Downtrend of sperm count, penis length accelerating; humans now endangered species



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

I would agree with that, but this time it is not actually "natural" selection. This is man-made, as the articles discuss. If this trend continues, nobody would procreate, except the elites who are quite aware of those trends and what is causing them, and can protect themselves. So, it may end up being a very "unnatural" selection where only a small group of degenerate and sick elites procreate while the masses are forced out of the gene pool. Despite all the hype around transhumanism, it is actually a lie/scam and the elite are still dropping dead quite regularly. The eldest Rothschild in Europe recently died in his 90s. As such, procreation will remain an important goal and the elite will probably be the only group going forward being able to both beget children and afford raising them.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Probably the best thing is for all ABLE people to go to the remotes of the US, say Alaska for instance, or if you have personal resources, the remotes of the world. You will then need your wits about you, but if you have been brought up by a generation of doers, you will be fine. If not, you probably should stay in the basement of your parents house.

There may not be a need to go to remote locations. The way things are going, there will be a mass de-population happening soon (in addition to the already ongoing procreation-related population reduction as per the OP). So, if one can survive a period of an upheaval for a few years in the city or some of the bigger towns, then all that space will be free to re-populate again. Cities have the dangers of EMF and pollution, but that will probably also go away if a mass de-population occurs as there would be nobody to maintain the infrastructure and the industrial base producing the pollution.


Nov 6, 2020
Hence the push to ban all abortion. People are infertile, so let's make those who accidentally manage to procreate have babies so the people with money can take them. This is not a for or against abortion. I am personally not for it- there are lifelong issues for all involved. But I believe some see this as the solution to their infertility.


Nov 6, 2020
There may not be a need to go to remote locations. The way things are going, there will be a mass de-population happening soon (in addition to the already ongoing procreation-related population reduction as per the OP). So, if one can survive a period of an upheaval for a few years in the city or some of the bigger towns, then all that space will be free to re-populate again. Cities have the dangers of EMF and pollution, but that will probably also go away if a mass de-population occurs as there would be nobody to maintain the infrastructure and the industrial base producing the pollution.
True, true. The news is full of "newsworthy" people dying, so you know the amount of "everyday " people dying is far in excess. And then shootings with mass casualties becoming an everyday occurrence. Humanity is doing a great job of offing itself. Even in the city, a few things can come in handy- conibear traps, live traps, a .22 for squirrel, a survival seed kit, and if you don't have prepper knowledge, start watching videos now.
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Jun 22, 2021
Probably the best thing is for all ABLE people to go to the remotes of the US, say Alaska for instance, or if you have personal resources, the remotes of the world. You will then need your wits about you, but if you have been brought up by a generation of doers, you will be fine. If not, you probably should stay in the basement of your parents house.
I don't live in my parent's basement - my Dad actually HAS MONEY so I live on my FIRST FLOOR with 2 rooms of my very own - yea I'm LIVING THE LIFE really - my parents LOVE ME so I would never live in a basement - you can't relate though

You're the guy that drinks his own urine right? You got ZERO survival skills kid


I’m astonished how many men (young and old) I see putting their smart phones in their front trousers pockets.


Sep 26, 2022
I’m astonished how many men (young and old) I see putting their smart phones in their front trousers pockets.
why would you be atonished? No one told us about this ***t. No money in educating people /:


Feb 18, 2016
I think we are seeing social divides, a top 20-25% is emerging in most developed societies, if men were getting weaker in general we wouldn't see records being broken by zoomer athletes across sports for example, we are also seeing some incredible achievements in the sciences in general, didn't some 17 year old American kid just solve the field equations recently?

Unfortunately it seems the bottom 75% are becoming increasingly degenerate because of the environment, the advancements at the top have demoralised a lot of people outside the top, people don't have the biological energy to keep up, add bad diet and lifestyle choices to deal with the depression and we are stuck in a feedback loop that points downward, so many are hitting their early 30's and dropping out, this isn't good for societal cohesion, the ruling class think they can replace them with cheap labour migrants but the migrants hit their early 30's and start to feel the same way.

Peat was right, society is becoming increasingly psychopathic, keep this in mind when dealing with people, do not lead a crusade with the metabolically incoherent, learn to move through the forest without people noticing, find like minds, some people are naturally "peaty".
Good luck everyone.


Feb 18, 2016
Good to keep in mind too they will write anything to push through climate fascism.

We also have the vaccine nano lipids in a huge cohort of peoples gonads, claims flying around they are putting said lipids in food also, looks like they are laying the gaslighting ground to blame something else other than the vaccines for infertility, total psychotics.
We need to find a way to chelate the nano lipid particles out of tissues.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I think we are seeing social divides, a top 20-25% is emerging in most developed societies

Several researchers early in the 20th century suggested something similar could happen, but were shot down due to the dogma that genes were governing everything so a decline that fast could not happen. I mentioned in one of the interview with Danny and Ray that evolution works just as well in reverse (de-complexification) as it does forward (complexification). Cancer is a very good example of reverse evolution. I mentioned that if current trends continue, the human race will speciate and we may end up with several distinct humanoid species that cannot reproduce with each other. There is plenty of evidence of this happening in the past, with the co-existence of the primitive Neanderthals and the more "refined" and intelligent Cro-magnons, and the completely distinct Denisovans. If somebody subscribes to the Lamarckian (and actually even Darwin's original) view of evolution then such separation are not only to be expected but probably not rare throughout the ages, if one were to look at the available evidence with an open mind.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
if men were getting weaker in general we wouldn't see records being broken by zoomer athletes across sports for example, we are also seeing some incredible achievements in the sciences in general,

Can you name some examples of some recent big record breaking? Also, if there these great achievements in science, how would you explain the threads below?

Keep in mind that sports (and even intellectual) records are subject to great manipulation by performance enhancing drugs (PED). So, one cannot use sports performance, or solving some math puzzle, as an indication of health. Longevity, fertility and rates of chronic illness are much more reliable indicators of health, and cannot be as easily manipulated. And those latter metrics have been declining for decades. Recently we even saw a reversal of the "Flynn Effect" - the trend of increasing IQ seen in the 20th century flattenned around 1975 and has been strongly declining since.
"...In 1984, New Zealand educator, James R. Flynn researched how much average IQ test scores had increased over the 20th century and found they increased by an average of 3 points per decade. Flynn attributed this increase to better nutrition. Flynn continued his work and other scientists followed suit until they all noticed that children born in 1975 reached ‘peak IQ’ and average intelligence had been dropping ever since. This is called the ‘Reverse Flynn Effect’."
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Jun 22, 2022
I know, right? Nothing is better for fertility/manliness like bathing the loins in some intense EMF for a few hours every day. /s
Even regular cars have a relatively strong EMF while the engine is on, I have measured it. But when I got into a Tesla and turned the EMF meter on it basically went red on all the scales and started beeping alerts that it can be very dangerous to spend more than 5min in such an area with such a strong EMF.
Yeah but you can rent seat’s heating now 😂
So you aren’t just in an EMF cage, you can now bathe your balls in them


Mar 3, 2013


Aug 17, 2016
There may not be a need to go to remote locations. The way things are going, there will be a mass de-population happening soon (in addition to the already ongoing procreation-related population reduction as per the OP). So, if one can survive a period of an upheaval for a few years in the city or some of the bigger towns, then all that space will be free to re-populate again. Cities have the dangers of EMF and pollution, but that will probably also go away if a mass de-population occurs as there would be nobody to maintain the infrastructure and the industrial base producing the pollution.
why would a city be preferrable?
You mean one could waltz in and buy a big apartment on central park in Manhattan after the de-pop phase?
What would be the benefit? The bustling produce stores and butchers would be gone. No symphony. No infrastructure to maintain everything making cities worthwhile.

(great thread. thx for posting)


Mar 29, 2016
I would agree with that, but this time it is not actually "natural" selection. This is man-made, as the articles discuss. If this trend continues, nobody would procreate, except the elites who are quite aware of those trends and what is causing them, and can protect themselves. So, it may end up being a very "unnatural" selection where only a small group of degenerate and sick elites procreate while the masses are forced out of the gene pool. Despite all the hype around transhumanism, it is actually a lie/scam and the elite are still dropping dead quite regularly. The eldest Rothschild in Europe recently died in his 90s. As such, procreation will remain an important goal and the elite will probably be the only group going forward being able to both beget children and afford raising them.
I wonder if even the elites are better than the non-elites in avoiding swallowing their own lies. Say something often enough and pretty soon it becomes the truth that even the first born of the original source of the lie, or the eldest granchild, gets caught in the web of lies.

I doubt the people who came from exclusive prep schools know more than us, even if their parents are involved in creating the big lies. They drink from the same well they poison.

This means it is those who can step back from the maddening crowd and take stock, and articulate and establish their own creed, in a naturally derived profession of faith, borne of their own conscious observations and inherent wisdom, that one can find hope and even salvation for our species.


Apr 28, 2018
@yerrag nailed it
"This means it is those who can step back from the maddening crowd and take stock, and articulate and establish their own creed, in a naturally derived profession of faith, borne of their own conscious observations and inherent wisdom, that one can find hope and even salvation for our species."

So y'all just stay put down there, remember it's too cold here fer ya.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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