Diet Doesn't Affect Me In One Tiny Bit. How?


Jul 26, 2016
How is it possible that throughout my entire life, diet haven't affected me in any way. I'm 21 now, and when I was 16 I was getting conscious about diet due to acne (tried to battle it with diet). And ever since then I've read and read and read about nutrition, and I can't tell you how many different diets and foods I've been eating. And the weird thing is, that I don't feel ANYTHING, AT ALL. I'm eating so god damn healthy, getting all the vitamins/minerals etc from foods only. I get good fats, good proteins and so on. But it doesn't matter what my diet looks like. I can live on white bread, margirine and pizza and feel amazing. And I can live on fruit, vegetables, meat, rice etc and feel crap. I never get any affect which I read about when people start eating certain foods or taking certain vitamins. "My libido went back when I started eating butter!" "My acne went away after cutting out dairy!" "I'm no longer tired 24/7 after cutting out gluten". I read about these stories and ***t, but NOTHING affects me? How is that possible? I feel like I'm just wasting time, energy and money on cooking real healthy foods since I don't feel anything from it. And I've been doing this for years. It's like my body absorbs everything in to the same stuff. It's like.. eat trans fats with some mercury, and my body turns it to nothing but pure energy. Eat spinach with antioxidants and fiber, and my body turns it to nothing but pure energy.

This has been bugging me for so long it's crazy. Not even any placebo effects...
Nov 21, 2015
it takes a lot of time for your body to adjust to a new regimen. At least 2 weeks for any stomach isssues, and months for longer term metabolic issues.

Also your relative youth has a lot to do with it.


Apr 13, 2015
same thing with me mate. I feel exactly the same. I've gotten a lot more muscular though, that's probably just from eating a ton more and working out a lot. 21 as well. most of my facial acne cleared though, that might just be from growing out of it


Jul 29, 2014
It sounds like you're just young and healthy. Young people can have a nice balance of hormones and a high metabolic rate, even with a poor diet.


Feb 2, 2016
Look after your gut/liver, it sounds healthy, if i knew then (21), what i know now (51)...........


Mar 29, 2014
It sounds like you're just young and healthy. Young people can have a nice balance of hormones and a high metabolic rate, even with a poor diet.

If you want it to last you a decent lifetime, I wouldn't squander it with a high PUFA and mercury diet, though.


May 16, 2013
Youth indeed. What I would give for the metabolism of my 16-21 years, even with my then poor diet. Remember this time, because if you ever get really sick you will regret not appreciating it, and like others said, look after yourself. Ray's diet ideas are about long-term health. Short-sighted health aims usually fall flat because they lose sight of the bigger picture.


Aug 15, 2015
I would just watch out for the PUFA as people mentioned here. It gets accumulated in the tissues and it can do damage in the long run.
May 26, 2016
Peat makes it clear that one of the main points of changing one's diet is to reduce stress (this, in turn, increases energy and creativity among other things). But if you're one of those lucky ones that doesn't have much stress to begin with or you're good at naturally minimizing it, then any gains from dietary changes will be marginal.

Still, it's worth being ready for things to go wrong. Life has a way of throwing curve balls.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Paleo-crowd main focus: Support the gut, which will help your liver and other organs (lower serotonin)
Ray Peat main focus: Avoid metabolic toxins, such as PUFA, which will help your cellular respiration (lower estrogen)

Do these things, and your life shall be long and healthy.

Arnold Grape

Jan 24, 2017
How is it possible that throughout my entire life, diet haven't affected me in any way. I'm 21 now, and when I was 16 I was getting conscious about diet due to acne (tried to battle it with diet). And ever since then I've read and read and read about nutrition, and I can't tell you how many different diets and foods I've been eating. And the weird thing is, that I don't feel ANYTHING, AT ALL. I'm eating so god damn healthy, getting all the vitamins/minerals etc from foods only. I get good fats, good proteins and so on. But it doesn't matter what my diet looks like. I can live on white bread, margirine and pizza and feel amazing. And I can live on fruit, vegetables, meat, rice etc and feel crap. I never get any affect which I read about when people start eating certain foods or taking certain vitamins. "My libido went back when I started eating butter!" "My acne went away after cutting out dairy!" "I'm no longer tired 24/7 after cutting out gluten". I read about these stories and ***t, but NOTHING affects me? How is that possible? I feel like I'm just wasting time, energy and money on cooking real healthy foods since I don't feel anything from it. And I've been doing this for years. It's like my body absorbs everything in to the same stuff. It's like.. eat trans fats with some mercury, and my body turns it to nothing but pure energy. Eat spinach with antioxidants and fiber, and my body turns it to nothing but pure energy.

This has been bugging me for so long it's crazy. Not even any placebo effects...

The above quote is interesting to think about, no? It seems like it's not hard to come across an aberration to what the people on this forum practice, who eat whatever and/ or do not exercise and maintain health, wellbeing without overwhelming sickness. This information corresponds to an active metabolism and to a thyroid which is not (yet) compromised. But it also begs the question of whether some people are predisposed to ***t metabolism/ hormonal set-up or if the environment plays a factor in this all and total? And why does it wait so long to effect others if at all?

Hooray for OP, though.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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