Eczema And Joint Pain



Mar 25, 2015
bornamachine said:
post 101194 OP, have you done a fasting iron panel test?
No, however, I'm finally getting rid of my eczema, and my son's too.

I found out I'm allergic / intolerant to citric acid.

Citric acid is a preservative, it's everywhere, and my vitamin-B complex had some (found new brand).

Citric acid is also in a lot of fruits naturally (oranges, lemons, tomatoes, mainly).

Peat mentioned citric acid being a common allergen, he was probably referring to the preservative (which is not made from citrus juice). Citric acid allergy is a known cause of eczema. (well, probably not known enough, right?)

If I avoid all citric acid I feel very well, I'm not bloated, breathe well, and I'm also losing weight while eating a lot. I eat constantly, small portions. My skin is almost back to normal.

Other things I did:
  • epsom salts baths
  • homemade magnesium oil
  • vit B without additives
  • Vitamin E
  • OYSTERS, fresh (nickel allergy - cans)
  • small portions of liver, almost daily
  • no potatoes
  • Protecting my skin constantly, made my own cream, used gloves when necessary
  • some steroid cream just while it finishes healing (it doesn't itch anymore)
  • I also gave my son some benadryl at night, his rash was extreme - it worked
  • having a very SIMPLE diet and listening to my body, checking to see if something I ate generates itching or bloating - usually I know in 30 minutes
  • my diet consists of milk, white rice, homemade organic chicken broth, raw carrot, meat, cooked apples, sugar, coffee, cheese, watermelon, masa harina tortillas, ripe bananas. That's about it, no exceptions for a while.
  • reintroducing some homemade organic white bread (bio white flour is ok for citric acid allergy, but not whole wheat
  • seems that shrimps are sprayed with citric acid on the boat. And avoid frozen fish for now

Still have to test 1% milk vs full fat milk, and eggshell powder. I don't mind eating so "minimal" as long as I feel great.

:dancingsmileyman :carrot2 :carrot :dancenanner
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Mar 25, 2015
OK, ok, the white bread was a bad idea. :(

Canned oysters are fine.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
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Mar 29, 2014
Pina said:
post 101213 If I avoid all citric acid I feel very well, I'm not bloated, breathe well, and I'm also losing weight while eating a lot. I eat constantly, small portions. My skin is almost back to normal.

Good sleuthing!

I think unripe fruit have a lot more citric acid, which is one of the reasons Peat emphasises ripe oranges etc.

I might have to try a week without oranges and lemons and see if it gives me a break from my eczema - nowhere near as bad as yours, but it would be nice to solve it.
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Mar 25, 2015
tara said:
post 101872 I might have to try a week without oranges and lemons and see if it gives me a break from my eczema - nowhere near as bad as yours, but it would be nice to solve it.
I would exclude tomatoes and potatoes as well, if you don't already avoid them. In my experience, a week would not be necessary, you would know in only a day, maybe! It might be just me, though.

One thing that I find helpful is to take a bath, or just soak my hands, and put coconut oil right after. I thought that water would hurt, but actually when soaking, the skin absorbs some water. Found the info here.

I tried to add apple juice (fresh, without additives, small local product) to replace orange juice and it's not working. It's not the clear one, so I think it has a lot of pectin in it. I think I'll just stick to peeled and cooked apples and other safe fruits. (the list is short).
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Mar 25, 2015
tara said:
post 101872 I think unripe fruit have a lot more citric acid, which is one of the reasons Peat emphasises ripe oranges etc.

I might have to try a week without oranges and lemons and see if it gives me a break from my eczema - nowhere near as bad as yours, but it would be nice to solve it.

Avoiding oranges was working for my eczema, but it became very difficult to get magnesium and potassium. So I did some more reading, and it seems that I could be low on ZINC. Zinc deficiency can give skin problems, but also low appetite, and difficulties with digestion, which I had.

So now I'm back to drinking OJ, and even eating potatoes and tomatoes, and it's OK-ish as long as I have a few canned oysters every day. I had a very stressful couple of weeks though, so I'm still struggling, but not as bad as before.

NEW FINDING: the zinc cream parents use for diaper rash (zincofax for example), it's very good on eczema. Of course!!! If it can deal with a diaper rash, it can work for any rash... I apply it one or two times a day, then wipe off.

Another thing I did not anticipate: Now that I have more energy, I feel compelled to take care of all the things I was too tired to deal with in the last 10-15 years... That's a lot of stuff. It's very typical for me to spend all my energy, forget to eat enough, and then crash. The eczema is even kind of beneficial in that it's my own indicator that I'm not balanced. I guess it's one way to see it. It used to be burn outs and depression. As a teenager, I would get sick to minute I was on holiday. For example, I would spend spring break in my bed trying to digest. In the recent years I was beginning to have migraines, and I didn't get any since peating. I'm writing this, because sometimes I get really tired of peating. It's still a lot of work.

One thing encouraging though, I was trying to convince my mother to use coconut oil for a while, and then she saw it on TV and decided to use it. (too bad i'm not on TV).

One thing discouraging: they don't sell blade roast with the bone anymore in my neighborhood. Why? I think they make more money selling the bones separately. :-x
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Mar 29, 2014
Hi Pina,

Cool that the extra zinc is working.
Ad col that you don't have to completely avoid the OJ and nightshades.
Maybe I'll try bumping up my zinc intake. I have zinc picolinate powder I supplement occasionally, could take it more often. Last time I bought a dozen oysters, it cost me $30, so I can only afford to buy very occasionally, and add one or two to chowder every now and then.
I'll have to rummage and see if I have any baby rash zinc cream left too! Looks like zincofax has zinc oxide which I think is the form I have for making sunscreen, so if that's a suitable form, maybe I should just try a bit of the sunscreen on my ankles.

I haven't got around to having a citrus-free week yet. I figured of the tomatoes, tomatoes, citrus, the OJ is the biggest change I've made since reading Peat. I never had rashes like this before, despite eating potatoes at least as often as I do now.

But now I'm hoping a zinc experiment will render such exclusions unnecessary. :)

I know what you mean about finally getting enough energy to do stuff, and forgetting to eat. Handy to have an indicator before you crash.

I got my mum unrefined coconut oil for Christmas, and she likes and uses it, but I don't think it's displaced the margerine etc.

The price of soup bones has been skyrocketing round here too since I started buying them 3 years ago.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
There could be a connection to gut inflammation, but it could also be something with your posture. Do you have the pain on both sides or just on one?
Yes, posture. This below, I guaranty that I know people who got better, especially for asthma, and second eczema, and psoriasis respond a little less (more need to tackle with diet, especially remove solanacea) but still ok. Ribs irritate the vagus nerve, at neck level, and then at liver level.
Most people with asthma and eczema stand more on the right leg, 90%, and people with psoriasis stand more on the left. I mean the repartition when you stand naturally. There is a false short leg and the hip can show more on one side. I am a left leg for example. The treatment I had made me stand on both legs.
Now you can understand how it is possible that babies go from asthma to eczema, because they seem different pathologies!
It depends on the nerve. BTW, the vagus nerve is NOT in the spine but under the ribs, thus the method... It is also based on the phantom limb principle: what happens anywhere on the nerve can be read by the brain as coming from another place.
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Then ggogle is your friend!

When you have the posture bad, then the rest you have trigger eczema more easily. It is the same as rain triggering water in the house, but you know that the main problem is about the roof!!! Even if you obviously see that only the rain makes the leak problem appear, you would not say that this is the sole problem nor the root problem.
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