Dr Says I Have Borderline Low Testosterone

Iron Man

Apr 15, 2015
The Doc is saying that I have borderline low testosterone. He is very conservative about putting me on testosterone. Pregnenalone and DHEA is not permitted to be shipped to me and my Doc has boo hooed the idea of me going on such things.
My Testosterone has been ranging from 7 nmol to 9nmol ( 202 ng/dl - 260 ng / dl ). This seems to be the highest it will go.
I am an avid body builder and have lifted for many years. I notice that it is a little tough to shift some body fat around the mid section.
What do I do?


Apr 13, 2015
The Doc is saying that I have borderline low testosterone. He is very conservative about putting me on testosterone. Pregnenalone and DHEA is not permitted to be shipped to me and my Doc has boo hooed the idea of me going on such things.
My Testosterone has been ranging from 7 nmol to 9nmol ( 202 ng/dl - 260 ng / dl ). This seems to be the highest it will go.
I am an avid body builder and have lifted for many years. I notice that it is a little tough to shift some body fat around the mid section.
What do I do?

what's your diet like? Supplements?


Sep 18, 2016
Hi. I have a 360 value and I am losing a lot of muscle. Have u the same problem ?
I've lost 30 lbs on 6 months ....
Nov 21, 2015
maybe don't lift so much. It doesn't seem to be good for your testosterone.

Increase sugar. Fruit. Lower starch. This can give you more cholesterol production.

I would take plenty of fat soluble vitamins -- D3, A, K2, and E. Aim for 800 units of E per day.

Add some B6 P5P, maybe 25 mg - 50mg per day. Zinc, 50mg of gluconate per day.

Also aspirin can be your friend.

Those all inhibit high estrogen production and raise T production.
Nov 21, 2015
Hi. I have a 360 value and I am losing a lot of muscle. Have u the same problem ?
I've lost 30 lbs on 6 months ....

losing weight fast causes a lot of health problems, releasing high amounts of estrogen in the body.


Aug 31, 2016
Vancouver, BC
Try visiting the AnabolicMen site if Testosterone is your only concern. They seem to have a pretty good track record with helping people.


Sep 28, 2016
If your testosterone is that low then there is something fundamentally wrong with your life style. Can you give us more information about yourself and your daily life? Your doctor seems to be following protocol and is not actually trying to improve your well being.
Last edited:


Oct 9, 2016
Hey Renky,
How old are you and are you living a stress free life? Hows your diet? Symptoms of overtraining?
Also what are your free-t levels and what are your LH/FSH levels like? This has to be determined if you have primary or secondary hypogonadism.


Oct 9, 2016
Btw dont give up on herbs, they do have an effect, especially if your prone to stress.
Dont go straight for t-shots without trying a few supplements, fertility is a mans pride.
First one I would recommend are zinc and ashwagandha.
If i dont take any supplements i am around 23-25nmol/l, with I am at around 30nmol/l.
Keep in mind my t-levels are allready ok without any supplements and they still give me a boost, so the effect will be far more pronounced in people who have low t-levels to start with.


Jun 9, 2015
The Doc is saying that I have borderline low testosterone. He is very conservative about putting me on testosterone. Pregnenalone and DHEA is not permitted to be shipped to me and my Doc has boo hooed the idea of me going on such things.
My Testosterone has been ranging from 7 nmol to 9nmol ( 202 ng/dl - 260 ng / dl ). This seems to be the highest it will go.
I am an avid body builder and have lifted for many years. I notice that it is a little tough to shift some body fat around the mid section.
What do I do?
Have you been able to build up muscle mass with such a low test level? or did it drop later maybe?

I'm couroius since I suffer from low T, too nut don't want to give up on lifting.


Jul 29, 2015
The Doc is saying that I have borderline low testosterone. He is very conservative about putting me on testosterone. Pregnenalone and DHEA is not permitted to be shipped to me and my Doc has boo hooed the idea of me going on such things.
My Testosterone has been ranging from 7 nmol to 9nmol ( 202 ng/dl - 260 ng / dl ). This seems to be the highest it will go.
I am an avid body builder and have lifted for many years. I notice that it is a little tough to shift some body fat around the mid section.
What do I do?
If your doctor will not give you any real lifestyle suggestions or put you on testosterone then what does he propose? Would he have you live a miserable life with suboptimal testosterone levels? He sounds useless.
You might want to check out haidut's DHT supplement. try vitamin E and more red meat.

Iron Man

Apr 15, 2015
Thanks for the replies.

I have been weight lifting off and on since 15 years of age, but have been lifting solidly for the past 7-8 years. Solidly as in very strictly with a good diet. I am in my early 40's now.

I already take a bunch of vitamins (D3, K2, E, A, Zinc, Niacinimide etc). I started on Aspirin earlier this year.

My trigylcerides were off the richter charts and my cholesterol was high enough for the Doc to call me back in to his office. Ferritin was consistently rising on the last 3-4 blood tests.
I started donating blood earlier this year and have donated 3 times so far since my last blood test.

I would say that I am in good health. I am roughly 215lbs, my arms are around 18 - 18.5", my chest is around 49" and I think I am at about 15" BF. All very rough estimates as I am not one to get hung up on using calipers etc. For some amazing reason, I have gained a good bit of muscle over the years. I cannot help think that I should be bigger considering the dedication and consistency. I follow HST (in my opinion the best way to gain muscle) and work muscles 2X - 3X a week - full body.

Interestingly, I seem to gain fat easily (in my opinion). I do not eat a lot... Oats/raisins/Greek Yoghurt for breakfast - Cottage cheese for morning tea - 1 sandwich or bacon and home grown eggs for lunch - cottage cheese for afternoon snack - Dinner could be steak and salad, a curry or a stir fry.

I tend to get about 6 hours sleep a night.

My Doc did mention that I am a candidate for Testosterone, but is very cautious about prescribing me on this, because once I get on Testosterone I am on it for life.

I am not sure what to do. I will go and get another blood test early next year to see how things are after high dosing Taurine, niacinimide and taking aspirin.



May 3, 2015
I imagine testosterone fluctuates through the day as required.

Perhaps if you masturbate 30 minutes before your next blood test you will get a higher level.

Ejaculation could trigger a surge to replace all the sperm and semen etc.

Or did you do this last test?


May 3, 2015
I do not eat a lot... Oats/raisins/Greek Yoghurt for breakfast - Cottage cheese for morning tea - 1 sandwich or bacon and home grown eggs for lunch - cottage cheese for afternoon snack - Dinner could be steak and salad, a curry or a stir fry.

No OJ? The only carbs seem to be grains, lactose and some raisins!

Peat recommends sucrose from fruit for the liver and for cellular metabolism!

Fruit also provides a lot of potassium, magnesium, etc.

He also recommends some gelatin.


Jan 6, 2015
@Richiebogie im not sure ejaculation necessarily increase T.

it can even lower it , it lowers dopamin and increase prolactin.im sure at least too often ejaculation can lower T level.


Sep 28, 2016
Thanks for the replies.

I have been weight lifting off and on since 15 years of age, but have been lifting solidly for the past 7-8 years. Solidly as in very strictly with a good diet. I am in my early 40's now.

I already take a bunch of vitamins (D3, K2, E, A, Zinc, Niacinimide etc). I started on Aspirin earlier this year.

My trigylcerides were off the richter charts and my cholesterol was high enough for the Doc to call me back in to his office. Ferritin was consistently rising on the last 3-4 blood tests.
I started donating blood earlier this year and have donated 3 times so far since my last blood test.

I would say that I am in good health. I am roughly 215lbs, my arms are around 18 - 18.5", my chest is around 49" and I think I am at about 15" BF. All very rough estimates as I am not one to get hung up on using calipers etc. For some amazing reason, I have gained a good bit of muscle over the years. I cannot help think that I should be bigger considering the dedication and consistency. I follow HST (in my opinion the best way to gain muscle) and work muscles 2X - 3X a week - full body.

Interestingly, I seem to gain fat easily (in my opinion). I do not eat a lot... Oats/raisins/Greek Yoghurt for breakfast - Cottage cheese for morning tea - 1 sandwich or bacon and home grown eggs for lunch - cottage cheese for afternoon snack - Dinner could be steak and salad, a curry or a stir fry.

I tend to get about 6 hours sleep a night.

My Doc did mention that I am a candidate for Testosterone, but is very cautious about prescribing me on this, because once I get on Testosterone I am on it for life.

I am not sure what to do. I will go and get another blood test early next year to see how things are after high dosing Taurine, niacinimide and taking aspirin.

I have no idea how much these factors will contribute to anything but these are my two cents. First off you should probably eat more especially if you workout a lot. Up the carbs the most. I think it goes more carbs = better hormonal health. Secondly your diet seems very high in trypotophan which raises serotonin which decreases T and is highly catabolic (though some trypotophan is required for muscle growth). Eggs, cottage cheese, even yogurt is high in tryptophan thus it could be putting your amino acid ratio out of balance (which in my experience has a very significant effect on hormonal health). Lastly 6 hours of sleep is very little, especially if you work out a lot. Perhaps consider getting 8-9 hours of sleep if your schedule allows.


Jul 29, 2014
How high was your cholesterol?

Ray talks about thyroid hormone being needed for conversion of cholesterol into steroid hormones. Sugar is needed for good thyroid function.

Do you consume sugar around your workouts? According to the studies I've seen, lifting tends to increase cortisol and T at the same time. It is possible that consuming a large amount of sugar will result in a diminished cortisol surge while maintaining, or even amplifying, the spike in T.

It sounds like you have low thyroid function. You don't eat much, gain fat easily and have high cholesterol. These are all signs. I would focus on improving thyroid function.

Iron Man

Apr 15, 2015
No OJ? The only carbs seem to be grains, lactose and some raisins!

Peat recommends sucrose from fruit for the liver and for cellular metabolism!

Fruit also provides a lot of potassium, magnesium, etc.

He also recommends some gelatin.

I forgot to add that with the oatmeal and Greek yogurt, I have a whole grated apple. I will eat other fruits from time to time. I am a big salad eater.

Iron Man

Apr 15, 2015
I have no idea how much these factors will contribute to anything but these are my two cents. First off you should probably eat more especially if you workout a lot. Up the carbs the most. I think it goes more carbs = better hormonal health. Secondly your diet seems very high in trypotophan which raises serotonin which decreases T and is highly catabolic (though some trypotophan is required for muscle growth). Eggs, cottage cheese, even yogurt is high in tryptophan thus it could be putting your amino acid ratio out of balance (which in my experience has a very significant effect on hormonal health). Lastly 6 hours of sleep is very little, especially if you work out a lot. Perhaps consider getting 8-9 hours of sleep if your schedule allows.
I thought Greek yogurt and cottage cheese were gold with regards to probiotics and protein?
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