growth of the 90s bodybuilders like ronny coleman is from the insulin, as gh-insulin combo was the change compared to older generations.

"People with GH deficiency (GHD) tend to have increased body fat and decreased fat-free mass in comparison to control subjects. They also have decreased muscle strength and exercise tolerance (Ayuk and Sheppard, 2006; Molitch et al., 2006; Woodhouse et al., 2006). Strength has been shown to increase in GHD patients following 6 months of GH administration (Cuneo et al., 1991), but changes in myofibre CSA were not observed (Cuneo et al., 1992). This suggests that GH does not affect muscle mass in adult humans."

Theres a lot more about gh igf-1 and growth on the paper so dont want to paste it all here Regulation of muscle mass by growth hormone and IGF-I

What is food? Is coffee food? Is ndt food? Salicylates do exist in the nature and cattle and game are thought have eaten that in the nature. A lot of the studies done on aspirin and mucosal/intestinal damage is done on quick large doses at a time, with formulations that go to the small intestine and some gene deficient mice. Like I read this one study where they named it being something like "aspirin induces mucosal damage" but the study showed damage only in the IL-10 gene knockout mice, not in the regular mice. Some of the damage of aspirin comes from too rapid dosage increase which leaves the cox-1 derived mucous production uncompensated by other methods. A low dosage buildup actually makes the intestine more resistant to irritants. Other damage might be caused by high concentration (when it goes to stomach) in uncoupling and in very high concentration directly it starts to be unrespiratory, so I think taking after a meal is important, so it is properly dispersed.
Dissolving it with boiling water and mixing some baking soda can even more reduce irritation but I just chew them in mouth. I find coffee to be much more irritating than aspirin raw on the stomach. But my aspirin usage is very compensatory to my environment, I have physically stressful job, chronic intestinal infection, very little sunlight, no altitude, little hypothyroidism. If and when I get those fixed I would probably use much less, like 250 or 500mg a day. Hopefully my antibiotics come through and I can move on, natural antibiotics do alleviate, but they never properly get rid of the infection.

With k1 you need much less than k2 for the clotting effect, I usually take few mgs of k2 anyways daily.

Really, Peating has changed my life a complete 180 turn. It is really incredible. I used to be severely depressed for many years, add, ed, crohns. After two weeks of peating my depression had lifted a lot I started to wean off my SSRIs, which had been a horrible mistake in the past, but I had been very desperate. I've come a far improving metabolism, cognition, sexuality, socialness etc. My last uphill battle is this ******* crohn's which is really hard especially in my environment. Its a very complicated disease of basically everything going wrong+chronic infection. The doctors are so f'ckin useless its mind boiling. All they wanna do is increase immunosuppressant and give cortisol. Absolutely none of them have recognised any kind of bacterial issue and ive seen a lot of doctors. I've now dropped the immunosuppressant therapy, hopefully I can stay that way, and hopefully my antibiotics will come.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
All thyroid meds I can think of should be taken 30-60 min before meals. Cytomel is short acting so taking twice daily is appropriate. I did think T3 and T4 taken daily was the best way to treat hypothyroidism. Many people do not convert T4 toT3 so Cytomel and L-thyroxine or dessicated thyroid is the best way to cover. Honestly, I don't know taking T3 alone is the best solution based on the loop feedback mechanism.


All thyroid meds I can think of should be taken 30-60 min before meals. Cytomel is short acting so taking twice daily is appropriate. I did think T3 and T4 taken daily was the best way to treat hypothyroidism. Many people do not convert T4 toT3 so Cytomel and L-thyroxine or dessicated thyroid is the best way to cover. Honestly, I don't know taking T3 alone is the best solution based on the loop feedback mechanism.
I would not take T4 with milk since calcium inhibits its absorption or with chocolate since iron inhibits its absorption.


Oct 19, 2019
It made me much more proactive, able to get out of bed quickly, able to do chores and not postpone them, chores where much funner, able to read and research much more and be social and yeah just be more proactive.
This describes my recent experience to a tee
Feb 4, 2021
Yeah, when I started T3 the immediate effect I noticed was a severe increase in cognition, which I've never experienced before, and I've tried a lot of stuff. It made me much more proactive, able to get out of bed quickly, able to do chores and not postpone them, chores where much funner, able to read and research much more and be social and yeah just be more proactive.
You use Cynomel or something else? Any experience with tyronene?


Jan 26, 2020
You use Cynomel or something else? Any experience with tyronene?
No, I use tyronene. I usually mix it in drink like fresh oj and sip a desired dosage. Ray has talked how fluoride destroys T3, but I'm not sure I have noticed that. All water here is high in calciumfluoride which is why I mix it with oj. Milk is another very low fluoride drink but theres some evidence showing calcium binding to T4, decreasing absorption about 20%. I have mixed it with milk and noticed it working. One way to avoid all this is to put it topically, underarm or bellybutton, which seems to have quite high absorption rate. I would mix it with some high alcohol to dilute it to something like 4mcg/drop, if topically.

Also to clarify my experience the cognition improvement was instant for the first day, but all the other effects took weeks to manifest. It comes so slow one might not notice it so obviously, but after I took 4 weeks of break from thyroid, the difference is staggering.
Feb 4, 2021
No, I use tyronene. I usually mix it in drink like fresh oj and sip a desired dosage. Ray has talked how fluoride destroys T3, but I'm not sure I have noticed that. All water here is high in calciumfluoride which is why I mix it with oj. Milk is another very low fluoride drink but theres some evidence showing calcium binding to T4, decreasing absorption about 20%. I have mixed it with milk and noticed it working. One way to avoid all this is to put it topically, underarm or bellybutton, which seems to have quite high absorption rate. I would mix it with some high alcohol to dilute it to something like 4mcg/drop, if topically.

Also to clarify my experience the cognition improvement was instant for the first day, but all the other effects took weeks to manifest. It comes so slow one might not notice it so obviously, but after I took 4 weeks of break from thyroid, the difference is staggering.
Thank You. I would use it topically since its quite a bit in just one drop. What is the absorption rate topically?


Jan 26, 2020
Thank You. I would use it topically since its quite a bit in just one drop. What is the absorption rate topically?
Most put it underside of the wrist, rub it a little. Seems to absorb quite well. Bellybutton is another good one, I would say at least 90% if not more. For me topical starts to have an effect after an hour, while others report much quicker effects.

The dropper is a bit annoying, can give extra drops accidentally so be careful. I'm probably gonna buy some 96% ethanol and dilute it and start using topically again, 8mcg is just too much at a time, for now. Oral is such a hassle.
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Jan 18, 2020
Most put it underside of the wrist, rub it a little. Seems to absorb quite well. Bellybutton is another good one, I would say at least 90% if not more. For me topical starts to have an effect after an hour, while others report much quicker effects.

The dropper is a bit annoying, can give extra drops accidentally so be careful. I'm probably gonna buy some 96% ethanol and dilute it and start using topically again, 8mcg is just too much at a time, for now. Oral is such a hassle.
God Helps us.

i never tolerated anything in the past due to high reverse t3, now recently started the coffee and it lowered my serum levels quite nicely until they went too low, its either by lowering total stress and subsequent rt3, or it helps with the utilization of t3 and conversion t4-t3.

Started doing bovine glandular with loads of coffee during the day, got my pulse to whooping 80+ and got excited, increased to quick up to 2-3 40mg pills a day and my pulse went back to 60.

Now I'm trying to keep it low and keep drinking coffee. If that won't better my symptoms over some time, i go with diluted tyronene that i have.

I can't find this post now but i saw a member doing 2mg t3 a few times daily and he got fixed, he came off of it eventually.

I saw a lab test of glandular and 40 mg has 8.5mg t4 and 1mg t3 innit.

God helps us before supermarkets will collapse.


Jan 18, 2020
Once the T3 starts to have an effect the natural production will adjust slowly
Do you mean that low physiological doses of t3 would make our own thyroid work better and thus increase natural output?


Jan 26, 2020
God Helps us.

i never tolerated anything in the past due to high reverse t3, now recently started the coffee and it lowered my serum levels quite nicely until they went too low, its either by lowering total stress and subsequent rt3, or it helps with the utilization of t3 and conversion t4-t3.

Started doing bovine glandular with loads of coffee during the day, got my pulse to whooping 80+ and got excited, increased to quick up to 2-3 40mg pills a day and my pulse went back to 60.

Now I'm trying to keep it low and keep drinking coffee. If that won't better my symptoms over some time, i go with diluted tyronene that i have.

I can't find this post now but i saw a member doing 2mg t3 a few times daily and he got fixed, he came off of it eventually.

I saw a lab test of glandular and 40 mg has 8.5mg t4 and 1mg t3 innit.

God helps us before supermarkets will collapse.
So you got your rT3 go too low with just caffeine? Thats very nice. Thats why you went with that high T4 ndt? Its really high ratio, almost like pure T4. If you got high rT3, extra T4 is the worst.

Do you mean that low physiological doses of t3 would make our own thyroid work better and thus increase natural output?
I meant that thyroid stimulation (TSH) is dictated by thyroid action and so adding T3 would slowly decrease thyroid production lowering T4 and thus rT3. Lowering stress, caffeine, aspirin, cofactors would all help to lower rT3 and increase T4->T3 conversion. You really did lower rT3 with only caffeine? I didnt think caffeine would be that powerful. But it improves liver function and increases peripheral conversion so makes sense.

I think that a supplementing with thyroid for a longer period of time will shift the organism from a low metabolism/high stress state, to a high metabolism/low stress. Like shifting the organism from the vicious cycle of stress hormones to the virtuous cycle of metabolism. Then ideally lowering the thyroid supplementation your own thyroid would start to compensate and produce a higher base level.

But in this day and age like you said the political pressure from planned food/energy shortages, mandates, job, winter, low altitude etc. I'll be amazed if anyone can survive without a little boost.
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