Doctors, Prescriptions, How To Deal With Them

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Hello all, few days ago, I had really horrible talk with dad of my girlfriend. I am with her 2 years and I wanted be more friendly with him so we were just talking. He asked me about my supplements and I was really happy that I can tell him about my way to better health. On the end of our conversation, he got something like small shock and was very angry to me. He thinks that when doctors are studying so long, they know what they are doing and that I am playing with my bad health. I wanted show him the right direction but it was nonsense. So I decided that I will not talk about this topic with him and I was thinking about it until today. I found that its hard for people here understand something like this. I am from country which was part of Soviet Union. But I learn something from this. I can use my doctor for less expensive supps because its hard get something without prescription here. So I am asking, do you have same experience as me? Did you talk with your doctor ? Do you have some ideas how I can get prescription from my doctor? Do you think that when I will show him some studies posted here, he will understand it? Thank you.
Nov 21, 2015
Doctors are arrogant and close minded as they are taught. Here in the US we have in some states DOs who are like MDs but s bit more open minded. They can prescribe anything you can maybe find a doctor who believes in natural healing if you look hard enough and long enough. Or a medical professional who is allowed to prescribe without being a medical doctor with the MD credential equivalent.
Broken man

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Doctors are arrogant and close minded as they are taught. Here in the US we have in some states DOs who are like MDs but s bit more open minded. They can prescribe anything you can maybe find a doctor who believes in natural healing if you look hard enough and long enough. Or a medical professional who is allowed to prescribe without being a medical doctor with the MD credential equivalent.
Thank you, not only doctors, I feel that alot of people around me are arrogant as f***, I think high serotonin play role. The best thing is that they are telling me what I must do and how I must cure myself although they are poping pills like chickens. Everybody which can prescribe something and they arent my doctors want some money. There isnt something like natural healing.... :/. I think that I will just show some studies to my doctor and he will understand or not. I am doing it only because I can pay less for something like cypro.


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Doctors are trained to treat illness, acutely, something they can be good at. However, disease prevention, in relation to optimizing ones physiology, through supplements or diet, is something they don't focus heavily upon. Many do casually encourage anything the patient can do outside of medicine, like exercise, dietary modifications, etc. This isn't their specialty though.


Jul 8, 2016
I also think there is a great arrogance in people that think they know more than doctors after reading a few studies online and watching health YouTubers. Good luck taking in studies to your doctor, imo/ime as soon as you pull out things printed off the internet they will "shut down." What are your reasons for visiting the doctor that you can do on your own?


Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
Doctors are only useful for their prescription pad when ordering tests id rather not pay for myself.


Jan 6, 2015
Doctors are trained to treat illness, acutely, something they can be good at. However, disease prevention, in relation to optimizing ones physiology, through supplements or diet, is something they don't focus heavily upon. Many do casually encourage anything the patient can do outside of medicine, like exercise, dietary modifications, etc. This isn't their specialty though.
Yes and most of the time they treat symptoms rather than the real cause of disease, and sometimes they treat the real cause, but very mechanically.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
I happened to be talking to a pharma research scientist a while back and I asked him what cure he was working on. He said with a straight face, we don't try to cure anything, that's not where the money is.

I have a feeling most older doctors also know they are part of a big scam but are too tied up with the perks and lifestyle that they don't want to rock the boat. The young ones are still suffering under the brainwashing of med school/residency and really believe that they are helping people. After years of not seeing their patients get any better they might one day wake up but will also not do anything to change things. Being your own doctor is the best thing you can do.


Jul 14, 2016
He thinks that when doctors are studying so long, they know what they are doing and that I am playing with my bad health.
Well, many do learn a considerable amount.

However, some of it is provably-false and I'm under the impression that they get so weary of school that they often stop learning out of spite. Arrogance can also keep people from learning: if you already know everything there is to know, then there is no sense in learning anything more.

But even taking these factors out of the equation and assuming that all doctors are actually perfect philanthropists, they certainly cannot prescribe something not FDA-approved without risk of malpractice or AMA-blacklisting. Imagine a doctor prescribing exclusively vitamins, minerals, and natural molecules: The owner of the hospital might take issue for him not making most profitable use of space — Doctor Nichols makes one-thousand dollars per square foot, per day, while Dr. Kimball makes only $50/(ft²·day). Owners may view hospital-space similar to how a grocery store view shelf-space.*

There hands are tied, to a large degree, and the system in largely maintained by businessmen.

I would just find the most egregious example that you can of medical wrongness, although girlfriend's dad might not even know enough to believe it. Many people who don't know much about a certain area simply find the most official, authoritative, and prestigious information with little thought as to what this actually means — the epistemological implications of this.

But some medical fields rely on their efficacy to remain is business. It's only certain fields — like oncology and cardiology — that are massively fraudulent. It makes little sense in grouping all fields together; it only confuses.

But likewise, so-called "alternative" medicine is as well. Alternative medicine is partially woo. Facts are twisted; junk is sold; products are adulterated and elevated to the status of a cure-all. I think it's important to not strictly claim membership to either camp, and transcend them both by believing whatever is most logical and scientific because both "sides" — of you choose to make the division — can be proven fraudulent (in specific cases).

But maybe you should take it easy on him. If he's your girlfriend's dad, then he's older — he could have had seen family members make certain healthcare choices and actually die after spending a considerable amount of money. Some people force themselves to remain ignorant or certain things to protect their serenity.
Occasionally he stumbled over the truth but he always picked himself up and hurried on as if nothing had happened. —Winston Churchill†

*Think of Dr. Kimball as celery-flavoured Jello®.
†This quote appears to have morphed considerably since it was first printed.
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Jul 13, 2017
Sun Coast, USA
I happened to be talking to a pharma research scientist a while back and I asked him what cure he was working on. He said with a straight face, we don't try to cure anything, that's not where the money is.

I have a feeling most older doctors also know they are part of a big scam but are too tied up with the perks and lifestyle that they don't want to rock the boat. The young ones are still suffering under the brainwashing of med school/residency and really believe that they are helping people. After years of not seeing their patients get any better they might one day wake up but will also not do anything to change things. Being your own doctor is the best thing you can do.

Wow, couldn't agree more.
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