
Nov 29, 2017
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to help my gf through a tough patch. She admitted to me that she has intrusive thoughts of suicide and drinks to silence it... She's had a traumatic childhood and is doing her best to get through life but she's struggling and I can't seem to do anything for as much as i try (it's her own journey although I try and support). Just wanted to get peoples' feed back on EMDR as I noticed a few members on our forum speak highly of it. Are the effects lasting? How long did it take to see significant improvements in mental health?

Thanks in advance.


Mar 21, 2021
Emdr/ bilateral therapy has been around since the 1770 and is ultimately about your brain not being able to process past traumas here are some videos about various forms bilateral therapy and Edmr and the interesting history of it from thinking it was the power of the moon and essentially being rebranded and coming in and out of favor throughout the centuries.

But doing emdr while processing the trauma allows your brain to process it and with sleep your brain can file it away as a memory.

And stress ,cortisol play a big factor in depression.

View: https://youtu.be/X8gKiTatDyU

View: https://youtu.be/2VwaCLuMEkI

View: https://youtu.be/SqjkCbCagZM

Blocking stress signal (adrenaline) just once cures anxiety, PTSD and maybe any mental disorder.

This is a remarkable study, which once again implicates extreme stress in the pathology of mental health disorders, specifically anxiety and PTSD. Just a few days ago I posted a study showing a high cortisol (C) / testosterone (T) ratio is likely a causative factor in PTSD. People with high C/T ratio also happen to have elevated adrenaline as cortisol and adrenaline promoted each other’s synthesis and release. As such, the study below is not surprising. What is surprising is that even a single dose of the adrenaline-blocking drug (beta blocker) propranolol was able to “erase” the emotional aspect of traumatic memories and as such reverse the anxiety and PTSD associated with them. The cognitive portion (e.g. the memory itself) was not affected, but the fearful/traumatic reaction to it was removed. As the authors say themselves, it appears every mental disorder may be amenable to such treatment. The results are almost too good to believe, but not if you know that stress is the fundamental cause of all disease. And last but not least, sleep was required in order for the effect to take hold. If people were given the drug and then their fear was “re-challenged” the same day then they still reacted with anxiety. However, if they were allowed to “sleep on it” overnight, the next day the fear was gone. My guess is that the adrenaline blockade removes the fear stimulus, but in order for that to become embedded into the brain’s structure, sleep is needed as such consolidations are only known to happen when the brain emits beta and gamma waves (sleep, meditation, etc).

An Abrupt Transformation of Phobic Behavior After a Post-Retrieval Amnesic Agent - PubMed

Pharmacologically induced amnesia for learned fear is time and sleep dependent - Nature Communications

“…A single 40-mg dose of oral propranolol, judiciously timed, constitutes an outside-the-box yet highly promising treatment for anxiety disorders, and perhaps for posttraumatic stress disorder as well, Marieke Soeter, PhD, said at the annual congress of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology. “

“…“It looks like permanent fear erasure. You can never say that something is erased, but we have not been able to get it back,” she said. “Propranolol achieves selective erasure: It targets the emotional component, but knowledge is intact. They know what happened, but they aren’t scared anymore. The fear association is affected, but not the innate fear response to a threat stimulus, so it doesn’t alter reactions to potentially dangerous situations, which is important. If there is a bomb, they still know to run away from it.” “

“…Most recently, she and a coinvestigator have been working to pin down the precise conditions under which memory reconsolidation can be targeted to extinguish fear memories. They have shown in a 30-subject study that the process is both time- and sleep-dependent. The propranolol must be given within roughly an hour before to 1 hour after therapeutic reactivation of the fear memory to be effective. And sleep is an absolute necessity: When subjects were rechallenged 12 hours after memory reactivation and administration of propranolol earlier on the same day, with no opportunity for sleep, there was no therapeutic effect: The disturbing fear memory was elicited. However, when subjects were rechallenged 12 hours after taking propranolol the previous day – that is, after a night’s sleep – the fear memory was gone (Nat Commun. 2018 Apr 3;9[1]:1316. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-03659-1).”

“Postretrieval amnesia requires sleep to happen. Sleep may be the final and necessary link to prevent the process of reconsolidation,” Dr. Soeter said. It’s still unclear, however, how much sleep is required. Perhaps a nap will turn out to be sufficient, she said.” Colleagues at the University of Amsterdam are now using single-dose propranolol-based therapy in patients with a wide range of phobias. “The effects are pretty amazing,” Dr. Soeter said. “Everything is treatable. It’s almost too good to be true, but these are our findings.”

Psychiatric diagnoses are ‘worthless’, most mental conditions stem from stress (trauma)

It is rare to see a study like the one below that does not hold anything back and exposes psychiatry for what it really is – fraud. Well, the exact words used were a “disingenuous categorical system” but words like “worthless” and “meaningless” were also used freely. In summary, psychiatry is a highly profitable scam, where complex sounding language and claims to authority have managed to mask not only the complete uselessness of its diagnoses but also the real cause of mental health disorders – trauma and adverse events in a person’s life. In yet another great example of Synchronicity (Synchronicity - Wikipedia), I posted just days ago that more than 90% of depression cases are caused by stress.
Vast majority (90%) of depression cases are caused by stress – To Extract Knowledge from Matter


Nov 29, 2017
Great post!! Thank you for sharing. It confirms what I’ve been thinking 😊


Nov 29, 2017
@area51puy thanks again for sharing the bilateral eye movement link.

ive been doing the “exercise” over the last couple of days and can honestly say it’s a game changer. Like a reset to baseline in about 10 seconds.

Two things I notice after doing the exercise are:

1) my first inhalation is deep and prolonged. My exhale is controlled. No thoughts in my head.
2) I feel a little sleepy (maybe dizzy?) for 2 seconds. It’s the feeling after a yawn I’d say.

I highly recommend this for any and everyone.


Oct 5, 2014
@area51puy thanks again for sharing the bilateral eye movement link.

ive been doing the “exercise” over the last couple of days and can honestly say it’s a game changer. Like a reset to baseline in about 10 seconds.

Two things I notice after doing the exercise are:

1) my first inhalation is deep and prolonged. My exhale is controlled. No thoughts in my head.
2) I feel a little sleepy (maybe dizzy?) for 2 seconds. It’s the feeling after a yawn I’d say.

I highly recommend this for any and everyone.
Which one exactly? I want to try it.


Nov 29, 2017
Just moving eyes laterally - side to side. Focusing on something in your peripheral vision to the left and right of you.


Jul 2, 2013
Baltimore, MD
Lateral eye movements seem to be very relaxing. I just started doing them yesterday. Stressed out people should try to incorporate them in to their day and see if it helps

View: https://youtube.com/watch?v=fHHQ0dJ0rcQ&feature=share

This is a little off topic, but I enjoy his suggestion of "double inhale, long exhale" -- supposedly this utilizes the "sigh reflex." I've tried a few different methods of breathing but none of them are practical, e.g., breathe with a book on your stomach, breathe in a tub or pool, or "round breathing."


Oct 11, 2021
Regarding the process of extinguishing the fear-response in trauma, I recall years ago there was some talk of D-cycloserine in this regard.


Jul 2, 2013
Baltimore, MD
Just wanted to get peoples' feed back on EMDR as I noticed a few members on our forum speak highly of it.

I found out about it a decade ago and communicated with a handful of EMDR practitioners (e.g., PsyD's, LCSW's) but never followed up on an appointment. I thought I didn't need the actual person marshaling the knowledge and treatment if I could gather the knowledge to treat myself. My intuition is that there is a blueprint for the organism in the eyes. Their purpose can be perverted at any number of points along the trains that travel back to the brain and motor channels in the body. Chronic poor posture, an inability to relax, the perpetual stress response and damage that ensues; the jumble and noise can ruin your vision in quality and quantity. Exploring a beautiful world in VR goggles would be a fun experiment but the lateral eye movements are practical and personally gainful so far, as long as I remember to breathe and not focus too hard on the exercise. That said, I don't know much about the certified EMDR therapy, other than that it's not free.


Mar 21, 2021
This may be a natural way to reduce cortisol.

With past traumas, every time someone is reminded of a specific trauma or traumas that person will get a cortisol adrenaline response which tells the brain that this is still a threat like a feedback cycle that doesn’t stop.

That would good if you were chased by a tiger and everytime your brain senses you are in the area of the tiger to get away.

But dealing with past trauma that are no longer a threat , but the cortisol adrenaline response you get tells body it is still a threat.

So thinking about those past traumas while doing edmr can help the brain process those thoughts while blunting the adrenaline cortisol response and stopping the feedback cycle.
and they eventually become a thought like yesterday when you brushed your teeth with no emotional charge behind it.

So the videos I posted and the study haidut posted a few years ago and once people did edmr or took Propranolol that blocks the adrenaline response and people
talked about the past trauma in therapy and then had a good night sleep the brain can process it. And then there is no longer the emotional charge behind it and perceived threat or greatly reduced.

So if this can work with major traumas, this could be a way to reduce cortisol from the minor stresses we have in daily life that lead to the whole cortisol, serotonin adrenaline feedback loops many of us fall into.

Cortisol Response Following Exposure Treatment for PTSD in Rape Victims​

Maryrose Gerardi, Barbara O. Rothbaum, [...], and Mary Kelley

Additional article information


This study examined changes in salivary cortisol levels pre-to-post-treatment in adult female rape victims diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) randomly assigned to be treated with either Prolonged Exposure Therapy or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Salivary cortisol was collected at baseline, session 3, and session 9. A significant decrease in salivary cortisol levels was observed in individuals classified as treatment responders in both treatment conditions. Findings suggest that successful exposure-based treatments for PTSD which result in trauma-related and depressive symptom reduction may impact the action of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis as measured by changes in level of salivary cortisol from pre-to-post-treatment.
Keywords: salivary cortisol, PTSD, HPA axis, prolonged exposure, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing


Oct 5, 2014
Lying down in bed, performing this exercise with my warm Bean bag, breath is deeper and slower immediately.... 😴👍
I can confirm immediately after starting to do the movements, my breath pattern changes. Need to explore more I could do it only at the airport today.


Jan 17, 2023
It is very, very effective due to how we access different modes of Self relation via eye movement and memory consolidtation as demonstrated by REM sleep. EMDR is simply manually triggering this in a waking state. Try this, a lot of clients have found it exceedingly effective at freeing emotional blockages:

Interlock your fingers and place your conjoined palms at the back of your head on your occiput with thumbs resting on your neck. Lie down on a firm but comfortable surface, like a floor with blanket. The aim is to keep everything straight in your spine and body to facilitate the optimal flow of energies within. Look up at the ceiling and keep your nose pointed in that direction through the entire process without tension and abdominal breathing. Feet flat on the floor with your back fully in contact with the deck, feeling present:


Take 18, deep belly breaths that feel natural and ease into the moment. Now look to the left as far as you can without straining and hold your gaze there for one minute. Switch to the right for another minute. Keep doing this until ten have elapsed and you'll feel the difference.


At the end lie there for 10 minutes just breathing, feeling and noticing the shifts. If you can't feel anything then good because the absence of sensation is actually proof of your self awareness developing. Give it time and you'll notice more and more details and differences in your embodiment and mental realm due to the shifts in energetics this practice brings.

I recommend doing it three times a day and the benefits are cumulative. Another one that I really should record an audio guide for as it is so simple and yet powerfully effective at exorcising old demons by using a little known but totally natural process.
Last edited:


Nov 29, 2017
It is very, very effective due to how we access different modes of Self relation via eye movement and memory consolidtation as demonstrated by REM sleep. EMDR is simply manually triggering this in a waking state. Try this, a lot of clients have found it exceedingly effective at freeing emotional blockages:

Interlock your fingers and place your conjoined palms at the back of your head on your occiput with thumbs resting on your neck. Lie down on a firm but comfortable surface, like a floor with blanket. The aim is to keep everything straight in your spine and body to facilitate the optimal flow of energies within. Look up at the ceiling and keep your nose pointed in that direction through the entire process without tension and abdominal breathing. Feet flat on the floor with your back fully in contact with the deck, feeling present:


Take 18, deep belly breaths that feel natural and ease into the moment. Now look to the left as far as you can without straining and hold your gaze there for one minute. Switch to the right for another minute. Keep doing this until ten have elapsed and you'll feel the difference.


At the end lie there for 10 minutes just breathing, feeling and noticing the shifts. If you can't feel anything then good because the absence of sensation is actually proof of your self awareness developing. Give it time and you'll notice more and more details and differences in your embodiment and mental realm due to the shifts in energetics this practice brings.

I recommend doing it three times a day and the benefits are cumulative. Another one that I really should record an audio guide for as it is so simple and yet powerfully effective at exorcising old demons by using a little known but totally natural process.
Good post amigo. Thanks
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