Doxycycline may cure skin cancer but also can age your skin and give you hairloss. Here is how.


Oct 21, 2018
Recently i had to take a round of doxycycline and My hair was completely stable before the use of doxycycline.

then suddenly bam i was shedding like crazy. Now there is no way I can prove it was the doxy but it was the only change and now that I am off of it. Shedding is dropping off.

so i looked into the mechanism and how it could do this. First there arent any official medical associations with doxy and hairloss and few anecdotes but those prone to Hairloss becareful. Doxy increases p53 which can cause apoptosis and p53 is already over expressed in AGA.

take a look at this case where doxycycline in a modified rat directly caused skin aging and hairloss while on the drug.

and here is a study showing in one area an increase in p53.

Interestingly enough @haidut showed that doxy can cure skin cancer and it increases dht.

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Jul 13, 2014
Recently i had to take a round of doxycycline and My hair was completely stable before the use of doxycycline.

then suddenly bam i was shedding like crazy. Now there is no way I can prove it was the doxy but it was the only change and now that I am off of it. Shedding is dropping off.

so i looked into the mechanism and how it could do this. First there arent any official medical associations with doxy and hairloss and few anecdotes but those prone to Hairloss becareful. Doxy increases p53 which can cause apoptosis and p53 is already over expressed in AGA.

take a look at this case where doxycycline in a modified rat directly caused skin aging and hairloss while on the drug.

and here is a study showing in one area an increase in p53.

Interestingly enough @haidut showed that doxy can cure skin cancer and it increases dht.

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Feb 26, 2018
Recently i had to take a round of doxycycline and My hair was completely stable before the use of doxycycline.

then suddenly bam i was shedding like crazy. Now there is no way I can prove it was the doxy but it was the only change and now that I am off of it. Shedding is dropping off.

so i looked into the mechanism and how it could do this. First there arent any official medical associations with doxy and hairloss and few anecdotes but those prone to Hairloss becareful. Doxy increases p53 which can cause apoptosis and p53 is already over expressed in AGA.

take a look at this case where doxycycline in a modified rat directly caused skin aging and hairloss while on the drug.

and here is a study showing in one area an increase in p53.

Interestingly enough @haidut showed that doxy can cure skin cancer and it increases dht.

this is a psa warning
In the actual study of doxycycline supposedly causing skin aging they actually breed transgenic mice so that they can "activate" certain genes by giving them doxycycline. That does not mean that happens in normal animals when given doxycycline.
Actually the opposite might be the case. The same study states:

"Development of skin wrinkle was associated with the significant epidermal hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis, increased expression of matrix metalloproteinases, and decreased expression of matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor TIMP1."

So wrinkles are also caused metalloproteinase enzymes, which doxycycline powerfully inhibits.
If anything doxycycline should help skin aging.
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